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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Mar 1980, p. 2

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PAGE^-PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, MARCH12J980 tLi OCLCL Committees Give Reports MR. AND MRS. ROBERT StALEY RESIDING IN SYCAMORE - Mr. and Mrs. Robert Staley are making their home in Sycamore after a honeymoon trip to New Orleans, La. The former Beth Louise Nell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nell, Jr., McHenry, exchanged vows with Robert Staley, son of Mrs. David Walsh, McHenry and Mr. Jack Staley, Carpentersville, on Jan. 5, at St. Mary of the Assumption Catholic church, McHenry. The newlyweds are both currently enrolled at Northern Illinois university. LESLIE E. PINE AND JAMES E. ROBERTSON ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT - Mr. Buddie J. Pine of Foster City, Cal. and Mr. and Mrs. Norman K. Burnett of Apple Valley, Minn, announce the engagement of their daughter, Leslie E. Pine to James E. Robertson, the son of Reverend and Mrs. Gerald L. Robertson of McHenry. The prospective bridegroom graduated from McHenry high school in 1978 and is currently studying for the ministry at St. Paul Bible college, Bible College, Minn. The future bride is also attending St. Paul Bible college. «S? VOTETUES. MARCH 18 Paid by Citizens for Klemm 40Brm(. Crystal Lake IL BODYSHOPPE 2908 W. RTE. 120-McHENRY ( '/J mile east of bridge) 3SS-5490 Don't Shape Up For Summer! Shape Up For The Rest of Your Life! NOW OFFERING A Six Week Introductory Program "7> CALL 385-5690 Great Barrier Reef Australia's Great Barrier Reef is not a continuous single reef, but a myriad collection of barrier reefs, coral cays- and rock islands airinterlaced with lagoons and fringing reefs that stretches some i ,250 miles off the coast of Queensland, re­ ports the National Geographic Society's book, "The Ocean Realm." Sj Community | b b Calendar 8 0 Q Qjooocooosocoococcoo MARCH 12 Christian Mothers Society- -St. Peter's churchy Spring Grove -St. Patrick's lun­ cheon and card party-serve 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., in church hall-tickets at door. Marriage Encounterr- farewell party, 7:30-Jim and Rita Thennes. Fox Ridge Women's club- family volleyball nite, 7 p.m.-Parkland Jr. high. MARCH 13 Lakeland Park Women's club-potluck supper and meeting--6:30 p.m.-- Lakeland Park Community house-1717 N. Sunset avenue. Priscilla Circle meeting- 9:30 to 11 a.m.-First United Methodist church parlor- Kathee Stark, hostess. McHenry Woman's club regular meeting-Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church, noon. McHenry Pigtail League meeting-6:30 to 8:30 p.m.- McHenry Public library. McHenry LaLeche league- monthly meeting, 7:30 p.m.- -call Mrs. Richard (Marcia) McGowan for details. MARCH 15 Wonder Lake area Jaycees-Free CPR course- for ages ten and above-Call 728-0404 for information and to enroll. Johnsburg PTO play- "May the Farce Be With You"~8 p.m.-high school auditorium. MARCH 16 Annual St. Patrick's Corned Beef & Cabbage dinner-serving 1 to 4 p.m.-- church hall-sponsored by St. Patrick's Ladies Guild. MARCH 17 T.H.E.O.S.-catered dinner and meeting, 5:30 p.m.-First United Methodist church, McHenry. McHenry American Legion Auxiliary-regular meeting. 8 p.m.-Legion Post home-bring gifts for Elgin hospital veterans. MARCH 18 W.O.T.M. business meeting-Moose lodge, 8 p.m. Whispering Oaks Garden club-meeting, 1 p.m.- Community Center-lower level. McHenry lodge 158 AF&AM-stated meeting and special-7;30 p.m. MARCH 19 Newcomers club-Morning coffee, 9:30 a.m.-Faith Presbyterian church, McHenry. Whispering Oaks Woman's club-meeting, 1 p.m.-Lori Robertson. McHenry Senior Citizens club-trip to Mitchell Hor­ ticultural Conservatory, a brewery and lunch, Milwaukee--bus leaves McHenry State bank at 8:30 a.m. Fox Ridge Women's club- regular monthly meeting, 8 p.m.