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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Mar 1980, p. 2

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PAGE 2 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5,1980 r Lunch Features Guest Herald Arrival Of Spring MR. AND MRS. JOHN F. MEYER WED IN EDWARDSVILLE -- SI. Boniface Catholic church in Edwardsville, 111., was the setting for the Dec- 8 wedding which united in marriage a former McHenry man, John F. Meyer, and LeAnne P. Sworm, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Sworm of Edwardsville. The bridegroom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Meyer of 3619 W. Main street, McHenry, and his paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Meyer of McHenry. The bride is a-1975 graduate of Cherry Creek high school in Denver, Colo., and presently attends Southern Illinois university at Edwardsville. The bridegroom graduated from McHenry Community high school in 1974 and from Southern Illinois university at Edwardsville in December of 1979. After a Florida honeymoon, the couple took up residence in Edwardsville. v. _ MRS. RONALD EDWARDS MARRIED IN SPRINGFIELD - St. Joseph church, Springfield, 111. was the setting for the ceremony Feb. 16, uniting the former Patricia Lorraine Henely, Springfield, and Ronald Gene Edwards, also of Springfield. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Lorraine Henely, Wonder Lake, and the late Thomas Henely. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Edwards, Springfield, are the parents of the groom. The bride's uncle, Father Robert Henely, officiated at the 1 p.m. wedding, and dinner and dancing followed at the Lincoln Park Pavillioo for 125 guests. The bride graduated from McHenry West campus and attended Lincoln Land Community college. She is presently employed by Franklin Life Insurance company. The bridegroom graduated from Springfield Southeast high school, attended Lincoln Land Community collie and the United Electronics Institute. He is presently the owner and operator of E.Z. Business Equipment. The newlyweds are residing in Springfield, 111. RUMMAGE SALE It s Rummage Sale time once again at the First Congregational church in Huntley, corner of Church street and Main street. March 14 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and March 15 from 9 a.m. to noon. A bake sale will be held Friday, the 14th, starting at 9 a.m. Shape up for Summer! LADIES DANCE & EXERCISE CLASSES Jazz & Exercise - MONDAY 7:30 PM Ballet - THURSDAY 7PM INTERMEDIATE 8PM BEGINNING Exercise - MON. & WED. 9AM TO 10AM ALSO Ladies Tap Class ONE HOUR CLASSES START MARCH 19th 8 WEEKS 8 Community § i a | C,ale mlar b l^ocoooiseooceoooscod MARCH 5 Prayer breakfast- Whispering Oaks Woman's club~9:30 a.m. McHenry Grandmothers club-luncheon at China Light, 11 a.m.--meeting at K.C. hall, 1 p.m.-phone C. Jansen for reservations. MARCH 6 Veterans of World War I-- McHenry Barracks 1315- meeting at McHenry Post 491-American Legion home- -Ringwood road, 2 p.m. Xi Kappa Iota chapter of Beta Sigma phi-meeting at home of Linda (Mrs. John) Jachino-5812 N. Bunny avenue, McHenry. McHenry Woman's club annual card party, 12:30 p.m.- St. Patrick's hall- benefit, public library. • McHenry area Separated and Divorced Catholic group-meeting, 7:30 p.m.~ Oak room, Montini Middle school. MARCH 7 Church Women United- World Day of Prayer-St. John the Baptist Catholic church, Johnsburg-Jackie Tobin, chairman. MARCH 8 McHenry Pigtail league- registration-10 a.m. to 4 p.m.-McHenry firehouse. Friendship club potluck dinner and meeting-5:30 p.m.-First United Methodist church-program, Mary Butler and Mabel Thomas. Voter registration- Parkland Junior high-11 a.m. until 2 p.m. , MARCH 9 American Legion birthday party -cocktails, 4 to 5 p.m.- dinner, 5 p.m. MARCH 10 McHenry Senior Citizens meeting--7:30 p.m.-West campus cafeteria. Whispering Oaks Woman's club-Board meeting~9:30 MARCH 11 Whispering Oaks Garden club-Board meeting, 1 p.m- -Community Center. Newcomers club-monthly meeting, 7:30 p.m.