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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Feb 1980, p. 2

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• WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 20.1980 til £ y Slate "Couples' Dinner 99 Prepare For Fashion Show Members of the fashion show committee presenting the April 9 evening benefit to raise funds for McHenry hospital, are preparing for the presentation at the Crescent Bay Landing, Johnsburg. Tickets are available with proceeds earmarked to help patients at the hospital. Reservations can be made by writing the Auxiliary to McHenry hospital, P. O. Box 69, McHenry. Fashion show committee members from left, front, are Joan Teichmiller; Kathy Lundquist, co-chairman; Jill Olszewski, chairman; and Janet Skopec. Back row, from left, are Melinda Gallant; Carole Barnicle; Carol Smith; Char Mowery; Mary Dubas and Annie Cuda. Don Peasley Photography i.ommumty ralendar FEBRUARY 20 Whispering Oaks Woman's club-meeting, 1 p.m. McHenry Senior Citizens luncheon-theater trip- Marriott-Lincolnshire-bus leaves McHenry State bank at 10:45 a.m. Newcomers club-morning coffee, 9:30 a.m.-Faith Presbyterian church, McHenry-visitors welcome- -babysitting avilable at a nominal fee. FEBRUARY 11 United Methodist Women- Agape luncheon and meeting, noon-First United Methodist church-Priscilla Circle hostesses. Pi Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi-meeting, 8 p.m.- home of Pam Doherty. WMPF salad luncheon, noon-Alliance church, Mc Hen ry -discussion wi t h African, Indonesian and Hispanic missionaries. FEBRUARY 23 Newcomers club-couples dinner, 7 p.m.-Branded Steak House, Crystal Lake. McHenry Unit American Legion auxiliary-annual membership dinner-free to all paid-up members-Legion Post home. 6:30 p.m. FEBRUARY 25 McHenry Senior Citizens meeting--7:30 p.m.-West campus cafeteria. McHenry Woman's cluja- board meeting, 10 a.m%- McHenry Public library. FEBRUARY 26. McHenry Chapter 547 O.E.S.-stated meeting, 8 p.m.-Masonic Temple. FEBRUARY 27 Edgebrook P.T.O-- general meeting. 7:30 p.m - at the school. FEBRURAY 28 Valley View Girl Scouts- Neighborhood meeting-^St. Patrick's church hall, 9:30 FEBRUARY 29 Girl Scout Mother- Daughter fashion show-St. Patrick's hall, 7 p.m. MARCH 1 McHenry Pigtail league- registration~10 a.m. to 4 p.m.-McHenry firehouse. Lakeland Park Property Owners association-25th Anniversary Dinner Dance- American Legion hall, McHenry-cocktails 6 p.m.- dinner, 7 p.m.~dancing, 8:30 p.m. MARCH 2 W.O.T.M -Chapter day. Rally LEAP YEAR Born on Feb 29. Call Joanne Eppcrs 385-1040 MARCH 3 McHenry Senior Citizens- Executive meeting-10 a.m.- McHenry Public Library. U.M.W. Mission Team- e x e c u t i v e c o m m i t t e e meeting, 9 a.m.--First United Methodist church parlor. MARCH 4 W.O.T.M. chapter night meeting-Moose lodge, 8 p.m. Candidates Night--13th Congressional & 33rd District State Represen­ tative candidates-Branded Steak House, 7:30 p.m. Koinonia group, 10 a.m - First United Methodist church parlor-weekly study group. Ruth Circle-First United Methodist church-noon- New Greyhound Agent in McHenry Effective Feb. 20. 1980 dUIN 01MB ItlVtl SERVICE 3405 W. Elm St. (Rte. 120) McHenry, III. Phone (815)395-7500 Agent s hours for GREYHOUND information Monday thru Friday 9 to 5 Saturday 9 to 1 PLEASE CONTACT AGENT FOR DETAILS ON ALL GREYHOUND SERVICES; Tickets - Package Express - Charters - Etc, GO GREYHOUND bring sandwich-Mrs. Sylvia Nelson, hostess. Marcia Mary Ball Circle- meeting, noon-First United Methodist church parlor- hostess, Margaret Andersen. MARCH 5 Prayer breakfast-- Whispering Oaks Woman's club-9:30 a.m. McHenry Grandmothers club-luncheon at China Light, 11 a.m.-meeting at K.C. hall, 1 p.m.-phone C. Jansen for reservations. MARCH 6 Veterans of World War I- McHenry Barracks 1315- meeting at McHenry Post 491-American Legion home- -Ringwood road, 2 p.m. Xi Kappa Iota chapter of Beta Sigma Phi-meeting at home of Linda (Mrs. John) Jachino-5812 N. Bunny avenue, McHenry. MARCH 8 McHenry Pigtail league- registration~10 a.m. to 4 p.m.-McHenry firehouse. Friendship club potluck dinner and meeting-5:30 p.m.-First United Methodist church-program. Mary Butler and Mabel Thomas. MARCH 10 McHenry Senior Citizens meeting--7:30 p.m.-West campus cafeteria. Whispering Oaks Woman's club-Board meeting-9:30 MARCH 11 Whispering Oaks Garden club-Board meeting, 1 p.m.- -Community Center. Newcomers club-monthly meeting, 7:30 p.m.--St. Paul's Episcopal church. McHenry. MARCH 13 Lakeland Park Women's club-meeting, 7:30 p.m- Lakeland Park Community house-1717 N. Sunset MARCH 15 Wonder Lake area Jaycees-Free CPR course - for ages ten and above-Call 728-0404 for information and to enroll. MARCH 17 T.H.E.O.S.