dtfSSR oLost looQ" V\ lav* 20% a. MmI Liquid Rata Danes OvrRtg. Sol* LMI Robot* You Pay Oat MM DuPoat wax guarantood to last longer than any otlior auto wai. No. tiro 24% i h N r t l Q i . Car Wash Pwdir lav*3l% V AmrM Tools ftTc IU9.1.wW» Quality asssrtmonl of tool* lor homo and auto at a tupor voluo. • favo 38% Assorted <• Tools 164 • w~ Quality tools at a prico you can afford!. COSMO and soo tho largo 1.17 wh powdor won't hurt Lul sola Jlgi aaaHii IAV m ouAOf Bwi bwv sin www oovfvy iwi « ovpw V Hog. 1.54 doan. No. 1414. Mart White favo18% o.Acs Oil Filters Rvfl.z.irl *76 Oat bottor car porformanco. Roplaco your all and oil IIHor with Aco. Bavo 28% t.Alort Auto Bolts ••f. 1.74 1.97 A www cwr ImH I® cmI ctfry i i|NNr#« Hn-toSF llnUI "wHfouF™11' eCre*dlee . No. 8741. has ninHhg fw'l mr Mod «• troop poor mr Mtaf good mi mi| 0m onr. Com rfwifcSgotl Super July Automotive Bonanzo is Rog.11.87 Carry all your vacation lugfogo tocwroly with sopor rack car top carrlor. No. 4M0U. Savo 97% t. 20" x 34" AvtO CvsMoft Rog. 4.67 Kpfoy yoar 'round driving comfort with thl* ottractlvo lomfort cushion. No. JM-47. Savo 30% . c. 34" 4 Hook TIO S«WO Strop Rog ̂ 1.97 3b tonsllo, ruhhar oxpanslon, doslgnod to aocuro Ida loads. Can strotch up to twlco tholr longth. Ad- LiaA^lo ,,,1,^ Af%lf NVTBBI8$ IVK8 lOatOfling• Iwi OOOwi Savo 31% D. Pi«ftk CoYorod CtoffcOB Bar Rog. 3.S3 ****** cWood fB 1. Rog. 11)44 Porfoct for homo mechanics and a groat gift tdoo for Dad. Faddod hood rost and fuN iwlvol whooU. No. xsgg. Rog.47< Can strottfi up to f. IS" yioiow Strop Pillyoi ft MCUfi vaMct# twICO fHolf IsHfffc* Pis# 411C. 12.87 2.94 1.37 2.37 6.97 43* I