ESTEE,, LAUDER PAGE 8 -PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 20,1980 YOU AND YOUR PET Coccidiosis in Dogs Each year dog and cat owners purchase large quantities of worming compounds to control in testinal parasites in their pets. Often pet owners decide worms are present by observing their pets eating grass, rubbing their .hin dquarters along the. ground, or suffering from diarrhea. However. tbese symptoms can be characteristic of all sorts of diseases, including indigestion, protozoa in fections and others. The only reliable indication of a worm infection is identification of the worm or its eggs in the feces Your veterinarian is best qualified to do this by a microscopic examination. Coccidiosis is a major parasitic infection often mistaken for worm in festation. It is caused not by worms but tiny one-celled animals called coccidia, that invade the small intestine of young animals and destroy tissue as they multiply. Coccidia thrive in dirty. By Rober t L S tear D V M of Norden Laborator ies overcrowded and damp living quarters where animal feces are allowed to accumulate. Young animals can ingest the parasite eggs as they groom their feet after walking across a dirty run. Pets also become in fected by swallowing eggs or larvae deposited in food by flies and other insects. Once infected, pets show symptoms of coccidiosis that are frequently confused with those of other intestinal diseases. Chronic diarrhea (often blood-tinged) is the key sign. The diarrhea causes the pet to become dehydrated, with listless eyes and no appetite. In more severe cases, the pet may show cold symptoms along with a slight fever. Should you recognize the Warning signs of the disease, medical treatment should be provided by your veterinarian. Haphazard administration of home remedies could worsen the condition. Worming your pet certainly is of no benefit. WINTER SALE Hurry, Sale Ends Soon! 'tori Freedom Period Furtutiara 7 All Merchandise Reduced Al! Special Orders Reduced We Now Offer DINING TABLES. CUSTOM BUILT to your Specifications in Pine, Maple and Oak. - Many Items in Stock for Immediate Delivery. MAIN STREET, HUNTLEY (312)669-3500 Take Rte 47 South f rom Woodstock to Huntl»y. Turn or Mom St and you'll find us across I f rom the v . l loge G 'een Hours: Tues Sat. 9-5; Fri. 9-9; Closed Sunday and Monday Many pets die each year when their owners treat the disease improperly or delay seeking treatment from a veterinarian. The proper medication must be provided in a dose deter mined on the basis of your pet's age, weight and general condition. If the pet survives the ^primary infection without treatment, it can become a carrier for the disease. Suspected carriers must^ treated, and their quarters and runs cleaned with a disinfectant. Strict sanitation is the major factor in controlling and preventing coccidiosis. Kennels should be dry and clean; runs should receive sun part of each day and feces removed daily. Shaded, moist ground, although comfotable in warm weather, increases survival of coccidia eggs and is not a good location for your pet's living quarters. Coccidia have successfully d e v e l o p e d p a r a s i t i c relationships with a number of warm-blooded animals. Cattle, sheep, poultry and pets are all attacked by different varieties of coc cidia. Dogs and cats are susceptible to infestation by three principal forms of the parasite. Recovery from an attack by one form does not offer immunity to attacks by the other forms. If you feel your pet has contracted coccidiosis, I recommend you contact your veterinarian promptly. Your pet's weakened con dition will make it more susceptible to secondary infections such as pneumonia or distemper. Dr. Stear regrets that he is unable to personally answer In McHenry Feb. 22 Seminar On Sexual Assault ) Senior Hot Line J William L. Kempiners, acting director of the Illinois Department of Public Health, has announced a statewide program of treatment for victims of sexual assault, to" be laun ched on Feb. 26 with the first in a series of 13 one-day seminars for hospital emergency department personnel. McHenry hospital will hold one seminar Feb. 22 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The purpose of the seminars is to familiarize participants with the use of the Vitullo Evidence Collection Kit for Sexual Assault Examination. The kit was developed by Sgt. Louis Vitullo, a recently retired Chicago police of ficer, and Martha Goddard, executive director of the C i t i z e n s C o m m i t t e e f o r Victim Assistance (CCVA), a private, non-profit organization. The kit is designed to provide medical personnel in h o s p i t a l e m e r g e n c y departments with the materials necessary to collect and preserve evidence from victims of sexual assault. The evidence can then be submitted to Illinois Department of Law Enforcement laboratories 'for analysis in order to p r o v i d e c o r r o b o r a t i v e letters from pet owners. He suggests that readers consult their own veterinarians when their pets have problems. evidence in the prosecution of assailants. The kit contains a variety of components, including microscopic slides and cotton » swabs for fluid specimens; specially labeled envelopes for samples of hair, fingernails, saliva and debris from the victim's c l o t h i n g ; a n d t u b e s f o r collecting blood samples. T h r o u g h l a b o r a t o r y analysis, the collected samples can be matched with specimens obtained from an apprehended suspect for