Podiatrist -- Foot Specialist (815) 344=3900 PAGE 3 -PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY. MAY llMt steaming the green beans until soft and removing the caffeine from the beans, which are then processed in the conventional manner by roasting. Decaffeinated coffee has 2 to 4 milligrams of caffeine, considerably different than the 100 to 150 milligrams in a regular cup of coffee. Many aspirin products have caffeine in them also. So if you drink three cups, of coffee and have two headache tablets and one cola drink during the day, this would amount to about 500 milligrams of caffeine-considerably over the 250 recommended. However, the best way to judge how much caffeine is too much for you is how it makes you feel. If you're jittery, have trouble falling asleep at night, it might be wise to skip caffeine for a few days to see if there is any change in your condition. But be forewarned-most regular coffee drinkers who give it up cold turkey develop headaches for a few days. So it might be best to cut down gradually. No one says that everyone has to stop drinking coffee, colas, tea, and certainly not stop taking aspirin products. But as with-everything else, moderation is the key-too much of anything is not good for you. So the next time we have a coffee break, maybe we should have a juice break, instead.' Discuss Ways To Cope "Turning Loneliness recently widowed young and Around" will be the topic to middle aged men and be discussed at the next women to help each other, THEOS meeting Sunday, which is the primary pur- May 11 at the First pose of THEOS. Congregational church of The meeting will be held at Crystal Lake, 461 Pierson 7 p.m. and coffee will be street. served. Anyone attending for Since loneliness is ex- the first time is urged to perienced by every person come at 6:45 p.m. to become who loses a spouse, the acquainted with some discussion will enable those members of the group, attending to share their For further information thoughts and ideas on ways contact the Rev. Doug of coping. Loving, chaplain, or Mrs. It will be an opportunity T.N. (Doris) Pohl, coor- for both the adjusted and the dinator. Christened In April . On April 20, a christening with their son, Michael, who took place at Shepherd of the was Steven's sponsor. Hills Lutheran church for After the Christening, Steven Michael Martina, family members enjoyed a with Pastor Schneider brunch at Chapel Hill officiating. country club. The baby was attired in a Steven is the son of Vickie white suit which had been and Chuck Martina and the worn by his father twenty- grandson of the senior two years ago. He was also Martinas, all of McHenry. wrapped in a hand knitted T h e m a t e r n a l l a c e s h a w l m a d e b y h i s g r e a t grandparents, Nancy and great grandmother, thirty- Don Williams of Sarasota, two years ago for another Fla., attended the function family member. From The Desk Of. Illinois State Council On Nutrition (with long time subscribers) The building that presently houses the Plaindealer was, at one time, Hoot Noonan's tavern, and later became Downs' Motor Express. George Krickl worked there until he decided to go into business for himself. He opened Krickl's Motor service and worked out of his garage until he retired. Mrs. Krickl remembered the little building next to Downs' , where she used to buy ice cream. Where that building once stood has since been replaced by the Jewel parking lot. The Krickls also remembered the three doctors in town at that time. "They thought nothing of coming out on evening calls - or even on Sundays," George said. "When you used to walk down the street, it was always 'Hello, how are you?" Krickl added. George noted that there was only one cop in town at that time. "Old Pete, he eouldn't get around real fast, but he got around," George recalled. The Krickls Remembered how the town would "fold up" during the winter months, and how the roads were somtimes impassable and had to be shoveled by hand. "The Crystal Lake blacktop used to be a dirt road," he said. "Boy, you could really get stuck on that road." After winter snowstorms, Krickl noted, men would be clearing the roads with shovels. "The guys were tickled to death to get out and earn a couple of bucks from the state," he reminisced. MR! AND MRS. GEORGE KRICKL The Krickls were first introduced to the McHenry Plaindealer wheh they lived in McCullom Lake. . It was only a dime then and the route boy, Robert Sales, sold them the paper. The Plaindealer has been with the family ever since. Club Schedules Meeting Senior Walk-In Center The May meeting of the the new board by the retiring Town and Country officers. Chairpersons of Newcomers club has been major standing committees scheduled for Tuesday, May will also announced at 13, 7:30 p.m. at St. Paul's that time. Episcopal church. Program 4 Chairperson Sandy Young Members and guests are announced that each especially encouraged to member attending should attend because plans and bring a potluck dish to pass, highlights for summer After dinner, there will be meetings, coffees and social the customary installation of events will be discussed. Upcoming club activities this month include a mor ning coffee to be held at Faith Presbyterian church Wednesday, May 21, 9:30 a.m. Babysitting will be provided for a nominal fee. For further information about joining the Newcomers club, please drop in at any club activity or contact Mrs. Joseph John. Second Daughter Baptized Kristie Lynn Boelter was recently baptized by Reverend Herman Graef, at Zion Lutheran church, McHenry. She is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gene August Boelter* They also have a daughter, Nichole Marie, who is three. