V - • I U, -- | Illustrations oral I merely Indicative of I tho stylos you'll I find. Stylos and} Isisos vary from! I storo to storo. Irtsits % Off Reg. Prices AN of our spring S win* | mar drossos on solo In ' n ^ ^ • •' ";'a { Wls -ifc «G| Sizes I'M ami HaK Sizes U%-24'/> while thoy W s 9u 1 *• 40% OFF MM'* Orlse Craw Sock* 53 Rag. W For dross or sport. Your choico of solldf colors. Ono sixo fits 10 to 13. B- Sift 25% 6 Pair Pkg. MM'S Socks 4.32 Rag. S.74 Pkg tPr.Phg. Your choico of colors: whlto, block, navy, brown or gray. Wrangler's* I c. lavt 20% Moil's Fruit of HM LOOM® Shirts and Shorts Pockot T-Shirfs Rag. 2.43 3 Pack Boxar Short* Rog. 5.76 1.94 4.60 Man's print bozor shorts in 3 pk. Slsos 30- 44. Man's pockot T-shirts, sitos S-M-L-XL In whlto, navy, bluo, groan, brown, rust t banana. Fruit of tho loom comfort for tho actlvo man. JT Save 25% - 30% r Select Group Levi's Separates Choose from a sal act group off shorts, 'tops and slacks in a variety of colors and stylos. Whlla quantities last. SavoUpTe36% Man's Short Sleeve Knit Shirts 6.37 Reg. O.MSf.94 Chooso from a Hugo sal act ion of man's knit shirts in a varioty of solid colors, stripas, and mora. Slzos S. M. I. XL. Save 30% Men's legging Shorts Rog. 3.N Man's cool and comfortable logging shorts are a must for summor. Chooso from our ontiro stock in a varioty of colors. M Illustrations ara moroly indicative of tho stylos you'll find. Stylos and sitos vary from storo to storo. Ragular Price All niont short sioovo pajamas, sites: A. • C. D. Solids and fancias. Coat I middy stylos, long log or knoo length cool fashion in 2 pc. pajamas. Summor fabric, color and weight. ladies' sloapwaar -- Short sioovo Pi's, baby dolls, gowns and slaapshirts sitos S.M.I and soma Extra Sites All now fabrics, colors and detlgno for *001 AH woman an l̂ (enters, tool I m r Of n • |M nnmnel aVIVbllVll lee Ilia stylos I colors. Cotton/ polyastar slios SJN.I. 30% 30% Our Rag.. 10.96 11.93 and 12.96 Our Entire Una Oar Entire Line > Off Oirls Tops & Blouses Off Olrls Shorts ©OFF Reg. Prices OOFF Reg. Prices Girls' short slaave polyester, cotton/ Chooso from a varioty of colors and 1st quality Maverick brand blue jeans poly., terrys, chenilles and valour fabrics. Girls' slsos 7-14. Whila thoy nil the newest colors and pocket blouses and knit tops, sitos 7-14. lastl styles. Girls' sites 7-14. 1980's BEST...FOR IESSI SAVE 40% I • On Assorted 1980 Sandals For Men, Women & Children . • , • • I ̂ The sunny side of fashion I...and tho savings fro a braazol SAVE 40% on soloctod 1980 stylos for tho whole family! Chooso from T- straps, slidos, wad gas, thongs and moral Sandal up for a summor full of fun...and savo 40% ! Man's,, Woman's ayd Childran's slsos. Soma stylos may bo unavailable in all slsos. i' Roprasontatlva stylos only.