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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Mar 1980, p. 6

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OPEN NOW FOR OUR FAMOUS SERVING - FRIDAYS - 5-10 PM ALSO SERVING: STEAK--WHOLE CATFISH-DEER DATTER SHRIMP AND SANDWICHES CUMLMAN A SAY RD., PtSTAKEE BAY TOUGH AND DEDICATED (A PROSECUTOR OF 18 YEARS) CONCERNED AND FAIR (A FAMILY MAN) Vote for Jock Hoogasian Circuit Court Judge of Lake ond McHenry County and know you have voted for the best man there is to fill this very important position. kVote Republican A MARCH 18th H OOGASIAN Circuit Court JUDGE » *<•«. • I'tMll. ». •» (»< M ••«>» ' 3154199 McHenry MA(piS*r* 3309 N. Chapel Hill Road k CRESCENT BAY LANDING / L i v e E n t e r t a i n m e n t "LAST CHANCE FRIDAY fi,$ATuPDAV 9 30-• PAGE 6 • PLAINDE ALER • FRIDAY. MARCH 14.1980 For Lunch! We're back on our Spring schedule so join us for Lunch ° every Tuesday thru Friday 11:30-2:30 Our luncheon menu is all new and has been designed for fast service offering a brand new "Soup ft Salad Bar"! ' '> m Johnsburg Girls Defeat Hebron 49-34 In Regional High Series - Girls Marlene Krueger 435 Kim Loesch 427 Michele Smith 389 High Series - Boys Mark Peterson 466 Angelo Tirado 462 Pat Ziebel 429 "Foul trouble and bad passing on our part allowed Hebron to stay in the ball game", Harbecke said. "We got some nice help from our bench. Tracy Esposito and Cheri Kofler, who were moved up from the junior varsity squad, came off the bench and gave good per­ formances. So did Brenda Bingman." Ellen £0'Malley led Johnsburg scorers with 14 FINDING A PATH-Lora Jacobs of Johnsburg surprises Laurel Kuhlman of Hebron as she circles her enroute for a score. Jacob hit for eight points in the Skyhawk win over Hebron at the Richmond regional Tuesday night. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD Bruce Harbecke termed as occasional "rugged playing" by his team. By Randy Swikle The Johnsburg Skyhawk girls' basketball £quad defeated the Hebron Green Giants 49-34 Tuesday to advance to the cham­ pionship game of the IHSA Class A Regionals at Rich­ mond Johnsburg was scheduled to play Marian Central at 7:30 p.m. Thur­ sday for the championship. The Skyhawks were never in real trouble in the contest with Hebron. Johnsburg led throughout the ball game, despite what Skyhawk Coach points. Inge Deschida, who fouled out in the fourth quarter, scored 10 points. Lora Jacobs netted eight and Sue Freeland hit seven. "We got a lot of hustle from Freeland and (Sally) Oeffling," Harbecke no tend, "and Jacobs and O'Malley provided a lot of rebounding power." The Skyhawk season record now stands at 15-5. The winner of the Richmond Regional travels to Kirkland Tuesday night to play the winner of the Mt. Morris Regional. Competition Close In County 4-H Horse Bowl Competion was close at the recent McHenry County 4-H Horse Bowl. The Horse Bowl is where 4-H'er exhibit their knowledge of horses by having 2 teams of 4 people each matched against each other to see who can answer the question the fastest. Two divisions are made consisting of a Junior and Senior team. Winners in the Junior Division include - Arden Liotta, Lincoln Cloverleafs 4-H club of McHenry: Matt Guidarelli. Rush Creek Rockets 4-H club of Marengo; Peggy Roessler. Woodstock Wranglers 4-H club of Woodstock. Lisa Blumhorst, Greenwood Gremlins 4-H club of Woodstock and alternate Kathy Branch. Rush Creek Rockets 4-H club of Marengo. Winners of the senior division include - Linda Eddy. Woodstock Wranglers 4-H club of Woodstock; Julene Hahn. The Equestrian 4-H club of Crystal Lake; Laurie Nank, Lincoln Cloverleafs 4-H club of McHenry; Cathy In- dermitte. Rush Creek Rockets 4-H club of Marengo and alternate Lynda Kirk of the Equestrians 4-H club of Marengo. Over twenty 4-H'ers competed in the contest with over 30 parents and friends watching. The winners will compete in the Regional Horse Bowl at DuPage County on March 27. Over 10 counties will compete in the High Game - Girls Marlene Krueger 165 Pam Bradly 164 Kim Loesch 155 High Game - Boys Mark Peterson 189 Angelo Tirado 181 Jesse Tirado, David Ricker 169 Highest games over average: Team No. 1: Debbie Allen (91), 133 and Laura Clewis, (72), 123. Team No. 4: Tammy Baumgarter, (78), 137. Team No. 5: Cecilia Serritella, (90), 125; Marlene Krueger, (111), 134; and Kim Loesch, (98), 155. Team No. 6: Pat Devine, (80), 129; John Divita, (106), 128; and Bob Garrity, (111), 130. Team No. 7: Andy Zinke, (97), 125; Wayne Dixon, (106), 120; Ted Dawdy, (76), 123 and Richard Dobberlin, (66); 114. Team No. 8: Pat Ziebel, (109), 154; Dale Tirado, (98), 172; and Randy Dawdy, (65), 112. Team No. 9: Angelo Tirado, (108), 159 ; Mark Peterson, (109), 158; Jeff B'jorn, (92), 115; and Mark Dunford, (87), 