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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Apr 1980, p. 2

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PAGE 2 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY. APRIL 25,1980 tLl I Community Calendar y Elects New Officers BRIAN LUND AND CINDY MILLER SEPTEMBER WEDDING - An announcement is made of the engagement of Cindy Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merlyn Miller, Juda, Wis., and Brian Lund. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lund of McHenry. The bride elect graduated from Juda high school and the prospective bridegroom is a 1976 graduate of McHenry Community high school. Both are employed in Monroe, Wis. A Sept. 27 wedding date has been set. JULIE GOOK AND STEVE WALSH ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT - Mrs. Maynard De Vos of McHenry and Mr. Gerald Gook of Ottawa, announce the engagement of their daughter,'Julie Ann, to Steve Walsh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Walsh of Serena, 111. The future bride is a graduate of Ottawa high school and is presently attending Illinois Valley Community college. Her fiance is a graduate of Serena high school and Joliet Junior college. A May 24 wedding is planned. Mothers Are People, Too A coffee and talk-session on Mothering, sponsored by McHenry County La maze Parents, is being held Monday. April 28. at Faith Presbyterian church. 2107 W Lincoln road, at 10 a.m. The coffee is open to any mother in the McHenry area who has had a baby in the last 6 months. The purpose of this discussion is to help mothers realize that the problems, adjustments and emotions they experience postpartum are normal and shared by many others. M 1 M A LaLeche League leader will be available for any questions on breastfeeding. Babysitting is available at a nominal fee per child and all mothers are welcome. Anyone having questions can call 385-6912. * William Douglas served on the Supreme Court for 36 years --longer than any other justice irf history. =W= We Are Now Taking Accounts For This Season! •Lawnmowing •Fertilizing •Power Raking •Bush Trimming •Leaf Cleanup •Light Landscaping RESIDENTIAL-COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL Dean Smith LAWN CARE & LANDSCAPING 3713 MAPLE AVE. McHENRY, IL 60050 2 inters For Service •FULLY INSURED • RELIABLE SI 5-385-4847 mS15-385-7434 FREE ESTIMATES! Women Of The Moose The recent chapter meeting opened with twenty- one co-workers present. Bonnie Taylor and Evelyn Landaric were enrolled as new members of the McHenry Women of the Moose. Catherine Edstrom received the attendance award and Monique Kopp was the recipient of the Special award. Delicious refreshments were served by Star Recorder chairman, Ila Hogan and her committee. Twenty-four co-workers were present at the business meeting and the attendance award would have been awarded to Ferol Moeller if she had been present. The Special award went to Doris Low and Janet Siemien. Star Recorder chairman, Ila Hogan and her com­ mittee served delicious cakes and ice cream. The Academy of Friend­ ship session will be at Bloomington May 4 and two co-workers are eligible for the academy; Lilyann Baker and Pat Knapik. The nominating com­ mittee will give their report at the May 6 meeting. Anyone wishing to be elected to an office or appointed to an office should contact the Senior Regent, Doris Low, or Junior Regent, Pat Knapik. Chairmen are needed for the coming year, also. Being a chairman or an escort is one way to learn about the Women of the Moose and become a part of an active group. Election of new officers will be at the business meeting May 20. Everyone is encouraged to submit nominations at the May 6 meeting and vote at the meeting May 20. Voting will take place from 7 to 8 p.m. prior to the start of the