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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 May 1980, p. 2

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PAGE 2 - PLAINDEALER FRIDAY, MAY 2,1980 o? *&- V V v g & •5> g g I & I I I % I (Community ('a leu (tar Exchange Student, Guest LAURA WESTON AND MARVIN CONWAY JULY WEDDING - Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weston of McHenry announce the engagement of their daughter, Laura, to Marvin Conway, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Conway of Collinsville, III. The future Jbride is a 1978 graduate of McHenry Community high school. A July 19 wedding is planned in Collinsville. MARY SEAVER AND ROBERT WELZEN ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT-Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Seaver of Wonder Lake announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Patricia, to Robert Bruc<* Welzen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Welzen of Mundelein. The bride elect is a 1977 graduate of McHenry Community high school. The prospective groom graduated from Adlai Stevenson high school. Lake Zurich, in 1976. They plan to be married June 14, at St. Matthews Lutheran church. Lake Zurich. Newcomers Welcomed Six newcomers were welcomed by T.H.E.O.S. at their April get-together. After a leisurely enjoyed dinner at a local restaurant, the group went to the First United Methodist church where they enjoyed games with prizes, and group discussions which were very lively and interesting. T H E O S . ( T o H e l p E a c h Other Smile) is a non- denominational club for widows (widowers are also welcome), with no age restrictions, meeting the third Monday of each month at r> 30 p.m. for dinner and an evening of fun and fellowship The name of the restaurant each month is listed under the Community Calendar in the McHenry Plaindealer. and also in the Church Bulletin and Newsletter. The constantly growing group tries to lend strength and support to others and share experiences in a casual, warm and friendly way. For further information about T.H.E.O.S.. contact Mrs. Harry P. (Mae) Stinespring, Jr., or Mrs. William J. (Lyda) Radisch. I m p r o p e r t i r e p r e s s u r e can cut gas mileage by f i v e p e r c e n t o r m o r e . MAY 2 Nativity Lutheran church, Wonder Lake-family film series, 7 p.m. St. Margaret chapter of NAIM-fish dinner, 5:30 p.m.-American Legion hall. M C P A l & p r e s e n t s "Gramercy Shost"-senior citizens night-McHenry Junior high-8 p.m.-tickets at door. MAY 3 McHenry Choral Club Spring Program~8:15 p.m.~ West Campus Auditorium. M C P A A p r e s e n t s " G r a m e r c y G h o s t ' ' - - McHenry Junior high-8 p.m.-tickets at door. McHenry Junior Youth league-fund raising cam­ paign starts-through May 10. MAY 4 McHenry Choral Club Spring Program~8:15 p.m.~ West Campus Auditorium. Nativity Lutheran church, Wonder Lake-family film series, noon. M c H e n r y C o u n t y H i s t o r i c a l M u s e u m - demonstration on building ships in bottles. MAY 5 U.M.W. Mission Team Executive committee- meeting, 9 a.m.-First United Methodist church parlor. McHenry Senior Citizens- Executive meeting, 10 a.m.- McHenry Public library. Newcomers club-Dual Board meeting, 7:30 p.m.- home of Mrs. James Young, McHenry. MAY 6 Whispering Oaks Garden Club-Board meeting, 1 p.m.- -Community center. Koinonia study group-10 a.m.-First United Methodist c h u r c h p a r l o r -- w e e k l y meeting. Marcia Mary Ball Circle meeting-noon-First United Methodist church parlor. Ruth Circle, First United Methodist churdf-meeting, noon-home^, of Esther 4ajley- bring sandwich. W.v T Titer night- meeting. 4 t.» - lodge-nomn • ms. St. Patricks . »di <ild- -day of prayer-9 a.m. Mass followed by light breakfast- business meeting-bring bag lunch. McHenry lodge 158 AF&AM -Special and stated meeting, 7:30 p.m.-Master Mason degree-Acacia hall. McHenry County Parental assn.-open discussion, 10 a.m. to noon-Dr. Halstead, pediatrician-Crystal Point mall Community room. MAY 7 McHenry Grandmothers club-lunch at Raymond's restaurant, 11:30 a.m.- meeting at K.C. hall, 1 p.m.~ call C. Jansen for reser­ vations. CZ MAY 8 McHenry Senior Citizens club-Driver's Refresher course-third and final session-10 a.m. to noon- council chambers, McHenry City hall. Priscilla Circle meeting- First United Methodist church parlor-9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Lakeland Park Women's club potluck dinner, 6:30 p.m.-meeting, 7:30 p.m.