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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Feb 1980, p. 22

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SECTION 2 - PAGE 1 PI. AINDilAi-EI? WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20,1980 Twice Told Tales FIFTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of February 27, 1930) Chas. W ' Gibbs of McHenry has withdrawn as a candidate - for the Republican nomination for the office of county treasurer. Mr. Gibbs first announced his candidacy for treasurer following an eh- dorsement given him by the McHenry County Farmers Republican club a few weeks ago: Since that time he has taken the agency for an automobile accessory which will require all of* his time and attention and he has decided to stay out of the political contest and give his entire attention to business. Harry Townsend, direct from the Janesville factory, will open a new Chevrolet sales and service in the J.W. Schaefer building on Pearl street, MftHenry. Mr. Townsend is well acquainted with Chevrolet products and will be equipped to render the best of services. Customers' satisfaction and assurance of fair dealing is assured. A complete stock of genuine Chevrolet parts will The McHenry Plaindealer Newspaper Available-At The Following Locations: •WHITE HEN PANTRY "LAKEVIEW •MAYS DRUG BELL LIQUORS •McHENRY WALGREEN •BOLGER S DRUG STORE •BEN FRANKLIN •OSCO DRUGS JEWEL HORNSBY S •HERMES & CO. LIQUOR MART •VILLAGE MART • J & R STORE •SUNNYSIDE FOOD •JOHNSBURG FOOD MART • ADAMS GROCERY •LITTLE STORE •FRED & IRENE'S TAP •McHENRY QUICK MART •SUNRISE GROCERY • STEINY TAP •McCULLOM LAKE GROC. •FOOD MART •NORTHWEST TRAIN •McHENRY HOSPITAL be on hand at all times. Factory trained mechanics will be employed. FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of February 22, 1940) As the filing office closed, the filings resulted in the surprising revelalion that there will only be a single contest in the April primaries in McHenry county. The one contest concerns the position of county coroner and will bring the two candidates, Edward H. Cook of Huntley, seeking reelection, and Harry Ehorn of Richmond. Numerous contests have been registered for national, state, district and senatorial offices. Unless the Democrats draft a slate sometime during the summer, State's Attorney William M. Carroll, seeking reelection, will have no opposition in the Republican party and likewise no op­ position in the November election.' Our high school basketball team hurdled the first ob­ stacle in its path at the Hebron district tournament by beating Richmond 32 to 23. McHenry played without the services of Bob Schultz, who is out of action with an injured ankle. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of February 25, 1955) The 7-C section of the McHenry Junior high school recently presented a check for $200 to the Memorial Hospital for McHenry County to aid in its ex­ pansion fund. - Under direction of William An­ drews, their teacher, they took up the project of raising the funds.. Seventeen members of the local volunteer fire depart­ ment, with Harold Hobbs as chief, are eagerly awaiting the day in the not too distant future when the new fire house on Elm street will be open for use. The new structure, approved by a bond issue vote, was started last fall and firemen believe it may be completed in about a month. Tom Blumhorst of McHenry was recently proclaim<)d county corn growing champion at a banquet held in honor of northern Illinois corn growing champions. His yield of 149.62 bushels per acre was the top yield in McHenry county in the I selected two acre junior corn growing contest. TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of February 25, 1970) A resolution setting a building bond referendum for the McHenry County college was approved by the board, establishing the date as March 7. Voters will be asked to approve issuance of bonds in District No. 528, counties of McHenry and Boone, to the amount of $4,000,000 for the purpose of borrowing money to pay the cost of a site and to build and equip suitable buildings. Nearly 350 dairy fanners and their wives, represen­ ting AMPI member farms in Lake and most of McHenry counties, named their new district "Lake-McHenry" and elected Charles We prepare Federal and State INCOME TAX RETURNS Our customers receive: •The maximum refunds allowable •Expert advice to lower tax liability •Personalized service at competitive rates •24 hour service •Planning information to minimize next year's taxes