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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Mar 1980, p. 6

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PAGE 6 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY. MARCH 21,I «8§ SPORTS OLYMPIC GAMES * * MCHS SWIMMERS HONORED-Coach Mike Shanahan (left) presented awards to Wade Cepulis, (center) honoring him as the Most Improved swimmer. At right, Mark Petty displays the Most Valuable award. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD Swanson Crew Preparing i ___ [For Baseball Opener | Baseball Coach Ken j Swanson has his Warriors ! working out daily in Buckner !gym preparing for the opener in less than two weeks. The "Warriors and Crystal Lake Central will take on Libertyville and Zion Benton in a dual doubleheader on Saturday, March 29. weather per- imitting. Four lettermen are returning to the Warriors this season. Jim Frantz, a infielder Joe Bellich, a pitcher. These two were all FVC last season. Ken Hoff, a catcher, and Stu Howerton, a pitcher, are the other two lettermen returning this season. Sixteen others are on the squad at the present and they are: Rich Adams, Joe Bauml. Bob Bryniarski, John Costigan, John Doessel, Bob Greve, Rob Kalck, Tim Klapperich, Kevin Lavin. Jeff McNish, Bob Zeller, Paul Knapik, Barry Anderson, Dave Colberg, Len Jensen and Jim Johnson. In talking with Coach Swanson, he said, "if the boys work hard, we could have a good ball club", and went on to say, "Crystal Lake South is the team to beat in the FVC this season. The Warriors have a twenty-two game schedule this season. At 10 a m next Sunday, Mar 23 the C O F. state basketball tournament will swing into action at West Campus to determine the champions in the various divisions Results listed below will show you that some of the games last Sundays were spirited and close right down to the final whistle Strangely. McHenry will have a team in each of the six divisions for the championship next Sunday. To liven up the day, there will be organ music and the whoop-de-do of a Dixieland Band After the last bounce of the ball for 1980, coveted trophies will be awarded. CHAMPIONSHIP Games 10:00 A.m. - Ranger Division: Johnsburg vs. McHenry. 11:00 A.m. - Senior Division: McHenry vs Aurora 12:00 AM Junior Division, 6th Grade: McHenry vs. Johnsburg. 1:00 P.M. - Junior f ivision. 8th Grade: St Gregory vs. McHenry. 2:00 P.M. - 30 years & Over Division: McHenry vs Johnsburg. 3.00 P M. Heavies Division (any age): McHenry No. McHenry No. 2. Sunday, March 16 Results 8th Grade Division: McHenry No. 2, 40 - St. Gregory No. 1, 23. St. Gregory No.2, 38 - Johnsburg, 23. McHenry No. 1, 37 - McHenry No. 2, 19. Ranger Division: Johnsburg, 54 - McHenry No. 2, 48 McHenry, No. 1, 49 - St. Gregory. No. 2. 27. St. Gregory, No. 1, 47 - Johnsburg, 54 Senior Division: McHenry No. 3, 54 - St. Gregory No. 1, 42. Johnsburg, 61 - McHenry No. 2, 22. Aurora, 54 - McHenry No. 4. 27. McHenry, No. 3, 40 - Johnsburg. 39. Aurora, 44 - McHenry No. 3, 43. Heavies Division: McHenry No.2, 62 - Aurora, 49. McHenry No. 1, 59 - St. Gregory No. 1, 42. McHenry No. 1, 59 Johnsburg No. 1, 57. Marquette Coach To Speak At County Banquet Here By Dick Rabbitt Hank Raymonds, coach of the Marquette Warriors will be the principal speaker at the annual McHenry County Basketball banquet on April 7 at West Campus The sponsored by the McHenry County newspapers, and is fast becoming a popular event HARD OF HEARING? This tiny Hearing Aid fits in the ear Zenetron's tiny, compact new instrument is a step forward that can give you the comfort, appearance and reliable hearing help you need. And ask about Zenetron s Consumer Protection Plan. Wednesday 10 to 5 pm McHvnry Hearing Rid Ctnfctp SALES AND REPAIRS ALL MAKES-LOW PRICES 25 YIAKS IXFtRliMCI ALL IN-THE-EAR MODELS with players, coaches and school officials. Raymonds succeeded the