HORNSBYT PAGE 18 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22,1960 JfL 18Sl«ciL auontltl** ros*rv* ,h# HmW 9«on" -•SgaffKWf̂ : Addr**s~ CttY Phon* - d*P°*h "V b«pr«**«* Sal. M%«S OirliHriL1**1 nm Sale 20% Off e.ri>Mr*llM«( I* Solo 4/1 Sav* 20% I ®*9' cold w««,h#r Jellte Hangl«S Suntral shado* b**P Sav.80%***1-43 Dotted* Choo** clusters, c. 25% • 0*9' COMTREX OOMTREX- 6 0x. Comtrex Molti-Syinpteai Cold Reliever Roli*v*s congestion, coughing, f*v*r and mor*. R*g. 197. VrtHMHMfMMfUM IS" X 24" Bed Pillow Sav* 25% on tho bod pillow that offers cushiony comfort! Fall ilzo. Rag. 2.17. CMrtr*xC*MCa»»lM «rTaU«H , Comtrox cold copsulos 16 » or tobloti 24's roliovo mo|or cold »ymptom». Save 31%. Reg. 1.42. OM-A-Doy Vitamins Doily vitamin Insurance family- Inflation flghtor pock tablet*. Savo 30% • Regr3.20. irtMiing, Sav* 31% MM'I KaH BMMIWH ImqiWIfttah Shot «b«* J--* JMIOM. Sts*s S ta Xi. (May 30%. lag. ?.••• Moo's TtrryfUiM Nllmr Kilt Shirts Long sleeves, solid colors, and NSC logo. Sizes S to XL. Sav* 30%. Rag. 17.93. Ladles' And iwiirt' Sixes ft to 16 Pouts Famous brand I Fin* w*av*s in all now spring colors I Whilo th*y last I 16 Ox. Glebe Medallion Carburetor Cleaner Stops choking and stalling, incr*os*s gas mileage! Sav* 32%. R*g. 1.00. ACE Aotemottae Qaallty Oil filters ACE -- tht brand nomt quality products. Sav# 25 SAVE MONEY For Every Pair Sold We Will You'll bo off and running I-In traction- paefcod |ogg*rs constructod of rvggos suodo l*ath*r. Dosignad for comfort and long w*ar. With cushiony ankle collars, on suro-grip, cross country solas. Man's sisos. Boys' sizes: 2Vi-O. Savo up to 4.11. Rag. lS.Wt I0.09.