-Shepherd of the Hills church-speaker. Alderman Datz. MARCH 20 United Methodist Women- general meeting, noon- potluck luncheon-First United Methodist church- hostesses. Marcia Mary Ball Circle. McHenry area Separated and Divorced Catholic By Pearl Cooper President Dottie Messer opened the monthly meeting of ,the McHenry Unit American Legion Auxiliary and the chairmen gave their reports. Americanism chairman, . Lauretta Homo, announced ' that the Americanism, essay have been received from Parkland, McHenry _ Junior high school and East campus high. school and were sent to district for competition. She also an­ nounced that the District Illini Girls' State Tea would be held in McHenry April 27. Children & Youth chair­ man, Midge Scharf, an­ nounced that Children and Youth Scholarships are available to applicants working toward a degree in Education with emphasis on, the subjects required for teaching mentally retarded or physically handicapped children. She also announced that 19 families with 57 children had received baskets as well as clothing, toys and gift certificates. - Marie Brichta, Coupon chairman, announced that to date 2,564 coupons have been sent to department. Harriet Larsen passed the CARE box for the Dominican Republic. Marge Datz, Girls' State chairman announced that the Girl Stater would be announced at the next meeting. Past Presidents Parley chairman,' Grace Latimer announced that a meeting would be hosted by Evelyn Osmon and all past presidents are urged to attend to cut nylons for the Veterans Craft Exchange and hankies for the Elgin veterans. Donations were sent to the U.S.O. canteen at Waukegan. Marie Howe, Rehab chairman, is asking for donations of candy, toilet articles, etc. to be brought for the Elgin veterans an­ nual Chicken Dinner in May. Birthday greetings were extended to Midge Scharf, Lydia Fenner, Betty Lou Smith,. Marge Hartung, Lauretta Homo, Sandy' Schultz and Harriet Larsen. Marie Howe and Marge Datz were winners of the Veterans Craft door prizes. Therese Conway was not present to receive the At­ tendance award. Delegates to the Uth District convention, to be held in McHenry, aire Midge Scharf, Pearl Cooper, Betty Lou Smith, Dottie Messer, Ruth Mrachek, Marie Howe and Lauretta Homo. Refreshment chairman for the meeting was Dorothy M. Miller, with her committee of Barbara Freund, Dolores Steiner, Dorothy Freund, Patricia Coughlin, Elizabeth Rankins, Mari|yn Ehlen, Emma Lieser, -Shirley Smith, Suzanne Homo, Signa Molnaire, Betty Bockman, Rae Ellen Fenner, Cheryl Mowrer, Helen Bacon, Danita Chesler and Mary Ann Schadt. Margaret Datz will be the Refreshment chairman for the next meeting, which will be held Monday, March 17. Present Childbirth Film Area instructors for the American Society For Psychoprophylaxis In Ob­ stetrics, Inc., (ASPO), are happy to present the popular Lamaze film, "Nan's Class" Friday, March 14 at 8 p.m. Expectant couples, their families, friends and in­ terested parties are invited to view the film and ask any questions regarding the Lamaze method of childbirth preparation. The Lamaze method allows the mother and father to fully participate in the birth of their child with dignity and satisfaction. Classes offered by six cer­ tified childbirth educators in the area consist of a though explanation of pregnancy, labor and delivery; in- structioh in relaxation, physical exercises and breathing techniques. The father is trained to coach and supply physical and emotional support. Contrary to common belief, Lamaze is not necessarily painless or unmedicated childbirth. The method provides physical and mental means for dealing with the discomfort of labor contractions. Classes, which are in­ tended for both husband and wife, are held once a week for six consecutive weeks during the latter part of pregnancy. At this time, motivation is strongest and the training is most ef­ f e c t i v e . H o w e v e r , registration is advisable early in pregnancy as class sizes are limited. For further information about the film or classes call Mrs, Tad • M. (Marie) Walters, Crystal Lake, Mrs. Tyrrell (Lila) Keller, Woodstock or Mrs. John E. ( P h y l l i s ) P a s s a r e l l i , McHenry. . There is no admission charge for the film showing which will be held in the cafeteria of Woodstock Memorial hospital, 527 W. South street in. Woodstock. group -meeting, 7:30 p.m.