-St. Paul's Episcopal church, McHenry. O.E.S.-McHenry Chapter 547-stated meeting-warder and sentinel-8 p.m. MARCH 12 Christian Mothers Society- -St. Peter's church. Spring Grove-St. Patrick's lun­ cheon and card party-serve 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., in church hall-tickets at door. MARCH 13 Lakeland Park Women's club-potluck supper and meeting--6:30 p.m .-- Lakeland Park Community house--1717 N. Sunset avenue. Priscilla Circle meeting- 9:30 to 11 a.m.-First United Methodist church parlor- Kathee Stark, hostess. McHenry Woman's club regular meeting-Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church, noon. MARCH 15 Wonder Lake area Jaycees-Free CPR course- for ages ten and above-Call 728-0404 for information and to enroll. , Johnsburg PTO play- "May the Farce Be With You "-8 p.m.-high school auditorium. "Break into Business" will be the title N>f Arlene Stevenson's special feature ' for the March 12 luncheon of the McHenry County Christian Women's club. She will include tips to begin a business, as well as a display of silk screen pillows and special. music will be provided. Inspirational speaker for the day ^ill be ArdythHowe. Currently residing in Lake Forest, she is a National Consultant for the Christian Women's clubs in this area. Ms. Howe is a beauty con­ sultant, as well as being active in political service. The luncheon will be held at the Lakeside Center in Crystal Lake, from 12 until 2 p.m. All interested ladies are invited to make reservations prior to March 10 by calling Ruth, 653-9408 or Lorraine, 385-5475. A free nursery is available. Cancel Dinner Dance "Due to unforeseen cir­ cumstances, it has become necessary to cancel the St. Patrick's Dinner Dance that had been, scheduled for March 14, to benefit the Multi-purpose Senior Center in Crystal Lake", announced Marge Jones, executive director of the McHenry County Senior Citizens Council Ticket refunds will be made through the office in Woodstock and the affair will be re-scheduled at a later date. "Deep appreciation is extended to those who had been involved in the preliminary planning of the event",.Ms. Jones said. "The Council particularly regrets cancelling the dinner dance because it was meant to be, in part, an opportunity to offer sincere gratitude to several individuals and organizations who have given outstanding service to the council and-or the Multi­ purpose Senior Center during the past year," Ms. Jones continued. An awards presentation will be made at the Multi­ purpose Senior Center in Crystal Lake at 1 p.m. March 14. Models for the Auxiliary to McHenry Hospital fashion show, heralding the arrival of Spring, prepare for the April 9 evening event. From left are Mellhda Gallant, Char Mowery and Kathy Lundquist. "La Fashion Affaire" will be presented at Crescent Bay Landing, Johnsburg, to raise funds for patient care needs at McHenry hospital. Reservations can be made by writing the Auxiliary to McHenry Hospital, P. O. Box 69, McHenry, 60050. Don Peasley photo Day Of Prayer Theme Set "Responsible Freedom" is the theme for the World Day of Prayer March 7. Church Women United in Lake Region will hold a service at St. John the Baptist Roman Catholic church, 2302 W. Church street, Johnsburg at 10:30 a.m. Fr. Leo Bartel of St. John's will be the speaker, and there will be a nursery available at the convent. Lake Region CWU has also planned services in Crystal Lake and Woodstock March 7. In Crystal Lake, the service will be held at the First United Methodist church at 1 p.m. In Wood­ stock, the service will be at the Presbyterian church at 1 p.m. Women in this country have been celebrating a national day of prayer since 1887. Church Women United is the official sponsor of World Day of Prayer in the United States. This year . people in more than ° 150 countries and islands around the world will gather in prayerful con­ sideration of "Responsible Freedom". Each year, women of a different country are asked to write the World Day of Prayer service, based oh themes , chc&en