Lakemoor-Lilymoor Area Margaret Karas 385-4934 New- Member In Association Marge Polinski became the newest member of the Lilymoor association Aug. 4. She was voted in, replacing Diedre Kent who resigned. A report on the road work, noted that the rains and storms of the past weeks have hampered the repairs. -Drier weather will find the road crew back in operation. ^Revenue Sharing funds will be received on completion of 'the road work and with the 'matching of $1,675. *' Men of Lilymoor are requested to meet at 1008 N. Dale on Aug. 16 at 8 a.m., armed with saws of any kind. They are to do battle on downed tree limbs, and removal of weeds and brush on roadsides, to make in tersections safer. Promptly at noon, the stalwart volunteers will return to the starting point for hot dogs, potato salad and refreshments. Get fresh air, exercise, and the pleasure of seeing a prettier and safer subdivision, and have good eats besides! Phyllis Odarzenko, association president, is home recuperating from a hospital stay. She received a lovely plant from the members, which helped her recovery. She asks that Iphone calls regarding ; association problems be ' directed to Laura Meyer for the time being. The next meeting, usually held on the first Monday of the month, will be Sept. 7, due to Labor day falling on the first. The time is 7 p.m. •„at 1008 N. Dale. QUILT REPORT The artistic quilt made by the talented people in the area, becomes someone's treasure Wednesday, Aug. 20. The owner will be determined at the Lily Lake Conservation Club, Inc. meeting at the Lakemoor Municipal building. Anyone wishing to see the beautiful quilt, may call designer Louise Hipwell, who enioysjjtHwinfcgtfMh+i finished product of our air-" tistic people." RUMMAGE SALE Millie Nejedly is helping with the McHenry County Senior Citizen Walk-in Center rummage sale, to be held Tuesday Aug. 26. The sale lasts from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. Donations will be ac cepted on Monday afternoon, Aug. 25 between 2 and 4 only. The money earned by this project will provide recreational materials for the group. Luncheon will be served as usual on sale day to any senior citizen making a reservation on Monday. "Meat and Eat" and visit with old friends or make new ones, and enjoy the added fun of a rummage sale. SCHOOL REGISTRATION Registration of children who will be attending kin dergarten, Hilltop or Parkland Junior high has begun. Parents may mail in the necessary forms, or go directly to the school the child will be attending. Any questions will be answered by calling the School District 15 office. LADIES NIGHT The hostesses at the Lily Lake Ladies league meeting last Wednesday evening were Millie Nejedly and Connie O'Bourke. The Municipal hall was the place and bunco was the game. Both hostesses were win ners, Millie first and Connie, door prize. Julia Kraus finally won a second prize and Helen Para settled for booby. Want to join the ladies at their bi-monthly get togethers? Call president Mrs. Walter Para for a personal invitation. CELEBRATIONS Belated birthday wishes go to two boys, Tim Rice who celebrated Aug. .11 and Danny Gray on the twelfth. Robert Gurske, whose birth day is the thirteenth, received an early birthday- , type present, in the form of a calculator, at the Lakemoor Beach party on Aug. 3. Robert has really been enjoying learning the complexity of numbers and the games that can be played on this mathematical machine. Ruth Freeman and young Heidi Delp, both of Lakemoor, share Aug. 14. The fifteenth finds Philip Mieszala, a former volun teer fireman, adding another year. BiHie Nejedly celebrates her birthday Aug. 17. Our anniversary couple is Bob and Evelyn Dawdy, who recognize their wedding date on Aug. 13. BLUE RIBBONS Maureen Paroubek at tended the Jaxon Kennel Club show at Michigan Center, Michigan, with former Fritzsche Estate residents, Lois and Evelyn Olmen, on Sunday, Aug. 3. Her dobermann, Kaye Dee, won three blue ribbons: first in her class, best of winners in all female classes, and best of all winners. Kaye Dee now has one point towards champion rating. This makes all the hours of training and exercising worthwhile. Maureen and John are also working with another dobermann, Solo-ette, who is just six months old. Hopefully, she too will be a winner of many blue rib bons. COMMUNITY CALENDAR Aug. 14. Lakemoor Village meeting, 8 p.m. Aug. 16. Lilymoor roadside cleanup. Meet at 1008 N.