PAGE 13 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESD AY. JUNE 25.1980 SAVE 50% : Mickey Mouse Slant Fvnbook 200 . • v . ' ' ' 441 page* ef puzzle*. main, panel) game* and mora. Great ' (or car trip* or tho*« rainy. «toy-at-h<Hne summer days I Rag. J.** SAVE 27% felicity Glycerins Soap sM.a/i" . Hype-eHergenk soap far feceond body in e**orted scents. •: Rag.Mt. 12 ox. Johnson's J-Wox Kit Wax SALE 2.00 LESS REFUND 1.50 YOUR NET COST AFTER REBATE .50 -For the shin* you want and the protection your car n**dsl Rag. 2.17. SAVE 44% Handy Can Coolers 100 SALE I :• CM coolers kaap cans coal Inside - nat coat on yotir handsl Rag. 1.7* (SAVE 20% | Ames Portable I Hose Reel "7 SALE « End messy spills with these handy travel tumblers in assorted designs. Reg. 4.97. " SAVE 30% I Juvenile Chair or Chaise SAl- 4°* Chair SAlE 6" Chaise FELOTY COLEMAN R; PAOOUES; i "SriT*** I two J***" detail* SAVE! Shaekespoare Trolling Motor SALE 97 Produce* up to 12 lb*, of thrust from o 12 volt battery. Three speed with (operate forwent and reverse control. No. tOt. Reg. 79.S7. SAVE 23% Daiwa Silver Spinning Reel 1Q00 SALE IT Reel feature* large capacity one piece spun aluminum spool that'* skirted to prevent line entanglement. Spring loaded drag system. No. IJ0QX. Reg. 24.07. SAVE 30% Velvet Bonn Bag (kV 4 C00 SALE A9 Jumbo volvot boon bog choir oooy to care far waihable and durable. Dauble J--*-' -. 4210. Reg. 3S.M SAVE 57% Oval Fringed Accent Rugs 400 SALE m 100% Rayon. 24" x 42". with skid resistant backing. Camas in yellow, blue, pink, tan and lima green. Reg. 4.44. SAVE 44% Ladies' Polyester Pull-On Slacks 500 . Chooso from o oolocf group of lodloo foohion pants In o v«ioty of colors. Rog. 9.f). SAVE^ 50% Men's Novelty I-Shirts salE2/5m Choose from our entiip slock of men's novelty T-shirts In oner- SAVE 40% Happy Snncker Picnic Table SAVE 32% Scotts PF1 21" Fertiliser Spreader AW. if SAVE 33% | Tufflite 2-Ply 1 Garden Hose M MM 1\ IV.VEV.V. ll \wv&