by the in­ ternational committee for World Days of Prayer. The Christian women of Thailand have written this year's service, thanking "our sisters in Africa for the World Day of .Prayer program for 1979 which reminded us of our need for 'spiritural growth'. " The Thai women en­ courage their sisters and brothers around the world "to continue to grow in the Spirit; to love Jesus Christ more and to live closer to him." All McHenry area women are encouraged to attend this event. Party Honors Anniversary A First Anniversary party is scheduled at the Wonder Lake Meet & Eat Site. One year ago, the Senior Citizen's Council of McHenry County opened the doors to senior citizehS and guests for. a meal program at Nativity Lutheran church. Since that time, 3,683 meals have been served to seniors when they meet, five days a week at 11:30 a.m. The program at Wonder Lake, the. newest to be in­ stituted in the county, provides one-third of the d a i l y n u t r i t i o n a l requirements. The seniors usually consider it their main meal of the day, as it includes a meat serving, two isevings of fruit or b. vegetables, bread and margarine, milk and dessert. The food is prepared at the council's central kitchen. especially for the Senior Nutrition program. The seniors at the Center are planning special festivities March 11, in­ cluding music. The menu will be beef tips on noodles, and a special anniversary cake will be served. Reservations can be made until Mar 8, by calling 653- 7731. Beth Haubold, the Site Manager, will be- there between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. MARCH 16 Annual St. Patrick's Corned Beef & Cabbage dinner-serving 1 to 4 p.m - church hall-sponsored by St. Patrick's Ladies Guild. MARCH 17 T.H.E.O.S.-catered dinner and meeting, 5:30 p.m.-First United Methodist church, McHenry. MARCH 18 W.O.T.M. business meeting-Moose lodge, 8 p.m. Whispering Oaks Garden club-meeting. 1 p.m.- Community Center-lower level. McHenry lodge 158 AF&AM-stated meeting and special~7:30 p.m. MARCH 19 Newcomers club-Morning coffee, 9:30 a.m.--Faith Presbyterian church, McHenry. Whispering Oaks Woman's club-meeting, 1 p.m.-Lori Robertson. McHenry Senior Citizens club-trip to Mitchell Hor­ ticultural Conservatory, a brewery and lunch, Milwaukee--bus leaves McHenry State bank at 8:30 MARCH 20 United Methodist Women- general meeting, noon- potluck luncheon-First United Methodist church- hostesses, Marcia Mary Ball Circle. McHenry area Separated and Divorced Catholic group-meeting, 7:30 p.m.- Oak room Montini Middle school. Catholic Daughters of the Americas-meeting, 7:30 p.m.-K. of C. hall-old friends and newcomers welcome. MARCH 21 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM-meeting 7:30 p.m.- Oak room-Montini Middle school. Johnsburg PTO play- "May the Farce Be With You"~8 p.m.-high school auditorium. MARCH 23 Johnsburg PTO Play- "May the Farce Be With You"~8 p.m.-high school auditorium. MARCH 24 McHenry Senior Citizens meeting-7:30 p.m.-West campus cafeteria. McHenry Woman's club Board meeting--public library. 10 a.m. MARCH 25 ' O.E.S. McHenry chapter 547-stated meeting and slides of the Holy Land-8 p.m. MARCH 28 Church Women United- Forum meeting, 9:15 a.m.- Christ the King Catholic church, Wonder Lake- Speaker, Sister Denise Callahan. MARCH 28-29 Rummage sale-Ringwood church-Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.-Saturday, 9 a.m. to noon. MARCH 29 Newcomers club-Couples' Bowling night--7 p.m.-- Palace Bowl. St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM-Cards, 7:30 p.m.- Oak room-Montini Middle school. APRIL 7 McHenry Senior Citizens club Executive meeting-10 a.m.