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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Sep 1980, p. 2

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PAGE 2 - PLA 1NI»K \ t . t K - FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5. 1988 * 0 0 * t[y OCLCL t Mass Offered For Guild 1 i i IIONF'.M v are honcymu" • r KlotI, A»'.:'r Mcllenr Sticvrn ¥* . streH. v, :n \ Meth<« • Robei • s Sp«ii., of M»' • the * McH»> •, ; growi 'i « Don»l ! - *>1 Tom '»' m- ' Johne is*.; ; Beyt! u' » > ' currt-i •> u/.i Her h*. " school at. ' . McHtP/i i V < ship Club Sets r And Meeting Tv club will iu>v" . •"< •' all Potluck Oi-ju- " I Meeting on .-•jtu-1-.• . »•,- 13, 3t 5:30 pai ' i i' vshiphallof t»je d Methodist chur< Atv. : will be in u*t *> program and h(.str- stesses will iucl h in Bassett, v 'o," arles Kopp. K'iti • • -ert Rose, and Marjo -4 ' -ir. Ti»V 1 mmittee will • i y and Harold ibel Thomas r : . . , : ! c r , B c r n i c c • r, j>,' • by, Ethel and fiyd'. Helen and K j , • \ d E l i z a b e t h > » • osters and 'ay Plastic Ware •< • ^ i- r? i ' i -y tiir- • n '.ma Mothers . < will meet at lay, Sept. 9, «t • rhurch, 485 •>> :<•«. et, Crystal T • nonth will a i •ic products • ir« r, and a exc)p:i ge. ;>)> na is open to >. i, _"v • . oltiple birth •r i j. e invited to •AU8CH&LOMB SOFLENS® ULTRA THIN SOFT CONTACT LENSES AW ?#?£ UT AWAY PLANS AVAILABLE i^saL 15% OFF »Vr v. »4.B. .TSI . R E A T H E <119 i. FRAMES MID LENSES WHEN PURCHASES TOGFTMIR ONE COUPON 6000 FOB THE ENTIRE FAMILY! MUSI rot»»! COUfOW wwTuuvmi Good thru 9 30 80 '/J COMMONS VISION CENTERS BEACH 8/9 E HOUNS ' "*rrY©m C»"'»f 1)1)323 0090 Ji2) 223 0064 Ntstl • 20 W MAIN tamtmfwmu 428-7900 McNENRY 4305 W. Elm Street («»• 120) Across the s'r«ef from Horntby s (815) 344-3900 COTB (HIM PWCHASl HI OB SEN M SIM QIUU MCWIS ji'i I'm' n i i i i i i i n I Community Calendar f t t i i M U i m i t . t i i iCONSIN - Mr. and Mrs. Steven Beyer Richmond road, McHenry, after a yward, Wis. The former Terri Lee .nd Mrs. Ted Klotz, 1322 Bay view lane, promises of marriage July 19, with .< urul Mrs. Robert Beyer, 3815 W. John 4 p.m. ceremony at the First United 'ilenry was conducted by Reverend Jeff Hhodist church in Pistakee Highlands, liturgy was provided by Terry Brendle i-gan. Junior bridesmaids were sisters of . > 1 Wendy Klotz of McHenry. Another ihurgue, was one of the bridesmaids. The all of McHenry, included the best man, and groomsmen, Charles Fernstrom, Jay Beyer. A reception was held at the nity club for 150 guests. The new Mrs. om Johnsburg high school in 1979 and is it at Baxter Travenol, Inc., Round Lake. III. 070 graduate of McHenry Community high sently working for O. E. A. Construction, program and menu schedules have been mailed to all members, however, anyone who has not received a copy should let the secretary know at once. Friendship club is a casual, warm and friendly group, and any members of the congregation fifty years old (or older) who do not belong are invited and urged to come out and enjoy the fun and fellowship. The group meets the second Saturday of each month (except June, July ar.d August) at 5:30 p.m. at the church, for a potluck dinner and meeting, followed by an interesting program. New members are always welcome. enjoy a night out with other mothers who share the unique experience of having twins. For more information about the club or this month's meeting, please contact Mrs. William W. (Janie) Busch, Jr., John street, McHenry. CHARGE IT SEPTEMBER 6 Newcomers club-couples steak fry, 6 p.m.-details from Mrs. G. Leonardo. Girl Scouts~registr£|n, 9 a.m. to noon~St. Qjp-ick's church hall. SEPTEMBER 7 M c H e n r y C o u n t y Historical Museum-musical program beginning 2 p.m.- McHenry Sweet Adelines. All church family picnic- First United Methodist church-2 p.m., Petersen park. SEPTEMBER 8 St. Patrick's Ladies Guild- -11:30 a.m. Mass-followed by light lunch and business meeting. McHenry Senior Citizens- meeting, 7 p.m.--West Campus. Whispering Oaks Woman's club-Board meeting, 9:30 a.m. SEPTEMBER 9 Newcomers club-monthly meeting, 7:30 p.m.-St. Paul's Episcopal church, McHenry-wine tasting- visitors welcome. Whispering Oaks Garden club-Board meeting, 1 p.m.- -Community center. McHenry Chapter 547, O.E.S.