PAGE 4 • PLA1NDE ALER - WEDNESDAY. MAY », lWt Village oi McHenry Shores Inge Aide 344-1984 Rose lillegard 385-4517 Village Boys Are Confirmed Victor Romahdine and Ken Alton were among those confirmed at Shepherd of the ills Lutheran church May 18. The sermon by Pastor Roger Schneider was moving and meaningful and will help the young people continue to live as Christians. In addition to his im mediate family, cousins, aunts, uncles, as well as Ken's grandparents and his godfather, Orville Alton from Negaunee, Mich., helped cerebrate his big day. Our congratulations and best wishes go to both fine young men and their families. BIRTHDAYS Jimmy Bowles had his birthday May 18, and Larry Csajaghy on the twentieth. Tomorrow, Joyce Lexow and Marcia Henshall will be celebrating, as well as Tony Einweck, who will be ten years old. Gene Kurowski and Agnes Schweikert will have their big day May 30. On June 1, John Ferbrache will be 21 years young; on the second Marian Barrows is celebrating her birthday; and Joyce Benham has hers June 3. To all of you, as well as to all those Whose birthdays are being celebrated this week. 'Happy Birthday* and many happy returns! College Honors MCHS Graduates Earn Degrees At Wheaton merican Viewpoints I found that the men and uom en uho got to the top uere thn^e u ho d id the jobs the \ had in hand u / th e ier \ th ing they had of ener t ! \ and enthus iasm and hard uork Harr \ S T'u man Lowell R. Kively, 402 N. Front street, and Maribeth Karas, 212 S. Lily Lake road, received Bechelor of Arts degrees at the 121st May commencement of Wheaton college May 19. Kivley's major was Biblical studies and Christian Education. Miss Karas majored in literature. Sir Norman Anderson, British legal authority, author and Anglican layman, spoke to the graduates. Anderson was awarded the honorary Doctorate of Letters during the ceremony. Dr. Hudson T. Armerding, college president, conferred the 346 baccalaureate and 60 master degrees. While at Wheaton, Kivley participated in the Wheaton in the Holy Lands study program and lettered * in swimming. He served as residence assistant. Kivley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Kivley, is a graduate of McHenry Community high school. was selected to be listed in Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges and was an honor student at Evangel. She graduated from McHenry Community high school in 1976. Miss Leonard received a Bachelor of Arts degree in speech pathology and Spanish and graduated summa aim laude (with highest horibrs). She received the Outstanding Graduate awards in both Speech Pathology and Spanish. She was involved in the college's student Christian outreach group (prison and mission sec tions) and sign language club. She was selected to be listed in Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges and was an honor student. x • r Commencement speaker was Dr. Klaude Kendrick, first president of Evangel. Dr. Kendrick served as president of the college from 1955-58. Currently he is pastor of Ojai Valley Assembly of God, Ojai, Calif. Special Recognition For Jerry Pepping Honor McHenry" Girls At Evangel College Jerry Pepping of McHenry was among 14 students given special recognition for outstanding academic achievement at the Senior convocation of the College of Business Administration at the University of Iowa May 16 in Hancher auditorium. Two McHenry students received degrees in the twenty-second annual commencement exercises of E v a n g e l c o l l e g e , Springfield, Mo., May 1. They are Cynthia Ann Landin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George F. Landin, 1213 Eastwood lane, and Calinda