- Oak room Montini Middle schoril. Catholic Daughters of the Americas-meeting, 7:30 p.m.--K. of C. hall-old friends and newcomers -welcome. MARCH 21 'St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM--meeting 7:30 p.m.- k Oak room-Montini Middle school. Johnsburg PTO play- "May the Farce Be With You"-8 p.m.-high school auditorium. MARCH 22 Edgebrook PTO-Fun Fair-lla.m. to 3 p.m.-- Edgebrook school gym­ nasium. "A Second Cup of Coffee"- with Sen. Jack Shaffer-9:30 a.m.-Valley View school. MARCH 23 Johnsburg PTO Play- "May the Farce Be With You"-2 p.m.-high school auditorium. MARCH 24 McHenry Senior Citizens meeting-7:30 p.m.-West campus cafeteria. McHenry Woman's club Board meeting--public library. 10 a.m. MARCH 25 O.E.S. McHenry chapter 547-stated meeting and slides of the Holy Land-8 p.m. Marriage Encounter- community night, 7:45-Mike and Candy Smulski. MARCH 25-26-27 Auditions for play- "Gramercy Ghost"-City hall, 8 p.m. MARCH 27 Valley View Neighborhood meeting -9:30 , a.m.--St. Patrick's hall. MARCH 28 Church Women United- Forum meeting, 9:15 a.m.- Christ the King Catholic ch|irch. Wonder' Lake- Speaker, Sister Denise Callahan. MARCH 28-29 Rummage sale-Ringwood 'church-Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.-Saturday. 9 a.m. to noon. MARCH 29 Newcomers club-Couples' Bowling night-7 p.m.- Palace Bowl. St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM-Cards, 7:30 p.m.- Oak room-Montini Middle school. APRIL 1 Koinonia Study group-10 a.m.-First United Methodist church parlor--Weekly group. Craft club-First United Methodist church-3717 W. Main street-11 a.m. Marcia Mary Ball Circle- 10 to noon-First United Methodist church parlor- hostess, Anne Demke. APRIL 5 McCullom Lake Beach Gals-annual Easter Car­ nival & Little Miss Mc­ Cullom Lake contest-for village residents-lOa.m. to 2 p.m.-egg hunt, 10 a.m. sharp. APRIL 7 McHenry Senior Citizens club Executive meeting-10 a.m -McHenry Public library. APRIL 8 O.E.S. Bristol Chapter 164- -Wisonsin night-8 p.m. APRIL 10 McHenry Senior Citizens club-bus trip to Fort Atkinson, Wis.-dinner and theater-"The King and I"- leave McHenry State bank parking lot, 4:30 p.m. Lakeland Park Women's club meeting--7:30 p.m.- Lakeland Park Community house-1717 N. Sunset avenue-hostesses, Frances Kostka and Zena Thoresen. APRIL 12 Friendship club potluck dinner and meeting-5:30 p.m., Fellowship hall-First United . Methodist church- program, Mary Butler and Mabel Thomas. APRIL 14 McHenry Senior Citizens club-meeting, 7:30. p.m.- West campus cafeteria. Singles Club Holds Dance CYNTHIA R. MALINSKI MAY WEDDING - Mrs. Helen Malinski, of McHenry, announces the engagement of her daughter, Cynthia, to Gary W. Schweder, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Schweder, McHenry. The couple are 1976 graduates of McHenry high school. A late May wedding is planned. STAFF PHOTO - WAYNE GAYLORD Celebrates Ninetieth day Saturday, March 15. Herbert Joseph Simon, of 1404 N. Richmond road, McHenry, was born March 16, 1890, in Johnsburg. He lived in Chicago, where he went to school, married Margaret Weber June 25, 1919, and moved back to McHenry where he has resided for the past 60 years. Nine children were horn to Mr. and Mrs. Simon; Joseph is deceased, Margaret passed away at age 3 and Marie died at birth. Those remaining are Catherine W a y m a n , A r l i n g t o n Heights; Isabell Thompson, McHenry; Lucille Wagner, Edgerton, Wis.; Mary D e b r i c k t , J o h n s b u r g ; Barbara Hansen, McHenry and Margaret Elshoff, Springfield. Mr. Simon was employed