-meeting-Worthy Matron and Patron night- g u e s t n i g h t - - M a s o n i c Temple. SEPTEMBER 10 Valley View school-Open House--7:30 p.m. SEPTEMBER 11 McHenry ^Senior Citizens bus trip-Fort Atkinson- "Fiddler On The Roof- leave Savings & Loan, 10 a.m. Lakeland Park Women's club-meeting, 7:30 p.m.- Community house-1717 N. Sunset. Fall Luncheon-Fashion show-McHenry Woman's club-McHenry Country club-send reservation check to Marion Schmitt by Sept. 6 Priscilla Circle meeting- 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.-First United Methodist church, parlor. • SEPTEMBER 12 United Methodist Women General meeting-potluck dinner, 6:30 p.m.-church Fellowship hall-meeting, 7:30 p.m. SEPTEMBER 13 Friendship club-potluck dinner and meeting, 5:30 p.m.-First United Methodist church, Fellowship hall. SEPTEMBER 14 M c H e n r y C o u n t y Historical Museum-county- wide high school art fair- display and sale. Flea Market-garage and church hall-St. Patrick's church-after all Sunday Masses. SEPTEMBER 15 T.H.E.O.S. meet5:30 p.m.- Circle R restaurant-then to First United Methodist church for evening. SEPTEMBER 16 Whispering Oaks Garden club-meeting, 1 p.m.-- Community center. McHenry Lodge 158 AF&AM-stated meeting, 8 p.m -Masonic Temple. CPR lessons for public-7 A Mass at 11:30 a.m. Monday, Sept. 8 will start the 19604)1 year for St. Patrick's Ladies' Guild. Father Petit, the guild's spiritual director, will be the celebrant. Organist will be Dorothy Weber; song leader, Mary Ann Wegener; reader, Martha Dignan; and Isabel Pierce will be the extra­ ordinary minister. All are invited to attend and bring a friend. A light lunch will be served following the Mass. After a brief business meeting, there will be a social hour. Officers for 1980-81 are Mary Jean Lahs, president; June Mueller, ' vice- president; Marge Conklin, secretary and Mary Ann Wegener, treasurer. Chairmen of the various committees are: Mem­ bership, Pat Walters; Publicity, Irene Rieger; Kitchen, Claire Miller; Telephone, Isabel Pierce; Hospitality, Margaret Datz; Social, Leone Lawrence;; Spiritual Affairs, Kay DelGenio; Sacristy Care, Marion Longfield; Program, Vera Ward; Caring Friends, Mary Ann Wegener; and Carestoel Visitation is under the direction of Helen Koblitz. On Sept. 14, the guild will have its own space at St. Patrick's Flea Market and will assist in serving coffee and rolls in the kitchen. Plans have been com­ pleted for the Membership Tea scheduled for Monday, Oct. 6, when new members and others will be honored. The annual Fall Dessert Card Party will be held Wednesday, Oct. 22, in the church hall, with many prizes. The public is invited to attend. Hold All Church Family Picnic The First United Methodist church will hold the "All Church Family Picnic" at Petersen park Sunday, Sept. 7, and everyone is urged to attend. That same day, an Open House will be sponsored by the children of Agnes Wissell in commemoration of her eightieth birthday. All her friends are invited to join in the festivities to be held in the church Fellowship hall from 2 to 4 p.m. The U. M. W. Missiort team (Executive committee) met for their regular monthly meeting at the home of Charleen Tony an. The Program chairlady reported that the program she had arranged for the "Mother and Daughter Appreciation Dinner" on Friday, Sept. 12, was unavailable, so that event will have to be postponed for the time being. As soon as definite arrangements can be rescheduled, notification will be made in the church newsletter, church bulletin and local newspapers. There was some discussion regarding the upcoming Fall Bazaar to be held on Thursday, Oct. 16, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Saturday, Oct. 18, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., in the Fellowship hall of the church. In addition to all the lovely items for sale, there will also be the usual delicious bakery items, candies and preserves both days, plus a very nice snack luncheon at nominal prices. Chairmen were reminded to get tickets to their members and friends for the vocal recital, by Carol Leighty on Sunday, Sept. 21, at 4 p.m., in the church Sanctuary. Also a Sunday Brunch and Bake sale is slated for Sunday, Sept. 28, from 11 a.m. to l p.m., in the Fellowship