SECTION 2 - PAGE 2 - PL I - FRIDAY. MAYS. II cay Ben SERVICES t. John the Baptist Catholk Church Johnsburg Rev. Leo Bartel, Pastor Sat. Eve. Mass 5:30 & 8:00 p.m. Fulfills Sunday Obligation Sunday Masses 7,9, 10:30 & 12:00-Weekdays 7:30 & 9-Sat. 8 a.m. Alliance Bible Church 3815 W. Bull Valley Rd. Rev. Gerald Robertson Sunday School-9:45 AM Service-11:00 PM Service-7:00 Wed. Bible Study £ Prayer 7:30 pm St Francis Polish National Catholic Church Flanders Rd. East of Ringwood Road Sunday Masses-11 am Father Joseph Brzek, Pastor Chain Q'Lakes Evangelical Covenant Church 4815 N. Wilmot Road Rev. Mitchell Considine Sunday School 9:45 am Worship Service 11:00 am Church Phone 497-3000 Parsonage 497-3050 St John the Baptist Catholic Church Johnsburg Rev. Leo Bartel. Pastor Rectory Phone 385-1477 Sat. Eve. Mass 5:301 8:00 pm Fulfills Sun. obligation Sun. Masses 7. 9, 10:30 C 12:00 Week days 7:30 « 9-Sat. 8 am First United Methodist Church 3717 W. Main Street Church phone 385-0931 Ralph Smith, Pastor Parsonage phone: 385-1352 Schedule of Worship Services Sunday Worship Services 9:30 am All am Sunday School 10:50 am Christian Science Society Lincoln Rd. and Eastwood Lane Sunday Service ft Sunday School 10:30 Wed. 8:30 pm Reading Room Tues. ft Thurs. 2-4 Saturday 12-1 pm Christ the King Catholic Church 5006 E. Wonder Lake Road Wonder Lake, Illinois Sunday Masses: 8, 10 am and noon. Eve. Mass 8 pm Fulfills Sunday obligation Nativity Lutheran Church 3506 E. Wonder Lake Rd. Box 157, Phone 653-3832 Wonder Lake, Illinois Sun. Worship 8 ft 10:30 am Sunday School-9 am (Nursery Facilities Available) The Church of St Mary of the Assumption The Reverend James C. Caynor Pastor The Reverend James Novak Assisting Priest Sat. Eve. Mass 5 p.m. Fulfills Sunday Obligation Sunday Masses 6:30, 8:00, 9:30 9:45,10:45,11:00 12 noon St Paul's Episcopal Church 385-0390 3706 W. St. Paul's ft Green Rev. Wm. HI Morley, vicar Sunday Services 8:00 am Holy Eucharist 10:00 am Church School, Holy Eucharist and Sermon Nursery provided Wed. 9:30 am Holy Eucharist Holy Days as announced Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church (Missouri Synod) 4206 W. Woukegon Rd. (W. Rt. 120) Rev. Hemann F. Graef 385 0859 3*5-1616 Sunday Worship 7:45 ft 10:30 Nursery Services provided at 10:30 Education for Eternity Sunday School-Children and Youth, 9 am Wonder Lake Bible Church 7501 Howe Drive Wonder Lake, Illinois Rev. Richard N. Wright, Pastor Sunday: Sunday School. 9:30 am Morning Worship Service 11 am Bible Fellowship Hour 6:00 pm Wednesday: Midweek Prayer and Praise Hour, 7:30 pm Rev. Robert Repke, Assistant to Pastor Tuesday 7 pm-Shipmates Friday, 7 pm-Awana George R. Justen Funeral Home 3519W.ELM STREET McHENRY. 385-2400 Glaviano's Interiors 414 S. ROUTE 31 385-3764 McHENRY Brake Parts. Co. P.O. BOX 11 385-7000 Ace Hardware 3729W.ELM STREET WcHENRY IL 385-0722 McHenry County Friends Meeting (Quaker) 1st ft 3rd Sunday, 11 am For information call: 385-8512 or 312-683-3840 Church of God Bayview Beach Community Bldg. Rev. Delmer Hayes P.O. Box 431, McHenry Services: Sunday School 10 a Church Service 11 am Evangelistic Service 7 pm Telephone: 385-8557 t Church United Methodist 1015 W. Broadway Pistakee Highlands Jeff Roberts, Pastor Sunday Worship 10:30 am Sunday School 9:15 am McHenry Evangelical Free Church 3031 Lincoln Road 344-1111 Church Pastor Roy Wisner 1-653-9675 Sunday Service 10:30 Sunday Eve Service 6:00 pm Sunday School 9:15-10:15 Ringwood Methodist Church Ringwood, Illinois Rev. James Segin Res. 648-2848 Church 653-6956 Sunday 9:15 am Church Service Church School at 10:15 am Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) 5209 N. Walkup Ave. (across from Veterans Acres) Crystal Lake. Illinois Sunday School: 10:30 Sacrament Meeting: 5:00 pm Sunday United Pentecostal Church 258 SCinnyside-Lakemoor Rev. Nolan Hilderbrand 312-279-6289 Sunday 9:45 ft 6:30 pm Wed. 7:30 pm Bible Study Fri. 7:30 pm Youth Service Freund Funeral Home 7611 HANCOCK DR. WONDER LAKE 1-728-0233 McHenry Savings & Loan 1209 N.GREEN STREET McHENRY. IL 385-3000 First Rational Bank of McHenry 3914 W. RTE. 120 McHENRY, IL 385-5400 Creative Kitchen & Baths 3012 W. RTI. 120 McHENRY. IL Tonyau Construction Cn. 1309 N McHENRY It BORDCN STREET McHenry State Bank 3510 W. CUM STREET *c tCNRY .N. - St Peter's Catholic Church Spring Grove, Illinois Rev. Kilduff, Pastor Phone 815-675-2288 Masses: Daily 8 am. Sat. 4:00 pm. Sunday 7, 9ft 11 am Faith Presbyterian Church 2107 West Lincoln Road (across from outdoor theatre) Worship 10:30 Adult SS 9:10 Sunday School 9:00 Bible Study Thurs. 