< Dale, 8 a.m. to noon. Aug. 18. Free blood pressure screening. 7-8 p.m., L a k e m o o r M u n i c i p a l building. . The agents for all your insurance needs. When you have all your insurance with Country Companies, you have only one agent to call. One agent to help make sure you have the right coverage... to explain your coverage ir\plairi language... to speed your claims. Find out what we can do for you by calling us now. Insurance for • your life, health, home, auto, farm and business. 11909 McConnel Rd. Woodstock Your Country Companies Agents. „ KEITH SONMCNSIN McHENRY, ILLINOIS N. 344-2773 MM IN MILLER RICHMOND. ILLINOIS Ml. *7*4*91 DON FMTM WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS Ml. 333-31** HELP US CELEBRATE THE GRAND OPENING OF OUR DUNDEE STORE 120 MAIN ST. 428-7900 BAU8CH & LOMB SOFLENS® ULTRA THIN ALL SOLUTIONS FOB YC«« WITH vouaxoN iSE SOFT CONTACT LENSES LENSES ONLY WHEN PRESENTED WITH THIS AD AT BEGINNING OF INITIAL VISIT WITHOUT AD - M M r\fji COMMONS VISION I aire Reach HcHwiry IW. Ilm itrMl West ORRdee 120 W. Main St. 423-7900 Round Lake Beach Round Lak* Common* Bound Loli# 0##di •291. Rollins (SI 2) 223-0020 (312) 223*0004 4305 W. fiinm-itw CENTERS Coupons inoy no* be usod on purthosf* bef'HP Aug 6 '980 MEMO* CITIZEN KMSCOOWTt CHARGE IT Registration At Johnsburg Following is the registration schedule for the Johnsburg schools: K-8 at Middle school- W e d n e s d a y , A u g . 1 3 , 8 a . m - noon, A-L; noon-4 p.m., M- Z Thursday, Aug. 14, noon- 3 p.m., A-L; 3-6 p.m., M-Z; 6- 8 p.m. those who cannot make regular times. 9-12 at high school- Wednesday, Aug. 13,8 a.m,-4 p.m.; Thursday, Aug. 14, noon-8 p.m. Grades 9-12 may register at any of these times that is convenient. All kindergarten and students new to the district must bring their birth certificate. „ .. Parents of K-8 students Aug. 20. Lily Lake Con servation club meeting. 8 p.m., Lakemoor Muncipal building. Aug. 26. Rummage sale. Senior Citizen Center, Moose hall, route 120, 10 a.m. tojl p.m. Aug. *27. Elementary school starts. 8:55 a.m. Aug. 28. Lakemoor Village meeting, 8 p.m. What appears to be the end, may really be a new. beginning. GOD BLESS should also bring with them to registration the emergency forms previously given their children the last week of school. F o l l o w i n g g e n e r a l registration Aug. 13 and 14. students will be registered onlv Tuesdays and Thur sdays, Aug. 19, 21, 26 and 28. Times will be from 8 a.m. through 3 p.m. K-8 students will register at the administration office, and 9-12 students at the high school. Persons not able to register on any of the six days will register their students at their respective school offices on the first day of school. PAGE S - PLA1NDEALER - WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 13.13R3 Transportation Plans The McHenry County Citizens Transportation Committee, Inc., invited the public to attend a special public meeting Tuesday, Aug. 12, beginning at 7:30 p.m. at the Woodstock City Council room, 121 W. Calhoun street. The purpose of the meeting was for discussion of plans to get transportation to all towns in McHenry county. The committc® believes that these towrs, which are not now served, could have bus tran sportation in two directions at least twice a day if the public was