hail. Tickets are available by calling the church office, circle chairmen and church of­ ficers. The United Methodist Women will hold their September General meeting on Friday, Sept. 12, begin­ ning with a potluck dinner at 6:30 p.m., in the Fellowship hall, followed by the monthly General meeting. Members are asked to bring a dish to pass, and their own table service. All ladies of the congregation are urged to cometo the U.M.W. General meeting, as a very pleasant and entertaining evening will be enjoyed by all who attend. LINDA FREUND AND WILLIAM POMIERSKI ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT - Mr. and Mrs. George M. Freund, 3713 W. Lee street, McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter, Linda Sue, to William R. Pomierski, son of Dr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Pomierski, 846 Oak Pond, Libertyville, 111. The bride elect is a 1976 graduate of McHenry Community high school and attended Don Roberts Beauty school in McHenry. Her fiance graduated from Carmel high school, Mundelein, in 1976 and from Michigan State university, Summa Cum Laude, in June, 1980. He will be attending Law school at the University of Illinois in the Fall of 1980. There are no immediate wedding plans. Model Fall Fashions to 11 p.m.-McHenry hospital cafeteria-call to enroll, 385- 2200, ext. 707. SEPTEMBER 17 Whispering Oaks Woman's club-luncheon meeting, 12 p . m . - P r o g r a m , A l p e n Festival. McHenry Grandmothers club-luncheon and play- Crescent Bay Landing, noon- -call C. Jansen for reser­ vations. McHenry Chapter 547, O.E.S.-Dinner, 7 p.m.-- Masonic Temple-call 385- 1835 for details. SEPTEMBER 18 Rummage sale-First United Methodist church~8 a.m. to 8 p.m. •»< <;«n SEPTEMBER 19 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM-meeting, 7:30 p.m.- Oak room, Montini Middle school-white elephant sale. Rummage sale-First United Methodist church-8 a.m. to 6 p.m. SEPTEMBER 20 Rummage sale-First United Methodist church-8 a.m. to noon. Fall Rummage and Bake sale-Mt. Hope United Methodist women-Pistakee Highlands-9 a.m. to 2 p.m. SEPTEMBER 21 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM-Mass, noon-Christ the King church-dinner to follow. Benefit recital by Carol L e i g h t y - - F i r s t U n i t e d Methodist church, McHenry- -4 p.m. SEPTEMBER 22 McHenry Senior Citizens- meeting, 7 p.m.-West campus. McHenry Woman's club- Board meeting, 10 a.m - McHenry library. SEPTEMBER 23 , McHenry Chapter 547, O.E.S.-stated meeting--8 p.m. SEPTEMBER 27 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM-cards, 7:30 p.m^-Oak room, Montini Middle school. SEPTEMBER 28 NAIM-annual Mass and dinner, 4 p.m.-for widowed men and women of Rockford diocese-Annunciation church, Aurora. M c H e n r y C o u n t y Historical Museum-Quilt program-quilts on display. Brunch and Bake sale-11 a.m. to 1 p.m.-Fellowship hall-First United Methodist church, McHenry. OCTOBER 2-3 Rummage sale-Zion Lutheran church-Thursday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.-Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. OCTOBER 5 M c H e n r y C o u n t y Historical Museum-annual cider pressing program. OCTOBER 6 McHenry Senior Citizens- Board meeting, 10 a.m.- McHenry Public library. St. Patrick's Ladies' guild- -Membership tea, 1 p.m - church hall. OCTOBER 8 McHenry Senior Citizens- bus trip, Milwaukee zoo- leave McHenry State bank, 8:30 a.m.-lunch at Milwaukee restaurant. PWP Schedules Dinner Dance The monthly Smorgasbord Dinner-Dance for members of Parents Without Partners will be given by Crystal Lake Chapter No. 189, at the American Legion hall, Oak and Woodstock streets, Crystal Lake, on Friday, Sept. 12. Dinner will begin at 8:30 p.m., with dancing from 9:30 until 1:30 a.m. Members from other chapters and all card- c a r r y i n g p r o s p e c t i v e members are invited. For more information, call 499-1863. Chapter Hosts Guest Speaker The Crystal Lake- McHenry Chapter Women's Aglow Fellowship will host a luncheon on Thursday, Sept. 11, at 10:30 a.m., at Lakeside Center, 401 Country Club road, Crystal Lake. The guest speaker will be Sister Clarice Williams, R.S.M., a Catholic nun of the Sisters of Mercy. She has been involved in the charismatic movement in the