What Just One Person Can Do seems 4-H Sponsors Summer Adventure Camping Motherhood: A Common-Sense Approach Motherhood, like: love itself, is beautiful but it can also be harsh and deman ding. -I am concerned for* those good women who are suffering a kind of spiritual and emotional dislocation the process of raising Jh&r children. Depressio to come in spurts^ "More parents now seem to be impatient of their obligation to their children, so that you get the tensidn between how much to give to the children, and how much to give to self," says Ber nard Fisher, executive director of the Citizens Committee for Children in New York. All of us need spiritual help at times, particularly the overworked mother. The most difficult thing to teach a person |s that peace, happiness, and joy only come in fullness when there is wholehearted acceptance of god's will. When that is present, even the cross is sweet. Some mothers make the mistake of loving their children to the point of overindulgence, doting on them, coddling them. It is not God's will that mothers take too much responsibility, doing things for the children that they should do for themselves. When a • mother is over- responsible, her own ego rebels and family tensions grow. God wants us to care for others in a sensible way. Our grandparents had larger families. Extra special attention to the needs and whims of each <child was simply impossible. All we are asked to do is make a reasonable effort to be good at what we do. The real problem arises when mothers constantly flee from responsibility. "After all," some reason, "no one can expect a person to stay with their children 24 hours a day." It's true, a woman needs relief, especially if she has pre-school children. But. reasonable care requires responsible supervision in one's absence. There have been mothers who have returned home from a day of socializing only to find the fire depart ment battling flames and children in the hospital. This is not God's will either. Each of us with God's help can find the proper balance; the answer is fidelity to the will of God. It may be that a person needs some guidance in discerning what this will is. "Seek and you shall find," Jesus said. "Come to Me you who labor and are burdened, and I will refresh you, for My yoke is sweet, My burden light." (Mt. 11:30) Lord, let me know Your will and give me the strength and consolation to do what You ask, for in Your will is my peace. Amen. Your Age Shows Middle-age is the sud den realization that you don't recognizesany of the actors in the movies ex cept the ones playing hotel clerics, sheriffs, or policemen. -Democrat, Davenport! Ia. Courthouse Squares the Northern Illinois 4-H Camp association is spon soring an Adventure Trip camp this- summer. Par ticipants will go canoeing in northern Wisconsin and' ' backpacking in the Por cupine mountains in the >. Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Adventure campers will leffrn camping . skills, preparation of food, and living comfortably in remote areas. Leaving rio trace -as they travel through the wilderness is part of lear ning to appreciate the natural environment. ' Meeting challenges, both mental and physical, will also be part of the adventure program.: "Wildlife sightings are abundant*" - says Ms. Katie Wiedman-Heidrich, area adviser for Camping and Outdoor Education. "Eagles, bears, skunks, and deer are frequently seen on the trip. And there Are more chipmunks than you can imagine!" Adventure campers will also see mountain slopes covered with virgin forests of hard woods, hemlock and white pine. , The adventure campers carry all of their own gear and food for the group. Drinking water is obtained from mountain streams and lakes miles from any roads or towns. Anyone interested in this trip should write to Katie Wiedman-Heidrich at Camp Shaw-waw-nas-see, Et. 1,° Box 196, Manteno, 111. 60950 or call (815) 933-3011. The deadline for application is June 1, 1980. Wsyhe Fowler Agronomic Education Director VA Interest Rates Drop To 13 Percent The first decrease in the GI home loan interest rate ceiling since 1976 was an nounced today by Veterans Administration chief Max Cleland. The new maximum rate - 13 percent - took effect on Monday, April 28. It is a full point below the record 14 percent ceiling which has been in effect since April 3. For a veteran buying a home with a 30-year, $50,000 GI loan, the one percent rate decrease will lower the monthly payment by about $50. ' The rate change does not affect existing loans, Cleland pointed out. Once a loan is made the interest rate remains the same over the life of the loan. The new 13 percent rate was agreed upon jointly by VA and the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and is in line with interest rate reductions in the private sector. VA guarantees loans made by private lenders to eligible veterans, unmarried sur viving spouses and active duty