popular A1 McGuire three years ago, and has led the Warriors to a 64 and 20 record in his three seasons He was assistant coach at Marquette for 15 years before becoming the head coach. This season Marquette qualified for the N.C.C.A. tourney for the 13th straight time. Raymonds a native of St Louis. Mo. and attended St. Louis University. Players and coaches of the 13 county schools will be honored at the banquet Definition Stalemate: A I ushand who keeps te l l ing the same jokes. -Tribune, ( hicago. . . By Pete Fritchie WASHINGTON, D. C. -- Sports fans appreciate, gen­ erally speaking, the fact that American athletes have been training hard, for years, to compete in the 1980: Olym­ pics. That's why an alternate international games is a must', and should already be in the planning stage. American and other athletes should not feei badly about competing in an inter­ national games somewhere other than in Moscow. In fact, if about fifty or sixty nations attend this meet- which seems likely--free world athletes will win more medals.And medals com­ parable to traditional Olym­ pic medals should be awarded. Communist countries run their sports program almost as a state enterprise anyhow and, in some ways, free world countries are handi­ capped as a result, with their amateurs. It was almost a foregone conclusion that Russia would have rather easily won the greatest number of medals and points in Moscow this summer. They have, even outside their own country, in recent Olympics. President Carter is right when he says military ag­ gression against another free country is not merely a mat­ ter of politics, to be kept separate from sports. It's a far more serious question. If the free world boycotts the Moscow Olympics, that re­ buff would probably impact on Soviet public opinion more than any other single non-violent protest Washing­ ton can make. In one year, hens in Ameri­ ca lay enough eggs to en­ circle the globe 100 times. Award Winners WRESTLING AWARD WINNERS--from left, Coach Sobczak, Ed Hughes, senior, Most Valuable Varsity Wrestler, school record most falls (16), champion at Harvard and conference tournaments; Brian Wrona, junior, Most Valuable Junior, school record for first period takedowns (31); Pat Haderly, junior Most Improved Junior, 3rd Major Award; Kevin Hollian, Most Improved Sophomore. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD By Lynne Sobczak At the annual Wrestling Awards banquet last Wednesday night, a tableful of trophies, plaques, letters and pins were handed out to this season's hard working wrestlers and their sup­ porters. Plaques were awarded to the most valuable wrestler from each class as voted on by his teammates. Receiving their awards were: Most Valuable Senior, Ed Hughes; Most Valuable Junior, Brian Wrona; Most Valuable Sophomore, Scott Schmidt; and Most Valuable Freshman, John Clewis. Pat Haderly was awarded the annual Pender Award which goes to the Most Improved Junior. Voted Most Improved Sophomore was Kevin Hollian, while Mitch Ketchum received the Most Improved Freshman award. Receiving medals and having their names added to the 100 Point Club Trophy for earning over 100 points during this season were: Bruce Brda, Vic Betancourt, Mark Betancourt. Pat Haderly, Ed Hughes, Dave Ramer, and Brian Wrona. Minor "M"s were presented to Tom Burrows, Dan Clark, John Gewis, Mike Connors, Armando Gomez, Kevin Hollian, Eric Karpinski, Mitch Ketchum, Tom Kucek, Joe Mullen, Butch Sanchez, Scott Sch­ midt and Steve Woo. Numerals were earned by Vern Keefer. John Keevil, Mike Love, Todd Rehburg and Mike Zasadny. The annual "Friend of Wrestling" award was given to Mr. and Mrs. Russ Haderly for their support a n d e n c o u r a g e m e n t throughout the season. Gifts of appreciation were given to all members of the wrestling cheerleading s q u a d s : V a r s i t y cheerleaders were Lisa Adams, Shari