Z/on Confirmation Class In a special service at 2:30 in the afternoon on May 4,15 young people of Zion Lutheran church renewed their baptismal vows in the rite of Confirmation. In front row, from left, are Debbie Allen, Kelly Garrett, Beth Baker, DanieUe Johnson, Trisha SERVICE NEWS Recruit Completes Training Navy Seaman Recruit Carl A. Anderhub, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Anderhub of 410 W. Ringwood road, McHenry, has completed recruit training at the Naval Training center, Great Lakes. During the eight-week training cycle, he studied general military subjects designed to prepare him for further academic and on- the-job training in one of the Navy's 85 basic occupational fields. Included in his studies were seamanship, close- order drill, Naval history and first aid. Personnel who complete this course of in struction are eligible for three hours of college credit in Physical Education and Hygiene. He joined the Navy in January, 1980. Discretion The wise husband meets a marital crisis with a firm hand-full of candy and flowers. -U.S. Coast Guard News. We Live There Home is the place where we are treated the best and grumble the most. -Advertiser. Nora Springs. YOU CRN Presented by STATEBANK OF RICHMOND member F.D.I.C. H h no wonder that nothing gets people's attention these days as quickly as saving money. One way to really do this effectively was brought out in some recent statistics released by one of the major auto insurance companies. According to their findings the actual cost of operating an automobile is now up to a breath-taking 25.2 cents per mile. That includes gas, de preciation, interest costs, re pairs, etc. Now with that fig ure in mind, let's imagine we are going to try to save mon ey by driving, say fifty miles, to make a $75 purchase. Sup pose we believe that the $75 Hem can be bought for five dollare less by driving out of town to get it. Do we save five dollars? No. In fact, we effectively lose about $20 since the hundred mile round trip would cost over $25. Doing business locally makes better sense than ever before, you save money and help support our community at the same time. You win berth ways. r i Television takes 20.1 percent of advertising dollars, but U.S. newspapers get still more -- 29.1 percent. PALACE BOWL SUMMER SPECIAL EVENTS 1 f'S most modern aid beautiful bowling alley. ! •THURSDAY-FRANTIC FIFTIES NITE 50* A GAME - 50* A DRINK •FRIDAY JACKPOT BOWLING & WIN '1 to MOO •SATURDAY OPEN TO All •SUNDAY-FAMILY DAY RENT-A-LANE FOR ONLY >4.00 AN HOUR OPEN EVERYDAY DON'S SUBMARINE & PIZZA 815-385-8400 & OPEN TUESDAY THRU SUNDAY 11:00 A.M. till MIDNIGHT PALACE BOWL 3400 N. RICHMOND ROAD-McHENRY. II Senior Hot Line Herigodt, Jennifer Hodges and Lisa Engelking; back row, Rick Burkhardt, Gary Zoiss, Jim Page, Paul Herrmann, Pastor Graef, Craig Hanley, Kent Both, Dave Bicker and Dave Graef. GAYLORD PHOTO By Lt. Gov. Dave O'Neal May. 1980. will be celebrated in Illinois and throughout the United States as Older Americans month. President Kennedy first designated Older Americans month a national observance in 1963 (It was then called Senior Citizens month). Q. Why is older Americans month special? A. It is a time to focus attention on senior centers, nutrition projects and other community, services for the elderly;. honor older Americans and recognize their contributions: and emphasize the vital roles of older people in American society. Q. How many Americans are senior citizens? A. In 1980, the total number of Americans .60 years and over will surpass for the first time the total number of children up to age 10 or youths from 11 to 19. Each of these population groups hovers around 35 million now, but the older population group is in creasing much faster than the chHdi^en a^cl youth groujis. A child ^born ioday can expect to live 73vyears. This is about 26 years longer than a child born in 1900, and about 45 years longer than in colonial times. Q. How do the elderly help their communities? A. Senior citizens are a major community resource. About 5 million people aged 65 and over do volunteer work regularly, and another 3 million are engaged in paid employment. Hundreds of thousands of older Americans devote time to others through programs such as the Red Cross, Retired Senior Volunteer program. Senior Com panions, ACTION and at senior centers. Q. What are senior cen ters? A. Since the first American senior center was formed in the 1940's, about 5,000 have sprung up in communities across the country. More than half of the centers identify them selves as "multipurpose centers" which provide a variety of services such as education, recreation, nutrition, social and health programs. Funds for senior centers come from a variety of sources -- memberships, private contributions, and city, county, state and federal funding. Q. What are the State of Illinois senior action cen ters? A. Sponsored by Lt. Governor Dave O'Neal, the SECTION 2 - PAGE S • PLAINDEALEE - FRIDAY. MAY I, ltM I two centers were formed to help senior citizens cut through government red I tape. Seniors with questions or concerns about any government agency or program are urged to contact the centers, located at 160 N. La Salle, Chicago, 60601 or 3 West Old Town Mall, Springfield, 62701. Call statewide toil free 800-252- 6565. Modern postage stamps came into use in 1840. Bottle Show Set May 18 The Antique Bottle club of Northern Illinois is holding its sixth annual show and sale May 18 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The show wjll feature displays and sale items from dealers and collectors from all over northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin. The show will be held at the Gurnee Holiday Inn, located at the West Route 132 exits of 1-94. Most people are limit ed by their inability to appreciate others. THE PLUMBING SHOP 30,000 GRAIN-FULLY AUTOMATIC LIST $450 WATER SOFTNER $ SALE 325 WATEB FILTER! with purchase of Softner A *25 Value. Featur ing Top Brand Mater ia ls for Al l Your Plumbing Needs & Complete Do- l t -Yoursel f Instruct ions by Trained Professionals! KOHLER - AMERICAN STANDARD - ELJER ASSORTED-NEW SHIPMENT KITCHEN CABINET & VANITY SALE! HP TO 35°/. O OFF MAXIMUM ACCREDITATION-Anthony Corcoran, left, executive director of McHenry hospital, and August Rossetti, M.D., president of the Medical-Dental staff, display the hospital's plaque from the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals. The JCAH survey team awarded McHenry hospital another maximum accreditation after its inspection of facilities, records and procedures. All Makes! Low Prices! WED. ONLY 10 to 5 3937 W. Main McHenry 385-7661 FORMICA & MARBLE TOPS AVAILABLE Complete Inventory at Money S wing Prices Mc HENRY RTT. 120 OPEN 6 DAYS ^ 344-2883 4031 W. DAYTON-McHENRY 3 mi les South of McHenry on Rte 31 ffinwahcifu ^9: INTRODUCTORY SALE ONLY mOO00 CHECKIt £2- SS^SSSsS.̂ r-~ - gEA* YOu, / rucceo »• T® hjccdi JJ opt.ohx "̂aoUCTO ̂ J s2650_ When you want dependability, look for... fSimolSciiu COME IN AND LOOK IT OVER AT AN ALCIS CHALMERS COMPANY ROSS BUS SALES 1801 RTE. 120-McHENRY 1 MILE EAST OF TOWN 344-0822