J-AUEII. PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY. APRIL », 1M - a*v* * / $ - 1 > trt*« *** V9 & aft° 41*"'" t «& , » ° te» .̂VS.,'5 *&w Os ^o ,̂ e ** ' otv ~ ̂ ; a ̂*eS :teS«i"e®\# ce^e®*® l^et V*e *?, ̂ vft t*V* °t̂ W6 ^e*t • ^ t*e n°> • *£ *e °s^ * a^i\ » >*>' C* . ̂ e V8' V , * ̂ o \& A "t̂ e t»^e fe ̂ clO^*6 •* °c" Sgr*: n r̂> • * ^° vV° ̂,t^ . eet .*«•£*» eî o>. Tŝ V** deot̂ T^ Tfc° c o > -*,> *r vtv ̂ v+•:«o .̂Atv® ®° 0t » „«ss *** ,VO^^rco<o^VO-- . , »C ̂ \fl>> Oo\ . to %V-°* '̂ u •? fc A ftO C^V AS to ̂ -vje ̂ lO* .** -%n <V0-o^i&e* V*e #> \fc el \ \> 'v V -• McHenry State Bank McHenry, Illinois Conds wd Statement ol Condition as of Mtfth >1, IWQ RfSOURCES March 31.1979 March 31,1990 Cash and duo from banks 9,516,000 t,243,000 U.S. GovernmentSecurities 11,486,000 .. 11,339,000 Other tends S Securities 24,350,000 24,371,000 Loans 3 Discounts. 72.891,000 76,974,000 Banking House and Fixtures... 2,326.000 2,493,000 Other Resources 1.113.000 1,333,000 TOTAL RfSOURCfS. LIABILITIES ̂ «*-! fin ,|. WVpHVI 9lvCK. .121,682,000 f. 127,737,C 1,600,000 i tm ooo 3,900,000 3.90o!ooo Undivided Profits. 2.731.000 3,727,000 Reserve Accounts 808,000 1,133,330 Demend Deposits 24.285,000 22,333.333 Time Deposits 84,608,000...... 91,270.300 other UeMNNes. 3750 000 3,477,003 TOTAL UABNJTIES 121.682.000 «... 127,797,4 FDK t