Catholic church since its beginnings in 1968, when she was baptized in the Holy Spirit. She has been actively engaged in Bible studies, teaching and speaking to many groups, both Catholic and interdenominational for several years. Reservations for the luncheon may be made by calling Mrs. Dale D. (Lois) Koss of McHenry. Sorority Has Opening Day Pi Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi recently celebrated Opening Day of the 1980-81 year with a wine and cheese tasting party at the home of Ingrid Nuhsbaum. Prior to sam­ pling the delicious assort­ ment, the ladies took a refreshing dip in the swimming pool. A highlight of the evening was the distribution of the year's new and innovative year books: All of the member information and year's activities have been arranged in a truly creative and exciting book by three of the chapter's members, Pam Doherty, Aleta Gemmell and Peggy Waelchli. All in all the members felt it was a great start to what looks like Pi Alpha's best year yet. A "Fashionable Fall" will be presented for the McHenry County Christian Women's club. Sept. 10. Models will display the latest Fall fashions at Lakeside Center in Crystal Lake, during the luncheon held from noon until 1 o'clock. Kathy Gilpin, mezzo- soprano from Crystal Lake, will provide the music. Well known throughout the Chicago and Northern Illinois area, she has per- fqrmed with the Chicago Opera Theater, as well as being in musical comedy, oratorio, and featured church soloist. Inspirational speaker will be Donna Willcoxon of Wheaton. A former teacher, she is a wife, mother, and step-mother, 'hie title of her talk will be "Loved to Life". All interested ladies of the area are invited to attend and bring a friend. Reservations may be made prior to Sept. 8 by calling Lorraine 385-5475. Cancellations are essential and due by Sept. 9. A free nursery is provided with a reservation. Offer Parents' Class Prospective parents are reminded by Mrs. Fran Scholpp, R.N., obstetrical department supervisor at Memorial hospital for McHenry county, Wood­ stock, that the next "Preparation for Paren­ thood" free instructional course - two evening sessions - will begin at 8 p.m. Monday, Sept. 8, • l ~ - T h e i n f o r m a t i o n a l program will be held in the hospital dining room on both Sept. 8 and 15 as a free community service program of Memorial hospital. Both prospective parents have attended these sessions in the past and are invited and encouraged to do so. Mrs. Scholpp will take part in the program, which in­ cludes a tour of the hospital's m a t e r n i t y d e p a r t m e n t , movies and talks. The next session is scheduled for Nov. 3 and 10. Senior Walk-In Center corn bread, peaches and cream, milk. Sept. 10: Breaded veal cutlet, whipped potatoes, Oregon mixed vegetables, rye bread, scalloped apples, milk. Sept. 11: Chicken A La King with noodles, tossed salad, sliced carrots, rolls, fruity tuttie cake, milk. Sept. 12: Fish square, baked potato, beets, wheat bread, like a piece of pie, milk. These are strange times we'r: living in. You can drink whiskey. Your neighbor can drink water. And you both get polluted. McHENRY HEARING AID CENTER 3937 MAIN STREET 385-7661 SERVICE CENTER Wednesday 10-5:00 PM BATTERIES • Va Price •FREE HEARING TESTS •FREE HEARING AID CHECK & CLEAN FREE CUSTOM EAR MOLD Robert Stensland-Manager 25 Years Experience Robert Decker •M.A. Audiologist WE MAKE HOUSE CALLS * WILLIAM NEUMANN C.L.U. INSURANCE Announces Additional Office Facilities at WHISPERING POINT CENTER 4306 B West Crystal Lake Road McHenry, Illinois 60050 344-5858 Pudental Meals are served Monday through Friday at the McHenry Walk-In center beginning at 11:45 a.m. Reservations must be made by 1:30 p.m. the day before at 385-8260. The menu for the week of Sept. 8 through Sept. 12 is as follows: Sept. 8: BOX CAR SPECIAL - Hobo meatball sandwich, corn casserole, pears on lettuce, lemon pudding, milk. Sept. 9: LOUISIANA LEON A - Sausage Creole with rice and tomato (cook­ book recipe by Leona Skinkle, Crystal Lake) green beans, cranberry sauce, WM Attention! TO BETTER SERVE THE NEEDS OF OUR COMMUNITY, (V|c Henry Lumber 5wZl/afae) WILL BE OPEN ' J mff. MAHOWAHf Si OBIS I inning

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