WMWUBttBKBBHRMBmwmmmmm pA(,i; 20 - PLAINDKALEK - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13,1980 Sunnyside Area Betty Messer 344-2494 J V Register Students At West Campus August 20 Board Covers Many Issues The regular monthly meeting of the village was held on Tuesday, Aug. 5, at the Johnsburg junior high where the board covered a number of issues. Most of the work on Sunnyside drive is now complete. This ditching work should relieve the flooding that occurred there in the past. The problem of trees that have been damaged in recent storms was taken up Some trees will have to come down. A bid was accepted for the work tp be done on the roads in the Sudeenew subdivision. The date work will start has not as yet been set, but work is expected to be complete long before the first snow falls. The village Municipal building exterior is com plete. And now comes the task of the interior. Plans are made to have the elec- trie, gas and water services r brought to the building. Also needed to be done is the • exterior shingles needing to be stained Those are items that have priority right now. The next scheduled meeting of the village is for Aug. 19, at 8 p.m. VACATION TRIP Recently returned from a 15-day trip to Colorado and New Mexico are Kate and Andy Eichhorn of May avenue. They visited their grand daughter and her husband, Jeanne and . Mike Hetymanek, who reside in Norwood, Colo., and are both teachers. They got to see their great-granddaughter Katie for the first time. Katie is two and has a brother Miky, who is 4 years old. Andy got to realize a dream come true while in New Mexico. He rode a Champion Rodeo quarter horse, Pedro, and also took part in the branding of cattle out on the range. They visited Tefluride, Crested Butte, Blue Mesa, Uaray, Silverton and Monasoth Pass. TheHetymaneks live about 10,000 ft. up on a plateau in Norwood. That was quite a vacation. VISITORS FROM MICHIGAN . Visiting for the weekend from Menomenee, Mich., in the upper peninsula, were Rich and Kelly Messer and their children, Jacob and Andrea. Rich is the son of Betty and Rich Messer of 1405 W. Bayview lane. They got to see their granddaughter Andrea for the first time. She was born May 12. OFFICER SWORN IN On Tuesday, Aug. 5, prior to the village meeting, president Nolan gave the oath to our newest police officer. Burton Norwind of St. Charles was sworn in as an officer of the Sunnyside Police department. Burt has attended Nor thern Illinois university and is studying law and police science. He has also at tended Waubansee college in Aurora and the College of DuPage in Glen Ellyn. Practical police work as an officer on the Sunnyside police department is part of his continuing law studies. BIRTHDAYS Birthday greetings this week go to Carl Sallaz, Aug. 13; and Jacueline Clark, Aug. 16. Best wishes to you both for a happy day and many more to come. ANNIVERSARIES Schedule Clinic For Immunization l Shots Registration for all students who will be at tending McHenry Com munity high school West campus is scheduled for Wednesday, Aug. 20, from 8 a.m. through 4 p.m. at West campus. A packet of materials which will be Necessary for registration has been mailed to each prospective student. Any student who does not receive materials in the mail by Wednesday, Aug. 13, should call the school, since forms contained in the packet will have to be filled out and signed by parents before the student may register. Also included in the registration packet is an alphabetical schedule of registration times. Students are asked to follow the schedule in order to avoid long delays in registering. Any student who is unable to register at the designated time on Wednesday may come to West campus for late registration Thursday, Aug. 21, or Friday, Aug. 22, between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Course selections which were made last year will not be held for any student who fails to register by Friday, Aug. 22. Student fees will be collected at registration. The basic fee for each student is $34. Students will also have This week's anniversary couples are Mr. and Mrs. George Vallejo of 1412 Lakeview whose day was Aug. 12 and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Zawislak of 1413 Bayview Aug. 14. Congratulations, and may you have many more happy years together REMINDER Don't forget this week is school registration. Registration will take place at the Middle school on Aug. 13 and 14 for grades k-8. High school students will register the same days at the high school. Won't be long and summer will be over and school back in session. The 1980-81 school year starts Sept. 2. Since schools will exclude students who are not fully immunized, we are scheduling a clinic to assist parents in obtaining the shots required by the school code. An additional im munization clinic will be held Aug. 19 from 8:30 to 11 a.m. in Room 101 of the courthouse A parent must accompany the child to read the in formation and sign the permit for each injection. No appointments needed. Come to the clinic in the nursing division of the health w W » 1 „ 2f, & department with the record of previous immunizations, or the record from school identifying the injections needed. Any child who has not been immunized for any reason must be excluded from school the morning after a disease which the child is not immunized against occurs in the school. Monthly immunizations clinics continue to be held on the last Wednesday of each month from 8:30 to 11 a.m., with the next clinic on Aug. 27. rti 1 •!