9:30 Pastor Eric J. Snyder Spring Cms Church United Methodist •102 N. Blivin Spring Grave, Illinois Rev. Douglas White-Pastor Sunday Worship-10:00 am Sunday School-9:00 am St Patrick's Catholic Church Rev. Edmund Petit, Pastor Sat. Eve. (Sun. obligation ^ fulfilled) 5 pm Sunday 7:15,8:30.9:45.11 ft 12:15 Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Clwrch 404 N. Groan St. Rav. Roger W. Schneider Phone 385-7786 or 385-4030 Sunday Church 8:30 ft 10:30 School 9:1S Nursery Services Available UOcHeury County Jewish Congregation Meets Every Friday at 8:00 in the basement of the Congregationalist Universoliet church. Comor Dean ft South Sts. in Woodstock First Baptist Church 509 Front St. 385-0083 Rev. Marshall E. Worry Bible Study-Sunday School 9:30 am Worship Service 10:45 am and 7:00 pm Wednesday Prayer Service 7:00 pm Deaf Intorpretaion at 10:45 Service an Sunday mornings. Peter M. Justen Funeral Hone 3B07W. ELM STREET McHENRY, IL TfMfflM Guettler's Service, Inc. •IB N. FRONT STREET MCHENRY.IL 385-9831 Mitchell Sales, Inc. BUtCK-OLDS MB N. FRONT ST. McHENRY, It 385 7200 McHenry Plaiafealer 3812 ELM STREET McHENRY. R. 3B5-R17B Coast ta Coast W. RTE. I SB BUYING THE FIRST POPPY-Mayor Joseph Stanek buys the first of many poppies that will be sold on Poppy day. May 17. Poppy day organizers from the veterans groiipe are (from left to right): Dave Hansen, VFW Post 4600; Mary Fergen, VFW Auxiliary; Ed Reid, American Legion; MayorStanek; and Elenore Reid, American Legion Auxiliary. STAFF PHOTO-ANTHONY OLIVER im Jinx At Valley Hi Citizens are invited to bring their white elephant articles to the Valley Hi Nursing home this week in preparation for the 1980 version of Hi-Jinx! Hi-Jinx is the day of games, auction, food and relaxation sponsored Saturday, May 10, at Valley Hi in Hartland to raise funds for that organization. Sponsoring Hi-Jinx is the Crystal Lake Women's club, and the public is invited between 1 a.m. to 4 p.m. to take part in the activities, tour the Valley Hi nursing home and see the facilities at Hartland. Important to make the fund-raising event equal to last year is that people bring in articles to donate to the white elephant sale, says Mrs. Betty Wexelberg, co- chairman with Mrs. Joan Dorsch. In the past, funds have been used to build a greenhouse and help pur chase a van used to tran sport residents to many events. Bill Morefild, ad ministrator, says this year the home would like7 to use the money to buy a) piano. "We appreciate the efforts by the Women's club and so many other civic groups who remember our residents through their many acts of consideration and courtesy. We look forward to a large turnout at the Hi-Jinx," he concluded. Itv JOSKI'IICOOO staff psychologist news from the Family Service and Mental Health Clinic of McHenry County. The patriotic hymn "Amer ica," written to the music of Britain's "God Save the King," was once this nation's national anthem. ARE YOU INTERESTED? In a happy group off people who ... •Are Christians ONLY? •Are not members of any denomination? •Are dedicated to God? •Are Practicing the unity for which JeSus prayed? Are You Confused by Religious Division? Then come, worship with us: CHURCH OF CHRIST 401 N. OAK ST.