-catered dinner and meeting. 5:30 p.m.-First United Methodist church, McHenry. MARCH 18 W.O.T.M. business meeting-Moose lodge, 8 p.m. Whispering Oaks Garden club-meeting, l p.m.- I At the February meeting of the Town and CoUntry Newcomers club, held at St. Paul's Episcopal church, members were asked to sign up for the "Couples' Din­ ner", an annual event for- club members and their spouses, to be held Saturday, Feb. 23 at 7 p.m. at the Branded Steak House in Crystal lake. A fascinating and humorous presentation by Lillian Strohm of Woodstock, former radio personality, on unusual household and kitchen gadgets, was the highlight of the meeting. After the program, the president opened the business meeting and in­ troduced new members and guests. Social chairperson Paula Ekstrom commented on the club's busy activity schedule and acknowledged the generous hospitality extended by Joe and Phyllis Dickstein at the Super Bowl Sunday for husbands only. Other coming events in­ clude a children's social with Mr. Easter Bunny Saturday, March 22, 10:30 a.m. at Faith Presbyterian church with games and candy for youngsters of club members, and a "Couples' Bowling Night" which will take place at the Palace Bowl March 29. A report was given on special interest mini-groups within the Newcomer organization. Bridge players meet the first Tuesday and third Wednesday evenings of the month under the chairmanship of Judy White and Sandy Howell. The third bimonthly "Dinner for Eight" will take place Saturday, Marcher at the homes of four club members, with Southern (United States) cuisine featured. A total of sixteen couples will participate. The exercise group is working hard Monday mornings at Chris Son- nichsen's; Phyllis Dickstein will host an organization book discussion club meeting the evening of Feb. 27 at her home and Kaithy K u c i k , B a b y s i t t i n g Cooperative chairperson, urged even greater par­ ticipation by members. The "Out to Lunch" bunch will have an excursion to Richmond Feb. 28. Call the chairperson for details. Next month this mini- group will enroll in a daytime microwave cooking class and several of those present suggested the for­ mation of a crafts club. Ways and Means chair­ person, Chris Sonnichsen, discussed the possibility of a quilt project to be initiated by the group with extra sewing materials acquired by the club from a postponed fund-raising project. More information will be available at the club's next "Tea, Talk, And Sew", a morning coffee and get acquainted session, which will take place Wednesday, Feb. 20, 9:30 a.m. at Faith Presbyterian church in McHenry. Babysitting is available for a nominal fee, and visitors are welcome. The president announced the formation of a Nominating committee which will present a slate of officers at the March meeting, for election at the April general meeting. In addition to the siste,. nominations can be itiade from the floor by any paid member with the prior consent of the nominee. Vice-president Sandy Young, Membership chairperson Nancy John, the members, Judy White, Marguerite Neuman, and Marilyn Bisiewicz comprise this committee. After the officers are elected in April and installed in May, the new presiding officer will appoint standing committees, including Social, (hostessing, coffees, and couples events) Ways and Means, and Publicity (newspaper and newsletter). Club members are en­ couraged to volunteer for inclusion on these com­ mittees. Special interest group chairpersons are appointed or replaced as necessary. For further details on any club activity, or information about joining the club, contact Mrs. Joseph Johfi, , Stilling boulevard in McHenry. Community level. v 3 Center-lower MARCH 19 Newcomers club-Morning coffee. 9:30 a.m.--Faith Presbyterian church, McHenry. Whispering Oaks Woman's club-meeting, 1 p.m.-Lori Robertson. McHenry Senior Citizens club-trip to Mitchell Hor­ ticultural Conservatory, a brewery and lunch. Milwaukee-bus leaves McHenry State bank at 8:30 MARCH 20 United Methodist Women- general meeting, noon- potluck luncheon-First United Methodist church- hostesses, Marcia Mary Ball Circle. MARCH 21 • St. Margaret Chapter* of NAlM-meeting 7:30 pflp.-- Oak room-Montini Micwle school. y MARCH 24 McHenry Senior Citizens meeting--7:30 p.m.-West campus cafeteria. MARCH 29 Newrnmers club-Couples' Bowling night -7 p.m.- Palace Bowl. St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM-Cards, 7:30 p.m.