meeting. Squares Host Special Dance • The Rainbow Ramblers will be hosting a special Spring square dance Sun­ day, April 27, at the Robert Crown Grade school in Wauconda. The dance will begin at 6:45 p.m., with a half-hour round dance workshop; square dancing will start at 7:15 p.m. The Ramblers' club caller, Don Smith, will be on hand to lead the dancers through the intricate square dance steps, while George and Joyce Kammerer will cue the lovely round dances. For more information,call 438-7083. Church Holds Luncheon -Show A Fashion Show and Salad Luncheon will be held tomorrow, April 26, at Faith Presbyterian church, across from the McHenry Outdoor theater. . The fashion show will begin at 11 a.m., im­ mediately followed by the salad luncheon. Much planning and hard work have gone into making this event a real success and the public is urged to join in the good fellowship, beautiful fashions and delicious food. Rye is called "the grain of poverty" because it thrives on poor soils. APRIL 25 Nativity Lutheran church, Wonder Lake-family film series, 7 p.m. Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality-St. John's church, Johnsburg-Rummage sale, 9 a m. to 5 p.m.-Johnsburg . Community club. APRIL 26 Valley View Fun Fair-11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. St. Margaret chapter of NAIM--cards, 7:30 p.m.- Montini Middle school. F a i t h P r e s b y t e r i a n church-Fashion Show and Salad Luncheon-11 a.m. Bake Sale-Rummage Sale- -Mount Hope church- Pistakee Highlands-9 a.m. to 2 p.m. APRIL 27 Nativity Lutheran church, Wonder Lake-family film series, noon. APRIL 28 McHenry Woman's club- Board meeting, 10 a.m.~ McHenry Public Library. McHenry Senior Citizens- meeting, 7:30 p.m.-West campus cafeteria. McHenry Senior Citizens- trip to well-known bakery in Deerfield-lunch at Northern Chalet restaurant, Liber- tyville. MAY 1 McHenry Senior Citizens club-Driver's Refresher course-secondsession, 10 a.m. to noon-council chambers-McHenry City hall. MAY 2 Nativity Lutheran church, Wonder Lake-family film series, 7 p.m. St. Margaret chapter of NAIM-fish dinner, 5:30 p.m.-American Legion hall. M C P A A p r e s e n t s "Gramercy Ghosf'-senior citizens night-McHenry Junior high-8 p.m.-tickets at door. MAY 3 McHenry Choral Club Spring Program-8:15 p.m.- West Campus Auditorium. M C . P A A p r e s e n t s " G r a m e r c y G h o s t " - - McHenry Junior high-8 p.m.-tickets at door. J > • MAY 4 McHenry Choral Club Spring Program-8:15 p.m.- West Campus Auditorium. Nativity Lutheran church, Wonder Lake-family film series, noon. MAY 5 U.M.W. Mission Team E x e c u t i v e c o m m i t t e e - meeting, 9 a.m.-First United Methodist church parlor. McHenry Senior Citizens- Executive meeting, 10 a.m.- McHenry Public library. MAY 6 Whispering Oaks Garden Club-Board meeting, 1 p.m.- -Community center. Koinonia study group-10 a.m.-First United Methodist c h u r c h p a r l o r -- w e e k l y meeting. Marcia Mary Ball Circle meeting-noon-First United Methodist church parlor. Ruth Circle, First United Methodist church-meeting, noon-home of Esther Bailey-bring sandwich. W.O.T.M. chapter night- meeting, 8 p.m.-Moose lodge-nominations. MAY 7 McHenry Grandmothers club-lunch at Raymond's r e s t a u r a n t , 1 1 : 3 0 a . m . - meeting at K.C. hall, 1 p.m.- call C. Jansen for reser­ vations. MAY 8 McHenry Senior Citizens club-Driver's Refresher c o u r s e - t h i r d a n d f i n a l session~10 a.m. to noon- council chambers, McHenry City hall. Priscilla Circle meeting- TOP DECK 1232 N. Green MS4S34 & PARTY Come Join the Fun & Wear Your Favorite T-Shirt Old or New FRIDAY, APRIL 25th "Rot** WM|lf Starts at 9 PM The new officers of St. Agatha No. 777 are pictured above from left to right, standing, Cathy Kloti, Marie Frett, Elseda Fuchs, Donna Lindberg, Lou LaBay, Andy Oeffling, Barbara Wirtz, Jane Mann, Mabel Smith and Clara Michels. Seated are Evelyn Diedrich, Catherine Dehn, Delores Johnson, Katie Huff, Elaine Miller and Doris Freund. