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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Feb 1980, p. 8

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i\V .KS PLAIN DEALER-WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY27.1980 Shore Hill drive, speeding, 41 mph in a 25 zone.. Mary A. Holzrichter, 302 Fritzsche road, 37 mph in a 25 zone. William L. Jepsen, 3415 N. Riverside drive, speeding, 39 mph in a 25 zone. Teresa H. Klopperich, 3501 W. First avenue, speeding, 41 mph in a 25 zone. Melissa J. Mayberry, 4501 Front Royal, speeding, 45 mph in a 25 zone. Peter A. Rakas, 2901 Benbrook, speeding, 40 mph in a 25 zone. William Betts, 2302 Manor lane, open liquor in a motor vehicle. ,' • > Todd S. Noa, 521 i Lear, Wonder Lake, open liquor in a motor vehicle. Jeffrey Speciale, 4915 McCullom Lake road, disobeyed a stop sign and no valid registration. Giles R. Simonson, 518 Kent, driving while in­ toxicated and following too closely. Evelyn M. Krysiak, 1101 Bonita, speeding, 43 mph in a 30 zone. Gwen M. Bauer, 3312 Fairway, speeding, 37 mph in a 25 zone. Robert J. Weingart, 1110 Hayden, speeding, 44 mph in a 30 zone. Robert L. Switzer, 2525 Knob Hill road, speeding, 43 mph in a 30 zone. Jerome J. Kalisek, 5416 Highland, speeding, 42 mph in a 30 zone. Ernest H. Montie, 3308 W. Elm street, driving too fast |P0LICE tickets! 0 0 The City of McHenry police department - has issued the ^ following citations. Mary E. Mclnerney, 5611 Woodlawn, speeding, 45 mph in a 30 zone. Charles Thacker, 4618 W. Lake Shore drive, speeding, 38 mph in a 25 zone. Maria V. Perez, 3201 Biscayne, McHenry Shores, speeding, 38 mph in a 25 zone. Barbara, A. Reitz, of 3208 Hunter Path, speeding, ,40 mph in a 25 zone. Jean M. Stuckmeyer,* Orchard, speeding, 37 moh m a 25 zone. Sharon K. Henely, 4117 E. Lake Shore drive. Wonder Lake, speeding, 38 mph in a 25 zone. Scott A. McQueeny, 3315 Fairway drive, no valid driver's license and no valid registration. Kimberly A. Sutherland, 3808 Spring Grove road, no valid registration. James F. Perrewe, 4322 Wilmot road, no valid registration. John W. Barry, Jr., 808 N. John street, no valid registration. David K. Aldenbrook, 3716 N. St. John's avenue, disobeyed a traffic light. Brian W. Brabec, 2804 N. Shorewood, Speeding, 40 mph in a 25 zone. Diane K. Doyen, 5221 for conditions, no valid license, failure to give aid or information and leaving the scene of vehicle damage or accident. Daniel John Sande, 3017 W. Scott, speeding, 41 mph in a 25 zone. Barbara A. Plutshack, 1503 Ramble road, speeding, 41 mph in a 25 zone. Todd S. Noa, 5211 Lear, Wonder Lake, speeding, 42 mph in a 25 zone. Dale J. Houghton, 3815 W. High street, speeding, 37 mph in a 25 zone. Doris J. Giuntoli, 3216 Vista; terrace, speeding, 37 mph in a 25 zone. Coalition Names Doubledippers ROCK ISLAND LINES To prevent a . severe economic impact on more than 350 Illinois businesses, 13,000 daily commuters and 3,000 jobs, Gov. James R. Thompson requested that President Carter continue service on the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific railroad for an additional 60 to 90 days. He asked the president to intervene with the In­ terstate Commerce Com­ mission (ICC) to extend its "directed service" order. Under directed service, the ICC enters -into an agreement with another railroad to manage the bankrupt line and pays the operating deficits for a limited period of time. Unless, an extension is or- dred, shipments on the line will be embargoed, and all service will cease on March 2. The Coalition for Political Honesty has released a list of 53 state legislators who are doubledipping during this session of the General Assembly. Altogether, the Coalition says the 53 doubledippers received almost one million tax dollars in salaries and fees in the past year. Doubledipping is a long­ time Illinois practice which permits legislators to~ receive pay from local governments in addition to drawing their legislative paychecks. - Illinois legislators are already the highest paid in the nation with a $28,000 annual salary plus an ad-: ditional $7,400 in yearly fringe benefits such as free health insurance, per diem allowances, and travel expenses. "Doubledipping infects and distorts the legislative process and is a gigantic waste of taxpayer money," said Patrick Quinn, Coalition spokesman. Quinn said Chicago alone spent $298,701 of tax monies last year to maintain 1$ doubledippers on the city payroll. Quinn urged taxpayers opposed to doubledipping to sign the Coalition's L e g i s l a t i v e C u t b a c k petitions for a binding referendum to reduce the number of legislators in the Illinois House from 177 members to 118. "The Cutback