- Oak room-Montini Middle school. Hold Luncheon The February general meeting of the U.M.W. of the First United Methodist church will be Thursday, Feb. 21, and will begin with an "Agape Luncheon" served by the Priscilla Circle, at noon, at the church. The Theme of the meeting will be "Ministries By and With Women", and all women of the church are invited and urged to attend. Editor's Quote Book Restlessness and dision teEit are the first nei ess i t ies of progress Thomas A Ldisoti BPW SPEAKER State Comptroller Roland W. Burris will be guest speaker Tuesday. Feb 26. at the Crystal Lake Area Business & Professional Women's club monthly meeting at John Evans Inn. Anyone interested in hearing his talk should contact Marilyn Janke at 459-6183 A 6:30 cocktail-dinner will precede the 8 o'clock program ROBERT GLICK Podiatrist -- Foot Specialist •Fh! S»Tfery •General Car* "Spert Medicine •Children's Feet PrefcUwi Commons Visions 4305 W. Elm Street (Rte. 120-Across the Street from Hornsby's) 312) 223-0020 - (312) 223 0084 Seniors Enjoy Party In spite of the blustery weather one hundred ten members and guests were present at the February meeting of the McHenry Senior Citizens club to enjoy a valentine program, con­ ducted by Wanda Zima, program chairlady. Duplicate numbers were issued and drawn by the members. After finding their partners, groups of ten were asked to "do their thing", which resulted in dancing, singing and skits. Refreshments were served following this impromptu and enjoyable session. Among the _ business discussed was the success of the recently completed Driver Refresher course conducted by Messrs. James Jansen and John Doerr. Several members received acknowledgments for participation. The Drivers Refresher course is very beneficial to senior citizens, as it refreshes their memories in regard to traffic signals, and other important facts, and helps them pass the written test more easily. Spring fever was triggered when tour chairman, John Doerr, announced a Pitt- sburgh-Cubs baseball game scheduled for Aug. 5. Another trip planned is a tour of a bakery in the Deerfield area and a lun­ cheon, April 28. LEAP YEAR PERMANENT SALE Feb. 20 thru March 1st Was If *#w 32" 24s* 21s* 22** 24s* If" 21s* 15s* Picas* coll for appt. TwoP/nCoM 96AUTV SHOP 1330 N. Rivcnad* Dr*« McHenry . IttinoM *0050 (SIS) 9SS-71I2 WILLIAM MILANO AND ELIZABETH ANNE PINTOZZI ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT - Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Pintozzi, of 3119 Rlverstream, McHenry, announce the engagement and forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Elizabeth Anne, to William Mllano, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Milano, of 5542 Bohlander, Berkeley. The future bride is a graduate of McHenry high school and the University of Illinois college of Nursing. The prospective bridegroom graduated from Northern Illinois university. An August wedding is planned. GIRL SCOUTS ^ipipipipipipipipip^ifiipipipipipipipipif. There's An Answer (b\ Norman Viuccm IVaU-unci Ruth Stafford I Vale} Wants a "New Start" Q. I am a divorced woman of 25. My life is one of constant grief over the loss of my husband. I love him dearly. I do feel he loves me also but is interested in other people and his "free" life. We have tried to reunite, but we cannot seem to forget our past and our differences regarding marriage and husband and wife roles, I desperately want our marriage to reunite with another ceremony to show a new start. It seems I am being too forward and insistent. Should J. leave him alone and try to make a life of my own for my daughter and me? A. If your husband went so far as to legally divorce you, he wanted to break off the marriage. He may love you, as you say, but it's evident that he did not love you enough to stay with you. *» We would hope the marriage mught be reinstated, but when you have exhausted every effort to resume, you just have to go forward on your own. In fact, if you accept the situation in a dignified and friendly manner with no nagging or insistence, that in itself might restore your ex-husband's love on a stronger basis. We are sending you our booklet, 12 Steps to a Happy and Successful Life, which is free to any reader of this column. Write to us at Box 500, Pawling, N. Y. 12564. Weekend Drunk Q. My husband is an every-night-after-work and every- weekend drinker. If there is anything to celebrate he will- winning at raffles, everything. It's so bad my nerves are shot Hie kids, ages 1 and 4, just scream when we fight He drives on the lawn, digging it up when he's drunk. He says he works and deserves to get drunk anytime he wants. I love him and I hate to get a divorce, but it seems the only way to keep my sanity and my kid's nerves calm. Please help me. A. Your husband may possibly be alcoholic. We suggest you contact a member of alcoholics anonymous and ask advice and help. This man's uncontrolled and violent reactions under the influence of alcohol and his every night and