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD Tbe new officers of St. Agatha No. 777 of the National Catholic Society of Foresters at Johnsburg were installed at the regular meeting in the Community Club hall. Mrs. Delores Johnson, national president of the society, and Mrs. Doris Cubalchini, national secretary, were the in­ stalling officers. The titles of office were conferred on Mrs. Katie Dehn, president; Mrs. Katie Huff, vice president; Mrs. Elaine Miller, recording secretary; Mrs. Doris Freund, financial secretary and Mrs. Evelyn Diedrich, treasurer. Also installed were Mrs. Marie Frett, Mrs. Lou LaBay and Mrs. Mabel Smith, trustees; Mrs. Clara Michels and Mrs. Elseda Fuchs, conductors; Mrs. Jane Mann and Mrs. Donna Lindberg, sentinels; and Mrs. Barbara Wirtz, Mrs. Cathy Klotz and Mrs. Andy Oeffling, junior directors. Special conductors were the Misses Linda Schaefer and Darlene Hughes. Mrs. Mabel Smith and Mrs. Rosina Weber were presented 50-year pins and Mrs. Clara Adams was presented a 25-year pin. As retiring officers, Mrs. Laura Schmitt and Mrs. Jane Mann were presented w i t h N . C . S . F . p i n s a n d plants. Retiring junior director, Jan Huemann, was also presented with a plant. First United Methodist church parlor~9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Lakeland Park Women's club potluck dinner, 6:30 p.m.-meeting, 7:30 p.m.- Lakeland Park Community house. MAY 9 Nativity Lutheran church, Wonder Lake-family film series, 7,p.m. M C P A A p r e s e n t s " G r a m e r c y G h o s t " - - McHenry Junior High-8 p.m.-tickets at door. MAY 10 Whispering Oaks Garden Club-Plant sale, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.-Community center- 4513 Front Royal drive, McHenry. Friendship club potluck dinner and meeting-5:30 p.m.-Fellowship hall-First United Methodist church. M C P A A p r e s e n t s " G r a m e r c y G h o s t " - - McHenry Junior High~8 p.m.-tickets at door. MAY 11 Nativity Lutheran church, Wonder Lake-family film series, noon. MAY 12 McHenry Senior Citizens- meeting, 7:30 p.m.-West campus cafeteria. MAY 14 Salad bar luncheon and fashion show-Zion Lutheran church-noon. MAY 15 U.M.W. general meeting- potluck dinner, 6:30 p.m.- First United Methodist church Fellowship hall. MAY 16 St. Margaret chapter of NAIM-meeting, 7:30 p.m.- Oak room, Montini Middle school. MAY 17 Beach Gals Flea Market and Bake Sale-23 families-9 a.m. to 5 p.m.-McCullom Lake Beach house. Mount Hope United Methodist church-Rent-A- Slave day-8 am. to 4 p.m.- call church for details. F a i t h P r e s b y t e r i a n church-Fashion show and Salad luncheon-11 a.m. Bake Sale-Rummage Sale- -Mount Hope church- Pistakee Highlands-9 a.m. to 2 p.m. MAY 18 NAIM Diosecan council meeting--pot luck, 2 p.m.- Montini Middle school-St. Mary's, McHenry-bring table service-widows and widowers welcome. MAY 20 W . O . T . M . b u s i n e s s meeting, 8 p.m.-election of officers-7 to 8 p.m.-Moose lodge. MAY 21 Whispering Oaks Woman's club-luncheon meeting- Hunter Country club, 11:30 a.m. MAY 31 St. Margaret chapter of NAIM-cards, 7:30 p.m.- Montini Middle school. Feature Unique Quilt RECIPE By Sarah Anne Sheridan Ham Baked with Dried UBIM Soak 1 cup dried limas overnight in cold water. Drain, put in a baking dish, cover with a layer of sliced onions, add 1 cup of water and top with a slice of raw ham. Bake, covered, one holir in an oven 325 degrees, uncover and bake 30 minutes longer. Serve with cabbage salad. . Ham Ring with Peas IV* lbs. lean ham 2 T flour Vi c grated cheese 1 c milk 3 eggs Pepper Cook ham until tender and chop very fine. Mix the flour to a smooth paste with a little cold water. Add to the milk and cook