amendment is the best way for citizens to do something about politicians who condone doubledipping," said Quinn. "By abolishing the jobs of 59 legislators, the people of Illinois can overhaul a legislature which is more concerned about pay raises and doubledipping than in adopting strong rules of ethical conduct." Even in the wake of the legislators' 40 percent pay raise last year, the4 Senate Executive committee defeated a modified bill (Senate Bill 13) to abolish doubledipping by a 9-7 vote. "The practice of doubledipping causes legislators to vote in the interests of the local politicians who gave them their jobs, rather than in the interests of the people who elected them," Quinn said. "The General Assembly should not be haven for political payrollers. The people of our state deserve a legislature which serves the interest of all the people all the time," Quinn concluded. The Coalition for Political Honesty collected 635,158 signatures in 1976 on behalf of an absolute prohibition a g a i n s t l e g i s l a t i v e doubledipping, similar to a WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES ON SALE ITEMS DELLIIQII0RS MERCHANTS OF FINE WINES AND LIQIK s ^ A A mm A A A A H H D T C i o n I A « U C M D \ SALE BEER NOT ICED NO SALES TO MINORS LIQUORS 4610 W. RTE. 120, McHENRY, ILL. 385-3200 SALE DATE: WED., FEB. 27 thra TUES.. MAR. 4 OUR McHENRY STORE ONLY - WHILE QUANTITIES LAST MARIIHI 1975 OR 1977 CALIFORNIA OAMAY BEAUJOLAIS 750 Ml FFffl 2 99 (REC. 3.39) 750 ML FIFTH 3 99 MONTEZUMA W HITE OR GOLD TEQUILA 750 ML FIFTH 3 99 CLUB COCKTAILS "The Liquors In!" 2401 FIFTH 2 69 197S SONOMA CAMAY BEAUJOLAIS 750 ML FffTH 3 39 (REO. 3.79) MOHAWK •FLAVORED BRANDIES •PEPPERMINT SCHNAPPS •MENTHES ft CACAOS •ANISETTE (SLOE GIN 2301 -^59 FIFTH 2 "HAW* SABROSO MDvBOUCHETT COFFEE LIQUEUR 750 ML FIFTH 4 69 •MOCHA LIQUEUR •CHOCOLATE BANANA •CHOCOLATE MINT III IN6LEN00K 1976 NAPA VALLEY IHSAMAY BEAUJOLAIS Hi Vw/r / 049 751 ML * | | f e FIFTH ^0 (tIC. 3.89) CUT OUT • PASTE ON CARDBOARD AND FILE FOR FUTURE REFERENCE! ALMADEN 1970 SMOEMTD .CAMAY BEAUJOLAIS 750 ML FIFTH 3 59 (RES. 3.W) I GAMAY -J BEAUJOLAIS I A beautiful, soft, fruity and fragrant red wine. It is the perfect answer when a white is too light and all other reds too bold. It's light body and fruitness originate from the Beaujolais district of France, and adopts superbly in Northern California: Serve 55 to 60 with lamb, veal, ground beef dishes, pasta dishes, stew, casseroles, and cheese dishes. BELL LIQUORS WINE tWDE. Series A. No. 7. Here's a most versatile wine, just in time for the Lenten season! And also, just in time a 10% OH Camay Boaujolais Sale! SUPER SPECIALS! FRIDAY, FEB. 29 ONLY Look For Oor Special JM io Today's Plaindcaler CANFIELD'S MIXERS 3 OMITS c PIUS •- DEPOSIT OUR EVERTOAV LOW PRICE AIL EI6HT PACK SODAS PEPSI PEPSI LIGHT DIET PEPSI 7*UP DR. PEPPER CRUSH RC COLA DIET RITE A & W ROOT BEER COKE TAB FRESCA OUR EVERYDAY LOW PRICE! 816 OZ. BOTTLES PIUS OEPOSIT CANFIELD'S FLAVORS 8-1601 BOTTLES 99 c PLUS OEPOSIT OUR EVERYOAY LOW PRICE MILLER HICK LIFE 0-12 K. CANS 1 59 STROH'S BOCK 0-1201 Ml KTVM BOTTLES 1 59 BUDWEISER 24-1201 CANS EDLEWEISS 24-12 OZ. •onus 3® PUS HP. 89 law now on the books in Missouri. Ironically, a 1941 Illinois law (Chapter 24, Section 21- _15) already prohibits members of the Chicago City Council from "holding any other civil service office under federal, state, or Icity government." Illinois state legislators, however, are legally free to hold as many public payroll positions as they please. Anyone interested in obtaining a list of doubledippers in the General Assembly with their payroll positions and salaries can contact thg Coalition for Political Honesty, 28 Madison St., Oak Park, 111. 60302 or call (312) 323-4588. Seminar On Budgeting Inflation is all around, with costs going up daily. Staying within the monthly budget is getting harder and harder. Incoming dollars have stretched beyond recognition. Tempers flare, arguments and sleepless nights follow. Second bill notices come more frequently. That trapped feeling is with you more often. Does this sound familiar? If it does - do something about it now. Sign up for the MCC seminar, "Financial Budgeting and Your Peace of Mind". Resource people from Family Services, Senior Citizens council and Cooperative Extension service are seminar teachers. The seminar starts March 3 and ends April 7 and meets every Monday night except the thirty-first of March. Meeting place is at the Woodstock high school. Subject matter covered will be recognizing how inflation affects the con­ sumer, setting priorities, positive consumer practices, tricks to cutting corners, using a budget, learning how budgeting