Jewel U S.I) A CHOICE -- BEEF Chuck Blade Steak or Roast REG. 63' -- JEWEL MAID Hamburger or Hot Dog Buns BONUS SPECIAL! CALIFORNIA Nectarines Save with Budget Buy values like these! •And Generic and other discount groceries! PAGE 11-PLAINDKAI ER - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, lttt picmoperieci it Jewel today! Planning a take-it-easy weekend? Jewel can make it easy.. and economical! We've got special prices on all kinds of outdoor fun foods from steaks to snacks. Pick up grill-perfect chicken and wonderful nectarines... but don't stop there! Besides the farm fresh pickings in our Farm Stand® and the quality meats in our Butcher Shop, you'll find aisles and aisles of value-priced groceries -- a real store within a store of savings on pantry and picnic basics. How do you find the values? You can't miss 'em -- just follow the bright orange signs in our aisles! < Sound good? You b|fter believe it! Take your shopping list to Jewel and pack up picnic-perfect savings, today! Prices good Thurs., June 26 thru Sun., June 29, 1980 Come to Jewel for the quality, you'll come back for the price! SOME GIBLET PARTS MAY BE MISSING LIMIT 4, PLEASE 4 ' J* U.S.DA GRADE "A" FRESH C Whole Fryers L± / u REG. *1.35 -- HALF GALLON CHERRY VALLEY -- REFRIGERATED Orange Juice FRESH CUT UP FRYERS y DON'T MISS V f THESE... HARDWOOD SMOKED JEWEL Hot Dogs , fiQc I LB. . \ ° PKG. A A GREAT DIPPER! Cauliflower rk& Beans 3718 W. ELM ST„ McHENRY STORE HOURS: M-F 8-9, SAT. 8-8, SUN. 9-6 THE VERY BEST MAIN COURSE FAVORITES AND HUNDREDS OF VALUES LIKE THESE MEAN Jewel's got Quality • . .PLUS! y2 GAL. CTN. -- REG. PRICE *1.79 -- ALL FLAVORS Yummy Ice Cream 1 ir%-12V2 OZ. BOX -- REG. PRICE $1.65 -- SAUSAGE OR CHEESE i Q Totino's Party Pizza 1 17-19 OZ. PKG. -- REG. PRICE *2.09 -- REGULAR, STRAWBERRY OR BLUEBERRY SARA LEE Cheese Cakes 1 BOX .OF 18-24 -- REG. PRICE *1.99 ICES OR FUDGES ^7q Hillfarm Fiddlestix 1 8 OZ. CTNS:--REG. PRICE 36c--CHOCOLATE u-m ,LLA ci« ir u- Q/$100 Hillfarm Shaketteso/ JL 8 OZ. CTNS. -- REG. PRICE 47c -- ALL FLAVORS tf* A#* Hillfarm Yogurt 24 OZ. LOAVES -- REG. PRICE 73c -- JEWEL MAID ALL BUTTER _ .^1Q Splittop Bread 2/ 1 8-9 OZ. PKGS. -- REG. PRICE 59c-65c--JEWEL MAID LOGS, NUTZELS OR A /OOC Pretzels Rods Z/OO 12 CT. BOX -- REG. PRICE *2.15 -- DISPOSABLE DIAPERS Pampers Toddlers 1 120' PKG. -- REG. *1.21 AAf» Gala Towels 95r 20 LB. BAG -- REG. PRICE *3.99 7q Kingsford Charcoal 3 20 LB. BAG -- REG. PRICE *3.29 aAQQ Jewel Charcoal / 7 OZ. BTL. -- REG. PRICE *1.79-*1.89 -- REGULAR OR EXTRA BODY SILKIENCE CONDITIONER OR Silkience Shampoo 1 24 OZ. CAN--REG. PRICE *2.05--LEMONADE, PINK LEMONADE, CHERRY, GRAPE, FRUIT PUNCH OR STRAWBERRY Wyler's Drink Mixes 1 12 OZ. CANS -- REG. PRICE 6/*1.59 -- ALL FLAVORS -- REG. OR DIET ' .^qo Yummy Soda 6/'™ 16 OZ. CTN. -- REG. PRICE *1.17-*1.19 LARGE OR SMALL CUTO TAPER SALTED OR UNSALTED HILLFARM AA(! Cottage Cheese 3r3r 12 OZ. CAN--REG. PRICE 75c--MINUTE MAID FROZEN LIMEADE, PINK LEMONADE OR A /$|00 Lemonade «/ f 8-SVz OZ. BOX -- REG. PRICE 99° -- REGULAR OR DIPPETTES pfAc Jay's Potato Chips 10 OZ. BTLS. -- REG. PRICE 65c -- HOT DOG OR SWEET A 1**00 Heinz Relishes 3/™w 18 OZ. BTL -- REG. PRICE 81c -- REGULAR, SMOKEY, HOT 'N SPICY OR WITH ONIONS open pit rice Barbecue Sauce 19 jm Ar 16 OZ. -- SUNSHINE *9 Hi Ho Crackers r 7 OZ. -- COOKHOUSE "5 Shoestring Potatoes 100 CT. -- GENERIC 69 Aspirin 128 OZ. -- GENERIC 49 Bleach W C 16 OZ. -- GENERIC Pork & Beans AAC 25 FT. -- STANDARD SIZE 99 Jewel Foil g% 4% ~ 100 CT. -- GENERIC 3 9 Dinner Plates - A _ 140 CT. -- GENERIC 49̂ White Napkins 200 FT. -- JEWEL PLASTIC f)5 Food Wrap ^ 20 CT. -- GENERIC 09̂ Trash Bags 15.75 OZ. -- BEEF OR LIVER 0!r Generic Dog Food 16 OZ. -- YUMMY MANDARIN QQC Orange Slices fcrtrmwff w;tw