MOIII We Seppert the Bears "/ love my water bed especially after games." 53.. "It's more comfortable than just a regular mat- "The next best thing to hitting quarterbacks on Sunday is hitting my PEPPERS WA TER- BED Sunday night." "My bed has given many hours of relaxing com fort. "It's a lot easier waking up on Monday morning after I've spent Sunday night on my PEPPERS WATERBEI)" COUPON ssss With the purchase of any waterbed regularly priced at $300 or over you'll receive: •2 pillows •Top and bottom sheets an $80 value FREE Full warranty with every purchase 6215 Northwest Highway Crystal Lake, II. (815)455-4260 M l U W t S S L A R G L S T •pillow cases •mattress pad PEPPERS WATERBEDS Tondt Shopping C«nttr Rt. 31 (Across from Chateau Louise) West Dundee, IL. (312)426-4983