- Lakeland Park Community house. NOW BAU8CH&LOMB SOFLENS® ® ULTRA THIN SOFT CONTACT LENSES \ FRIDAY NITE SPECIAL Crab Legs & Lobster Tail 3309 N CHAPEi HtlL ROAD Julie Brooks, an exchange student from McHenry who went to Portugal, was the guest speaker at the Friendship club's April meeting. Helen and Reno Eckardt, in charge of the program for the evening, introduced the delightful young lady who displayed pictures and gave a most interesting narration.^ She answered many questions and everyone enjoyed visiting with her following the program. After the meeting was called to order by the president, Elmer Stange, Alice Neugebauer, guest of Helen Crouch was in­ troduced and received a warm welcome. Florence Colby chose as her meditations, "Peace" by George Herbert, and an article "Stop, Look and Listen". Helen Crouch and Mae Eltoft volunteered to take care of the coffee hour on Sunday mornings during May. Volunteers are needed to help for other months and can Jet Lyda Radisch know what month they would like to serve. Members were informed of the Spring Tea and Book Review, and the all church potluck dinner honoring missionary Rev. Marcia Mary Ball Thursday, May 15, at 6:30 p.m. at the church. The next Friendship club potluck dinner and meeting will be on Saturday, May 10, at 5:30 p.m. in the Fellowship hall of the First United Methodist church. Evelyn and Ralph Smith will have the program, and hosts and hostesses will include Esther Sims, Florence Colby, Norma and Frank Pieplow and Lonah and Elver Wendlandt. The Meat committee will consist of Lilah and Bill Jordan, Marie Mullere, Margaret Andersen, Norma and Frank Pieplow, Helen and Reno Eckardt, Grace and Adolph Borchers, Ann Demke, Gertrude Anderson and Marjorie Ricker. All members of the congregation fifty years old, or older, are invited and urged to come to Friendship club and enjoy the warm and friendly fellowship and participate in the good times the club members have at their meetings. Celebrate "Family Week 99 S C O P E , S u c c e s s f u l Childbirth and Organized Parent Education, will paritcipate in the county wide celebration of "Family Week", with an evening program devoted to "Birth" as the beginning fami experience. The progra! will be held Wednesday, May 7, 7 to 10 p.m. at Central school, 131 Paddock street, Crystal- Lake. The agenda for the evening will include: 7 to 8 p.m. slide showing on cesarean birth entitled, "Having a Section is Having a Baby", followed with a discussion by C-Birth Committee members; 8 to 8:30 p.m. - film on "The Bonding Birth Experience'" 8:30 to 10 p.m. - presentation by representatives of five area hospitals detailing their services to the beginning family. Participating hospitals include Good Shepherd, . M c H e n r y , W o o d s t o c k Memorial, Sherman and St. Joseph. The public is invited to attend and a nominal admission will be charged. The sponsoring group offers opportunities to make childbirth and parenting a shared and enriching ex­ perience. SCOPE welcomes support from parents, ex­ pectant parents, doctors, nurses, childbirth and childcare educators and anyone interested in promoting healthy children and families. SCOPE also offers prepared childbirth classes to interested expectant parents. Contact Mrs. Gary S. (Nancy) Willard, Crystal Lake for names of the in­ structors. The Mother's Help Line telephone service gives non medical advice and emotional support to newly delivered mothers as they assume total newborn care at home. Monthly discussion groups are held for new moms to share experiences. Mothers of Tots meet once a month to discuss topics of interest related to children ages 1-5. SCOPE members with preschoolers can have their children participate, in organized playgroups which meet weekly at Crystal Lake Ambutal. The group's ac- zivities include outings, crafts, storytime, free and organized playtimes. The Cesarean Support Group provides support and information to couples who have had or are anticipating a Cesarean birth. P a r e n t E d u c a t i o n meetings are open to the public, held every three months and feature qualified speakers in many fields of early childhood care and education. The programs offer parents an opportunity to share ideas and gain knowledge on a particular area of parenting. Anyone interested in learning more about SCOPE may call Mrs. LeRoy (Bernie) Hiller, McHenry. MAY 9 n. Nativity Lutheran church, Wonder Lake-family film series, 7 p.m. M C P A A p r e s e n t s " G r a m e r c y G h o s t " - - McHenry Junior High-8 p.m.-tickets at door. MAY 10 Whispering Oaks Garden Club-Pjlant sale, 9 a.m.,to 2 p.m.-Community center- 4513 Front Royal d|ive, McHenry* friendship club pqtiuck dinner and meeting--5:30 p.m.