practices can affect peace of mind and relationship with family and friends, resources for get­ ting help and use and abuse of credit. There will be time for discussion and questions as well as individual direction. To sign up, contact McHenry County college at 455-3700 and ask to enroll in SM802035A "Financial Budgeting and Your Peace of Mind". Seniors pay two thirds of seminar cost. Madcap At Medinah Taming wild animals is a cinch compared to coping with these curiously con­ descending canines, who couldn't find a hydrant in a water works. But their hilarious hi-jinks is only part of the superb all-new Medinah Shrine circus opening Monday, March 3, and running through the twenty-third at Medinah temple. Featuring a magnificently beautiful and breathtaking Cinderella theme, the thirty- eighth annual event stars such formidable acts as Roger Zoppe's Arabian Riders, Pamela's Chim­ panzees, Christopher James, the Foster Brooks of the tight wire, the Plunketts, a truly comic trampoline act, and Vidbel's Performing Elephants. The Medinah Temple is at 600 N. Wabash avenue. You need a good business agent Business insurance is a subject we know very, very well. Whether it s casualty or property, key man, corporate pension plans or life, health and disability insurance for your employees... we've got the expertise and the policies to meet your needs. ' Have you had an insurance checkup lately? S RBI V J Keith Sonnichscn McHENRY ILLINOIS PR. 344-2772 Lortn Millar RICHMOND ILLINOIS Ml. i74-4ttl Vour CoCintry Companies Agents. Insurance and Investment Services What Just One Person Can Do Crusader For Decency 'fl can't change the whole world, but I can try to change a small part of it," said Mrs. Kay Fiorentino of San Pedro, Cal. That's a Christopher statement it I ever heard one, so I'm going to tell you a little about her. She is an extraordinary woman who started a crusade against por­ nography in San Pedro a few years ago. To date, she has closed down an X-rated movie house, an "adult" bookstore dealing in sex- explicit materials, and a house of prostitution. "It wasn't easy," she explains. "It took 69 days of continuous picketing day and night in the latter part of- 1975 to close down the Mermaid theater." It was during the picketing that the owner of an X-rated bookstore across the street put up a sign defying the picketers: "Ninth An­ niversary! Thank you, San Pedro." It was like waving a red flag, so Mrs. Fiorentino's Citizens Opposed to Por­ nography (COP) chose the bookstore as its second target. Again it took more than two months of daily picketing but the owner finally closed that store and two others nearby. It all began when a priest at St. Peter's Catholic church, aware of her organizational abilities, appealed to her to help him do something about the porno theater in town. "What's a 'porno' theater?" she asked. "When I found out, that's when I started to do something about it," she said later. She had to retire from Lockheed in Burbank at the age of 39 because of rheumatoid arthritis. Left to her pain and idleness, she got worse. Her world ended. "For five years I just existed. Life had no meaning for me." But once she became involved in the community, she recalls now, "life began to take on new meaning. I became physically active and that was goddior me." Her husband Gerrard, gave his wife of 21 years his full support. He believes it was all in God's plan and so does she. Kay Fiorentino minimizes her own strength and tenacity. She gives the 150 members of COP, two Catholic parishes and members of the local Mormon church a large part of the credit for the vic­ torious struggle. "Looking back I cannot help but believe it was God's will that I do it and I'm happy I could," she says now. Kay Fiorentino and her h u s b a n d e n d u r e d harrassment, ridicule and scorn for their efforts. They think it jvas worth it. "Thank YM fwYwr PltTMMf* A Sippirt 1979 ^--WEJtEMQVING John's Sport Stop 4811 W. Rte. 120 McHENRY (Across from Sunnyside Dodge) .WITH GREATER SELECTIONS! •Teaa Eqoipoeot •footwear •Apparel •loggiig Salts •T-Shirts •Tennis Accessories •Basoball Slows •Racketball Accessories *Jacksts •Golf Accessories •Castas Priitiig •All Types of Wins / •MORE NAME BRANDS • GREATER VARIETY •CONVENIENT LOCATION PAY US A VISIT MARCH111 1 1 o • • 09 m • 1 3 m • TO 1 </> mm I • •• 70 1 < | < 1 o 1 £ i-: We Feature MM Footwear! 11 I I I EHoctive March 1,1980 OUR NEW LOCATION WILL BE: 3706 W. ELM ST. |lto. 120) McMwry, NIIMIS (Across from A & P Grocery) . (015)344-3500 Wo'ro Your On»*Stop Sport Shop with tho Personal Touch" yjr WATCH John's Sport Stop DAILY 9:30-8, SATURDAY 9-6 iic tc

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