'PAGE 4 - PLAINDE ALER - WEDNESDAY, MAY 14,1V8U Father Dietsch Marks Golden Anniversary A parish-wide celebration to mafk the fiftieth an niversary of the ordination of Hey. C. Alfred Dietsch will take place in SS. Peter and Paul parish, Cary, Sunday, May 25. * Father Dietsch was pastor of SS. Peter and Paul for 17 years prior to his retirement four years ago. He now resides in McHenry. The celebration will begin at 4 p.m. with a con- celebrated Mass of Thanksgiving in the church. Rev. Andrew Plesa, pastor, will be master of ceremonies, and the homily will be given by Monsignor Joseph Healey of Harvard.. White and gold vestments will be worn, and white and gold banners will adorn the church. The Mass will be followed by a reception and dinner in the school gym. Toastmaster will be Rev. Walter Johnson, MM. The entire parish, as well as former parishioners of Father Dietsch, relatives, and friends, are invited to attend the celebration marking his fiftieth year as a priest. Father Dietsch, a native of Aurora, was ordained June 14, 1930, and said his first appointed pastor of SS. Peter and Paul in 1958 and retired in 1975. During his pastorate at SS. Peter and Paul, the parish was' relocated to larger grouhds, and a new shcool and gymnasium, convent, rectory, and church were all constructed. Max Cleland, 37, the tenth Administrator of Veterans Affairs, is the first Vietnam veteran and the youngest person to hold the agency's top post since VA's inception in 1930. ROBERT MCJSIK0NTOW. Ph.D. psychologist for th« Family Sorvlco and Community Mental Health Contar lor McHanry County . REV. C. ALFRED DIETSCH Mass June 15, 1930. He served as assistant pastor in the Rockford diocese in several parishes. including churches in Freeport, Aurora, and Savannah. His first appointment as pastor was at St. Mary's, Polo, 111., where he served as pastor for six years. This was followed by 13 years as pastor at Holy Cross parish in Stockton, 111. He was YEARLONG FELLOWSHIP Applications for the 19d0- 1981 Yearlong Fellowship program are now being accepted in Gov. James R. Thompson's office. Eight fellowships, available to persons with undergraduate degrees, will give par ticipants in-depth ex perience in the executive branch of the government. Salaries will be, $1,000 a month beginning Sept. 1 and ending Aug. 31, 1981. Deadline for applications is July 1, with final interviews to be conducted the second week of July. (Editor's Note: This is another article in the Today's Psychology weekly series of especially written articles for McHenry County readers. The topic this week is "Relaxation Through Mental Imagery".) In last week's column, I introduced the concept of mental imagery. I demonstrated the powerful effect such images can have on us both emotionally and physically and suggested that they could be used to enhance our lives. Today let us exlore one of. these possibilites. * One way imagery is often used is to induce relaxation. To do this is quite simple. All you need to do is to imagine a relaxing scene and then concentrate fully on that scene for as long as it is enjoyable to do so. The image which you create should be one which you find particularly relaxing and enjoyable. Some people may picture themselves lying on a beach listening to the breaking waves as the hot sun gently warms their body. Others may enjoy imagining themselves in a beautiful forest populated with many varieties of vegetation and thousands of chirking birds. People being individuals, everyone will create their own personal imaged Be sure to make yours one which fits with your own conception of what is relaxing and pleasurable. Once your have decided on an image, there are a few strategies which will in crease the power of your image. First, try to create images which use all your senses. See the surrounding environment, listen to the sounds around you, feel both internal and external sensations,, and smell the delightful aromas around you. The more senses you use the more powerful effect your image will have. Second, imagine yourself as actually being in the scene rather than standing outside observing yourself. To understand this distinc tion, imagine yourself riding on a roller coaster. See yourself sitting in the car and as an outsider observe your reactions. Next imagine yourself actually in the roller coaster. See what you would see, hear what you hear, and feel what you would feel if you were ac tually in that car. Notice any difference? In most cases, your reaction to the second