-Fellowship hall-First United Methodist church. M C P A A p r e s e n t s " G r a m e r c y G h o s t " - - McHenry Junior High -8 p.m.-tickets at door. M o n t i n i P a r e n t s ' association-dance^ Dixieland Delight-VFW hall, 8 p.m. MAY 11 Nativity Lutheran church, Wonder Lake-family film series, noon. M c H e n r y c o u n t y Historical Museum-dog obedience demonstrations on museum lawn. MAY 12 McHenry Senior Citizens- meeting, 7:30 p.m.-West campus cafeteria. MAY 13 Newcomers club-monthly m e e t i n g , 7 : 3 0 p . m - members' potluck dinner and installation of officers- St. Paul's Episcopal church, McHenry. McHenry Chapter 547, O.E.S.-Stated meeting, 8 p.m.-mothers night-Acacia hall. St. John's Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality,-Mother's day meeting, 12:30 p.m.« p o t l u c k l u n c h - M i c h a l l Schaefer residence. ww on MOTHER'S DAY I! •Champagne Brunch R S/I50 From 10 am to 2 pm PERPERSC -- PLUS -- ^ •A Good O'Fashioned Family Style dinner From 2:30 to 9 pm Includes: Roast Beef, Virginia Ham. Roost Turkey with all the trimmings and dessert. MAY 14 Salad bar luncheon and fashion show-Zion Lutheran church-noon. Johnsburg high school Booster club-meeting, 7:30 p.m.-at the high school. MAY 15 U.M.W. general meeting- potluck dinner, 6:30 p.m.- ' rim ' united; Methodist • church Fellowship hall. Xi Kappa Iota chapter ,t J&eta Sigma Phi sorority- meeting at home of Linda Thietje. MAY 16 St: Margaret chapter of NAIM-meeting, 7:30 p.m.- Oak room, Montini Middle school. MAY 17 Beach Gals Flea Market and Bake Sale-23 families-9 am, to 5 pm -McCullom Lake Beach house. Mount Hope United Methodist church-Rent-A- Slave day-8 am. to 4 p.m.- call church for details. F a i t h P r e s b y t e r i a n church-Fashion show and Salad luncheon-11 a.m. Bake Sale-Rummage Sale- -Mount Hope church- Pistakee Highlands-9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Faith Presbyterian church Rummage sale-9 a.m. to 4 p.m.-corner of Lincoln and chapel Hill roads. MAY 18 NAIM Diosecan council meeting-potluck, 2 p.m.- Montini Middle school~St. Mary's, McHenry-bring table service-widows and widowers welcome. M c H e n r y C o u n t y Historical Museum-singing program-"Stephen Foster" singers. MAY 19 B.P.W. meeting-Chapel >Hill Country club- Installation of officers. National Catholic Society of Foresters--St. Agatha Court 777-adults, juniors and mothers meeting, 6:30 p.m.-Johnsburg Community club-Mass and crowning. T.H.E.O.S. meet for dinner, 5:30 p.m.-Circle "R" restaurant-2214 W. Route 120-program at First United Methodist church follows. MAY 20 W . O . T . M . b u s i n e s s meeting, 8 p.m.-election of officers-7 to 8 p.m.-Moose lodge. McHenry Lodge 158 AF&AM-stated meeting, 8 p.m.--recognition night- ladies invited-Acacia hall. Whispering Oaks Garden club-coffee hour, 12:30 p.m.- -meeting, 1 p.m.-- Community Center. MAY 21 Whispering Oaks Woman's club-luncheon meeting- Hunter. Country club, 11:30 a.m. MAY 25 M c H e n r y C o u n t y Historical Museum-musical program, 2:30 p.m.-- Woodstock high school swing choir. United Methodist Women- "Shop and Share"- benefit church building fund. MAY 27 United Methodist Women- "Shop and Share"-benefit church building fund. McHenry Chapter 547, O.E.S.-Exchange night, 8 p . m . - N u n d a c h a p t e r , Crystal Lake serving in McHenry-Acacia hall. MAY 28 United Methodist Women- "Shop and Share"-benefit church building fund. MAY 31 St. Margaret chapter of NAIM-cards, 7:30 p.m.-- Montini Middle school. Announce Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Freund, McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter, Judi, to Larry Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Jones, Lake Delton, Wis. The bride elect is a graduate of Illinois State university and her fiance graduated from the University of Wisconsin, Whitewater. The couple will be married June 28 -at St. Mary's Catholic church, McHenry. Now's th« tint to ch«ck yovr Screens ALL 3 ENTREES FOR SO 75 P®r person Bring the Kids . . . Special Prices! McHenry 385-8899 WHIN THC RUGS ARC SUZZIN' -- YOU'LL WANT TO KEEP THEM OUT. Wf REPAIR AIL KINDS Of SCREENS. WOOO O* ALUMINUM FRAMCS. SCI US KM GLASS NODS TOO I W! RCOLAZf m OUR SHOP OR IN YOUR RESERVATIONS NECESSARY I IMcHenry Paint, Glass & Wallpaper gg| S4II W. HM -- McHCNRV MM THURS. TNJ.IPM.SAT.fctt-SiRt PAINTED FACES - Kristin Zid of McHenry is being given a preview of the funny faces that will be painted at Fair Diddley, from noon to 6 p.m., on the Woodstock square, Sunday, May 18. The artist is Diane Horan of Woodstock. Prepare