Celebrate your graduate's big day with a graduation greeting card! Bestv ̂ SECTION 2 -JPACK 8 • PLAINPEA! KR- WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, lWI at fiftieth annual com- J Twice Told Tales I FIFTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of June 5, 1930) Some marked im provements have been in progress at the A4P store on Green street during the past week and they are now well adjusted in their much larger quarters. The building which they occupied was formerly made for two stores, the AAP store oc cupying one and the other one has been vacant for a few months. As the store needed additional room the dividing partition was torn out and the store now oc cupies the entire building. A new system is also in use at the store, where the customers wait on them selves, thus enabling many customers to be ac commodated with fewer clerks. The manager of the store is Henry Heimer. The Claire Beauty shop, formerly located in the home of Mrs. Allan Noonan on Main street, moved last week to new quarters in the Hunter building on Green street where their opening was held on Saturday. The new location will afford them more room and be a most convenient location. Dr. A.I. Froehlich is moving his office this week from the building near the Northwestern hotel on Main street to the offices in the Pries building over the National Tea store on Green street. FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the Hies of May 30, 1940) Deliveries of milk were started again after a strike of wagon drivers in Chicago, which lasted for eight days A new truce was concluded the night before. The drivers voted to return to work at the pre-strike basis wage of $48 a week, pending further in vestigations. The Inside Dairy Workers union agreed to a similar proposal. The strike cost farmers $480,000. Strikers lost $280,000 in wages. Dealers, who said they were losing money before the strike began, incurred additional losses which put the total strike bill at more than a million dollars. Richard Vycital, who has just completed his junior year at the University of Illinois College of Phar macy, has the honor of being elected president of the senior class of 1941. Fred Ferwerda was elected president of the McHenry Lions club at a dinner meeting at the McHenry Country club. TWENTY-FIVE YEARSAGO (Taken from the files of June 2, 1955) William Tittle, president of the county-wide hospital in Woodstock, announced that a definite commitment for federal assistance has been obtained and plans will proceed for the erection of the new County Memorial hospital in Woodstock. The first course in the charm school in conjunction with the Marine Day queen contest was held in the high sehool. conducting the course was Miss Elaine Morley of Waukegan, who spoke on modeling. Friends of Mrs. Gertrude Maronde and of her daughter, Mrs. Mathias J. Donkel of McCullom Lake, The McHenry Ploindealer 3812 W. Elm Street Mchenry, II. 60050 • 2 Years - $25.00 (Best Buy) • 1 Year - $13.50 • A Months -17.50 D Payment Enclosed offered Mrs. Maronde congratulations on the oc casion of her ninetieth birth day anniversary which occurred June 1. TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of June 3, 1970) A grand jury for which Benjamin Falk served as% foreman, indicted Mark A. Smith of McHenry (also sometimes known as Mark Christmann), for the murder of Jean Ann Lingenfelter, 17, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Lingenfelter. The McHenry girl was 'found dead May 28 at Herzog beach, Lakeland Park. 350 students will graduate mencement exercises at McHenry Community high school, June 3. An official appointment announcement in the Catholic diocese of Rockford takes Rev. Michael J. Tierney, assistant pastor of St! Patrick's parish, McHenry, to the Freeport Catholic school system, where he is director of religious education. Fr. Tierney also will be associate pastor of St. Thomas Aquinas church in that city. Replacing Fr. Tierney at St. Patrick's church will be Rev. John W. Cahill. A 7^-inch rainfall was recorded at the sewerage treatment plant. The ex cessive rainfall seriously affected areas within the city, flooding roads and basements. Age Heritage (The following is another in the series of stories written by McHenry area Journalism students at McHenry County college. The writer is Marion Olsen) Standing in the gravel pit west of McHenry on Route 120 is like going back to the time just after the last Ice Age, 15,000 years ago, ac cording to Crystal Lake high school science instructor, Ronald Marks. Speaking on "The Geology of McHenry County" for members and guests of the Hiawatha Gem and Mineral society at Lake Villa recently, the Johnsburg resident brought a new View of familiar places to the audience. "McHenry county is built almost entirely on sand and gravel," explained Marks, "so, gravel pit operations can be carried on suc cessfully where they are the least conspicuous and disturbing to the com munity." Describing the glacier of the last Ice Age as a "con veyor belt" carrying masses of sand and gravel to the county, Marks showed slides of local lakes, hills and ridges as the resulting glacially-caused formations. McCullom and Crystal lakes are geological "ice block lakes" formed by glacial ice melting and leaving depressions that filled in with ^ring and ground water. He cited a low ridge running along Barreville road south of McHenry as a geological "esker" and assured the group that some qf the best "kames" in the county are located in the conservation area near Ringwood. Bothr-geological forms have their origins in glacial events, Mark said. The esker is a^long ridge of gravel and sand formed by streams flowing under the ice. The kame is usually formed in the crevass of a glacier by deposits of gravel. He added that kames, are formed in other ways as well. "The Highway depart ment sees these formations as piles of roadfill," said Marks. He continued, "Many of them have been gouged out or leveled to obtain the sand and gravel they hold." .From Mark's viewpoint, McHenry's richest farmland is really an outwash plain with 1 to 2 feet of topsoil. And Bull Valley's picturesque beauty is the> result of torrents of meltwater for ming a deep valley through glacially-created moraines. He see* this geological heritage as something to be protected from civilization's inroads. T he " rockhound" audience had ho trouble keeping up with the slide presentation of the Northern Illinois university graduate with a Master's degree in Geology. They often iden tified specific Scenes and formations before he named them. He concluded his presentation with scenes of the Volo bog, describing it as "one of the 'neatest' note in northern Illinois." Ringed with tamarack trees and containing a "fantastic array" of plants and vegetation, all the different stages of a true bog are represented there, Marks McHenry county's rich farmland, natural resources of sand and gravel and natural beauty of the lakes are the legacy left from $e Pleistocene epoch in geological history, Re cording to Marks. He con cluded, "The challenge is to inform people so they can make decisional which will save thi$ legacy from outright destruction." 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