A total charge of $10.00 for both State & Federal Short forms (1040A-IL 1040) Our office is open from 9 AM to 9 PM daily. For your convenience, we suggest scheduling an appointment. Please bring your returns with the preaddressed labels. HOULIHAN ASSOC. INC 3318 W. Elm St. McHenry, Illinois 385-709* 315-7999 ,\ A NEW LOOK FOR 1980? We can make it easy for you. Aristotle Onasis once said that much of his great success was due to having a year-round tan. Now. IN MINUTES, NOT HOURS, you, too, can achieve that neat, even bronze tan that marks you a winner in our new Crystal I^ake tanning salon. If you're a housewife, a businessman, a working mother, if you work the night shift, or if you simply don't have time to spend hours getting a ta%when the sun is shining, SUN TANS INTERNA­ TIONAL is your answer. Now you can get your tan when it's conve­ nient for or night...on your way to work...on your coffee break or lunch hour . on your way home from work or on weekends. Most people can get a tan in as little as seven visits and most can be programmed up to five tunes per week. Once you have a base tan, it can be maintained with-a couple of short visits a week. SAFER THAN NATURAL SUN The SUN TANS INTERNATIONAL system is actually safer than exposure to ordinary sun rays. And a lot more comfortable. There's no heat, no worry about over exposure, no blistering or peeling, no perspiration...and no bugs. Our trained technicians will analyze your skin and set up an individual program tcrtake the work and worry out of getting that great sun-kissed look. And there's no em- barrasement -- you'll have your own private dressing booth attach­ ed to your own private sun-tanning booth. Even if you've put on a few pounds over the holidays, no one will know but you. And remember, brown fat is better than white fat! NOT ALL SUN TAN SALONS ARE ALIKE You've probably heard about the rapid development of indoor tan­ ning salons throughout the country an recent months. Let's face it, most of us feel th^t we look better with a tan and we all want to look our best in this competitive world. But along with the tremendous interest in indoor tanning has come considerable variation in equip­ ment and training of salon' operators. SUN TANS INTERNA­ TIONAL is proud that its system is designed and constructed by a leading supplier of uftraviolet equipment to the medical profession for nearly 30 years. Our technicians have been extensively trained at the company's corporate headquarters. Our equipment exceeds the U.S. government's forthcoming regula­ tions on sun-tanning salons. We think you'll find the outstanding quality of our operation instantly recognizable. NO MORE RUINED V ACATIONS Nearly everyone has experienced over-doing it on the first day of a sunbelt vacation and spending the next few days indoors letting the sunburn cool off. No more. With a SUN TANS INTERNATIONAL base tan. your skin will be preconditioned and protected against the southern sun Don't start your vacation looking like a tuna fish and don't let a sunburn ruin those much deserved fun and sun days. You're cordially invited to stop in, have a relaxing cup of coffee, and get acquainted with our tanning program and our friendly staff. We'll tell you all about our special introductory charter member offer, gift certificates, and more. You'll like what you see. And you'll love the way you'll look. Soon. PHONE: (815) 455-613^ SUN TANS International 370 Virgino Street Crystal Lake, III* rj<r, 4 j\* of Af n*r' "> C'fi*c and Get DmW; Bring in this COUPON FREE SKIN ANALYSIS FREE DEMONSTRATION MCH2 20 V % o Vr 9 - 4 p.4m S p -m Weingart of McHenry as president. The McHenry Warriors toppled Zion-Benton 68 to 61 before a packed crowd of howling enthusiasts. Village of McHenry Shores Inge Aide 344-1964 Rose Lillegard 385-4517 TAX FACTS 1 Inform Parents To pay your federal in­ come tax send either a personal check or money order, but never send cash, the Internal Revenue service advises. Using a check or money order is safer from two standpoints, the IRS ex­ plains. First, a check or money order is harder to steal, and secondly, the cancelled. check or money order receipt will serve as a record that the payment was made. The IRS also says that taxpayers should be sure to write their Social Security number on the check or money order. This assures that the taxpayer will receive credit for the payment should the check or money order be detached from the return. MILK DAY PLANS The first organizational meeting of the chairmen for the thirty-ninth annual