Ellen Leonard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. Dean Leonard, 2402 W. Manor lane. Miss Landin was awarded a Bachelor of Science degree in elementary education. She received the National Ladies auxiliary scholarship and the Academic Ex cellence in Elementary Education award. Also she Susan Johnson Is Cum Laude Graduate Susan Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson, 3709 W. High street, McHenry, received a Bachelor of Business Ad ministrationdegree from the OPEN 7 DAYS 7WT01IPM plO'S MEAT'S freezer specials MINI-HOME SELECTION USDA CHOICE HIND QUARTER HOME SELECTION BOX BEEF FREEZER BOX S 1 It PACKAGES GROUND REEF 1 StlCI CHOICE tOUNO STEAK 1 SLICE CHOICE SlftlOfN STEAK 2 2 .11 FRYING CHICKENS CUT UP I 3 TO 4 IS POT ROAST 1 4 It ROUED BEEF ROAST 2 4EA CENTER CUT PORK CHOPS 2 lit STEAKS 2 EACH 49.50 APP 25 IBS OF MEAT USDA CHOICE BEEF SIDES I39. 5 I Lt PKGS GROUND tEEF 1 Sit tOX GROUND tEEF PATTIES 2 SLICES CHOICE ROUNO STEAK I EACH 2 SLICES CHOICE SIRLOIN STEAK 1 EACH 3 I Lt PACKAGES tEEF STEW 2 2 i Lt FRYING CHICKENS CUT UP 2 3 TO 4 Lt POT ROASTS 1 4 Lt ROllEO tEEF ROAST 2 SLAtS tAtY SPARERltS I 4 It PORl LOIN ROAST J 4 EA CENTER CUT PORK CHOPS 1 I It PKGS tEEF LIVER SLICED 4 RIB STEAKS 2 EACH 1 CORNISH HENS 1 l it PORK SAUSAGE ROl I 99.50 APP 55 LBS O F A T 4 SIRLOIN STEAKS I EACH 2 ROUND STEAKS I EACH 4 Rlt STEAKS 2 EACH 3 T tONE STEAKS I EACH 4 CUtE STEAKS 2 EACH 1 Sit tOX tEEF PATTIES 5 I It GROUND tEEF 2 I It tEEF STEW 2 3 TO 4 It POT ROAST 7 4 It ROLLED tEEF ROAST 2 2 EACH SHORT RltS tEEF 2 2 EACH tEEF SHANKS » 2 TO 3 Lt PC CORN tEEF 119.50 APP 70 US Of MEAT IGA 2% MILK EVERYDAY LOW PRICE PRICE INCLUDES CUTTING, WRAPPING, FREEZING grocery savings KEMP'S HALF & NAIF EVERYDAY LOW PRICE GALLON G R O C E R Y P R I C E S E F F E C T I V E M A Y HOLLAND DUTCH ICECREAM ings # i A Y 2 9 - 3 1 | ! 49 PINT BLUE LUSTER CARPET SHAMPOOER'S HERE!!! NESTLE V» GAL. HOMESTYLE BREAD 1LB LOAF N«w Everyday Low Pric* LEAN SLICED BOILED HAM 149 I '/> Lt. SLICED BAKED NAM SWISS CHEESE 159 </> Lt. m 3". m MACARONI k 11 SALAD * 'gf 79V KEMEN'S PARTY TRAYS FOR YOUR GRADUATION CELEMATMMS FRESH OR SMOKED LIVER SAUSAGE at UD's 160th com mencement ceremonies. Sudan, who was graduated cum laude, majored in Business Administration and marketing at the University of Dubuque. Joseph V. Stewart, academic dean of the College of Liberal Arte at the University of Dubuque, was j the major speaker at the commencement exorcises. Schoenholtz Earns Degree In Education Jack B. Schoenholtz, a former McHenry resident and a graduate of MCHS, has been awarded his Doctor of Education degree at Nor thern Illinois university. Schoenholtz is principal of Lockport Senior high school, with 2,500 students, and is curriculum coordinator for the freshman-sophomore high school. He is married and the father of two children. The 'graduate is the son of M.L. Schoenholtz, for many years a teacher and administrator in McHenry School Districts 15 and 156, and the late Marion Schoenholtz. Honoring some 450 seniors receiving B.B.A. degrees at commencement exercises Saturday, May 17, the convocation included presentation of B.B.A. pins to the graduates. President Willard boyd of the U. of I. spoke. C.H. Hollenbach Is Northern Graduate Charles H. Hollenbach graduated May 10 from Northern Illinois university in DeKalb. He received a Bachelor of Science degree from the Colllege of Professional Studies, Deparment of Industry and Technology, with emphasis in graphic arts. Presently, Hollenbach is employed as art director for a graphic arts firm in DeKalb. A graduate of Marian Central high school in B&76, he is the son of Mr. a pa Mrs. Charles