115. Team No. 10: Jesse Tirado, (110), 158; David Ricker, (105), 144; Jeff Grandt, (69), 112. Team No. 11: Brian Peterson, (80), 153 and Mike Flaga, (69), 100. Team No. 12: Wayne Maxson, (107), 142 and Rob Leo, (84), 115. ATTENTION!! April 5, will be the last Saturday of bowling. Trophies and awards will be presented and refreshements served. We would like to see all bowlers in their bowling shirts and parents attend. final elimination before the state finals. The horse bowl is spon­ sored by the University of Illinois Cooperative Ex­ tension Service. The McHenry county 4-H Horse committee organized the contest with Jan Thiede of Woodstock as chairman- of the event. If you are in­ terested in finding out more about what the 4-H Horse program has to offer to young people, call the M c H e n r y C o u n t y Cooperative Extension service at 338-3737 or 4747 and ask for Craig Scheidecker, Assistant Agriculture adviser. Unruly children make their sire stoop. •Shakespeare. Wisdom is not neces­ sarily shown by those who make no mistakes. FOX VALLEY CONFERENCE GIRLS BASKETBALL 1979-80 Name, School Terry Curtright, Dundee Cheri Bacon, * Crystal L.C. Joy Deehring, Cary Grove Ann Stackhouse, Woodstock Sue Hutchinson, McHenry Tammy Babcock, Crystal L.S. Mary Goodwin, * Crystal L.S. Janet Kasha, Crystal L.S. Kelly Becker, Jacobs, Kathy Kowalski, Jacobs, Linda Bo wen, Crown Meri Ziethen, Crown 5'4" * 5'8" * 5'8" * Denotes Selection Unanimous ONE ON ONE-One's foot, that is. Sue Freeland of the Skyhawks is attempting to steal the ball from Sandy Barrie of the Green Giants, but, Sandy appears to be getting revenge as she holds Sue in place by stepping on her foot. The girls of Johnsburg were not held down though, as they won the right to play Marian Central in the finals of the Richmond Regional with their 49-34 victory. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD EARL WALSH1 So I Hear SPORTS EDITOR' hgt. yr. 5'8" sr. 5'10" jr. jr. sr. 5*10" sr. 5'6" sr. 5*8" sr. 5'8" sr. 5'4" sr. 5'8" jr. 5'11" jr. Another St. Patrick's Day is only a Top O' The Mornin' away. Somehow it crept up on me, thinking there was more time to get some thoughts together. Time waits for no man. After so many years, a fellow can get to wondering how many times he has repeated the same old stuff. So, I sez to meself, sez I -- What harm in repeating? A friendly greeting, like the sun coming up in the mor­ ning, never grows old. Thoughts of St. Patrick's Day always go back to my father who came from across the pond. He must have rolled out earlier on his big day than on any other day of the year. Shaking down the ashes in the base-burner coal stove seemed to be done with more vigor. 'Twas the only day of the year that we heard our father sing. "The Hat Me Father Wore" was the song that took top priority. He wore a derby and we won­ dered if that was the hat in the song. Not one to ever break a confidence or talk about others, it took a little urging to get our father to tell about the potato shortage in Ireland and how the English fox hunters rode through the Irish gardens without regard. In the early St. Patrick days in McHenry, some farmers spent a little extra time in town after hauling the milk to Borden's factory (now the site of Tonyan Construction Company for any of you newcomers who may be wondering). Saloon keepers provided sheds in back for the far­ mers to tie up their teams and the horses often got mighty restless. Wives couldn't follow their husbands to the bars. A side door "Family Entrance" was for the ladies. There was much laughter and fun. Now and then a "foight" broke out. There were many Irish Blessing, mostly good. Like - May you be in heaven half an hour before the "divil" knows you're dead. A Gaelic Blessing that never grows old: May the road rise with you And the wind be always at your back And the Lord hold you in the hollow of His hand. There were many songs besides the Wearin' O' The Green. Here's one we remem­ ber :Malachy Hogan rents his place from Gallagher's Estate -- And Grady is collector whom all the neighbors hate --. He went to Hogan's Tuesday night to ask him for the rent --. Treat the boys says Hogan or I'll never pay a cent. Both of them got foightin' and -- on murder they were bent. They hugged each other, slugged each other --and with their breaths they drugged each other. Any kind of foightin' went when Hogan paid the rent. Can't remember if we printed this one before. Anyhow, if we did, you can read it again. It came from the Lyle Turners who also sent us some real old St. Patrick's day cards which we treasure. ST. PATRICK'S BIRTHDAY 'Twas the eighth day of March, so some people say. St. Patrick at midnight, he first saw the day! While other contend 'twas the ninth he was born. An' 'twas all a mistake between