-CRYSTAL LAKE, IL ( '/j block north on Rte. 176) Are you looking ffors •Biblical teaching and preaching ••Bible School for all ages •••Christian love and fellowship ••••Activities to strengthen families Smricn SMay Bible SMy II ULSMby Wrtrip 11 UL SwtoyEmwg Worship 6 ml Wediesdiy Evniig Wvskip 7J8 pji. Raymri T. Exw, Mmstv (Editor's Note: This is another in a series of especially written articles for McHenry County readers. Joseph Cools is a psychologist on the Family Service and Community Mental Health Center staff. This article is "Coping - Corporal Punishment".) There have been enough child guidance books written to fill any good sized library. Almost every book ad dresses itself to the issue of spanking versus not spank ing children. Currently, the literature appears to be swinging back to en couraging spanking as a means to discipline children. A more reasonable ap proach would seem to be to ask parents why they would choose to spank a child, how often they would spank, how old a child would they spank and how frequently should a child be spanked. First, if spanking is used to release pent up frustration or anger, it should not be used. If spanking is used to correct a child's behavior, and it does correct the behavior, without making the child feel awful in the process, then it should be used. The answer to the question, "how often", should not be answered by, "as often as necessary." Spanking should be con sidered as a special form of punishment, used only in certain circumstances, not every time the child misbehaves. Spanking, like any form of discipline becomes less effective the more it is used. If spanking does not correct a behavior, it does no good to spank more frequently. In fact, the less spanking is used, the more effect it has on behavior. WATCH FOR... THE LARGEST FLOOR COVERING SALE r idy pr ices are ^o in^ to lx» runn ing I own than ever ! A MARATHON SALE •2 (> Hours o f Pr ice Reduc l ion •2(> Hours o f Cont inuous Store Opera t ion •2(> Hours o f Sav ing •2b Hours o f I i (Jy Pr ices Runmnj ; lower than ever ! \ \ , i I ( h l o r t h e , i d \ U i \ I h l h , i n n - n i r u i n : : t h e s j / c o l v \ J 1 1 I < > i \ j I 1 ( . i r p c l . n c . i 1 1 r , ; s ( j f j n ' t r c m n . i n t s n < > \ \ , i \ \ i n v / s , h c i r d w < x x / s , i i i < I i < t J m k S c \ t • / • t t > h e I u h I m \ < > t t h o r n I l l i n o i s Don't tnr^ot lo p tuti( ip. i lc m I h e T i d y R o . u l R u n * . ^ ̂ " i J | ' May 1H - ;>k ,md 11K , , , / i ( ,<>/><! TIDY CARPETS & AREA RUGS 200 Wash ing ton 663 V i l l a I MON f HUH . iWuodstock I l l i no is ' 815 ;338 1000 'F ' f j i n I l l i no is ' 3 ! ? 69 7 ?600 9 T U f S W f [ ) S A T H b S D N 1 2 h ' It is my feeling that a child over the age of six (school age) should never be spanked. Spanking is most effective with children who have not developed enough skills in communication to understand more subtle means of discipline. Spanking 1 a school age child is, in my opinion, a waste of time, since so many other more effective means of discipline are available to the parents. Besides, to a school age child, spanking is demeaning and humiliating. Finally, "spanking" means getting the point across without being overly hurtful. It does not mean striking a child so that he or she has visible marks on his body- that is child abuse, not discipline. Nice Try A good try is saying: "Of ficer, with this tinted wind shield, all lights look green. " Ms. Repairs My wife is really into wom en's rights. Last week she had her car fixed by Ms. Good- wrench. So says the VA. LOLLY By Pete Hansen COME ON.' THE V/k WILL HELP YOU GET ON-THE-JOB TRAINING UNDER THE G I. BILL. DON T ITXJ TWINIc. I SMOU-b WAIT LOLLVP ' / Contact neatest VA office (check your phone book) or a local veterans poop. RENT RINSEtfVAC the professional do-it-yourself carpet cleaning system First Hour of Rentol $1.00 per hour . . . for every hour thereafter. (Example 2 hours . ^1. total charge $1 plus tax.) NO MINIMUM Speciol Rental Rate Good Monday thru Thursday RINSENVAC cleans the »ay professionals do at d fraction ot the cost FRI.. SAT., A SUN. MR | HOUR OVf RNIGHT SPCCl Al I • 0 0 P M - 9 : 0 0 A M 910.00 HORNSBYS f a m . f w ( f n f e r x Wr.RTi. 120 McHINRV III.