image, will be far stronger than it was to the first. WHAT S NEW Videoraser is an eraser for videocassettes. It will erase up to one inch tapes more effectively than the erase heads of video re corders, claims maker. It will also erase music tapes. From Sonar Radio Corp., 3000 Stirling Rd., Holly wood, Fla. Rt 31 Johmburg Road ^ / Chopol Mill Rood Rt i?o OPEN 7 DAYS 7 AM TO 10 PM I D S FINER MEATS (815)385-7663 We reserve the right to limit quantities while they : last. Not responsible for typographical errors. WE ACCEPT ptD'S MAT'S ̂ IGA TABLERITE W' | SLICED BACON 1 1 3 9 ̂ I iVlll LB. PKG. ̂ <$\\\\\\\\| IWW/////S, ̂ COUNTRY STYLE ̂ > SPARERIBS 1.29 LB. 1111 \ \\\\W\NS> \\\\\\\!}/!////'/? FRESH CHICKEN ̂ BREASTS ^ QUARTERS ̂ 85c, ^V//////< 11 UYC^CsNSS? ̂ ARMOUR'S ̂ 2 HOT DOGS I ̂ 1 LB. PKG. = ^\\\\\\\ \ 11 Wlii/t/'/J, FRESH CHICKEN ̂ LEG QUARTERS | 49V 1 ^XWWW\\ 11 f\f(f/////& ̂ SLICED SLAB I I 99°' LB. •5 /̂///////11 \ UVWW ! freezer specials USDA CHOICE HIND QUARTER Vt MINI-HOME SELECTION HOME SELECTION BOX BEEF FREEZER BOX S I I* PACKAGES GROUND BEEF I SMCE CHOICE ROUND STEAK I SLICE CHOICE SIRIOIN STEAK 3 2 , LR FRYING CHICKENS CUT UP I 3 TO 4 LB POT ROAST I 4 IB ROILED BEEF ROAST 3 4 EA CENTER CUT PORK CHOPS 3 tIB STEAKS 3 EACH 49.50 APR 25 IBS OF MEAT USDA CHOICE REEF SIDES n 5 1 IB PKGS GROUND BEEF 1 S IB BOX GROUND BEEF PATTIES 2 SLICES CWOICI ROUND STEAK I EACH 7 SLICES CHOtCE SIRIOIN STIAK r EACH J MB PACKAGES BEEF STEW 2 2 » LB FRYING CHICKENS CUT UP 2-J TO 4 IB. POT ROASTS 1 4 IB ROLLEpBIEF ROAST 2 SLABS BABY SPARERIBS 1 4 IB PORl LOIN ROAST 2 4 EA CENTER CUT PORK CHOPS APP 55 2 I IB PKGS BEEF LIVER SLICED 4 RIB STEAKS 2 EACH 2 CORNISH HENS i I LB PORK SAUSAGE ROLL 99.50 LBS OF MEAT 4 SIRIOIN STEAKS I EACH 2 ROUND STEAKS I EACH 4 RIB STEAKS 2 EACH 3 T BONE STEAKS 1 EACH 4 CUBE STEAKS 2 EACH l-Slt BOX BEEF PATTIES 5 I LB GROUND BEEF 2 I LB BEEF STEW 2 3 TO 4 LB POT ROAST 2 4 IB ROLLED BEEF ROAST 2 2 EACH SHORT RIBS BEEF 2 2 EACH BEEF SHANKS I 2 TO 3 LB PC CORN BEEF 119.50 APP 70 IBS. OF MEAT IGA 2% MILK EVERYDAY LOW PRICE DEAN'S SKIM MILK 179 I GALLON % GAL. BLUE LUSTER CARPET SHAMPOOER'S HERE!!! PRICE INCLUDES CUTTING, WRAPPING, FREEZING grocery savings GROCERY PRICES EFFECTIVE MAY 15-17 KEMPS HALF I HALF EVERYDAY LOW PRICE 49c PINT FROM THE SAUSAGE SHOP LEAN SLICED BOILED HAM.... SLICED BAKED HUM.... SLICED LAND-O-LAKES AMERICAN CHEESE CREAMY AMERICAN POTATO SALAD or MACARONI SALAD. 7> LB. 7a LB. 1 LB. 1.49 1.59 YOUR CHOICE DEAN HOMESTYLE DREAR New Everyday Low Price T LB. LOAF fresh produce CNN LETTUCE EACH 3itr 59° GRAPEFRUIT 4/100 COTTAGE 6HEESL M.1.09 HOLLAND DUTCH ̂ ** ICECREAM •/, GAL 1.39 NESTLES ICE CREAM BARS 6PK 89° MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRESSING 32 OZ. 1.29 IGA _ BLEACH GALLON 65° CHICKEN OF THE SEA TWA 6v,OZ.85C HI DRI PAPER TOWELS . . JUMBO ROLL 49° TOP JOB CLEARER 2BOZ.1.39 FLAVORKIST ASSORTED _ COMES . . . . . 6 7 0 1 .3/89° GRADE A EXTRA LARGE M EMS.. DOZEN63° MINUTE MAID - MAKE JUICE... i2ozB9C GOLD MEDAL « AT SUNNYSIDE FOODS *vhii© th©y lost Sole bee r no ' - ed L IQUOR PRICES EFFECTIVE MAY 15 18 (#15)335-3097 PABST BEER CANS FLEISCH 1" 129 3 LITER A/12 OZ. CANS 1.7S LITER 1.75 LITER 1.75 LITER MR. BOSTON 5 STAR BRANDY SEAGRAMS 7 •CROWN! WHISKEY |BIACOBUZI| LAMBRUSCO C29 1.75 LITER 1.75 LITER 1 LITER Township Endorses City Beauiificatioi T h e M c H e n r y Beautification program has the endorsement of Lhe Township Road district. During an inlerview with > Fran Olsen, executive director of the McHenry Chamber of , Commerce, Road Commissioner Clarence Regner stated that the Township Road district is responsible for mowing all easements along road district roads and does pick up all debris and litter on those essenients twice a year. This is budgeted and paid for by tax dollars. . "In the Spring we sweep the shoulders and remove 50- 75 loads of sand and debris that accumulates during Lhe Winter months," said Regqer. "We sure would like to see those easements stay cleaner, and there's only one way to do that - don't litter ! You -wouldn't believe whal people will dump along the roadways. All the tax money in the world isn't the answer to keeping - i l l clean, don't litter is the answer. "We are very proud of the good quality/roads that lead into tylcHeriry and we want them to look good too. If everyone would take down their old garage sale signs and political signs, that sure would help. You know, it is illegal to post signs On utility poles, bul people do it an- way. Please