-..you II ^ come back for the price! . GRIMO U.S.D.A. GRADE "A" FRESH Whole Fryers BONUS SPECIAL! XWEUi Maxwell House MOOSE! Coffee WITH THIS I MOM MJIMJB COUPON hy ^9/17 jr 2 LB. CAN GOVT. INSPECTED - PORK LOIN Vine Ripened Tomatoes Variety Pork Chops PKG. INCLUDES • 2 BLADE • 2 SIRLOIN • 6 RIB LOIN CHOPS Save with Budget Buy values like these! WAnd Generic and other discount groceries! PAGE 15 - PLAINDE ALER - WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23. lfM brand groceries, frozen foods and household goods. BUDGET COUPONS -- this week, find 70 of them, right on our shelves. 4 COME SEE FOR YOURSELF! Jewel has all these grocery savings plus all the shops and services that make your Jewel a Jewel... fresh meat, fruits and vegeta bles, dairy and deli favorites and bake shop treats. Low cost groceries and more! It's like having a store within a store -- at Jewel! STORE HOURS: M-F 8-9, SAT. 8-8, SUN. 9-6 V When you shop Jewel you'll find hundreds of these bright red signs on our grocery shelves. They' re your guide I •QjnflSHElj to hundreds and hundreds of low price groceries like: I j / I ' BONUS SPECIALS . . . weekly features at extra j: special savings. V GENERICS AND OTHER DISCOUNT PRICES GOOD THURS., APRIL 24 GROCERIES . over300 to choose from, all at rock THRU WED., APRIL 30,1980. bottorn Prices BUDGET BUYS . . . temporarily reduced name -, 3718 W. ELM ST., McHENRY Come to Jewel for the quality, you'll come back for the price! $£00 CASH VALUE ' u™i urctuunmhkcustomer CHOC.J GOOD THRU WED., ^ i .< " APRIL 30, 1980 Save $100 ON A 2 LB. CAN OF REGULAR, ELECTRIC PERK OR AUTOMATIC DRIP Maxwell House Coffee WITH THIS COUPON V1PPP|SALE PRICE WITHOUT COUPON *5.99SV|.. s-j EXsIZlsU REGULAR PRICE >7.29 ^ISiViSl| PLUS APPLICABLE STATE AND LOCAL TAXES HALF GALLON CTN. -- REG. 99C-*1.02 HILLFARM _ V-2 or Skim Milk CORN KING -- 1 LB. PKG. Sliced Bacon or Franks GOVT. INSPECTED -- PORK LOIN Center Cut Rib Romaine Lettuce 28M -- WITH HUNDREDS OF LOW COST GROCERIES LIKE THESE. You'll never need to shop a separate discount grocery store again! 64 OZ. BTLS. -- REG. PRICE *1.74 KRAFT ORANGE OR Grapefruit Juice 1 1 LB. PKG. -- REG. PRICE 84C QUARTERED PV AR Imperial Margarine 74 2 LITER NO./RET. BTLS. -- REG. PRICE *1.39 CRUSH, OR REG. OR DET C«fl2Q 7-Up, or Dr Pepper 1 EA 7.5 OZ. PKG. -- REG. PRICE 99C REGULAR OR NACHO CHEESE A AC Frito Lay Tostitos cJ9 32 OZ. BTL -- REG. PRICE *1.69 Ajax Dish Liquid 1 14 OZ. BOX -- REG. PRICE *1.01 MACARONI & CHEESE OCTC Kraft Dinner Deluxe 99 38 OZ. BTL. -- REG. PRICE *2.23 MQQ Crisco Oil 16 OZ. BOX -- REG. PRICE 79C « LISCI OR RIGATI CTAC Prince Mostaccioli 5>9 15.5 OZ. JAR -- REG. PRICE 79* -- MEATLESS, WITH MUSHROOMS OR WITH MEAT P»AC Prince Spaghetti Sauce 5" 16 OZ. BAG -- REG. PRICE 87C -- KLUSKI, GOULASH, BABY EGG LASAGNA, FINE, MEDIUM OR EXTRA BROAD T/fl C Mrs. Grass Noodles #4 12-17 OZ CAN -- REG. PRICE 45C WHOLE KERNEL CORN IN BRINE, GOLDEN CREAM CORN OR NIBLETS A AC Green Giant Com %S9 29 OZ. -- GENERIC Q CT C Bartlett Pear Halves 0%> 10.75 OZ. -- GENERIC A A r Tomato Soup 32 OZ. -- GENERIC apAr Long Grain Rice 59 26 OZ. -- FRANCO-AMERICAN jm a*» Spaghettios 49 15.75 OZ. -- BEEF OR LIVER ^ *7 C Generic Dog Food R £ 14.5 OZ. -- CHUNK BEEF A A C Alpo Dog Food 50 CT. AT- c Solo Styro Cups 45 85 SQ. FT. -- GENERIC ifl A C Paper Towels 4iS 14 OZ. -- BEAUTI-FI LEMON HAr Furniture Polish #9 128 OZ. -- GENERIC Ef AC Bleach 59 100 CT. -- GENERIC A Aspirin 29 60 CT. -- BAND-AID BRAND Ac Adhesive Bandages a 9 2 LB. -- GENERIC J Coffee 17 OZ. -- GENERIC Kidney Beans 16 OZ. -- KELLOGG'S All Bran 42 OZ. -- FLAIR PRE-CREAMED Shortening 26 OZ. -- GENERIC Iodized Salt 46 OZ. -- GENERIC Tomato Juice 16 OZ. -- CHERRY VALLEY Stewed Tomatoes 18 OZ. -- GENERIC CREAMY Peanut Butter - 8 OZ. -- SUN STAR Italian Dressing ! 9% OZ. -- PATES Variety Snack Pack 16 OZ. -- SUNSHINE Hi Ho Crackers < 3 OZ. -- LIME. ORANGE, STRAWBERRY Generic Gelatin 16 OZ. -- CHOCOLATE Hershey's Syrup y +DEP. TISCI ~01L PRICES EFFECTIVE. UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED^ ATALL ̂ ^LSJORES IN ILLINOIS COUNTIES COOK. LAKE DU PAGE AND MC HENRY FRESH MEAT AVAILABLE WHENEVER YOUR JEWEL IS OPEN