Blankenhorn and Karen Strohman. Sophomore cheerleaders were Kathy Costigan, Cindy Gunderson, Kerry Miller, Rhonda Sweetwood and Colette Wipper. Maureen Carow, Kristie Howard, Lucy Lawler, Anna Ruzicka and Chris Wenks were the Freshperson cheerleaders. Recognized for their valuable service to Warrior Wrestling this season were mat workers Valeria Boeldt, Julie Dowe, Kim Hughes and Terri Nuss. Special recognition was also given to team manager Kurt Rehburg; trainer, Earl C o o p e r ; F r e s h m a n cheerleading sponsor, Betty H e n d r i x ; S o p h o m o r e cheerleading sponsor, Kitty R e i m a n n ; V a r s i t y cheerleading sponsor, Jean Natoli; and Athletic Director, Bill Blankenhorn. Of course the season would not have been possible without the three wrestling coaches: Bob Ludwigsen, Freshmen; Brian Wilson, Junior Varsity and Marty Sobczak, Varsity. EARL WALSH" So I Hear PORTS EDITOR. Forester Championship Title Games Next Sunday POST ST. PATRICK'S DAY THOUGHTS: The cards were beautiful.- Some real humorous. Girls in the Plaindelaer news room were bedecked in green. Bossman Larry Lund wore a complete green ensemble- - even green socks. Tom Murphy wasn't to be outdone by anybody. He wore green underwear. 'Twas heart warming to have the Blaneys come to our door, bringing not only glad tidings, but some beautiful green. Petie Schaefer phoned to report seeing an Irish robin - - green eyes. Told him to look closely the morning after to see if the eyes were red. Friends like Larry Huck are the kind we would like to have come a-knockin' at our door more often. All day I kept thinking of the late and great friend "Red" Winkel who used to bring the green brew. Our phone was busy most of the day -- and I loved every ring. Tradition guided us down to O'Bimbo's at night where everybody was a friend to all. All Irish songs on the juke box. A high spot of the evening was meeting the John Coughlins and Grandma Lucille Geraty. We speak the same language. 'Twas good to see Dick Hester and family. Dick had a recent stay in the hospital, but didn't lose his winning smile. John Rogers had left, but didn't forget to leave a green hat and fancy green garters for me. My legs aren't attractive so will use the garters for sleeve bands. Haven't had any since Grandma Nettie Weber gave me a pair. Twas a great day for the Irish and those who wanted to be. T h i s p e r i o d o f M a r c h Madness has basketball coming out of our ears. Seems there were never so many good teams in college and high school. ,•* Radar shooting is the rule rather than "the exception. Swish! The ally-oop pass gives me a thrill. Dunking seems to take the fancy of the crowds. Not me. It is like shooting fish in a barrel. No definite news on the threatened baseball strike. Hate to think they can't settle the issues. Fairness on both sides would be the answer. As much as I look forward to opening of the baseball season, it isn't a matter of life and death like a walk-out by firemen or policemen. It is now past midnight as I hung in there to hear all the election results. The big interest in Chicago was the race for States Attorney. Mayor Byrne, backing Alderman Burke, should have known better than to take on the Daleys. Now comes a commercial break. One young mother is telling another young mother that she is using the wrong diapers on her baby. That's enough. I'm going to bed. Not Bad It wouldn't be a bad idea at that to put the designers of the bathing suits in charge of cutting governmental budgets. -Herald, Miami. Financial Note Have you noticed how much easier it is now to get change for a S10 bill? If there is any change. -Christian Sci. Monitor. The Johnsburg Junior high eighth grade girls' basketball team recently completed their season with a record of 13 wins and 2 losses. The girls won the Fox Valley Ten Conference while compiling a 7-2 record. They also captured the