sufficiently in sistent. Hand-Propelled Cycle Given On Loan Basis The McHenry Plaindealer § The Pioneers of Rolling Meadows, Chapter 93, recently presented a hand- propelled tricycle to the E a s t e r S e a l S o c i e t y f o r McHenry County. The tricycle, designed for children who are unable to pedal with their feet, is propelled by pedals on the handlebars. Riding the tricycle gives the child the pleasure of movement and provides an opportunity to strengthen upper arms. The tricycle will be en joyed by disabled children of McHenry county on a loan basis through the Easter Seal Therapy center. • » * • Hard work never kills anyone, they say, but, oc casionally, it wears us down. The Pioneers are mem bers of the Telephone Pioneers of America,.active and retired employees in the telephone industry. They help thousands of han dicapped persons nationwide each year through their donations, inventions, and creativity. Ml 1 W««t Ilm tkMl (USPS MS NO), ftloblith.d lt7S lllinott MOSO Pho»»IIS MS oirt Published tv»ry W.dn.idoy • Friday ol McM»ni y lllmou Second Cl«tl Po»l«9* Paid at McHaaty lllinoit •y McHfNRV PUtUSHING COMPANY POSTMASTER: Sand addratt changat to McHanry Plaindaalai Mil W Ilm St McHanry. lllinoit 400SO Subicrlbart ara 'aquattad to praolda ij#madiata notlca ol changa ol addtat% ta Tha McHanry Plaindaalai Ml} W llnTSt MiHamy III MOSO A deduction ol ona month Irom tha aspiration el a »ubnription will be made where a change ol addrett It provided through the Pott OHire department ACTIVE Lorry E. lund-Publlihcr Ad»U Fro*lich'Editor MEMOIR iiETQz NtWSMftW I NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION High Blood PrcMur* An estimated one-third of the black population in the United States is either hypertensive or potentially hypertensive. SUBSCRIPTION RATES til SO I Year In McHenry County Outsido MtMoniy County WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES ON SALE ITEMS bisurance and Invest men! Services BELLIIQUORS MERCHANTS OF FINE WINES AND LIQU S •385-3200S SALE BEER NOT ICED NO SALES TO MINORS SALE DATES: WE*., AUG. 13 - TUES.f AUG. 19 LIQUORS 4610 W. RTE. 120, McHENRY,ILLINOIS) OUR McHENRY STORE ONLY - WHILE QUANTITIES LAST The Wines Of Chicaftf est LOS HERMAN0S Rhine BrpuNy Vie Rose' Chablis 1.5 LITRE 2 99 (RES. 3.49) CANADIAN CLUB * J I B SCOTCH FIFTH 6 99 HENNESSEY V.S.O.P. COGNAC 750 Ml FIFTH Imported Italian CINZANO ASTI SPUMANTE (REC. 6.S9) JOSE CUERVO NNinuua TEQUILA FINLANDIA VODKA 7SMI FIFTH 6 99 mm LIQUEUR 750 ML FIFTH Imported French 1975 FORT BLANC WHITE BORDEAUX 750 ML FIFTH 1 99 (RE*. 3.99) Imported French 1972 PASCALLET CHATEANEOF dm PAPE 750 ML FIFTH 2 59 (REC. 4.99) If you like your tonic or sparkling water- added coolers, have you tried the cool- refreshing feeling of Campari and tonic or Campari and soda? / . . * ' • • • . It's zippy flavor is a natural with tonic or soda! And we've got an offer you cannot refuse. Campari Aperitivo, regularity 7.99 a fifth - is specially priced this week for 5.991 Plus use the manufacturers mail-in rebate offer for a refund of 2400 Wsmmmmmmmsmma lire, (3.08)i And en joy that cooling Campari feeling this summer! CAMPARI APERITIVO 750 Ml FIFTH YOUR HET COST 2.91 AFTER MAIL IN REBATE OUR REO. PRICE 7.99 SPECIAL 5.99 LessMailio relate - 3.0t (Cwpoa available in store) TOM NIT COS! J.91 ARRIELLE Poppenomt Royal* Men the Royale *L Almond Royal* FIFTH Cacao Royale 4 99 FMt TASTINC SATURDAY . ̂ NEHI MIXERS ?«!L 3QTS. PLUS BEPOSIT •OR EVERYBAY LOW PRKI ALL EIGHT PACK SODAS PEPSI COLA DIET PEPSI NENI MI. DEW COKE IAD FRESCA RC 100 016 OZ BOTTLES 1 2 49 _ pibs KFKIt r!£j OOR EVCRYBAY LOW PRKEI SEVEN-UP ORANOE CRUSH DR.PEPPER R.C. COLA DIET RITE COLA Aim ROOT DEER dM S0UIRT CANADA DRY ALE CANFIELD'S FLAVORS 11602. BOTTLES SPECIAL EXPORT 6-12 02. CANS SCHLITZ 121202. flCAMSl OLD MILWAUKEE 24-1202. 1 CANS PICNIC PAK EVERYBAY LOW MICE 2412 OZ