PAGE 24 - PLA1NPEALER - WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY •. II Sunnyside Area Betty Messer ! ' 344-2494 Police Patrol For the past week, police 'from the McHenry county ; Sheriff's department as well as Sunnyside and all neigh- ' boring towns, have been on the watch for a young man ; who reportedly tried to lure a 13 year old girl into his car. The girl threw his car keys away and was able to get away. But the man has not as yet been apprehended. Schools' sent home a" composite drawing of him supplied by the 'McHenry ' county Sheriff's department and children were cautioned not to stop and talk to ; strangers. Parents are driving their children,?to school because children are afraid to walk to the bus stop and stand on corners. Sunnyside. Police are patroling the village during the hours children atiJ school buses are out, in a constant effort to prevent anything from happening in the village. It is hoped parents will feel a bit more secure knowing that the police are out there constantly on the alert. But don't relax your vigil for this man. Since he has not as yet been apprehended it cannot be certain he will not surface again. There have been other incidences reported in the past week, but to date the stories have not been sub stantiated. Women who are home alone during the day jure cautioned to keep the doors locked and not to open the door to a stranger . All the police are doing their utmost to see that this man is apprehended. VEHICLE TAGS Less than a quarter of the village residents to date have purchased their 1980 village vehicle tags. It is an ordinance that all cars registered to residents of the village must display a current sticker. If you do not as yet have your 1980 vehicle sticker, contact Village Clerk Betty Messer, 385-6023. Those who do not have stickers will be subject to a fine and ticket after the fifteenth of February. BIRTHDAYS This week's birthday greetings go to Bill Zawislak who had his day Jan. 21; Jan. 24 was the special day for Robert Perschke, Joe M e t z g e r , M a u r e e n Neurauter, and Sam DePasquale. Darlene Heim had her day Jan. 25; Betty Messer, Jan. 26; Bill Neurauter, Jan. 31; Lynn Davis, Feb. 1; Cheryl Patterson, Feb. 2; Pattv Sallaz Feb. 5. Mark Fredricks celebrates Feb. 6, and Kathy Neurauter, Feb. 9. Best wishes to you all for a happy day and many more to come. * ANNIVERSARIES Anniversary wishes go to Elizabeth and Joe Metzger of 4301 Riverview. Their special day was Jan.„ 26. Lynn and David Davis had their day Feb. 1 and Mr. and Mrs. Ivar Wendell have their day Feb. 7. Congratulations and* best wishes for many more happy years together. T-SHIRT SALE The Johnsburg Jr. high Booster club (Wildcats) is planning another fund raising event, selling T- shirts. The T-shirts have the State of Illinois on them and the imprint NOWHERE ELSE BUT JOHNSBURG with a star showing where John sburg is. Signs are posted in all the schools. The T-shirts are red with white short sleeves and come in 50 percent cotton and 50 percent polyester; therefore, very little shrinkage. They come in children's sizes 6-8,10-12, 14- 16. Adult sizes come in small, mediQm, large and extra large. All orders must be prepaid. Checks may be made out to the Wildcat Booster club and mailed in care of Char Pieper, Johnsburg School District 12, 2117 W. Church street, McHenry, 111. 60050. Orders must include your telephone number. For more information call 385-3731. ders will be taken until Lakemoor-Lilymoor Area Margaret Karas 385-4934 Ofde Feb. 20. BLUE firGOLD DINNER The annual Blue and Gold dinner is fast appraoching. The date this year is Sunday, Feb. 24 and Pack 454 are getting ready. This is also the day of the PineWood Derby which is the biggest event of the year for the Cub Scouts. The boys each make a race car to enter in the derby. Winners of the Derby get to go to a Council Pinewood Derby held in Rockford and compete against winners from other packs in the Blackhawk Council of Northern Illinois. A number of boys in the Webelos den will be achieving the highest awards in Cub Scouting and graduating into Boy Scouts. The boys look forward to