identification and corroboration of the victim's testimony. The kit. also contains written instructions for attending medical per sonnel, forms for recording the examination findings and forms for obtaining the victim's consent for release of • evidence to the authorities. Another form included in the kit provides the victim with information about her treatment and the necessity for follow-up testing for possible venereal disease or pregnancy. The kits are provided to the hospitals free of charge through a grant from the Illinois Law Enforcement Commission (ILEC). In addition to learning how to use the kit, seminar participants will hear speakers addressing various aspects of sexual assault, including emotional trauma to the victim, state legislation and law en forcement and court procedures. The seminars are spon sored by the state health department, the Illinois Department of Law En forcement, the CCVA and ILEC. * Kempiners pointed out that, with this program, Illinois becomes the first in the nation to unify the rape treatment process on a statewide basis. TRAFFIC FATALITIES , According to the Illinois Department of Tran sportation and the Illinois State police, Illinois traffic fatalities have continued to drop, closing out 1979 with a decrease of 5.5 percent: Provisional statistics show 2,019 traffic deaths in 1979 compared to 2,137 in 1978. PARKING TICKETS In a recent legal opinion, Illinois Attorney General William J. Scott ruled that public officials and public employees may personally be held liable for parking tickets incurred during the use of state vehicles. The State Constitution and statutes do not permit municipalities to hold the State liable for such violations. According to Scott, a municipality may not lawfully tow or impound a state vehicle or require the State to purchase com mercial parking permitsr the vehicles. However, State may, of its volition, purchase such permits for appropriate vehicles to protect the drivers. The State is not authorized to pay parking tickets from its current appropriations. (Written under the auspices of Lieutenant Governor Dave O'Neal) Q. Will income from rental property prevent a person from receiving Social S e c u r i t y r e t i r e m e n t benefits? A. No. Rental income does not count as earnings for Social Security unless it is considered as part of or dinary business income, such as in the case of a real estate agent. Other types of income that do not count include dividends, interest and pensions. Q. Will Medicare make payment for the medical bills of a deceased person and how is a request for payment made? A. In death cases Medicare can still help pay for medical expenses; however, some special rules apply. If the doctor accepts an assignment, the medical insurance payment can be made directly. If the doctor will not accept an assign ment, then any medical insurance payment due will be paid to whoever pays the bill and submits a claim with proof of payment. The person who pays the bill will also need to complete a statement showing he or she is entitled to payment. The Springfield Social Security office has the necessary forms and will be happy to provide assistance with a Medicare claim. Q. What changes were made for this year in what Medicare will pay or hospital care and services under the hospital insurance part of Medicare? A. Starting Jan. 1,1980, the Medicare hospital insurance deductible is $180, increased from $160. This means that for the first through sixtieth day in each benefit period, hospital insurance pays for all covered services except the first $180. From the sixty-first through ninetieth day xin each benefit period, hospital insurance pays for all covered services except for $45 a day (up from $40 a day). Write Senior Action Centers at 160 No. LaSalle, Chicago 60601 with questions or concerns about any government agency or program, or call Statewide: toll free 800-252-6565 EDUCATION BUDGET Gov. James R. Thompson announced he will recom mend $3.76 billion for education in his Fiscal Year 1981 budget, including $3.15 billion in state general funds. Elementary-secondary education is budgeted for $2,614,927,000, including $2,156,697,100 in General Revenue funds, an increase of $120 million over FY 1980 estimated spending. On a per pupil basis, the General funds increase is 8.5 percent. Higher education is budgeted for $1,142,628,800, including $998,074,400 in General Revenue funds, an increase of $85 million over FY 1980 projected spending. The per pupil increase is 9.4 percent. A beautiful offer from Estee Lduder: THE BEAUTY CARE-TAKERS. A 25.00 value,' yours for only 7.50 with any Estee Lauder purchase of 6.50 or more. Let Estee Lauder take care of you; give you crisp clean beauty all the time and all over. It's all inside this navy quilted travel bag: extra-gentle Azuree Single Application Shampoo for all hair types; Basic Cleansing Bar the bar form of cleanser that comes in its own portable case; Daily Moisture Supply for bonding moisture onto and into skin; Maximum Care Body Lotion to smooth and soothe from top to toe; and Tender Lip Tint, with color, gloss and moisture rolled into one wonderful stick. Come in from Monday, Feb. 18 through Saturday March 1. Offer good while supply lasts, one per customer please. Cosmetics, Elgin on 1, Crystal Lake We welcome your Spiess Charge, Visa or Master Charge Order by phone Elgin 312-741-4300. Crysfal Lake 815-455-3600 Enjoy light lunch and snacks in The Salad Patch, on the mezzanine. Elgin