* SAMPLING Water samples collected from swimming beaches by the McHenry County Health department Aug. 1,4 and 6 were obtained from several beaches on the Fox river and from some of the lakes in the county. Those beaches at which there have been two consecutive unsatisfactory samples and which the department posts as unsafe for swimming include McHenry Shores, Burton's Bridge, Fox river; Deep Spring Woods No. 1 and Indian Ridge No. 1, Wonder Lake. the opportunity at registration to make a number of optional pur chases including school insurance, parking permits, yearbooks, color picture packages, and athletic passes. An orientation to West campus will be held Thur sday evening, Aug. 21, at 7:30 for all freshmen, sophomores and transfer students and their parents The program will include a brief presentation" in the West campus auditorium to explain what to expect at West and to answer any general questions about the school. That program will be followed by an opportunity for a guided walk through the building and by refresh ments and conversation in the cafeteria. Administrators and counselors will be available to answer any individual questions a student or parent may have. Enrollment at West campus for the 1980-1981 school year will include all four grades for the first time in the school's history. All students, freshmen through seniors, whose parents live west of Route 31 and within district boundaries will attend West. Any students who feel a mistake has been made in building assign ments or who have moved during the summer or who are not sure which building they should attend should call West campus as soon as possible. Students who have not yet had the immunization shots required by the state of Illinois may want to take advantage of a free im munization clinic at the McHenry county courthouse Tuesday, Aug. 19. The clinic will be held in Room 101 of the new courthouse from 8 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Free bus transportation will be provided for the clinic. The bus will leave the north parking lot at West campus at 8:45 a.m. The first day of school for air West campus students will be Wednesday, Aug. 27. Attendance is required for all students. Students whose last names begin with A-J are to report to the main gymnasium at 7:30 a.m. Students whose last names beein with K-Z are to report to the auditorium at 7:30 a.m. Bus transportation will begin on this day. Students will attend all classes on a shortened schedule. Dismissal will be at 10:30 a.m. Beginning Thursday, Aug. 28, classes will be held at the regular times from 7:30 a.m. through 2:30 p.m. There will be no school Labor day, Monday, Sept. 1. Johnsburg Mory L. Gunderson 385-3052 Dinner-Dance Helps Squad A sit-down dinner and dance will be held Saturday, Aug. 23, from 6 to 8 p.m. and dancing will be from 9 to l a.m., at the Johnsburg Community club. The evening will benefit the Building fund. Good food, good music and good company is promised for everyone. r PRO-LIFE The group from St. John's, asked that parishioners say a rosary each week for this intention. If it slipped your mind, start now. You will soon be hearing more about this movement. Call Mrs. John (Joan) Clark or Mrs. Peter (Diane) Barroso, for information. HOME & HOSPITAL Keep in your prayers, Gretchen Heidler, Elizabeth Lemli, Lucille Oeffling, Geraldine Peters, Matt Scholle, Isabel Stilling, Janice Tonyan, and those friends and neighbors who are house-bound. to Brian Christian Madsen, who was served at the table of the Lord, for the first time, Sunday, Aug. 3, at St. John's 10:30 a.m. Mass. ALUMINUM DRIVE Pick-up of aluminum articles will take place at St. John's school during the Masses on Sunday, Aug. 17 to benefit St. John's Restoration fund. Aluminum cans, pots, pans, and any and all items of aluminum are needed. N.C.S.F. St. Agatha Court 777, regular monthly meeting Monday, Aug. 18, at the Johnsburg Community club. Evelyn Diedrich is in charge of snack time. ST JOHN'S SCHOOL Tuition and book bill days for St. John's school are Aug. 23, 24, 25 and 27. Envelopes with information and forms for these days will be available on the weekends of Aug. 10 and 17, in the Nar- thex of the church. Register new students at school, during school hours, as new families move in, or call the convent. CONGRATULATIONS PRESCHOOL Garden HIBISCUS -- A FLOWERING SHRUB FOR INDOORS AUGUST FUR SALE! NOW IN PROGRESS