Milk day, was held to plan the activities for the new three- day format. Changes in this year's Milk day include the gala parade and queen coronation moving from Saturday to Sunday, June 8, starting at 1:30 p.m.; the youth parade and Prince and Princess contest Saturday, with continuous en­ tertainment all during the Milk day weekend. A variety of new and interesting events and displays are being planned. On days when you would like to know whether your children's school is open or closed, please call 344-3100, if you cannot get through to the school directly or have missed the radio an­ nouncements. y This number has been set up to .keep people in McHenry, Johnsburg and Wonder Lake informed, It should certainly be a great help to worried parents. ° BIRTHDAYS Since we have not kept our New Year's Resolution to put a column in every single week, the list of birthdays seems endless. So let us congratulate all of those who had happy days in January and early February, but only mention those by names who had a birthday during the past week. Mary Johns had a double celebration on Valentine's day; Sean Miller was one year old Feb. 17, and Wilfred Aide was 14 on the same day. Tom Henshall will have a birthday the twenty-sixth of this month. Best wishes to all you birthday people, and many happy returns of the day. SHORESLADY IN PLAY If you want to see one of the many faces of our own Yvonne Alton, watch her in the "Marriage-Go-Round" this weekend at Andre's in Richmond. Yvonne, who is one of (he founding members of the McHenry County Per­ forming Arts association, is making quite a name for herself in this area. Not only has she played many roles on stage, from seductive teenagers to little old ladies, but she has also helped to bring puppet shows to local libraries, hospitals and Headstart programs. We are proud to have someone like Yvonne among us. McHenry Highlights FACTS FROM McHENRY COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL Preheating Tip Preheat thr oven only when necessary. Foods- that take more than an hour to cook do not require a preheated oven. This year McHenry high school has started a new service to students; the Career Testing program. This program is designed to help students determine their interests, aptitudes, and needs and relates this information to possible career areas. During the late fall, all freshmen participated in this two-hour long testing program. Juniors also had an opportunity to participate PRE-SEAS0N Central ORDER YOUR Air LENNOX Conditioning NOW CALL TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE on a volunteer basis. The tests were processed by the American College Testing center and the results to the students in small groups. Essentially, the counselors helped the students interpret their own profile of interests and aptitudes and showed how these attributes are related to possible career areas, it was an eye opening experience for the majority of the students. Most of the freshmen had neither thought of their interests nor knew their capabilities. They found this in­ formation most helpful in picking courses for next year. This career in­ formation will be available to all parents who had a child participate in the program during parent conferences Feb. 28 and 29. the school counselors will keep this information on file to help guide the students into school programs and courses that match their profile of interests and aptitudes, and to help them explore possible career areas. ALTHOFF INDUSTRIES 809 N. FRONT ST., McHENRY 385-5700 CHURCH PROGRAM Rev. Robert Wasner, member of the board of trustees for the Association of Unity Churches, will present a three-week series on "Success Through Psycho-Cybernetics" starting at 7:30 p.m. Wed­ nesday, Feb. 27, at the Unity church of Crystal Lake located at the intersection of Route 31 and U.S. 14, Chalet drive, Crystal Lake. r DENTURES GUARANTEED SATISFACTION OR MONEY REFUNDED UPPER OR LOWER FULL DENTURE 175 X-RAYS FILLINGS INITIAL EXAM Oftup s20.°° $1000 CHILDREN CLEANING* _ A FLUORIDE *15 ADULT CLEANING $20°° DENTURES REPAIRED WHILE YOU WAIT CRACKED DENTURE $2ooo $1500 REPLACE 1 TOOTH EACH ADDITIONAL TOOTH RELINE UPPER OR LOWER DENTURE $!0°o $5000 VINYL UPPER OR LOWER DENTURE 250 GUARANTEED NOT TO BREAK FOR 5 YEARS SATURDAY AND EVENING APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE \ ANTIOCH DENIAL CENTER 439 Lake St. Antioch, III. I (312)395-3250 SI FOX LAKE DENTAL CENTER 18 E. Grand Fox Lake, III. (312)597-5053 i

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