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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Mar 1980, p. 3

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Remembering When (with long time subscribers) LEWIS BLOMGREN • A lifetime resident of the Pistakee Bay area, Lewis Blomgren remembers the Bay area equivalent of the neighborhood ice cream truck. "The ice cream boat would come around and we'd run down to the lake with our dimes, drop them in the lake and have to run back and get another one," Blomgren said. The boat would come around every day during the summer. The family lived on Regner road in a house built in 1886. Where landlocked people would drive or walk to market,.Lewjis remembers rowing over to the Oak Parte hotel and grocery store to buy meat and bread for the day. During the summer months, rafts would be anchored in the Bay, and the kids would spend hours swimming and diving. Lewis also recalled watching Norb Hollenbach and Guy Lombardo chase around the lake in their speedboats. "Every Fourth of July, everyone on the Bay would try to outdo themselves with fireworks," Blomgren said. "They'd start at about 8 p.m. and go 'til the wee hours of the morning." Occasionally, six or seven families would charter a boat from Matt Pitzen and make a day of traveling to the Lotus beds at Grass lake. "That used to be a real big thing," Lewis said with a smile as he concluded his recollection. Slate Guest Speaker The guest speaker for the Double Dilemma, Mothers of Twins club meeting, 8 p.m. Tuesday, March 11 at St. Paul's church, 485 Wood­ stock street, Crystal Lake will be Iver Johnson, an attorney in Crystal Lake. He will talk on Women Under the Law, Intra- Family Rights, and Children's Rights. There will also be a question and an­ swer period. v Double Dilemma is open to all mothers of multiple birth children. For more inforamtion about the club or--this month's meeting, please call Mrs. Wm. W. (Janiej Busch, Jr., John street, McHenry. Senior Walk-In Center Program For Meeting A very appropriate program for this time of the year will be presented by Geri Meyer at the McHenry Woman's club's regular meeting, March 13 at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church. Decorating eggs is her specialty and many people have felt the things she can do with eggs are un­ believable and truly beautiful. Coffee and finger sand­ wiches will be served from noon to 1 p.m. and the tea hostess for the day will be Mrs. Frank Gregory. A business meeting will follow , the luncheon. This should be an en­ joyable afternoon ftfr everyone. Registration Offered There's An Answer (by Norman Vincent IVale and Rntli Stafford I Vale) "She Invites misery Q. I have a friend who is a beautiful woman, but is so negative and depressed all the time. She's been divorced for a year, is 26 years old and has no children. Almost every day she's complaining about something, and it's getting very depressing for me! I'm beginning to think she invites misery and wants it I realize that if she doesn't want to help herself then no one else can, but she is my best friend, and I can't stand to see her like this. How can I help her and how can she help herself? A. It is indeed true that some people, as you say, invite misery. As her best friend you can show her a genuine affection. Also, you can be positive and upbeat in your conversation and attitude. It may be that your positive attitude will motivate her to change her way of thinking. So keep it going. I would not argue with her, but let her pick up a happier spirit from you and others. We are sending you our booklet, QUIT WORRYING, which may be of help to your friend. It is free to any reader of this column, Write to us at Box 500, Pawling, N.Y. 12564. Something laeking Q; Because of my husbands' drinking I left him and got a divorce. It was probably the smartest thing I ever did because he joined AA and got counseling. After 15 months we were reunited, and on our 34th wedding anniversary were married again. I guess I expected to live happily ever after, but it just didn't work out that way. True, he has not returned to his drinking, we attend church together and see a counselor, but I still feel he is shutting me out There is something lacking in our marriage, something I can't put my finger on. A. Your husband has been through a prfoundly disturbing experience, as have you also. If you are patient a while longer ami let him truly find himself there is every reason to believe that your marriage^will become one of understanding, love and peace. Give it enough time to mature. Through patience and quiet, loving understanding that "shut out" feeling