fc«. \om9 MOD'S 14 01. donlm |oons or* boot cut. Your cholco of indigo or pro-woshod donlms. Waist slios 29 to 42. S, M, L longths, modo to fit comfortably. Illustrations or* moroly Indlcotlv# of tho stylos you'll find. Stylo* and slios vary from storotostoro. c. SOVO1S.S0 Moo's Filled 55.43 Rag. 73.93 Man's |ockot I* SOS duck doom, 20% wotorfowl laoalaiA IIfin •linljtlii ju Jl* MmIaw Aal. i vuiiivi •• insiiw «Hip ana irnn^vvT cvnv< nyion tot* foto lining, hldo owoy hood. Shot S to XL. Rag. 11.93 J.10 Wtvtriy * i Rt. 34147 Rtvte Yoffcvttt, IL Hwi, IL OPEN DAILY 9 to I.S. 61 Rt. 2i Mwfctt Ctr. Pihulw, IL MdUary, IL SUNDAYS 10 to 6 45f Ko--odv Dr. 940 Wast Fraiai Rt. 1164 66 Pofttiac, IL RMrt«47 4S9 KMiMdy Dr. 940 WMt Fremont SwmyM Sbtppfaf Ctr IL IL IL IL •Jwro1ft.l7Mio î 49.43 Rag. 65.94 Mon'i |ockot It 55% polyostor, 35% cotton with nylon loffoto lining. 30/20 down Insulation. Split hood. Shot S to XL. your cholco of colors. Savo 3.59 Man's Bool Cat 14 Oi. Donlia Joan A. Suva 10.TS NUa's M% Sack ImFMVHl 3 2 . 1 7 Our Rog. 42.93 Vost Is SS% duck down, 20% UfJB4Af4AMfl (A^ObAOa wwiwfiwwi vwniois« •*yiwn iivvivva. Convortlhlo collar. Staos S to XL. % kvi FilM VMI 2 6 . 1 7 Our Rog. 34.94 f Vast Is 53% duck ^jown, WwiWnWWl iWTVWVoi VVfriWOI I Cholco of colors. Slios 3 to XL. 50%