NVTOOrtAt KV MONTGOMERY LIMITED TIME p \ piMm UFETVME TKADC-IN AGKEMENT At any time Montgomery Ward wiff aHow the original purchoter the amount paid, eadinive of taxes end prior trade-in, as part payment toward the purdnu from Montgomery Ward of a mar* expensive dkenond, provided: I. The return it mod* by the original purchaser with thit certificate 2. The diamond it not marred or damaged end it in original setting ̂v. 25% off* Status looks in summery season spanners. • MUMS • Junior* • Half-sice* B"-»18 A Shown: jacketdress from our smash summer group. Ivory slim dress/black jacket; cherry dress/tan jacket. Ace tate/nylon terry. 10-18. Reg. $24, $18 Dnu DtputaMBl *3 off. Active sports bra. Cotton-lined nylon. /197 Stretch nylon/cotton/ T" spandex. B, C cups. Reg. $8 1) cup. reg. 8.50 ...5.47 Br*. Girdle Dept. Value. Active-wear briefs. In Antron® nylon/Ly- O p^g Q< era® spandex; cotton O for O shield. Misses' 5,6,7. Special buy. White, Colors. Lingerie Dept. Montgomery Ward intends to have every item we adver tise available during the full period of our sale. If an odverttsed item (other than a stated limited in-stock quantity, "Clearance" or "Special Suy* item) it not available, we wl at our option offer you a substitute item of equal or greater volue of the advertised price or ploce a "rain check" onhr for the WHY PASS UP A GOOD BUY? JUST ADD IT TO YOUR WARDS CHARG-ALL ACCOUNT j , r . ̂ Value conscious? So are we. [̂ T/̂ y |j| Crystal Lake, Illinois 105 Northwest Highway • Phone: 459-3120 Opa MetxUj Ant Fridsj II Aid. 13 f P.M. * Sabvtk; I AM. T2 S PJH • Sondaj Noea VIS PAL