tell everyone to go out and take down the signs they have posted, and that will help a. lot. "To keep the roadways looking like they should, everyone has to cooperate," Regner concluded. The Township Road district will d6 its part to "Sweep McHenpy Clean" but it needs the cooperation of every citizen to take up where they leave off: to mow beyond the easement, to pick up litter in fronL of and around every, privately owned property to "Make McHenry Beautiful". "Trial Bar" On Trial Circuit Judge Roland A. Herrmann of the McHenry County Circuit courtj and Herbert H- Franks, of Marengo, a member of the Civil Practice & Procedure section of the Illinois State Bar association, par ticipated in a conference to improve trial advocate competency among the lawyers of the- State of Illinois. The conference was held at Allerton House, Monticello, 111., this past weekend. Participating in the conference were the presidenls of the Illinois State Bar association, American Trial Lawyers association, deans of Duke Law school, University . of Illinois and six other Ap pellate and trial judges from around the state. The three-day conference addressed the criticism leveled at the trial bar by Chief Justice Warren Burger and other critics of the trial bar. Methods of education in the law schools, post graduate continuing legal education, legbl internship, peer review, Specialization and certification were on the agenda. The committee is in the process of preparing a report to submit to the Illinois State Bar association on the conference. Film Series NaLivity Lutheran church, 3506 E. Wonder Lake road, Wonder Lake, invites the public to attend the showing of the film "What Wives Wish Their Husbands Knew About Women: The Lonely Housewife," Friday, May 16, at 7 p.m. A second showing is scheduled for Sunday, May 18, at 12 noon. "Focus on the Family Film Series," by Dr. James C. Dobson is a collection of seven consecutive films, all of differenl topics, but all related to the functioning of family life. It. is not necessary however, to see the first films in order to view any others of the series, so people interested in certain topics being shown should feel welcome to at tend. The final film in the series will be shown Friday, May 23, at 7, and Sunday, May 25, at noon. It is entitled, "What Wives Wish Their Husbands Knew About Women: Money, .Sex, and Children." If there are any questions concerning the films, in terested persons are urged to call the church or contact Pastor Olson at 653-3832. VA personnel answered nearly 24 million telephone inquiries from veterans requesting assistance in 1999. Nearly 90 percent of the 30 million living ex-service personnel are war veterans - - persons with military service during defined periods of armed hostilities Pre-School To Open In September Plans are being made at this time for the September opening of the Joyful Noise pre-school in McHenry. Applicants for teaching may contact the Faith "Presbyterian church at 385- 5388 or Leslie Anfinson at 385-7948 to arrange for an interview. The pre-school is seeking state licensure and teachers must meet state requirements. Though housed in the Faith Presbyterian church the school will be run on a non-sectarian basis seeking to emphasize Christian values, social skills and the achievement of appropriate developmental tasks. The Rev. Eric Snyder, pastor of Faith church, who recently completed his doctorate degree at San Francisco Theological seminary, comments, "Child psychologists remind us that nearly half of what a child learns, in terms of values, is learned by age 5. To aid in the development of appropriate Christian values we must begin at an early age." The school will not include day care and plans call for two sessions, from 9 to 11:30 a.m. and from 12:30 to 3 p.m. and to follow the McHenry school calendar. Ont way to minimize the use of light is to concentrate it whore you nood it, .such as in work, study or safety areas. Light can also ba maximized by locating tahlo, floor and hang ing lanys in comers whore tho light wiH reflect off two wads. Wads and ceilings painted or papered in light caters will re flect light in a room better than daric colors. THEORIGMSOF SHDERMAN̂ HUUCAND FANTASTIC FOUR ' Marvei hero Postef Series Rom IllXXIW. »• mm I~ ^ongJahnSilwerls. with a largo Mfvlng of Coca-Cola and an adult moal. SEAFOOD This wook: Spidorman* Wook of May 5 • Fantastic Four *Woak of May 10«Spidarman Wook of May 17 • lacrodiMo Wook of May 24 • Colloct a 4313 W. Ufa. 120 i