conference's post season tournament, defeating North of Crystl Lake, Olsen of Woodstock, and Parkland of McHenry. To complete a most successful year, the team then swept through the Gavin Invitational Tournament with victories over Highland of Libertyville, Lake Zurich and Gavin. At their awards banquet the team voted Janette Ready, Most Improved player; Kim Pieper, Honorary Captain; and Theresa Hauck, Most Valuable player. From left, in front row are Kim Pieper, Kathy Hartjes, Dawn Lameka, Gall WroMewski and Janette Ready. In second row are Theresa Hauck, Sarah Knight, Trina Marunde, manager, Kathy Wester, scorekeeper and Missy Cristy. In back are Kathy Butler, Gail Jakubicek, Michelle Swartzloff, Kelly Hart and Coach Wayne Hiller. - STAFF PHOTO-TONY OLIVER Special Olympic Swim Meet Held Under the sponsorship of the Northern Illinois Special Recreation association the youth and adults of McHenry county participated in the northeastern Illinois Special Olympic *. Area Swim meet Wednesday, March 12. The Swim meet was held at Waubonsee Valley high school in Naperville. Gold medals are awarded for first place winners, silver medals to second place and bronze to third place. The first place medal winners in the- area com­ petition are now eligible to participate in the 1980 summer state games. The Special Olympics program includes many sports such as basketball, bowling, track and field, soccer and tennis. BATTK1Y SAU V, PRICE Robert Steaslaad ft Associates 3937 Main Street-McHenry, Illinois S15-3S5-7661 Robert Decker, M.A.-Staff Audiologist OPENING MARCH 19th OUR ALL NEW LUNCHEON MENU feoturing Our Soup 6 Solad Dor Roils (J Butter We ore Open Wed.-Sun. for Lunch 6 Dinner •AfTY IT Dfoh6»»f 35' CocfccoiH 60* nm Hon <j Mwrt$ CHAPEL HILL Golf Club 2500 Chop*! Hill Rood 3t5-0333 American Legion Post 491 - RINGW00D ROAD. McHENRY - OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY 15:00 - 9:00 P.M.) •PERCH--ALL YOU CAN EAT *0THER MENU AVAILABLE SAT. NIGHT BUSTED FLAT COCKTAIL HOUR MON -TUfcS -WED -THURS -FRIDAY 3:30 lo 6:00 Cu! Prices Winners from the NISRA Special Olympic team in­ clude: Ray Lustig, 25 yard but­ terfly, 1st place and diving, 1st place. Wendy Mauer, 25 yard freestyle, 2nd place and 25 yard backstroke, 2nd place. Scott Zimmerman, 25 yard freestyle, 6th place. Jim Ryan, 25 yard freestyle, 4th place. Bob Washnock, 25 yard freestyle, 5th place and 50 yard freestyle, 4th place. Kurt Kamfiolz, 25 yard freestyle, 1st place. Don Manke, 25 yard freestyle, 3rd place and 25 yard backstroke, 5th place. Gregg Howell, 25 yard freestyle, 6th place and 50 yard freestyle, 5th place. Steve McCluggage, 25 yard freestyle, 1st place and 50 yard freestyle, 2nd place. Jim Schaefer, 50 yard freestyle, 1st place and 25 yard freestyle, 4th place. Glenn Waihmann, 50 yard freestyle, 1st place and 25 yard freestyle, 3rd place. Shawn Russell, 50 yard freestyle, 4th place Rodney Anderson, 50 yard freestyle, 7th place and 25 yard freestyle, 1st place. Harry Sikora, 25 yard freestyle, 2nd place and 50 yard freestyle, 2nd place. Joe Render, 25 yard freestyle, 2nd place. Sharon Duggan, 50 yard freestyle, 3rd place. Virginia Martin, 50 yard freestyle, 1st place. The NISRA team also had three relay teams with two winning silver medals and one winning a bronze. ONE MlWnt SP0ITS QUIZ 1. How many times did Sandy Koufax win the Cy Young award? 2. What year did Jesse Owens win his Olympic gold medals? 3. Who won the Hawaiian Open golf tournament? 4. What sport was Johnny Weissmuller known? 5. What records did he hold? Aisvtrs To Sptrts Oiii 1. Three times. 2. He won 4 in 1936. 3. Andy Bean. 4. Swimming. 5. He won S2 national championships. 5 Olympic gokl medals and set 67 world records. pAUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION | SPECIALISTS 1 McHENRY TRANSMISSIONS IZXSX* 344-37801

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