J. Hollenbach of 4304 W.South street, McHenry. University of Dubuque, Iowa, this month. A 1976 graduate of Mchenry high school, she was one of 146 undergraduate and 38 graduate degree recipients A B Ri 31 We reserve the right to limit quantities while they last. Not responsible for typographical errors. Johniburg Rood Chopol Hill JUST NORTH ME ACCEPT! MANUFACTURER Rf 120 OS FINER MEATS (815)385-7663 SLICED ISLABl GROUND BBEEFI FATTIES •FRESHB HOMEMADE IBRATWURSTL 179 USDA CHOICE •SLICED ̂ QUARTERED •PORK LOINL •GROUND! CHUCK PATTIES BUTT STEAKS 298 i» Q95 WEAi McHenry Resident Loyola Graduate Kathleen Joyce Wharton, wife of John W. Wharton of McHenry, will receive her bachelor of arts degree (A.B.) cum laude in Loyola university commencement exercises Saturday, May 24 at Medinah temple, Chicago. Mrs. Wharton was a 1&79 recipient of the President's Two Graduate From Drake Two McHenry residents graduated this Spring from Drake university in Des Moines, Iowa. Keith N. Mierzwa, of 817 W. Shady Hollow lane, McHenry,. graduated from the school with a Bachelor of Science degree. Mierzwa majored in pharmacy. Majoring in journalism^; Victor' Anthony Santi, of 2805 Manitqu trail, McHenry, completed the radio-television sequence and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree. Patrick Walker On Dean's List A Wonder Lake resident, Patrick D. Walker, of 7303 Chippewa, Wonder Lake, has been included on the Dean's List as an un dergraduate honor student at the Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago. Sherry Brown Earns Degree, Barat College Barat college awarded degrees to 154 graduates at commencement ceremonies Medallion and a 1980 recipient of the Gallagher Key in sociology. After graduation, she plans to attend Loyola's School of Law and evenutally set up a practice in Chicago. Mrs. Wharton and her husband have four children. held Sunday, May 18. Graduates from McHenry County include Sherry S t e w a r t - B r o w n , w h o received a bachelor of arts degree in art history. Honor Roll At Eastern Two McHenry residents recently achieved mention on, the Honor roll at Eastern I l l i n o i s u n i v e r s i t y , Charleston. From McHenry, Donna ^ Jean Lasko and Lynn Desire Lupo maintained grade point averages of 3.5 or better in the Spring semester. Grading at Eastern Illinois university is based on the 4.0 system. Low Heat Fresh spinach and other greens need only the amount, of water clinging to their leaves from washing if cooked over low heat in a pan with a tight Fitting lid. Older The Better Dam* Agatha Christie, the master mystery writer, was asked how she liked being married to an archeologist. "An archaelogist is the best hus band any\woman can have," she replied "The older she gets, the vyore interested he is in her." fresh produce ** BOTTLE SHOP (>15) 3S5-M97 OLD STYLE „EN DEER I69 £6-12 OZ. CANS ORANGES.... 4/1 °° 30C CELERY...... 59 DEAN'S ft|| SOUR CREAM.... *oz. 63 DEI MONTE V --J TOMATO JUICE..... . T . . . 460Z.UV DEL MONTE VEGETABLES (16-17 OZ.) A14 Ml GREEN DEANS . . CUT OR FRENCH 3/1 CORN.. . . . . . . . . . . WHOLE OR CREAM STYLE 3/1" SHEET PEAS. 3/1™ PAMPERS EXTRA ABSORBENT maq DAYTIME DIAPERS............... UD PURINA ICR CAT CHOW. . . * . 3 VARIETIES, 22 OZ. /3 FLAVORKIST 4/AflC COOKIES 5 6OZ 3/O9C Your Father gave you your initials .. . why not give him his? tjr,. i\nH WEIDEMANN I4' 4/12 OZ. CANS FLEISCHMANN'S 128 1.7$ LITER O U O R P R I C E S E F F E C T I V E M A r ' 2 9 J U N E l^nogrammirtg S«rvic« Available MR t MRST •BLOODY" mimm J99 .75 LITER % GAL. 1.75 LITER & BABY CHAM Iflwrma |DRAGONE| LAMMUSCO hrtBtopbrr'a 1* AT SUNNYSIDE FOODS WINDSOR CANADIAN VMSXEY