PAGE 12 - PLAIN DEALER - FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER It. IMP In Staged Disaster Fire, Rescue Practice At Dawn Fire fighters and Rescue squad members from McHenry, Johnsburg, Wonder Lake, Spring Grove, Richmond and Genoa City took part in a "mock disaster" drill that was held In the pre-dawn hours of Sunday, Sept. 14. The "victims" met in Richmond to get ready for the train vs. two-car collision that would occur shortly before 5 a.m. on Harts road, near Richmond. At 5:01 a.m. the Richmond Fire department was called and they soon called for medical and fire assistance from all the neighboring communities to handle the 20 injured people, the fires that started and the toxic gases carried on the train. The injuries ranged from amputated hands and cardiac arrests to simple fractures and confused wanderers - all of which tested skills in triage and on-site management. One of the risks involved in staging a disaster of this magnitude became reality as two of the "victims" became real ones a^d had to be treated at McHenry hospital for smoke inhalation. The drill tested the response of the agencies involved from the initial sorting (triage) and care of the injured through transportation to McHenry, Memorial and Harvard hospitals according to a definitive disaster plan that was developed by the McHenry County Emergency Services and Disaster agency. Observers from Woodstock Fire and Rescue and the Crystal Lake Police department, whose people were not involved in the drill, were on hand to evaluate and later critique the performance. STAFF PHOTOS-WAYNE GAYLORD spurgeons Something Brand New ARE COMING A S K F O R D E T A I L S If you grew a vegetable garden this summer, you've probably been busy processing a lot of food. As you know, when large quantities of food are being handled, it is difficult to keep an immaculate kitchen. Working surfaces must be scrubbed clean and all canning equipment must be sterilized before use. Raw fruits and vegetables must be washed thoroughly in sanitized utensils before freezing or canning. The food must be prepared with clean hands, free of cuts or open sores. If there is a wound it should be sealed with a tape bandage. If someone with a cold coughs or sneezes on the food, it can become contaminated with bacteria. Then, the food must be SQUARE DEALS 1980 OLDS CUTLASS $6800 Uter V6 (23) CJ0, ?-BBl En|ine Electronic Ignition Automatic Trans. Power Frt Disc Brakft, Power Steerin|.Pljj/75R14 Steel-Belt Radial BW Tires. Floor Carpeting Interior Hart Release Bumper Guards 1 Impact Strips, Door Lamp Switches, Outside Mirrors. Rockerĵ anet MoMinfs, Wheel-Opening Mldfs.. Roof Drip Moldings, Hood Center Molding I Stand lp Ornament, Deluxe Steering Wheel, Cigar Lighter. Windows. Soft-Ray Tinted, Air Conditioner. Four Season Mirrors, Sport Styled Outside, Driver Side Remote Control, Emjssion System Federal Wheel Discs, Deluxe Tires, P195/75R14 S/B W/Stripe, Delco-GM Radio AM Pushbutton. RMC JEEP MITCHELL f main inn A v .iil.ihle BOICK OLDS 385 0403 9Q7N FRONT ST McHENRY. IL 385 7200 either frozen rapidly at less than zero degrees Fahrenheit or processed at more than 240 degrees Fahrenheit. Finally, the kitchen must be scrubbed again so that you can have a clean kitchen in which to prepare your next meal. These are all food handling procedures you practice to protect the health of your family. So that you can be assured of eating food prepared in a kitchen as sanitary as you keep yours, the commercial kitchens in Illinois are routinely inspected by the Illinois Department of Public Health food sanitation inspectors. Since Jan. 1, 1980, all food establishments in Illinois have been under the supervision of a manager certified in food service sanitation by the state health department. This person makes sure that the food served to you has been handled, prepared and cooked in accordance with the department's standards. The manager must see that employees maintain a high degree of personal cleanliness. Knowledge of microbiology, of rodent and 4 insect control and of food- borne diseases must be demonstrated. All of these requirements are for one purpose - to protect your health and that of your family when you eat food prepared in a com mercial kitchen. If you should want more information about the role of a food service inspector, or the rules and regulations governing food service establishments, write to the Illinois Department of Public Health, Division of Food and Drugs, 535 West Jefferson, Springfield, 111.. 62761. FREE IMMUNIZATIONS Free immunizations for children in high school and under will be given Wed nesday morning, Sept. 24 from 8:30 to 11 a.m. in Room 102 of the new McHenry county courthouse located on Route 47 north of Woodstock. The shots are offered by the McHenry County Board of Health with the endorsement of the McHenry County Medical society. * * * * Intelligent optimism is based on a long-range viewpoint and pessimism is usually generated by a short-range view. JOHN F. LAMPE Available to Practice In: •PERSONAL INJURY/TRIALS •BUSINESS/CORPORATIONS •ZONING •WILLS/PROBATE •DIVORCE •REAL ESTATE •WORKERS COMP. Now Serving You From 2 Locations WONDER LAKE McHENRY 7165 Barnard Mill Rd (By Appt. Only) 3424 W. Elm Suite 27 344-3252 Open: M-F 8am-5pm Sat 9am-Noon Others by Appt. Retired Teachers Open New Season Sept. 24 McHenry County college - what it can do for the public and what the public can do for the college - will be the theme of a talk to be given for the first Fall meeting of the McHenry County Retired Teachers. The speaker will be Richad Fuller, dean of instruction at the college. The meeting will be held at the Timbers, Woodstock, at 12:30 p.m. Wednesdy, Sept. 24. Luncheon reservations should be made with the local chairmen. Membership dues for national, state and local organizations may be paid at this time. Officers of the county-wide group are president, Olive Nolan, Woodstock; vice- president, Carrie Hage, H a r v a r d ; r e c o r d i n g secretary,Arlene Pearson, Ringwood; corresponding secretary, Herbert Mroch, Harvard; and treasurer, Ruth Dooley, Harvard. The organization meets the fourth Wednesday of September, October, April and May. All retired teachers are invited to at tend. • » • • The greatest threat to the development of demo cracy in the United States is the tactics of organized minorities. ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. "BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" FEATURING COMPLETE LINES OF: •OLYMPIC STAIN •BRAMMER CABINETS •ANDERSEN WINDOWS •PRE-HUNG DOORS •NORD SPINDLES •JIM MARTIN PAINTS •LINCOLN WINDOWS •GAF SHINGLES •BUILDERS HARDWARE •PREFINISHED PANELING •CHAMBERLAIN GARAGE DOOR OPERATORS Phone 385-1424 909 N. FRONT ST., McHENRY