this day. Dinner will be from a catering service in Twin Lakes, Wis. The day, as always, is a fun day for the boys and their families. Assn. Is Alive Proving that a community is interested and does want to improve itself, about 50 people attended the first meeting of the reactivated Lilymoor association. It was held at the home of Vice- president Wayne Meyer Jan. 28. The main thrust of the meeting was how to ac complish the goals o,f upgrading subdivision roads, .snow plowing and lighting. To provide these services, a yeairly charge per household was agreed upon. The billing will be completed by Feb. 29, with full payment due by June 31. Two installments will be accepted if desired. 0 Jerry Weber, president of the former Lilymoor group, was present and stated he would assist the new officers and board members in any way he could. He proceeded to answer many questions. Other questions may be directed to Star Mitchell, president, 344-0970 or any board member or officer. The large attendance at this first meeting was ap preciated. The next meeting of the Lilymoor association will be WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES ON SALE ITEMS DELLIIQIIORS MERCHANTS L OF FINE WINES AND LIQU( ^ A A H a a a a H H U I A U / D T C i o n I A « u c k i d \ SALE BEER NOT ICED NO SALES TO MINORS 385-3200 LIQUORS 4610 W. RTE. 120, McHENRY, ILL. SALE BATES: FEBRIARY Mfc - FEBRUARY 12th BUR McNENRY STORE ONLY • WHILE QUANTITIES LAST | VINEYARDS intMnEnuinnu MESUK 3 49 (IE*. 3.89) VODKA 1.75 LITRES E & J BRANDY 1.75 LITRES 1.75 LITRES 1978 NAPA VALLEY WMTE MESUK flMMMSKK RIESLING) 4 29 (Bit. 4.79) I.W. HARPER BEEFEATERS 1.75 LITRES 1.75 LITRES VINEYARD isnmnoEY (RES. 3.99) IJOH ANNBBERC J | RIESLING 1 CUT OUT • PASTE ON CARDBOARD AND FILE FOR FUTURE REFERENCE! CHARi.ES LEFRANC 1976 SAN BENTTO LATE HARVEST (Very Sweet) (RES. 9.49) • Well adapted to the California climate, the Johan^ I nisberg Riesling is the premier varietal of the Rhine I and Moselle of Germany. These wines have a Fren- • I ch flowery bouquet; a crisp, delicate taste; and very J | dry, to usually semi-dry, to lusciously sweet, I • depending on the winemaker. Best when young, | 5 chilled. It accompanies seafood, fowl, or a light | I monl ^JBELJLLIQtfOftS WINE 6INDE.. .Series A. No. 4 | Save again this week on all our premium California Jehaiiiiisberg Rieslings. The usual savings the California's have over the imported German's is enhanced with our 10% price cut on all California Johaniiisberg Rieslings. Dl AMORE CANFIELDS $ 3 QUARTS ALL EIGHT PACK SODAS PEPSI PEPSI LIGHT DIET PEPSI 7*UP DR. PEPPER CRUSH 116 01 BOTTLES PLUS DEPOSIT OUR EVERYDAY LOW PRICE! RC COLA DIET RITE A & W ROOT BEER COKE TAB FRESCA SQUIRT CANFIELD'S | FLAVORS 8-1601 BOTTLES OQc MM PLUS DEPOSIT OUR EVERYDAY LOW PRICE PABST 6-12 02. DRETURI BOTTLES 1 59 BLATZ FALSI AFF 121201 ICANSl 24-1201 CANS PARTY PACK 5 49 SIROH'S 24-1201 BOTTLES 99 PUB DEPOSIT 5 held Mar. 4, again at 1004 Dale avenue. All residents are welcome, as everyone's help is needed. WRESTLING RESULTS Vic Betancourt, in his junior year at McHenry high, is adding to the -prowess of the ..Warrior wrestling team. His season record is at 13-7, with a plus of four falls. Brother Mark also won two decisions last weekend. Sophomore Scott Schmidt scored a fall. Congratulations to the three young rneri from Lakemoor, and keep up the good records. MEETING PLACE The Lily Lake Con servation Club, Inc., has been given the use of a room at the Lakemoor Municipal building for monthly meetings. The club ap preciates the courtesy ex tended by Lakemoor of ficials. The regular meeting day will now be the third Wednesday of every month, which makes the date of the next open meeting, Feb. 20. A board meeting will be held Feb. 11 at 212 S. Lily Lake road. Tom Krause, insurance representative, will present an insurance package for the dredging operation. • •...