McHENRY COUNTY COLLEGE PRE-WINTER SAVINGS ON OUR m ENTIRE COLLECTION...FURS 111% tZ || % OF ALL KINDS NOW PRICED /(f IV to \J \J OFF Special Custom Orders Also At Savings NOW! NOW MORE THAN EVER be concerned with the savings available at the MINK BARN before prices increase. Because Bill Talidis buys early and in many fur markets, he is able to offer you a fabulous selection at remarkable Pre-Season Savings...choose today...the warmth and beauty that only superb quality furs can give you...A SMALL DEPOSIT HOLDS YOUR SELECTION UNTIL YOU'RE READY TO WEAR IT! Own/ Jlfodb" Twice Told Tales baling twine to those desiring it, and organizing the recyclable material for the next step toward its being reused. Anyone having questicrs regarding recycling or with a large quantity of material to be picked up, call 385-8512. McHenry Country club will be the appearance of Judge J.N. Braude, presiding judge of Chicago's famous boys' court, for seven years. His subject will be "I Like Bad boys". Beards grow longer and enthusiasm mounts as the day of Ringwood's church centennial and consecration service approaches. The observance marks the 100th year since the founding of the church, which burned last August, and also the consecration of the new edifice. Willie Klapperich returned to mound duty and allowed the league-leading Fox Lake nine only 4 hits as the tigers put across another victory into the records 8 to 2. TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Augsut 12, 1970) Several McHenry area young people won top honors in 4-H and open categories of the annual County fair which closed at Woodstock. Cap turing most honors from this community in the 4-H competition was Kim Kantlehner of the Busy Three club, McHenry, whose entries won grand champion ewe, reserve pen-of-three market lambs and champion Suffolk ewe. Sandy Rudolph, also of the Busy Three club, entered the best pigeon. Kevin Schultz, 18, McHenry, and Judy Rich, 19, Harvard, were proclaimed McHenry county's new 4-H king and queen at the County fair. The summer home of Dr. Richard Vycital, Payette Lake, McCall, Idaho, was the beautiful setting for a family reunion of the Vycital family Aug. 2. All members, with their families and friends, enjoyed the reunion. Myra Murray, radio h dispatcher for the city "of McHenry, operates the new LEADS system machine, described by Police Chief Kenneth Espey as another step forward in updating the modernization of the McHenry police department. The local department is the only one outside the sheriff's department which has such a machine. / HEADS BIKE-a-THON Mari Cone has been appointed chairperson for the annual "Wheel For Life" Bike-A-Thon in McHenry at Petersen park. Scheduled for Sept. 21, the "Wheels For Life" event will benefit St. Jude Children's Research hospital. The hospital is devoted to painstaking medical research and treatment of children stricken with catastrophic d i s e a s e s , i n c l u d i n g Leukemia, Hodgkins disease and other forms of cancer. The Memphis facility was founded by Danny Thomas 18 years ago. They say that if you can't afford a vacation, you should do the next best thing and pretend you're taking one. So I did. 1 took a mental Jhght to London. I took a mental flight to Paris. Then I took a mental flight to Rome, but it didn't work out. Somewhere between Paris and Rome the airline lost my mind. 1 1 ' ink barn FURS By BILL TALIDIS Franklinville Rd.f Union, III. L-, _ [ 5 mi. east of Marengo m MINK BAMN (815)923-4193 (815)923-2161 -! ruM | . «... 5...... | I TUES.-SAT. 9-5:30; SUN. 12-5; | o'mtcT Votoui 1 i CLOSED MONDAY ~ I Late Registration Aug. 25 - Aug. 29 8:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m. MON THRU FRI 6:00 p.m. • 8:30 p.m. MON THRU THURS. REGISTRATION IN PERSON ONLY II FALL CREDIT CLASSES BEGIN SAT., AUG. 23 Recycling Affected By Building Slowdown GENERAL REGISTRATION Ends Aug. 22 8:30 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. MON. THRU THURS. 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. FRIDAY Some icebergs are so huge they travel 2,000 miles or more before they melt away. The McHenry County Defenders announce that due to the slowdown in the building industry, there is no market at present for recycled magazines, ad vertising mail and card board. This "mixed paper" is used mainly in the manufacture of construction materials, such as roofing shingles and tar paper. Recyclers are asked to dispose of their mixed papers along with their other non-recyclable trash for the present, but to continue to bring bundled newspapers, glass bottles and jars, flattened all-steel cans, all- aluminum products, and used motor oil to the regular third-Saturday-of-every- month recycling drive. This Saturday, Aug. 16, the Checkerboard Squares will be working along with the McHenry County Defenders in the southeast corner of the McHenry Market Place St. John's school an nounces the formation of a pre-school in September. Three and four-year-olds