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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Mar 1980, p. 2

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0* PAGE 2-PI. \l\DK VI..KR FRIDAY. MARCH 21.1980 tLi £ 3 (Community / . i . . * DAWN CHEEIE FREY AND WILLIAM ALLEN DOSTAL ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT - Mr. and Mrs. William Frey, Lake in the Hills, announce the engagement of their daughter Dawn Cherie Frey, to William Allen Dostal, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Dostal, McHenry. The bride elect graduated from Irving Crown high school in 1974 and is a graduate of McHenry County Junior college, A.S. Her fiance is a 1974 graduate of McHenry Community high school and received a B.A. degree in 1979 from Northern Illinois university. They plan to be married May 3 at St. Thomas the ApOstle church in Crystal Lake. ALAN R. HILL AND TINA RENEE LICASTRO AUGUST WEDDING - John and Flora Licastro wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Tina Renee Licastro, to Alan R. Hill, son of Mary and Gerald Hill of McHenry. The future bride will complete her education at the University of Illinois, Chicago Circle, and John Marshall Law school. The prospective bridegroom is currently working towards a Bachelor of Business degree at Western Illinois university. An Aug. 2 wedding is planned. STAFF PHOTO - WAYNE GAYLORD Senior Walk-In Center Meals are served Monday through Friday at the McHenry Walk-In center beginning at 11:45 a.m. Reservations must be made by 1:30 p.m. the day before at 385-8260. The menu for the week of March 24 through March 28 is as follows: March 24: Apple pork chops, sweet potatoes, diced rhutabaga. bread, chocolate pudding, milk. March 25: Steak sand­ wiches. tater gems, green beans, cookies and apples, milk. March 26: LYDIA'S SPECIAL - Beef and macaroni casserole, sliced carrots. 3 bean salad, yeast rolls, peaches, milk. March 27: B.B.Q. spare ribs, mashed potatoes, tossed salad, bread, puffey mixed fruit, milk. March 28: Ham patties, tiny buttered potatoes, pineapple and cottage cheese, muffins, cinnamon coffee cake. milk. FISH ENTREES WILL BE A V A I L A B L E . PREFERENCE SHOULD BE MADE THE PRECEDING DAY. zzzi--rjE CHINA LIGHT RESTAURANT and LOUNGE ' (M OPEN DAILY Chinese & American Cuisine Lounge & Carry out AMERICAN EXPRESS VISA C MASTER CHARGE CARDS WELCOME L Monday thru Friday ' Daily Luncheon Special $2.05 Happy Hours 4-7 p.m. of the Lounge Be«r SO* Highball 75* Others 25'OFF FRIDAY NltlfT SEAFOOD SPECIAL Egg Drop Soup M Sweet & Sour Fish or Hong Sue Fish 1224 N. tREIN, McHfNRY (Corn#r ql Green and Rte 120) FOR CARRY OUT OROCRS CALL 344-322# 1 "a: :igr MARCH 21 St'. Margaret Chapter of NAIM-meeting 7:30 p.m.- Oak room-Montini Middle school. Johnsburg PTO play-- "May the Farce Be With You"~8 p.m.-high school auditorium. MARCH 22 Edgebrook PT,0--Fun Fair-lla.m. to 3 p.m.-- Edgebrook school gym­ nasium. "A Second Cup of Coffee"- with Education Committee Representative, Sen. Jack Shaffer-on school finance- 9:30 a.m.-Valley View school. MARCH 23 Johnsburg PTO Play-- "May the Farce Be With You"-2 p.m.-high school auditorium. St. Clara Court No. 659- corporate communion, 8 a.m. Mass-St. Mary's church. MARCH 24 McHenry Senior Citizens meeting--7:30 p.m.-West campus cafeteria. McHenry Woman's club Board meeting-public library, 10 a.m. MARCH 25 O.E.S. McHenry chapter 547-stated meeting and slides of the Holy Land-8 p.m. Marriage Encounter- community night, 7:45-Mike and Candy Smulski. Chain of Lakes-Fox River Commission meeting-1:45 p.m.-Fox Lake village hall. MARCH 25-26-27 Auditions for play- "Gramercy Ghost"-City hall, 8 p.m. MARCH 27 Girl Scouts-Valley View Neighborhood meeting-9:30 a.m.-St. Patrick's hall. St. Clara Court No. 659-- regular business and elec­ tion of officers. MARCH 28 Church Women United- Forum meeting, 9:15 a.m.~ Christ the King Catholic church. Wonder Lake- Speaker, Sister Denise Callahan. MARCH 28-29 Rummage sale-Ringwood church-Friday, 9 a,m. to 5 p.m.--Saturday, 9 a.m. to noon. MARCH 28-29-30 McHenry Chamber of Commerce-Trade Fair- Parkland school-free ad­ mission. MARCH 29 Newcomers club-Couples' B o w l i n g n i g h t - 7 p . m - Palace Bowl. St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM-Cards. 7:30 p.m.-- Oak room-Montini Middle school. Bake sale-McHenry State bank-9 a.m.