for a few min­ utes, stirring constantly. Add ham, cheese, beaten eggs and pepper. Pour into a well- greased ring mold, set in pan of hot water and bake in an oven 375 degrees for 25 minutes or until firm. Turn out, on a hot platter. Fill with hot buttered peas. Tomato Ham on Chinese Noodles Prepare tomato sauce, adding chopped green pep­ pers to .make it savory. Add leftover ham which has been cut in cubes and serve on C h i n e s e n o o d l e s . G a r n i s h with parsley. Jill Theis and Cindy Rupp, McHenry, display the old- fashioned pieced quilt made by members of the Mental Health Resource League for this year's Fair Diddley, to be held May 18, on the Woodstock square. Members of the Mental Health Resource League for McHenry County have spent, many hours working on a lovely, one-of-a-kind quilt for this year's "Fair Diddley." It is an old-fashioned pieced quilt in the pattern called "King's Crown" and in the center of each of the twenty blocks is a stylized pansy in various shades of mauve and subtle greens. The pansies are em­ broidered on muslin using a satin stitch for the flower, and chain stitch and satin stitch for the leaves and stems. The fabrics used are two flowered prints, one in a deep mauve and one lighter mauve. A plain material was picked to complement these two fabrics. The time spent em­ broidering, cutting, piecing, and quilting on this beautiful bed covering is estimated to be well over 300 hours. The unique quilt will be on display at "Fair Diddley", Sunday, May 18, on the Woodstock square. It will also be shown at many places throughout McHenry county until the fair. For further information contact Mrs. Eugene Honning, McHenry. Variety Of Attractions Offered From a white elephant sale to a tempting array of bakery delights, from crafts made by residents of Vailey Hi to games of skill and fun...that's Hi-Jinx! Hi-Jinx is the name given the fund-raising event planned for May 10 at the Valley Hi Nursing home in Hartland for the purpose of helping residents have something extra; something the organization budget does not permit but which would be helpful to those ninety people living at Valley Hi. This event is sponsored for the fifth year by the Crystal Lake Women's club, one of the club's major projects for the year. The public is in­ vited to the 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. attraction where people will be able to tour the facility and visit with residents. Important now, is for people to start looking around for articles to donate to the white elephant sale, which brings people and helps raise money. Betty Wexelberg and Joan Dorsch are this year's leaders of the women's club project. In the past, funds from Hi-Jinx have been used to build a greenhouse and help purchase the van used to transport residents to many events. "This year, we'd like to buy a piano," exciaims Bill M o r e f i e l d , e x e c u t i v e director. "The Crystal Lake Women's club is one of many groups that remember our residents with projects, gifts a n d t h e i r p e r s o n a l i n ­ volvement. We appreciate their participation, and welcome the public's in­ volvement with such fund­ raiser as the Hi-Jinx." BOB UPSTAIRS DOWNSTAIRS (Formerly known as the Coach & Four) 1 NOW PRESENTING- - LIVE ROCK & ROLL MUSIC FRIDAY & SATURDAY NIGHTS DANCING 0 DINING RESTAURANT I LOUNGE 2m 815-385-3008 Some sharks can make their way through the dark of deep teas with s white and heatless radiance that comes from their own bodies. Hi •if i «0 8 •----CUP A SAVE --'-- MCPAA Presents a Comedy GRAMERCY GHOST' May 2, 3,9 and 10 at McHenry Jr. High 3711 W. Kane Avenue. McHenry at 8 p.m. Bring this coupon to any performance for o discount per ticket. Adults $3.00 Children 13 0 under $1.00 Senior Citizens 0 Student $2.00 1 s

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