will be accepted. For further information, call St. John's school, or Mrs. Richard ( D i a n e ) H i m p e l m a n n , Ringwood. DISTRICT 12 Unit School District 12, INFO 12, containing per tinent information regarding the opening of school, days of registration for K through 8 and 9 through 12 was mailed recently. Please keep this handy and refer to it for other details about the beginning of school. from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. unloading cars, providing FIFTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of August 21, 1930) Hack Wilson, the one and only homerun slugger that patrols center field regularly, proved that others besides those who regularly attend the Cubs games at Wrigley field, have heard of the fame of the popular favorite of the kids of Chicagoland. Hack appeared at the opening of the F.S. Walsh new drug store on Riverside drive as a special feature and drew one of the largest crowds that has ever attended a grand opening in this city. The street for several blocks each way was lined with cars and the passage in front of the store was literally blocked with the crowd of people and there were plenty there that were past the kid age, too. A picture of happy serenity, peace and con tentment is portrayed by Mrs. Sarah Colby Sher burne, one of McHenry's oldest settlers, as she sits in her arm chair at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Clayton Harrison, near Ringwood where she observed her 98th birthday anniversary. Whoopee! McHenry just had a birthday. We are, municipally speaking, 58 years old, having been in corporated as a village on Aug. 10, 1872. BICYCLE TRIO Three bikes just passed by my window as I write...a mother and two little girls! They were intent on their driving and staying together. They'll all sleep well tonight! IMPORTANT NUMBERS Mental Health Crisis center, 800-892-8900 Child Abuse hotline, 800- 252-2873 (A new number, toll free, effective July 1) (2- 2873-ABUSE) Youth Service bureau for McHenry county, 24 hour Crisis line, 344-3240 Time and temperature- school closings 24 hours, 385- 9400 Put these on the front page of your personal telephone book, and on the cover of the McHenry Telephone book, for ready reference. DATES TO REMEMBER Aug. 18 N.C.S.F. St. Agatha Court 777, regular meeting, Johnsburg Com munity club. Aug. 23 Sit-down dinner, 6- 8 p.m.; dance, 9 to 1 a.m.; Johnsburg community club. B e n e f i t B u i l d i n g f u n d - Johnsburg Rescue squad. FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of August 22, 1930) Edward J. Barrett, state auditor, announced that he has authorized payment of 10 percent amounting to $9,140.56 on the waived deposits at the State Bank of Richmond. In order to aid reopening of the bank following the moratorium the depositors waived fifty percent of their claims. This is the eighth repayment, bringing the total returned up to 85 percent of the original waiver. According to the levies on file in the office of County Clerk Raymond Woods at Woodstock, 16 townships in McHenry county have levied $135,3% for general expenses and care of paupers for the coming year. Riley is the only township which has not filed a levy. The total levy for McHenry township was $12,000 with $8,000 for relief. The McHenry C.O.F. baseball team management announced that they have been successful in having this city named as the scene of the play-off games that will determine the state champions of the Illinois Amateur league. Hibiscus, a large flowering shrub, originated in China and is a mem ber of the Malvaceae family. Many plants are called "hibiscus", but only the rosa-sinensis can be grown suc cessfully indoors. Grows up to six feet tall with huge flowers, in shades of red, either single or double flow ers, measuring up to five inches in diameter. The stamens and stigma jut out from the flowers. The flowers bloom only one day, but on a well cared for, mature plant they bloom so abundantly that it will continually bear flowers. Hibiscus require adequate room for the root system. Plant in a mixture of well fertilized loam, peat and sand. The soil should be kept moist and have good drainage. Too much water can cause the leaves to drop. They , prefer a high humidity and a sunny location. - Any abrupt changes in the loca tion of the plant, neglecting the plant for several days or even new growth TWENTY-FIVE YEARSAGO (Taken from the files of August 18, 1955) It was an impressive joint installation service at the Legion home in which Virgil Pollock became commander of the local Legion post and Margaret Mikota was of ficially named president of the auxilairy unit. The Lecture Luncheon club announced its program for the 1955-56 season. Highlighting the first program to»be held at the at the leaf node can cause leaves to loosen and turn yellow. The hibiscus is also suitable as an outdoor shrub. The plant is so at tractive that it can be potted in a large container and plaoed on the ter race or balcony.