7 legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OFTHE19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS MCHENRY SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, an i Corp. Illinois ( ) ) ) ) Plaintiff, ) - ) -vs- ) JOHN R. ZELLERS; et al„ ) Defendants. No. 80 CH 87 Dated: Woodstocv, Illinois, May 5th, 1980. Vernon W. Kays, Jr. Circuit Court FREDERICK C. CAP- PETTA Attorney for Plaintiff Seven South Dearborn Chicago, Illinois, 60603 (312) 726-9600 (Pub. May 9,16 & 23,1980) Legal Notice The Lakeland Park P r o p e r t y O w n e r s Association will accept sealed bids for blacktopping the Community House Parking Lot located at 1717 N. Sunset Avenue, McHenry. Bids will be accepted until lENTHNSQfHU the professional do-it-yourself carpet cleaning system First Hour of Rental $1.00 p«r hour . . . for •vory hour thorooftor Exempt* 2 hours . . total charga $1 plus tax.) NO MINIMUM Special Rental Rate Good Monday thru Thursday RiNSENVAC cleans the way professionals do. •it a traction ot tHa cost TO., SAT., &MN. ft'.NSt. UNMM) MKti OVIRNIOHTSNOAII l:OOP.M.t :00 A.M. HORNSBYS 1:00 P.M. on June 3/ 1980. For specifications, contact Harold Boelter at 385-5519 after 5:00 P.M. The Lakeland Park P r o p e r t y O w n e r s Association reserves- the right to accept or reject any or all bids. (PUb. May 23,1980) Legal Notice NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON McHENRY TOWNSHIP REVENUESHARING BUDGET ' / Notice is given hereby that a public hearing on said budget and . appropriation ordinance will be held at 8 o'clock P.M., Thursday; June 19th, 1980, at 3922 W. Main St., McHenry, 111. in this Town. Dated this 16th day of May, 1980. Walter J. Dean, Supervisor Albert A. Adams, v. . Clerk (Pub. May 23,1980) Legal Notice VILLAGE OF ^ LAKEMOOR, ILLINOIS INVITATION FORBIDS KITCHEN EQUIPMENT & DISHES Sealed proposals for kitchen equipment and dishes will be received by the President and Board of Trustees at the Village Hall until,8:00 P.M.,, " and at that e Hall ur 26. 1980, trill be pu Burglar Targets Turn To Tools For Spring publicly opened littec NOTICE , The requisite affidavit for publication haying been filed, notice is hereby given you, NON RECORD C L A I M A N T S A N D UNKNOWN OWNERS, Defendants in the above entitled suit, that said sui$ has been commenced in the Circuit Court of the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit, McHenry County, Illinois, by the aforesaid Plaintiff against yQU and other Defendants, praying for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage made by JOHN R. ZELLERS and PEGGY A. ZELLERS, to McHenry Savings and Loan Association, Mortgagee, conveying the following described premises to wit: Lot 31 in Block 10 in W E. K n i g h t ' s P i s t a k e e Terrace Subdivision Unit No. 2, a Subdivision of part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 7, Township 45 North, Range 9 East of the T h i r d P r i n c i p a l Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded April 25, 1956 as Document No. 306804, in Book 12 of Plats, page 72, in McHenry County, Illinois. Said property is commonly known as 4115 Riverdale Drive, McHenry, Illinois; that the aforesaid mortgage was filed for record in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds, McHenry County, Illinois, as Document Number 766376 that sum mons was duly issued out of the court against you as provided by law, and said suit is still pending. Now, therefore unless you. the said above named Defendants, file your answer to the complaint in said suit or otherwise make your appearance therein, in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of„ the,. Nineteenth Judlciaf Circuit, McHenry County, County Building, 2200 North Seminary Avenue, Wood stock, Illinois, on or before the Ninth day of June A.D. 1980, default may be entered against you at any time thereafter and a decree entered in accordance with the prayer of said complaint. ! It's spring cleaning time for thieves too as lawn im plements were the primary targets of thefts And burglaries in the McHenry area this past week. On Monday, Marjorie Kuhns, of 2502 Ringwood road, McHenry, called the McHenry County Sheriff's police when she found that a lawn tractor had been ta^en from her property. Also last Monday, Steve Rasmussen, of 3119 Woods, McHenry, discovered that someone had stolen a lawn tractor from his home. Joseph Kawa, of 3121 N. Park, McHenty, reported the theft of a lawnmower, assorted mechanic's and carpenter's tools, a bicycle and a winch from his garage. A typewriter was taken from the Lakemoor Village hall at 234 Rand road, McHenry. From the garage next door, a chainsaw and an air blower Were also taken. Mary Checchin, of 