will pass away. Who should say grace? Q. When we have friends in for dinner we usually ask one of than to ask the blessing over the food. We have noticed when we visit our daughter and son-in-law that he always says grace, never asking anyone else to share. We would like to know who is right, us or them. A In our opinion you are both right. It is gracious and polite to invite dne of your guests to ask the blessing. If your son-in- law feds the responsibility as host and husband to ask the Lord's blessing, it is quite all right that it be done this way. As a minister, when I am a guest I really fed pleased when toy host says the blessing himself and thereby does not treat me as a minister. The main thing is that a reverent prayer he said, whoever says it. Doesn't deserve to softer. Q. My mother has cancer and is taking chemotherapy. She is so ill, I don't see how she keeps going. At times she doesn't. She is such a wonderful, good person and mother, and she has had so many hardships in this life. She is only 50 and does not deserve to suffer so miserably. ' I know Christ can heal as He did when He lived on this earth. Please tell me how my prayer can be effective in healing my mother. A Prayer is answered in three ways: Yes, no, or wait awhile. When you pray, visualize, or image your mother as healed. Believe; strongly believe. Beyond that, place your mother in God's hands and leave her there. In the Heavenly Father's loving care no harm can come to her, only good. If there is something you would like to ask Dr. and Mrs. Peale, write to them at Box 500, Pawling, N.Y., 12564. Don t hide Beautiful Eyes Behind Glasses LOOK AND FEEL YOUR BEST SEEING IS BELIEVING B R I N G Y O U R E Y E G L A S S P R E S C R I P T I O N T O U S A N D W E W I L I F I T Y O U W I T H S O F T C O N T A C T L E N S E S & SOFIENST® IRTRATMN SOFT CONTACT UNSCS Other Services Also Available: *Eye» examined 'Fashion frames Sol* Priced Lenses Only 89 50 S A V E 10-50% O N A L L F R A M E S A d M u s t B e P r e s e n t e d At Time O f P u r c h a s e 'Prescription filled S A V E 20% O N L E N S E S omx GOOD ONLY WITH COMPtKTi PURCHASE OF UENSCS « FRAMES C OMMONS VISION CENTERS Across the street from Hornsby's HOSPITAL NOTES WOODSTOCK Admissions: David Babarsky of McHenry ; Miss Caryn Hartmann and Mrs. Bonnie Olson of Wonder Lake. HARVARD Admissions: Eleanor Bloedorn of McHenry and Gary Wehle of Wonder Lake. 4305 W. Elm Street (Rte. 120) (•15)344-3900 Ovr Other Location ROUND LAKE BEACH •29 E. Rollins ltd.. Round Lake »eoch. III. (lllttll HH St. John's Church, where in 1775 Patrick Henry gave his stirr ing "Give me liberty..." speech, still stands in Richmond, Virginia. Anyone not registered to vote is advised of a voter registration to be held Saturday, March 8, at Parkland Junior high school on Route 120, from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. Two deputy registrars of McHenry county, Ann Byers and Sherry Floro, will head the registration, along with Brittany Park volunteers. This voter registration has been arranged through the united effort of Brittany Park residents and the Valley View Parent Teachers organization. The League of Women voters provided guidance and assistance in obtaining the registrars. Registration by March 8 will enable a person to vote in the School Board election April 12, and all subsequent elections. Anyone having a former voter registration card should bring it to expedite this registration. PAGE 3 • PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY. MARCH 7. BIRTHS William and Phoebe Steinmetz, 509 Stratford court, McHenry, proudly announce the birth of their first child, a boy. Kelly Day was born at McHenry hospital Feb. 27, and weighed 8 lbs., 6 oz. Mr. and Mrs. E. Bakkers, Riverdale, 111., are the maternal grandparents. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. G. Steinmetz, Northbrook, 111. Christy is the name chosen by Thomas and Janice Peters, 4514 Shore drive, McHenry, for their third child. The 5 lbs., 1 oz. baby was born March 3, at McHenry hospital and was welcomed home by sister, Laurie and brother, Ronnie. Maternal grandmother, Evelyne Leith, resides in Mt. Prospect and Raymond and Louise Peterson, Des Plaines, are the paternal grandparents. Among recent births recorded at Memorial hospital for McHenry county, Woodstock, was the March 3 birth of a girl to Mr. and Mrs. David Krawczyk, of Wonder Lake and a boy to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Diedrich, Wonder Lake, on the same date. Meals are served Monday through Friday at the McHenry Walk-In center beginning at 11:45 a.m. Reservations must be made by 1:30 