midnight and morn. But mistakes will occur in a hurry and shock, And some blamed the baby and some blamed the clock. So that with all the talk there was, no one could know If the child was too fast or the clock was too slow! "Now the first faction fight in owld Ireland, they say. Was all on account of St. Patrick's birthday. Some fought for the eighth, for the ninth more would die ; And who wouldn't see right, why, they blackened his eye. "At last, each faction so positive grew That each kept a birthday, and Patrick had two! Until good Father Mulcahy, who showed them their sins, Said no one could have two birthdays, but twins! Said he: 'Bhoys, don't be fightin' fur eight or fur nine; Don't be always dividin', but sometime combine. Unite eight and nine-- seventeen is the mark. , T-et that be his birthday! 'Amen,' said the dark. "If he wasn't a twin, sure his histhory will show That he's worth at least any two saints that we know.' Then they all 'tuk a dhrop', which completed their bliss; And they keep up the practice from that day to this." Now, to get the green cane and all the trimmings ready. How else would you know I'm an Irishman? May your hearts be light with a song on your lips as you enjoy another St. Patrick's Day. Sue Hutchinson All- Conference Choice In Basketball Sue Hutchinson, senior forward on the McHenry High School girls' basketball team, was selected to the all Conference team at a meeting held Saturday morning in McHenry. Sue led the Warriors in scoring with a total of 389 points this season, averaging just over 16 points per game. She was also one of the team's leading rebounders. For her fine play, Sue was selected as the Chicago Tribune "Prep athlete of the Week". Sue also won tlfcs honor last fall for her tennis ability. Sue was an unanimous choice for the team. On The Sidelines By Dick Babbitt The Warriors season came to an end last Friday night at ijij Woodstock. The taller Belvidere Bucs used their height to $j an advantage, and defeated the Warriors 51 to 49. The Bucs controlled the game, and wouldn't let the ijij Warriors run and gun. At one time the Bucs had a lapse ijij and were caught in a running situation with the Warriors, ijij but the coaching staff quickly took a time out, and they ijij went back to their ball control offense. Regardless of the loss the Warriors had a fine season, ijij Winning 18 games, the fifth highest total in the history of ijij the school has to be an accomplishment As S.I.H. has ijij mentioned so many times, the Warriors did not have the ijij big 6'8" man to roam the middle. The Warriors gave their fans, and there were many this ijij : season, a wild and exiciting season. They were never ijij lacking in support home or away, and at almsot every ijij : game, the Warrior fans outnumbered the home town fans. i;i; : That is a tribute not only to the players and coaches, but to i£ : the loyal McHenry people who back their teams win or ijij : lose. The "Rowdies" although in some cases got carried ijii : away, were a loyal group, throughout the year, and have ijij : to be commended on their fine spirit, and loyalty. Congratulations to Sue Hutchinson on being selected to iiii : the Fox Valley Conference team. She was an unanimous iiii ; choice of the conference coaches, and finished third in the ijij ; scoring race. The McHenry High girls team under Coach Gary Gray ijij ; are in the Crystal Lake South regional this week. On ; Tuesday they played Crystal Lake Central, whom they i£ ; defeated last week 60 to 54. South the conference's winner £ • with a record of 14 and 0 was upset in overtime by §i i Woodstock on Monday. They had defeated Woodstock by ijij j 14 last Thursday, and earlier in the year had defeated the iiii : Streaks by the score* of 70 to 35. It is tough to play a team more than twice during the ijij i season, especially if you have won both games. That third ijii ; game will come back to haunt you almost every time, i Spring must be just around the corner, Dan Boland has ijij : his thinclads working out, and Ken Swanson has his & ji baseball team in the gym daily. More about this next i& :i week. McHenry Police Officer Association Jr. Bowling League Week of March 8,1980 • • • i league standings Team w 1 pins No. 4 51^ 69,707 No. 10 48 Vz 29 Vfe 69,769 No. 1 43% 4iv£ 34 Vi 67,427 No. 9 43% 4iv£ 36% 70,191 No. 3 41 Vfe 36Vfe 69,303 No. 11 37 41 68,893 No. 5 36 Ms 41Vfe 68,465 No. 8 36 42 68,443 No. 6 36 34 42 67t039 67,666 No: 7 36 34 44 67t039 67,666 No. 2 33& 45% 68,488 No. 12 29 49 67,175 TOP DECK 1232 N. Green 385-9836 Fresh Fish Special WALLEYED PIE KD sura | WHITE FISH 'mm MAM (Dolphin Fish) M95 • o dinner Choice of 4 Homemade Soups LUNCIKM specials bahy WE ACCEPT DINERS ClUS SATURDAY NIGHT Print lit i

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