207 Park road, McHenry, reported the theft of a purse with more than $120 and some jewelry from her homers LastXJfeturday, someone broke into a home at 5408 Sommerville, Wonder Lake, belonging to John Gleason and stole quantities of soda, beer, food and furniture. Bible Church Tells Summer Activities Summer may be the time for most people to slow, but activities at the Wonder Lake Bible church don't slow, they just change direction a bit. J At present the young people are planning a float for the Memorial day parade. The float will be promoting the upcoming Vacation Bible school. The dates for Vacation Bible school will be June 5-June 13. Events to look forward to in the month of June besides Vacation Bible school, are the annual church clean-up, the Sunday School picnic and some special events for the high school Youth group. This Sunday there will be a "guest" preacher. One of the members; Max Ward, who is a missionary with the Seamen's International Christian asociation, will be in the pulpit. The Seamen's Mission serves the men who come to the ports of the United States on ships from all over the world. The missionaries go on board the ships with tracts and literature in 35 languages. They seek to bring the message of salvation through Jesus Christ to as many as possible. They offer help to these men who are far from home and family in any way that they can. The Seamen's Mission was started by Rev. T.M. Wright, father of Pastor Richard N. Wright. The headquarters of the mission are in Wonder Lake. ' Throughout the month of May, there will be regular services on Sundays, with Sunday School for all ages at 9:30 a.m., morning worship services at 10:50 a.m., Bible Fellowship hour at 6 p.m. ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. 'BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER " FEATURING COMPLETE LINES OF: •OLYMPIC STAIN •BRAMMER CABINETS •ANDERSEN WINDOWS •PRE-HUNG DOORS •NORD SPINDLES •JIM MARTIN PAINTS •LINCOLN WINDOWS •GAF SHINGLES •BUILDERS HARDWARE •PREFINISHED PANELING •CHAMBERLAIN .GARAGE DOOR OPERATORS Phone 385-1424 909 N. FRONT ST., McHENRY Air condition your home with an =̂ lirtemp CENTRAL SYSTEM These units have excellent E.E.R. ratings for economical operating cost. Complete package to fit your furnace, in eludes coil, condensor, line set, relay and power wiring, com pletely installed. TON 1 Vi 2 IVi 3 3^ 4 5 B.T.U. 18,500 24,500 31,500 36,000 43,000 48,000 60,000 Approx. Sq. Ft Cooling Cap. 1000 1300 1600 1800 2100 2400 3000 {•RICE INSTM1E0 $I095#* •119S" *I345## *1445** MSTS** *1475** '17M" Prices could vary according to your particular home. Call for FREE ESTIMATE. Absolutely No Obligation! R.D. HAHN & SONS SHEET METAL, INC. 209 E. "0UTE 120 McHENRY. ILL 385-9670 June 26 time wil and read. Proposals shall be submitted at the office of the Village Cler*;, 234 W. Rand Lakemoor, Illinois. Mailing address: Village of Lakemoor, 234 W. Rand Rd., McHenry, IL., 60050. The articles may be seen at the \ajbo¥£jiddre8s on Mondays from 7a.m. to 4p.m.; 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. and on Fridays from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. The following items are Open to bid: Quantity Items 361 Plates 376 Small saucers 40 Large saucers 187 Bowls 9 Platters 164 Creamers 28 Sugar bowls 28 Glasses 80 Coffee cups 1 Vulcan 6-burner, 2 oven & grill stove, Model No. 260 Style 954 with exhaust fan 1 Deep fryer Model 14 Serial Number 31622y 10,700 BTU per burner 1 Steam table - Brill model 1 30-in. x5ft. and Midweek Prayer and Praise hour at 7:30 p.m. Visitors are always welcome. Past 65 Write to Carl Riblet, Jr. at Box 40757, Tucson, Ariz., 85717 for information and advice on questions you may have as an elder citizen, with self-addressed, stamped envelope. All questions will be answered, either direct or in this column. „ "T^am being discriminated against because I am nearing 65. I have worked steadily as a secretary since age 18.1 was never fired. Last January after an operation I had to quit work for a time. When my doctor said I was fit to work again, I applied for jobs many times, filling out many applications. I never got a job. Someone else always got it. I realize it is because of my age. What can I do? Please use my initials, not my real first name". - E.S. A. -- Miss E.S. should phone her local Information and Referral service at 222- 5555 and ask where to go on an Equal Opportunity job complaint. They will help her with accurate in formation. / Q. -- "In Iowa we had a neighbor with a deformed chopping block with overhead utensil rack Minimum bid of $1,000.00. The Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive technicalities. Pacita R. Morrison