-McHenry Public library. Call Our Studio to Register 385-6077 CATHIE WEBER AND MIKE SCHULTHEIS MAY WEDDING -- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weber, McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter, Cathie, to Mike Schultheis, son of Suzanne Schultheis, of Wonder Lake, and the late Frank Schultheis. Both are graduates of McHenry high school. A May, 1980 wedding is planned. Supermarket Saver a m RY SHOPPE 2908 W. PTE. 120-McHENRY ('/* mileeost of bridge) M5-M90 SHAPE-UP NOW FOR SUMMER! Now offering MEW 6 WEEK INTRODUCTORY PROGRAM Come in and get to know us! COMPLETE SHAPE-UP PROGRAMS! Nutritional Seminars 'Sauna •Guaranteed Weight-loss Program •Shower Facilities •Complete Skin Care Program Jts-stt* MAR-RAY HOURS DANCE STUDIO 3923 W. MAIN ST. McHENRY, ILL. TUESDAY & By Donna Caubarreaux Save Up To 80 Percent At The Supermarket? Sounds impossible? Well, smart shoppers are doing it every day through refunding. By combining cents-off coupons on their purchases at the supermarket and then sending in boxtops and labels to the companies, they can save up to 80 percent on their grocery bill and can even get the full refund purchase price back from some offers! Here is a sample offer, Listerine wants you to send in two universal product codes (that is the small section where all the little lines are grouped for electronic registers) for a free bottle of the product, if you send'in a penny, they will send you two bottles free. So you buy two bottles and when you do you use cents-off coupons to make your purchases. The items cost $2.64, you cut that price by $1.50 with two 75 cents coupons, so the total cost is $1.14. It will cost you 15 cents to mail in the offer and another 1 cent to take advantage of the extra fee bottle, so the total cost is $1.30 You mail in the offer and receive two free bottles, if you had to buy them they would cost you the original $2.64. So you have the use of four bottles of the product for only $1.30 which is a 75 percent savings to you! Many products have offers like this out, in fact, every major and many minor manufacturers of food items have refund offers out at one time or another, they want you to purr hasp their product in the hopes that you will switch from the brand you are now using to theirs. So jump on the bandwagon and try your hand at slashing your food costs. For a sample refund bulletin that lists several hundred refund offers, send $1. to Shopper's Bonus, P.O. Box 109-SS, Marksville, LA., 71351. For a free listing of over forty refund bulletins, send a long self-addressed-stamped envelope to the same address. « Here are some offers for you to try. Ragu Foods, Inc., P.O. Box 8179, Clinton, IA., 52736. Coupons good for $2.00 on an Italian Meal at Home, send your name, address, city state and zip code with four labels from any size of Ragu Spaghetti Sauce plus a label and-or receipt from any item listed in each of the following categories: Ragu Spaghetti Sauce - Meat - Produce - Grocery. You will receive four coupons each good for 50 cents off on your next purchases. Offer expires March 31, 1980. Whoppers Ice Cream Offer, P.O. Box NB875, El Paso TX 79977. $1. cash refund, send the word "Whoppers" from front panel of two 8 oz bags or five 20 cent bags plus brand name panel from one pint or more of ice cream. Offer expires December 31, 1980. Aim Poncho Offer, P.O. Box 4920, Westbury, N.Y., 11592 Free baseball poncho, in Small (35-75 lbs), Medium (70-130 lbs.), or Large (125-190 lbs). Send the words "Lever Brothers" plus the weight designations cut from any combination of three Aim Toothpaste cartons - Large, Family or Super-Size - for each poncho, plus 50 cents few postage and handling Indicate the name of your favorite Major League Baseball team as the poncho comes in team colors. A very nice item for big and little fans! Offer expires May 31,1980. LUNCHEON CARD PARTY The' Christian Mothers Society of St. Peter's Catholic church. Spring * TflK SERVICE Y»99« Accounting 'Exptrlmcod 'Professional •Personalised •Year-Round INCOME TflK SERVICE Phone 385 79B7 FOR APPOINTMENT Grove, is sponsoring its annual St. Patrick's Lun­ cheon and Card Party Wednesday, March 12, in the church hall. Serving will be from 11:30 a.m. to l p.m Tickets will be avilable at the door, and men are welcome. • • • • The key to happiness in life lies in unselfish­ ness. Weather Information 344-3100

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