during the depression as a setup man in the fitting room at Terra Cotta; he became known and well-liked by many area residents while he was the janitor for St. Mary's church and school for 32 years; and he worked part time at the Millstream laundry until 11 years ago. HERB SIMON He lives alone, -prepares two of his daily meals, plays c a r d s e v e r y w e e k w i t h friends and last summer enjoyed a bit of gardening. Once in awhile, when he runs out of something, he even walks to the store. This active nonagenarian is Herb Simon, who will celebrate his ninetieth birth- Guests Visit Meeting When smilin', showin' Irish eyes are it's time for a The McHenry County Salon no. 83 Eight et Forty met recently at the McHenry Legion home with Peggy M i t c h e l l , D e p a r t m e n t Chapeau and her husband as distinguished guests. Mrs. the green at^Mitchell reminded all "Sunny Side Up , one of tlur partners to be area's singles clubs. Everyone is invited to celebrate St. Patrick's day March 18 at the Cattleman's Burger N' Brew, routes 62 and 25, 3 miles east of Algonquin. Proof of age (between 21 and 45), and references to prove single status will be required at the time of ap­ plication for membership. Doors open at 8:30 p.m. and the fun begins at 9 p.m. "Sunny Side Up" will not be responsible for any leprechauns seen dancing to the music. For further information, call 888-4900. • * * * Most people are ready to spend someone else's money. to be good A m e r i c a n A u x i l i a r y members as well as 8 and 40 partners. A delicious Irish stew dinner and green pistachio pie preceded the meeting. Under the leadership of May Chesak, many Irish songs were sung to the honored guests. The Salon is in good shape and needs only one member to be 100 percent in mem­ bership. Partners were reminded that everyone should donate 25 cents towards the American Legion Child Welfare foundation. This is to be sent for the 25th An­ niversary of the foundation. Mrs. Mitchell is hoping to have 1,800 members from Illinois. The Department Marche of the 8 and 40 will take place July 25, 26 & 27 at the. Sheraton Inn in Springfield. Becky Gabel is Area I Children and Youth chair­ man. Mrs. Mitchell presented La Petit Chapeau Pearl Cooper with a pin "Think Green". She was very proud that all programs are progressing. Forty-five good Salons and good leadership have made it possible. The next meeting will take place in Marengo with a potluck, March 16 at 4 p.m. New Members Invited RECUPERATING AT HOME. LUMEX Horn* Healthcare aids make it easier for you -- beneficial for your patient • Fill Installation A Maintenance * No Cosh In Advance * Wa Mil Medicare for Too MEDICAL EQUIPMENT CO. 1725 • WOOD STRICT ROUND LAKE REACH, ILLINOIS CALL (313) 323-9244 McHENRY - O'HARE LIMOUSINE SERVICE Serving Entire McHenry County Area a*1 »* "Rife ii Contort i« a Lmriois Aitmobile" •DOOR TO DOOR SERVICE •Delivery to O'Hore •Pick-up at O'Hare •Parcel Delivery Available •Service to Other Destinations Available BY RESERVATION ONLY II NOW SCRVKE 7 BAYS A WEEK 344-4466 WAYNE AMORE, Owner Parents Without Partners Chapter No. 189, Crystal Lake, will have it's next N e w c o m e r s m e e t i n g Wednesday, March 19, in Island Lake. All prospective members are invited to learn more about P.W.P. and meet some of the board members. Dessert and coffee will be served and the time of the meeting is 8 p.m. For more information please call 312- 526-5345. To be eligible for mem­ bership in P.W.P. one must be a parent and single by reason of death, divorce, separation, or never married. Custody of the children is not necessary. NOW OPEN F*r Lunch! We're back on our Spring schedule so join us for Lunch every Tuesday thru Friday 11:30-2:30 Our luncheon menu is all new and has been designed for fast service offering a brand new "Soup & Salad Bar"! 3*5-0*99 McHenry 3309 N. Chapel Hill Road CRESCENT BAY LANDING ̂

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