-- Mitzi Gurske, Resource chairman, has scheduled a bake sale at the McHenry State bank lobby Feb. 23, 9 a.m. to noon. Donations of baked goods will be ap preciated. Call 385-8263 for information or pickup. Proceeds will be added to the fund for dredging the whole lake. • BIRTHDAY TIME A belated happy birthday goes to John McCaulley, Jr., who was eight years old Jan. 31. His grandmother, Lenora Freeman, remembers very well how cold it was eight years ago, when John was born in his home in Chicago. O t h e r b i r t h d a y s recognized include Rebecca (Becky) Mieszala, Phil and Barb's pretty daughter, Feb. 8. Virginia Nixon celebrates the ninth, as does Patty Cross, who will be sweet sixteen, (a.n.b.k.) Phyllis Zabroski has her day Feb. 11, and dear old Abe is remembered on the twelfth. ANNIVERSARY TIME A fourteenth anniversary will be celebrated by Sherril and Jerry Weber Feb. 8. Sherril is now studying for a degree in business management, along with working, mothering three sons, and being helpmate to v Jerry. They will enjoy an evening out, alone, to add to the happy memories. / Mr. and Mrs. Kraczyk also have their anniversary Feb. 8. Carol and Tom Schmidt will celebrate theirs Feb. 12. Congratulations and hap piness is wished for all. GET WELLS Ann and Paul Starzyk's daughter-in-law has been suffering with a back problem, so Paul and Ann have had their two grand children visiting with them. Rich Clark, former Lilymoor resident and a cousin of Sherril Weber has been hospitalized. May the doctors have minds to know, eyes to see with and hands to heal with for all people in pain. NAME, PLEASE? Mrs. Mary Behrendt is trying to find the very kind couple who assisted her on a Sunday morning during the holidays. As she was driving to church, her car slid off Route 120. A couple from Lakemoor or Lilymoor helped her, and made sure she returned to her home safely. A visit followed later in the week, plus a gift of a lovely poinsettia plant. Mrs. Behrendts wrote down the couples' name, but the paper was misplaced. She knows only that the husband worked with In ternational Harvester. Mary wants to show her ap preciation for such unex pected kindness with a letter. Please call 385-6139 if you have any information. COMMUNITY CALENDAR Feb. 11 - L.L.C.C.I. board meetings 7:30 p.m., 212 S. Lily Lake road Feb. 14 - Lakemoor village meeting, 8 p.m., Municipal building Feb. 18 - Free blood pressure screening, 7 to 8 p.m., Lakemoor Municipal building Feb. 20 - Lily Lake Con servation Club, Inc. Open meeting, 8 p.m., Lakemoor Municipal building. Feb. 23 - Bake sale. Benefit, Save the Lake Fund. Call 385-8263 Feb. 28 - Lakemoor village meeting, 8 p.m., Municipal building Happiness is like a kiss. It feels best when given to someone else. GOD BLESS The Worst! The worst kind of reducing pill is one who keeps teUing you how he did it. EXECUTIVE ORDER Gov. James R. Thompson last week ordered all agency heads under his jurisdiction to take steps to eliminate sexual harassment and urged other constitutional officers to do the same. The executive order defined sexual harassment as "unsolicited, deliberate or repeated sexually explicit derogatory statements, gestures or physical con tacts which are ob jectionable to the recipient, and which cause discomfort or humiliation. It may in volve pressure from a person of either sex against a person of the opposite or same sex and may occur in any employment relation ship." Tlie order requires the Department of Equal Employment Opportunity to provide training to all Equal Employment Opportunity officers and makes agency heads responsible for disseminating to each agency employee ap propriate information about sexual harassment. •hhh See us for your KB 1981 • A 0123456 B LICENSE STICKERS! ' ILLINOIS * IL 0000 LAND OF LINCOLN Purchase your 198T license plate renewal sticker at The First National Bank of McHenry ' Get fast, immediate delivery of your 1981 sticker Check your present license sticker for expiration date-March stickers available Bring your pre-printed registration form to the Bank Service Charge will be $2.00 LOBBY HOURS: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Wednesday and Saturday....... .9:00 am to 12:30 pm Friday. 9:00 am to 7:30 pm Serving the banking needs of the McHenry area. M JliMaT Member FDIC NiaTIONiaL BaiSIKOFMFHeiMRY 3614 WEST ELM STREET P O BOX 338 McHENRY. lUINOS^OOSO J