every weekend drinking suggests that he needs attention rather than abandonment tough as it is for you. What About Sexual Fantasies? Q. Recently I have been reading in different magazines of people who fantasize about having sex with someone other than their own mate. Seems to me like that would be the same as cheating on their own mate. What is your opinion on this? A. The bible says that lusting after a person means having adultery with them in your own heart. So lusting is sinful. However, there is an old saying to the effect that "You cannot prevent birds from flying over your head, but you can keep them from building nests in your hair." That is to say that if a lustful or sipful thought comes and you repel it you experience no guilt In fact you gain strength from having expelled the thought If there is something you would like to ask Dr. and Mrs. Peale, write to them at box 500, Pawlir*, N.Y. 12564. Many of the leaders from Valley View Neighborhood Girl Scouts (McHenry area) were enrolled in a first aid course recently, to earn their Red Cross certification. Passing the course will enable the women to take the Girl Scouts camping and on other outings required by the GSUSA to have a certified first aider in attendance. The girls in Brownie Troop 464 have been discussing how to be 'ready helpers' to outdoor animals. They made birdfeeders by stringing apples, oranges, raisins, popcorn and cheerios. It's nice to know there are some who are doing things for all the little outdoor friends this winter. Another concerned group directed their in­ terests to the Cambodia Relief fund. Brownie troop 402 did extra jobs at home to earn money for this cause. They also have been discussing nutrition and made a well-balanced meal. For strictly fun times, these girls went roller skating and ice skating. " A trip was planned by Brownie troop 407 to visit a local do-nut shop and learn all about its operation. Brownie troop 211 visited the McHenry Rescue squad recently, and they also planned to go roller skating! During their meetings, the girls are presently making 'sit-upons', using vinyl that was donated. With the approach of "Thinking day" in February, Brownie troop 480 has been studying the life of Juliette Low. The girls have also been busy working on the Brownie B chart. Badges are being worked on at the meeting of Junior Troop 410. The current one is Weaving, and when that is finished, they will start on Hospitality and Cooking badges. On March 27, they have scheduled a Parents and D a u g h t e r s b a n q u e t featuring the food the girls will make while working on their badges. Their learning experience will also provide enjoyment for the parents. Junior Troop 320 went on a tour of a local restaurant which was very interesting, and then they enjoyed eating some of the food. One of the requirements of the Pet badge prompted a trip to the Woodstock Animal Control center by Junior Troop 190. The girls also planned a roller skating party at a local rink, with sister Brownie troops, for a 'bridging' activity. Members of Junior troop 88 have been working on a play, "Raggedy Ann and Andy and the Rainy Day Circus" for presentation at the Carestoel Professional Care center. Their play was performed as a dress rehearsal for parents and also presented to their sister Brownie troops 150 and 480. In addition to their own learning experiences, the leaders offer many op­ portunities to the girls in their troop to have fun while expanding their knowledge. Homemakers Celebrate The McHenry County Homemakers Extension is celebrating 62 years of service this year and are very proud to belong to the world's largest educational organization. Sixty-two years ago, homemakers was called the Illinois Home Bureau Federation which was founded by Mrs. Smiley in Woodstock. Today, in addition to belonging to the McHenry County Homemakers Ex­ tension, the dues includes membership in the Illinois Homemakers Extension Federation with affiliations to the National Extension Homemakers Council and Associated Country Women of the World. It'Js a great feeling to know the McHenry's county j are not just continuing education here, but have a representative at the U.N. to help promote and improve rural conditions and better homes to country women and homemakers all over the world. For information on a unit in your community, contact the Extension office at 338- 3737. i CLEANERS Complete Dry Cleaning Service I Conveniently Located mthe • ,• mi • 4409 W. «t«. 199 («15)3t^lf4^" I 35P? - 'Truth is rarely pure and never simple." Oscar Wilde Prtgnant, NEED HELP? Call BIRTHRI6HI ona ocfN'Mo DAM AND FROM 7 toVPMMONlh.utm , 7* MOU* AMSWIMNG SftVICE 15-395-:

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