p.m. the day before at 385-8260. The menu for the week of March 10 through March 14 is as follows: Mar. 10: Chicken casserole, broccoli, creamy cole slaw, crusty rolls, pumpkin spice cake, milk. Mar. 11: Beef tips, but­ tered noodles, spinach, biscuits, jello, milk. Mar. 12: Sausage in Polish sauce, boiled potatoes, zughinni and tomatoes, /rrench bread, mixed fruit, milk. Mar. 13: Veal cutlet with mushroom sauce, mashed potatoes, baby sweet peas, wheat bread, bread pudding, milk. Mar. 14: Salisbury steak, baked potatoes, cream corn, bread, apple sauce, milk. - FISH ENTREE WILL BE AVAILABLE. PLEASE STATE PREFERENCE ON PRECEDING DAY. Present Vacation-Travel Program Beth Bobek representing a travel agency in Crystal Lake, will be the guest speaker at the next THEOS meeting to be held Sunday, March 9. Since this is the time of year when everyone begins to think of vacation and travel plans, Mrs. Bobek will be able to give some valuable information on what the single person should consider when planning a trip. She will be able to answer questions about traveling alone, with a group, taking a tour or cruise, staying at a resort, or any other means of travel. The THEOS group is a non- denominational organization for young and middle-aged widows and widowers. It offers an opportunity for both the newly widowed and the adjusted widowed to meet and talk with others who have had the same experience. The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. in the lounge of the First Congregational church, 461 Pierson street, Crystal Lake. Anyone coming for the first time is invited to arrive at 6:45 p.m. to become acquainted with some members of the group before the meeting begins. Coffee and dessert will be served. For more information about THEOS, please feel free to call Doris Pohl, coordinator, at 459-4494 (after 5 p.m.) or Pastor Doug Loving, chaplain, at 459-1132. We prepare Federal and State INCOME TAX RETURNS Our customers receive: •The maximum refunds allowable •Expert advice to lower tax liability •Personalized service at competitive rates •24 hour service •Planning information to minimize next year's taxes A total charge of $10.00 for both State ft Federal Short forms (1040A-IL 1040) Our office is open from 9 AM to 9 PM daily. For your convenience, we suggest scheduling an appointment. Please bring your returns with the preaddressed labels. HOULIHAN ASSOC. INC 3318 W. Elm St. McHenry, Illinois 3S5-7m 305-7999 REAI ESTATE CORNER B y William J. Fitzgerald Interest rates too high? Interest rates are currently running about 14%. For a couple in the 23% income tax bracket, this will work out to an effective rate of about 10V«. As you know this in­ terest is a tax deduction off your income. If you happen to be a renter, you can figure your interest rate is 100%. Not only is it 100%, but not one penny is tax deductable. With the current inflation rate running at 12 to 13% annually, you can be sure that interest rates will keep on climbing. They have gone up 1 V* % in the last week. However, it will be a long time before they reach 100%. Mortgage money is available for 80-90 & 95% conventional loans, as well as V.A. & F.H.A. Why not get in on the low J 4% interest bracket and get out of that 100% range. Come on in and let your FULL SERVICE BROKER put you in a home of your own. MclleHry CwRty Realty, Inc. CtJBtoi/* Of 7314 Hancock Drive Wonder Lake, ill. *15-653-2061 4104 W. Rt. 120 McHenry, II. 015-385-6990 SAVERS - TIE UP TODAY'S HIGHER INTEREST RATES LONGER .. (AND AT A RETURN HIGHER THAN ANY DANK-ANYWHERE)! McHENRY SAVINGS OFFERS YOU OUR NEW 2 %-YEAR GUARANTEED RETURN CERTIFICATES ANNUAL RATE* 12% ANNUAL YIELD* 12.94% *March 1 to March 31 • Pays you more than any bank • New Low $500 minimum certificate • New interest rate set each month . . but your starting interest rate guaranteed for 30 months. • • Insured up to $40,000 by Federal Government Agency Certificate withdrawals prior to maturity subject to substantial interest penalty. HELP YOURSELF IN THE FIGHT AGAINST INFLATION STOP IN TODAY! t « t * * # McHENRY S A V I N G S McHenry Savings V *NOlO«k AStOCIATlOMW 1209 North Green Street. McHenry 81S 385-3000 1US20 Mam Street Oh hiron'd BIS 678 2061 10-10.' Nor Hi Vme Street (Huntley Center on Route 47) Huntley 31.1 669-3333 SAVERS HOURS 9 00 om to 4 30 pm Mondoy lutidoy and THwrtdoy 9 00 om »o § 00 pm Fnd«y 9:0 em to J 00 pm So»v day MtMorify 0+f»<o Drive In Wmdowi open Wodnotdty 9 00 mm to 2 00 pm C to tod Wed no tdoy in Richmond end Hwn Deposits insured to $40 000 by the Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corp 4310

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