military personnel. The guaranty covers 60 percent of the loan amount or a maximum of $25,000, which ever is lower. VA has guaranteed loans worth $8.6 billion so far in fiscal year 1980. Since the GI loan guaranty program began in 1944, ap proximately 10.5 million loans worth $178.6 billion have been guaranteed by VA, Cleland said. So says the VA... IJETSU. -MMT ivn MfflMC TO MT WTO Ht CNVIES BtFOftt I MKT TMT MMME." Contact nearest VA office (check your phone book) or a local veterans group. The Female Tough A woman is usually responsible for a hus band's success because of the money she makes it necessary for him to make. -Reporter, Kanawha, la. < Abnormal Seedling Development Question: Some of my corn seemed to leaf out under the ground and didn't come up. Why? Answer:.* Several things can cause this occasional problem. Sometimes we can identify a specific cause, or a combination of causes; other v times we never pinpoint the reason. Some of the possibilities to consider if thisliappens to you are: soil crusting, chemical or fer tilizer toxicity, deep planting cloddy soil surface and mechanical seed damage. A crusted soil surface can serve as a mechanical barrier preventing the corn shoot from emerging. Often the shoot will split and the first yellow-white leaf will unfurl beneath the surface. Sometimes they'll twist or even turn and grow back down. Rotary hoeing may break such a crust enough to get most seedlings through. Herbicide or insecticide toxicity, if it occurs, is usually traceable to im proper rate or improper application. Unfavorable conditions for germination and early growth may in crease the possibility of pesticide damage. Some herbicides » seem a bit more prone to cause seedling • distortion than others. There are some reports of an in teraction between dizainon seed treatment and certain herbicides causing corn seedling damage. Fertilizer toxicity can occur if toojnuch fertilizer is positioned too close to the seed. Soluble nitrogen and potassium materials are sometimes responsible for ".fertilizer burn" of seed or seedlings; com is very sensitive to boron (a micronutrient) in . close contact with germinating seed. Fertilizers containing or producing free ammonia can cause serious ger mination problems in corn. Most fertilizer problems are due to placement or rate. Deep planting alone can cause abnormal seedling development. It can also , accentuate problems due to ' crusting or chemicals, in cluding fertilizer. As part of the normal corn germination process, the first internode (mesocotylO between the primary and secondary root systems elongates until the s^pot reaches light at the soil surface. If seed is planted loo deep the mesocotyl may be unable to lengthen enough and the shoot may rupture beneath the surface, allowing the first leaf to expand there. A cloddy soil surface allows light penetration and this is sometimes sufficient to trigger release of the first leaf before the shoot breaks through. Mechanical damage to seed during handling and planting sometimes causes breakage at the germ face and some of the injured embryos produce abnormal seedlings. Improper ad justment or operation of planters can cause this type of seed injury. Properly adjusted and operated plateless planters are less likely to cause seed damage than plate-type. Limited research has shown that certain germ- plasm carries a genetic tendency for premature leafing out of seedlings. Generally, parent lines containing this germplasm are not used in the production of hybrid corn seed. Most cases of premature leafing of corn seedlings can be traced to one or more of the above causes. Often, a combination of two or more of these is involved. There are undoubtedly other factors that sometimes operate to cause abnormal seedling development. CHILDREN'S THEATER The Harvard Children's theater, is presenting local talent in three one-act plays, Saturday, May 31, at 2 p.m. in the Harvard Masonic temple, 66 N. Ayer street, Harvard. Everyone is welcome and there is no admission charge. MY AUTO INSURANCE MIGHT pay off if / get hit by a water BUFFALO ON NEW YEAR'S £l/E IN OSLO, NORWAY. lENTMtSEtfMC the professional do-it-yourself carpet cleaning system First Hour of Rental $1.00 per hour . . . for ©very hour thereafter (Example 2 hours . . total charge $1 plus to*.) NO MINIMUM Special Rental Rate Good Monday thru Thursday RINSENVAC deans the professionals do. ,it , i traction ot the cost I SUN JJ- .MB SS.00 NUN OVERNIGHT SPECIAL I 8:00 P.M. - 0:00 A.M. $10.00 HORNSBYS f a m i l y ( e n t e r i ^ 4400 W. RTE. 120. McHENRY, III. EVERY DAY LOW PRICE! Coke •Tab •Fresca •R07-UP •Pepsi 6-16 OZ. BOTTLES Plus Dep. HERMES & GO. WONDER LAKE. ILL. Oar Professionals Do It All! •Hair Styling •Golor Tints •Permanents •Men's Styling •Blow Combing •HairCuts •Shampoo & Sets •Children's Styling Visit Us Today! (815)385-4520 4-H Camp . - Discovery Weekend PAGE 5 - PLAINDEALER .WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, ttM ( In Concert Shaw-waw-nas-see 4-H camp is planning a Discovery Weekend and open house May 24-26. Families are invited to stay at tfie camp, either in cabins or in their own tents, trailers, or R.V.'s. The Discovery Weekend will allow the whole family to enjoy the secluded camp setting while learning about the summer camp program. There will be planned ac tivities as well as a chance to get acquainted with the staff. Camp open house tours wiil be held Sunday, May 25, from 1 to 4 p.m. Families unable to come for the whole weekend may attend just the open house. Families staying for the weekend will need to bring their own food, camp stove or grill, utensils, and; ice chest. Advance registration is requested. * Shaw-waw-nas-see 4-H camp is located in Kankakee county, about halfway between Kankakee and Wilminton, just off Highway 102. For further information and a registration blank, contact the McHenry County Cooperative Extension service, 789 McHenry avenue, P.O. Box 431, Woodstock. Church To Hold Day Of Penitence And Prayer On May 25, the Day of Pentecost, commonly called the "Birthday of the Christian church," Zion Lutheran church of McHenry will observe a Day of Penitence and Prayer. The church says, "In response to a few people in faithful prayer God has changed the destinies of nations'*' Zion congregation answers the appeal of her synodical president, Dr. J.A.O. Preus of St. Louis, to pray about several problems that afflict the world today, President Preus has called the 6,000 congregations of the Lutheran church- Missouri Synod to pray for: 1) the nation in this presidential election year; 2) hostages kept in captivity against t their will; 3) refugees seeking a homeland that wil] provide freedom and safety; and 4) many areas of the world where deteriorating conditions cause anxieties and fear. Preus says that each of the 2.7 million members of the Synod shares responsibility for the problems that disturb the world. Therefore, he calls them on May 25 to repent of: "1) our sins of ommission and commission, "2) our failure to be bold in our faith and witness, "3) our un willingness to reach out to those in need, "4) our wastefulness of this world's resources." Zion Lutheran church in McHenry has invited all area Christians to share her concern for these issues in prayer May 25. Zion church on Route 120 will be open the whole day for people to come in and pray privately for God to restore peace on earth. The Lutheran church- Missouri synod is the sixth largest religious body in North America. It has the largest Protestant parochial school system on the con tinent and conducts mission work in 30 countries of the world. Its laymen support the Lutheran Hour which brings the good news of Christ in 45 languages each week on 1,800 radio stations to 40 million people in 125 countries. * * * * Nature is a great teacher, if you care to take lessons. * * • * If you want to live long, remember the "eat" in death. ANDREW CULVERWELL Andrew Culverwell, one of America's leading gospel singers and composers will give a concert in Crystal Lake Friday, May 30 at 7:30 p.m. at South high school, 1200 McHenry avenue. He is returning to Crystal Lake where two years ago he gave an exciting gospel concert and was enthusiastically received. The concert is being supported by several churches in the area and is open to all. BIBLE VERSE "This is the confi dence that we have in him: that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us." 1. Of whom is the writer speaking? 2. Who made the above statement? 3. By what term was he known? 4. Where may this state ment be found? Answers To Bible Verse 1. Of Jesus Christ. 2. John the Apostle. 5.^pff^^dlsriple whom Jesus loved." 4. 1 John 5:14. Opening the first week of June! 'USAN: HOB FOR MEN & WOMEN 3BOB W. MAIN MCHENRY, ILL. 344*5330 spurgeons Family Hairstyling Center Our Salon -^has been completely remodeled tor You! NEW HAIRSTYLING CENTER HOURS: Mon. 8-2 Tues. 8-4 Wed. 8-8 Thurs. 8-8 Fri.8-8 Sat. 8-4 CALL FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT! (815)385-4520 % OFF ALL PERMANENTS! Netti-Mgr. Connie N o w t h r u M a y 3 1 s t She's Here! Jo Larke is now at our salon specializing in precision cuts for men and women. For your appointment with Jo phone 385-4520 iiiiiiiiiiii'iiiimii'mniuniirmy Professional Residential 1 Rotary Mochin* - A Steomex • Scrubbing Rinsing CALL PAUL 385-3252 » » . •«i»i«i f»«i i» i i««t«nnne>eet>e«i»e«i 1 Bf M WmM % Btrnle \ McHenry Market 4400 W. Rte. 120-Mc Place McHenry, III. STORE DISCOUNT! s " erchand ise exc luded wi th any Ha i r S t y l i ng Se rv i ce o f $10 .00 o r mo re Now thru May 31st FOR TOOK APPOINTMENT PHONE: (815)385-4520 FREE Rain Caps and MQ Hair Analysis! TO ALL CUSTOMERS • WHILE SUPPLIES LAST 10% DISCOUNT TO SENIOR CITIZENS Every Monday & Tuesday Soo our complete lino of Helen* Cvrtis® Professional Hair Needs!