For Benefit Final preparations are being made by the Zion Ladies Aid for their annual Salar Bar Luncheon and Fashion Show, which will be held Wednesday, May 14 at noon in the social hall of the Zion Lutheran church, located at 4206 W. Waukegan road, McHenry. A variety of delicious salads will be offered to tease the palate, along with fancy cakes for the sweet tooth. Everyone will be entertained by models wearing the latest fashions from a local women's ap­ parel shop. A limited number of tickets are being sold, and there is no quarantee that any will be left to be sold at the door. Tickets may be obtained from any Ladies Aid member or by contacting Mrs. Glenn Dale (Loretta) Dixon, McHenry. Surprise Entertainment BOB COLLINS Bob Collins, W.G.N, radio personality, was the surprise entertainment at the Johnsburg Community club Ladies Night Saturday, April 26. Appearing on stage in a western-style shirt and black leather sport jacket, Collins insisted he was dressed for the occasion. "I'm wearing shoes and a cowboy shirt, and that's about as far as I go," he drawled in his homespun manner. The crowd of 220 was warmed up for his ap­ pearance by local en­ tertainers, Bob and Diane Wakitsch. The Wakitschs' magic and comedy routine was a hard act to follow, but Collins lived up to ex­ pectations. 'Uncle Bobby' displayed the same spon­ taneous wit and "down home" humor that delights his talk show audiences. Between witty exchanges with the audience, Collins played his special brand of 'tacky' music, including his all time favorite, "Dead Skunk in the Middle of the Road". Collins joked, "I have to do this sort of thing. Wally Phillips gives away panty hose; Bill Berg talks to flakes; Roy Leonard does interviews. What's left for me?" Ladies Night is an annual tradition of the Johnsburg Community club that dates back to 1944. Jerry Mondl planned this year's event which included v dinner, entertainment and dancing. As in previous years, ladies received flowers. The, Johnsburg Com­ munity club began in 1922 and has a membership of 300 men. Its clubhouse, picnic area* tennis court, and baseball field provide the only recreational facility in the Johnsburg community outside of the schools. According to Harry May, club president, the Com­ munity club started as a political body. Its actions resulted in the building of the Johnsburg bridge and the first hard road in the area. May states that in this age of big government, "Johnsburg is proof that an inin- corporated area can survive and provide facilities and leadership for its residents. New Parents Reminded A reminder to prospective parents comes from Mrs. Fran Scholpp, R.N., ob­ s t e t r i c a l d e p a r t m e n t supervisor at Memorial hospital for McHenry county, Woodstock. - Mrs. Scholpp announced the next "Preparation for P a r e n t h o o d " f r e e i n ­ structional course (a two evening session) will begin at 8 p.m. Monday, May 5. The informational program will be held in the hospital dining room on both May 5 and 12 as a free community service program of Memorial hospital. Both prospective parents have attended these sessions in the past and are invited and encouraged to do so. Mrs. Scholpp will take part in the program, which in­ cludes a tour of the hospital's m a t e r n i t y d e p a r t m e n t , movies and talks. The next session is scheduled for July 7^d 14. Guild Closes Season St. Patrick's Ladies Guild will close the season with a 9 a.m. Mass celebrated by the Rev. Joseph Teafoe on Tuesday, May 6. A light breakfast will be served following the Mass and Father Teafoe will then conduct a short Day of Prayer with bible reflections and a question and answer sesson. Those attending are asked to bring a bag lunch for the noon meal. A short business meeting will follow. Those who plan on at­ tending the luncheon-play Wednesday, May 21, at Crescent Bay Landing, Johnsburg are asked to get their reservation checks in by May 6, as only paid up reservations will be made. The group will leave the church parking lot at 11:30 a.m. that day. For further information contact the officers. 'onder Lake Inn & Loungl Featuring Chinese & American Cuisine 1 NOW OPEN FOR LUNCH-TUES. THRU FRI. 11:30 TOl~| SPECIALS! •TUES. & WED. AU DAY SENIOR CITIZENS 10% OFF •THURS AU DAY FRIED CHICKEN $2.IS •FRI. NITE FISHERMAN S WHARF S2.9S CARRY OUT ORDERS! 5506 E WONDER LAM RD WONDER IAKF III PHONETLS-M-MII OPEN FOR DINNERS: TUES. THURS. 4 tot FRI 4 to 10 SAT. Molt SUN. If » BANQUET SHALL FACILITIES 20- 120 GUESTS S3 SO «7 00 PER PERSON FAMILY STYLE & / L

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