*60 off. MAKE HOME IMPROVEMENTS NOW-- NO MONEY DOWN WITH WARDS GHARC-ALL CREDIT Fixing up? We can help a lot. Do it yourself or call for a free estimate on Wards low-cost professional installation. Unassembled. Countertop, sink, fitting*, valance extra. 120 off starter kitchen. Faucat eitra Your choice of Salem Square or White Oak cabinets. *299 Regularly $419 Two 12" base cabinets, one 36" sink front and two 12" wall cabinets. Salem Square features sol id birch frames, oak veneer center door panels over wood products. White Oak: solid oak cab inet frames, dwr fronts; oak veneer center panels over wood products. Matchingcabinets, 25% off. UniiienibU. *30 off. Light oak-look vanity has white lo-back top. 20" one-shelf vani ty has louvered polystyrene door with natural wood gra in ing , vinyl -covered par t ic le - board sides. Also in white oak finish. O t h e r n l x e van i t i e s a l n o sa le p r i c e d . Ml/ Vllt 30-gal gas water heater. 139??. Rag. 164.99 Corrosion-resistant glass-lined tank for years of service. Extra-thick fi ber glass insulation helps reduce heat loss. Safety cutoff, adj thermostat. 179.99,40-gal model, like above, 159.88 •25 off. Our best 30-gallon gag. Safety cutoff, glass-lined tank, 2-stage control with vacation setting. Extra-thick insulation. Reg. 204.90 220.09,40-gallon, 199.88 17988 •25 off. CXlr 52-gallon electric. Two long-life screw-in elements, auto temp lim it control, a4j thermo stat, glass-lined tank. Reg. 194.99 16988 White Oak.