-sponsors. St. Paul Episcopal women. MARCH 31 U.M.W. Mission Team - executive committee meeting--9 a.m.--First United Methodist church parlor. St. Patrick's Ladies guild- Board meeting, 1 p.m.- McHenry Public library. APRIL 1 j Koinonia Study group-10 a.m.-First United Methodist church parlor--Weekly group Craft club-First United Methodist church-3717 W. Main street-11 a m Marcia Mary Ball circie- Set Alumni Dinner Dance Richmond Burton Com­ munity high school Alumni association officers have selected Saturday, July 12 as the date for the annual dinner darjee. It will be held at Andre's Steak House in Richmond, 111. All ;m4ama0*a<) olitmni aro tliwt VWVVM asked to mark this date on their calendars. Officers of the association are Katherine Turk, president; James Shannon, vice president and Phyllis Vogel, secretary-treasurer. 10 to noon-First United Methodist church parlor- hostess, Anne Demke. Ruth Circle "April Fool's Day" circle meeting~9:30 a.m., at home of Mae Stinespring-3329 Baby View lane. APRIL 2 McHenry Grandmothers club-luncheon at Busy Bee restaurant, 11:30 a.m.-- meeting at K. of C. hall, 1 p.m.-call C. Jansen for reservations. APRIL 5 McCullom Lake Beach Gals-annual Easter Car­ nival & Little Miss Mc­ Cullom Lake contest-for village residents-10 a.m. to 2 p.m.-egg hunt, 10 a.m. sharp. APRIL 7 McHenry Senior Citizens club Executive meeting-10 a.m.--McHenry Public library. St. Patrick's Ladies guild meeting-! p.m., church hall- -slide presentation on Alaska-by William Lahs. APRIL 8 O.E.S. Bristol Chapter 164- -Wisonsin night~8 p.m. APRIL 10 McHenry Senior Citizens club-bus trip to Fort Atkinson, Wis.--dinner and theater-"The King and I"~ leave McHenry State bank parking lot, 4:30 p.m. Lakeland Park Women's club meeting--7:30 p.m. - Lakeland Park Community house-1717 N. Sunset avenue-hostesses, Frances Kostka and Zena Thoresen. U.M.W. Spring Rummage sale-First United Methodist church--8a.m. to 5 p.nT--5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Priscilla Circle meeting- 9:30a.m. to 11:30a.m.-First United Methodist chureh parlor. APRIL 11 United Methodist Women Spring Rummage sale-First United Methodist church-8 am. to 6 p.m. APRIL 12 Friendship club potluck dinner and meeting-5:30 p.m., Fellowship hall-First United Methodist church- program, Mary Butler and Mabel Thomas. United Methodist Women Spring Rummage sale-First United Methodist church-8 a.m. to noon. APRIL 13 • St. Clara Court No. 659- host court--26th annual Conference of the Rockford Diocesan assn. APRIL 14 McHenry Senior Citizens club-meeting, 7:30 p.m.~ West campus cafeteria. APRIL 15 McHenry high school musical-"Oklahoma"-West campus auditorium. 8 p.m.- senior citizen performance. APRIL 16 McHenry Grandmothers club-annual Spring Card Party at St. Patrick's church hall-dessert-luncheon, 12:30 p.m. APRIL 17 United Methodist Women- general meeting, noon- potluck, Fellowship hall - Ruth Circle hostesses.. CLUB SUPPORTS HIGH SCHOOL PROM -. McHenry Warrior Booster club president, Joe D'Angelo recently presented the McHenry East and West Junior classes with a check for $2,000 for their Prom fund. The money was raised by the members of the club through sales of concessions at the Warrior football and basketball events this year. Pictured left to right, are Mary Lou Redmond, vice president, West; Lori Knaack, president. West; Beth Fox, president, East; Judy Snyder, vice president, East and Ms. Hitchcock, prom sponsor. East. Not pictured is Ms. Ldsch, prom sponsor, W6St STAFF PHOTO - WAYNE GAYLORD PTO Sponsors Finance Talk The public is invited to have "A Second Cup of Coffee" with Senator Jack Schaffer,. March 22 at Valley View Elementary school, Rt. 120, McHenry, This will afford an opportunity to hear firsthand from Education Committee representative, Shaffer, what legislation is actually being considered in Springfield regarding school finance and how this legislation' directly effects local schools. Sen. Schaffer's presen­ tation will be at 9:30 a.m.,, in the school cafeteria, and he will tell parents what can be done to make education a number one consideration in the Senate again. The Valley View PTO extends a warm welcome to all concerned parents of McHenry county. APRIL 17-18 Rummage sale--Zion Lutheran church-Thursday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.-Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. APRIL 17-18-19 McHenry high school musical-' 'Oklahoma"-West campus auditorium, 8 p.m. : APRIL 20 McHenry high school musical--"Oklahoma "-West campus auditorium, 2 p.m. APRIL 23 U.M.W. Tea and Book Review -- First United Methodist church, 1 p.m.~ for building fund. Lakeland Park Women's club-Annual Spring Lun­ cheon and Card Party-St. Patrick's church hall- serving begins 11:30 a.m. APRIL 24 St. Clara Court No. 659- installation of officers - potluck-6 p.m.-Mary hall. APRIL 26 Valley View Fun Fair-11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Easter Bunny Will Visit Pictured above from left to right, are Edward Young, Kelly John and Megan Kucik, children of Town and Country Newcomers club Board members. Mr. Bunny appears to be telling the youngsters aU about his upcoming visit with them and children of other club members. STAFF PHOTO - WAYNE GAYLORD The child is father of the man; And 1 could wish my days to be Bound to each by natural piety. -Wordsworth. The Town and Country Newcomers club is planning a "Visit with the Easter Bunny " party for children of club members Saturday, March 22,10:30 a .m. at Faith Presbyterian church on Lincoln road. Refreshments will be provided for a nominal fee, and there will be games and treats for the children. A service and social group, the Newcomers club seeks to acquaint residents of the area with the many resources available in McHenry. while undertaking fund-raising events, in­ cluding the Cutest Baby contest during Fiesta day, for the benefit of the com­ munity. Membership information may be obtained from Mrs. Joseph John, Stilling boulevard. McHenry. Grandma FRIDAY FISH FRY Beer Batter Perch *3.95 Includes Salad, Dessert & is served with Potato Pancakes Spring '11 be here afore ye know it, an' we'll all perk up an' get ready f'r th' lovely season. No matter how gentle th' winter, there's a certain slowjn' down, an' like th' hibematin' bears, we ha' t' shake off th' doldrums, an' enjoy nature's gifts as they b'gin t' put in appearance. F'r those who ran away, t' th' southlands, an' elsewhere, o'er th' winter : 2 1 7 N . F R O N T S T months, it'll be good t' get back t' th' ol' homestead, an' put things in order again. This granny hopes t' have a little spot o' garden, an' me mouth waters, thinkin about th' red tomatoes an' fresh cucs. It hain't easy t' accept this thing, o' growin' older, wi' all th' aches an' pains, an' warnin's t' not do too much. This mind o' ours doesn't want t' slow down. Me ROBERT GLICK Podiatrist -- Foot Specialist thinks, someday, someone '11 come UD wi' somthin' t' compare wi' th' fountain o' youth, that mankind has been a seekin' f'r ages. There's so many things t' . be grateful f'r an' takin' 'em all f'r granted, seems t' ha' been th' pattern f'r too long. W' peaceful existence threatened, it's time f'r a reckon in', me thinks, as good times may be fleetin'. No one can know what th' immediate future holds an', it jist might be good t' be prepared. Folks think livin' hain't easy, these days, but thev don't know how thin&s have been, in years past. There's more t' have, these days, an' more t' get it wi' than th' world has "e'er known. Folks have more, an' don't realize it. Young children live in luxury, compared t' times past, an' b'come ac­ customed t' things they d'sire. So th' trend goes, an' they don't know how much they have, good clothes, food an' goodies we ne'er had so much of, only a few years ago. Me wonders how folks d adjust wi' a depression like we elders lived through. As me pen wanders o'er th' page, a prayer comes t' mind, that th' world '11 settle down t' resolvin' differences, an' th' new Springtime '11 herald peace an' love, w' God's blessin's o' bounty. Grandma Radtke England's Richard I, called the Lion-Hearted, was both a p o e t a n d a s i n g e r . McHenry Office 4305 W. Elm Street (Rte. 120-Across the Street from Hornsby's) (815) 344-3900 ONE'STOP «I»iiii jiSSa AIRLINE •ml AMTRAK TICKETS WMtTwWaH Amm*3 Ckain-O-Lokts TRAVEL SERVICE 3405 W. Elm St. McHonry tflinois 60050 Wartomgo Cof*bb«an c«u»*e^. A tl >p to £ or ope M#» ito Howoi-^ You con COmpOf# them oil und#f orx «oa* o' ow* oW*ce • We of • 09•»•>»«, for ttcofmtiip o.rt.rtet hotels t>ght*e«mg Compomet ttwouqhout the world Travel IMI 750t Ar*aCod« 815 I

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