Village of Lakemoor, IL. Clerk (Pub. May 21 & 23,1980) PAGE SI - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY. MAY U, 1«M amputees who need help envelope. All questions will foot. He had s hoemaker make a special shoe for the deformed foot and he would buy a pair of regular shoes for the good foot. Yes, the same pair for one foot, the shoemaker taking the sole off one of the new shoes, turning it over and then stitching it back on to the upper part of the boughten shoe, thus reversing the shoe from right' to left or vice versa. The man then had two new shoes for his normal foot, and the altered shoe worked out fine. Some of the from a shoe exchange might profit from this idea. How about it?" -- p.O.E.S. A. -- A really good idea. I took an old pair of shoes to a shoemaker. He switched and restitched one and it does indeed work. The only trouble is that I now have two right-hand shoes and no left shoes to match. I'll have to use the shoe exchange. P.O. Thanks to the Ryders for their heartwarming note. Q. -- "I read about what you said about bed sores on people who live in that nursing home. Maybe this will help the nursing home. Sheets in those places are washed in lye and other stuff that can cause bedsores if hot thoroughly rinsed out. It is that simple. Rinse it!" -- Dexter P. A. -~ Thanks, Dexter. - Write to Carl Riblet, Jr. at Box 40757, . Tucson, Ariz., 85717 for information and advice on questions you may have as a senior citizen, with self-addressed, stamped be answered, either direct or in this column. Hopeful Wife-We've got to fire that chauffeur. He's nearly killed me four times.^ . Husband--He's a good man. Let's give him another chance. s That'll Be Startling "Mabel is going around telling lies about me." "Don't worry now, dear. Wait till she starts telling the truth." LAUGHING He who laughs last has just found out it was the boss who told the joke. GAS-$AVING DEPENDABILTY 4 dr., 4 cyl. low, 178 gas saver MEMORIAL DW USED CAR VALUES! '80 CHEVY CHEVETTE yel- "TTnother 77 DODGE ASPEN 2 dr., 6 cyl., A T., P S. white '76 PLYMOUTH VOLARE 2 dr., roadrunner, bucket seats, son roof, V8, A.T., P.S., orange OUR COMPANY IS KNOWN Don t Miss Our GRAND OPENING Thurs., May 22nd-Mon., May 26th Qine cSe.ts.cti.on. ofcMand cMade Ote.m.3. LncCudtng •HARDWOOD CLOCKS •SCONCES •BENCHES •PICTURE FRAMES •CALICO APPLIQUE PILLOWS •CALICO CHICKENS AND MORE fox dhtxxuujood dtocfz NO PURCHASE NECESSARY The Country Wood Shop & Calico Corner 9935 Main HOURS Hebron, IL Thurs-Sat 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sun 12-5 Mon 10-5 CLOSED TUES-WED Wa ALL SEATS 79 DODGE OMNI 4 DR. Prem., 4 spd., air cond., luggage rack, two-tone red, gas mileage plus. ' 77AMC GREMLIN 2 DR 4 cyl., std. shift, black '76 PONTIAC VENTURA 4 dr., air cond., P. win dows, P.S., P.B., P door locks, blue BY THE PROMISES IT KEEPS MITCHELL BUICK-OLDS 903 N. FRONT SI McHFNRY IL >V a m •> a M O N F R I 9 9 S A T 9 - 5 S U N . 1 1 - 4 3 8 5 - / 2 , 0 0 URSER SPECIALS OFTHE WEEK! 3 From towerwoocf 1100 V. FULL YEAR GUARANTEE! SALE DATES MAY 23 to MAY 29 Limited Supply SISSY SFACEK IN COAL MINER'S DAUGHTER ~ FK. ft MUL TUB THMIS. 645 ft * S*T.ft SK ADULTS $2.50 CHILD (Under 11) FREE EVERGREEN - White Pine (Pinus Strobus) Soft, fine-textured, rapid-growing pine SAVE $6.00 2-3 ft. potted (Reg. $30) RHODODENDRON HYBRIDS - $9095 Magnificent blooms are now opening MU and /VTcHEMFtY O U T D O O R 344-0444 .V ALSO AT 10:23 A temptingly comedy for adults who can count HUtMR24ttft»*eiUI •24UMSI LONG RIDERS. FRIDAY THE 13tt1 PL-»T.« UklMtlHSl iH !•§!•& BLOOMING AZALEAS Azalea Exbury Hybrids Large, single, bright-colored flowers in May SAVE $3, $5, $7 SALE PRICED... to $2095 ORNAMENTAL TREES- Clump Gray Birch, &-10 ft. B&B Fast groifc&iswith white bark SAVE SO I $23.50 O ug. $120.00) $12.00 Clump Yellow Birch, 5-7 ft. B&B Beautiful reddish-brown bark with age SAVE TO (Reg. $49.50) MORE GREAT BUYS BLOOMING ANNUAL FLOWERS Diathus "Wee Willie" Red & White border olant 3" height SAVE $2.00 72 plants/flat *7 ̂ % (ReR. $9.50) Dianthus "Magic Charms" Brings good luck to any border 6-8" tall in mixed colors 99< a 4-pak (Reg. $1.29) "BIG" TOMATO PLANTS All your favorite varieties in 6" pots SAVE $1.00 $295e. 3/$775 (Reg.$3.95ea.) $149 $J19 THOUSANDS OF ANNUAL FLOWERING PLANTS Marigolds, Petunias, Snapdragons, Alyssum, Lobelia and many more * to 6 QCT<5 plant paks (J J) Z *950 SHOWPLACt 5 •• DOLBY STEREO .tuHTfOffms.. 1*1 f PJL $1Jt MMM «MMB AT 1*1-1*+S 9Af» _ •1«) $S.ti OW(11A NM) $t.M Large selection of Tomatoes & Peppers 4-plant pak pot Limited Supply 1 OPEN MONDAY, MAY 26 - 9 to -Jlowcrwo W Route 141176. Crystal lite (815)459-6200 Monday tfiru Friday M. Saturday 4 Sunday 9-5