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Boelter, after the church services. Kristie's godparents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Henry Boelter, of McHenry, gave her a white bible, which will be treasured as a special reminder of her baptism day. Olcott, live in Woodstock and paternal grandparents,, Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Henry Boelter, reside in McHenry, All grandparents were able to attend their grand daughter's baptism. Kristie's paternal great grandmother, Mrs. Agnes Olcott, resides in Wood stock; she also has a paternal great grandmother, Mrs. Lettie Borneman, who lives in Antigo, Wis. The baby received a white hand made quilt, with hand embroidered animals and a' lace edging with pink hearts in the lace from her paternal grandparents. Orthopedics *feot Surgery General Cart •Sport Modlclno •Children's Foot Problem* McHenry Office 4305 W. Elm Street (Rte. 120-Across the Street from Hornsby's) Other godparents, Mr. and Mrs. James Hayward, also of McHenry, gave her a satin baptismal gown, with matching coat, hat and shoes. This will be kept as a keepsake of her special day, committed to God. Maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Eugene Kristie Lynn was born at Woodstock Memorial hospital Oct. 12, 1979, which also is the birthday of her maternal aunt Mrs. Betty Olcott, Spooner. A dinner was held buffet style for forty-five friends and relatives in the home of JOIN THE FIGHT AGAINST INFLATION SAVE WITH McHENRY SAVINGS And Get Fine Cookware at Special Prices! Guest Shows Art Of Hypnotism many interesting discussion groups. To be eligible for mem bership in P.W.P. one must single by reason of death, divorce, separation, or never married and be a parent. Custody of the children is not necessary. For more information please call 459-1863. A local hypnotist, Robert Hein will be the guest for the evening's program at the next general meeting of Parents Without Partners Chapter No. 189 Friday, May 16 at the American Legion hall, Oak and Woodstock streets, Crystal Lake. • The meeting will begin at 8:30 p.m. and all firsHime guests are urged to attend the orientation at 8 p.m. Mr. Hein, a graduate of Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pa., has been practicing the art of hypnot ism for Over 10 years and received citations from Junior Achievement and the Boy Scouts of America. He will demonstrate, with the aid of volunteers, the en tertaining aspect of the art. There will be refresh ments, conversation and dancing following the program. Other events scheduled for May include an adult road- rally, family bowling,adult birthday party, family camping weekend, family picnic, barber shop concert, adult game night, night out at a motel in Elgin, plus WOODSTOCK Admissions: Greg Fuller, Jr., Mrs. Valerie Klapperich and Adolph Schey, all of McHenry; Mrs. Barbara BigbeeandMrs. Kay Paulin. both of Wonder Lake. mOM H<» SU*»*Ct Bowling Group Starts Season SPECIAL MOTHER'S DAY MENU Now when you save at McHENRY SAVINGS, you can take homo fino cook war® at greatly reduced prices. Open a new account or add to your present account; check our chart and see what you can get. We have a wide selection of Regal1 porcelain-clad heavy duty aluminum cookware, featuring DuPont's remarkable SilverStone* nonstick cooking surface. Each additional deposit, you.xan buy more cookware. A great way to assemble your Regal collec tion .. and a great way to fight inflation. SEE OUR REGAL COOKWARE DISPLAY IN OUR LOBBY! Filet Mignon Sirloin Dutt Steak Prime Rib of Deef AuJus Steak (j Lobster. Chopped Sirloin Steak, Deef Drochette Duck A L'Orange. Bpked Chicken Stuffed Trout. Baked Ham Champagne Souce. . . ;Stuffed Leg of Lamb . x (Children uvular 12. \ sfgf SI.OO Leu Menu Price) "The Happy Youngsters Bowling Group" will start their summer bowling season Monday, May 12, 12:30 p.m., at the McHenry Recreation. Anyone fifty-five years old and over is welcome; even those who have never bowled before. This is a fun league and there will be no com petition. Bowling is the best therapy for "youngsters" to keep well. YOUR REGAL GIFT SELECTION CHART Mfr. suggested retail value Purchase price with Additional '25 Dapotit QUALIFYING DEPOSIT Description • '/>" Gourmet Pan 10" Gourmet Pan 11" Square Griddle 10'A" Open Fry Pan 3 qt. Covered Sauce Pan $ S qt. Dutch Oven 9 7 pc. Cookware Set' Included with your Entree o - t An Abundance of Crisp Green Salad, A Hot Loaf of Dread. Potato Croquette Vegetable & "Champagne Shrub '7 pc set includes Items 5 6 8 plus 2 qt Covered Sauc* Pon ond Recipe instruction booklet "Depositors m this column ore.entitled to purchase two odditionol gifts without further deposits ' * 'Depositors m this column are entitled to purchaseup to eight odditionol gifts without further deposits SHAMROCK CLEANERS Complete Dry Cleaning Service! Conveniently Located in the JVtcH#firy Ploc# xers JVIcMtufy (•IS) 3tS-!944 mamam 1209 North Green Street McHenry 815 MS-3Q00 106^0Md n Sl'ecl Ric'hmoncl 815 6 78 ?061 10-30? No'-w V.ne Street t>nv< or Route 4* H0r'ie» 3i.' bfe9 3333 SAVfffS HOURS D»ily 9:00 mm *o 4.10 pm f rtd«y t 00 mm • 00 pm S«twrday 9:00 ow •© 1:00 pm cloted W»dn#»d«y HI NO V 00< VI O# WINDOW 0«.iT 0 00 mm •© S 30 pm W»dne«d«v I 00 e« •« 2 00 pm trie*? 0 00 or* io • 00 pm Satyr dor I 00 *o 3 00 pm Deposits injured to $100 000 by f*d*rol Sovmgt £ LOO" Inturonct Corp Mchenry 4 S A V I N G S I lMfr0M»H0tiM% 217 N. 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