Purchase 12 KT or 14 KT Gold or Silver At FULL Price and Recieve FREE Any Necklace or Bracelet of Your Choice COUPON NO WAITING MOST PRESCRIPTIONS IN STOCK (You pay for most expensive piece) Bring a fr iend. . . Don't miss this biggest GOLD SALE ever! SALE ENDS TUESDAY, OCT. 7, 1980 McHENRY MARKET PLACE 385-4100 DAILY 9-9, SAT. 9-6, SUN. 10-5 I' \CiE 3 "PLAINDEALEK - WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 1.1JMM) McHenry Homecoming Aspirants BOB GREVE AND LISA ADAMS SEAN HALEY AND SHARI BLANKENIIORN band. Shari Blankenhorn, 4206 Crystal Lake road, McHenry, is the daughter of Bill Blankenhorn and Jonie Miller. She is active in cheerleading and band, and wants to attend college with a goal to major in helping teach the blind and the deaf. Brady Anderson is the son of Robert and Judy Anderson, 5509 Summerville drive, Wonder Lake. He is a member of the Ski club and attended Premier Boys State over the summer. His future plans are to attend college after graduation. Kathy McGee is the daughter of John and Nancy McGee, 1620 N. Park street, McHenry. She is a captain of the Pom-Pon squad; a member of the Student Council, and enjoys tennis and volleyball. Enrollment at the University of Illinois is in her future plans. John Doessel plans to go to a trade school and become a pipe fitter. He is the son of Robert and gtaren Doessel, 1005 Center street. John's school activities include football, baseball and the Ski club. Cheri Patzke is a member of the National Honor society; Ski, Outdoor, International and Pep clubs. She wants to major in Eashion Merchandising at college. Her parents are James and Lona Patzke of 3009 Lincoln road. Robert A. Kalck is the son of Norman E. and Clare M. Kalck, 3713 Young street, McHenr^. His sports involvement includes football and baseball; he belongs to National Honor society; Spanish Honor society; and went to Boys State. He hopes to : 1 ^ ffigP ""t 4 if fh _ BRADY ANDERSON AND KATHY MCGEE pursue a career in the Business field after attending the University of Illinois. Julie lluml especially enjoys swimming, skiing and flying. She plans to graduate early and attend Southern Illinois university in the Spring with the intention of becoming a pilot. Jack Jablonakl plays football and baseball and enjoys canoeing, lie is the son of Rich and Pat Jablonski, 1502 N. Court street, McHenry. He is considering attending Northern Illinois university. Early Chiidhood Education is a possible major in the future college plans of Kim Salman, 6907 Mason Hill road, McHenry. The daughter of Gary and Karen Salman is a member of the National Honor society and is on the Pom-Pon squad, occupied at a dentist office as a dental assistantDan Ereund, 4209 W. Crystal Lake road. McHenry, is the son of Tony and Loretta Ereund. He is a member of the Varsity Eootball and Track teams, lie plans to attend Northern Illinois university to study Business and Accounting. John and Carrol Pitel, 4504 Ramble road, McHenry, are the parents of Jeanne Pitel. She ii involved in U.T.C.A. for Health Careers and is occupied at a dentist office as a dental assistant. She enjoys playing the guitar, tennis, swimming, and needlecraft. Her future plans are to attend Harper college, Palatine and become a dental hygienist. STAFF PHOTOS-WAYNE GAYLORl) MARK SCHILLER AND KAREN BERES ..Many McHenry Community high school students, teachers and supporters will be participating in activities scheduled this weekend for the 1980 Homecoming. One of eight couples, aspiring to be the King and Queen reigning oyer the festivities are Mark Schiller, son of Raymond and Doris Schiller, 6311 W. Roundup road, McHenry and Karen Beres, daughter of Joseph and Judith Beres, 4213 E. Lake Shore drive, Wonder Lake. Mark is a member of the Football, Basketball and Track teams. He hopes to attend college next Fall to study Engineering. Karen is captain of the Varsity Pom-Pon squad and was active in Drama. She plans to attend college and study Busines and Child Psychology. Bob Greve lives with his parents, Ken and Faith Greve, at 2402 Aloha drive. He was chosen for Boys State, is a member of National Honor society and participates in Basketball and Baseball. College is in his plans for the future. Lisa Adams plans to attend the University of Illinois and major in Architecture. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Adams, 609 W. Lincoln road, McHenry. She likes to ski and draw and is on the Pom-Pon squad. George and Pat Haley are the parents of Sean Haley, 3915 W. Maple avenue, McHenry. His future plans include attending Northern Illinolis university to study Journalism and Communications. He is involved with the Varsity Football and Track teams and the Concert JOHN DOESSEL AND CHERI PATZKE DAN EREUND AND JEANNE PITEL JACK JABLONSKI AND KIM SALMAN ROBERT KALCK AND JULIE HUML Medinah Temple, 600 N. Wabash avenue in Chicago, Oct. 6,7, and 8. There will be luncheons, a "Go to Church" for all, on' Sunday and a dinner dance at the Radisson-Chicago hotel. O.E.S. CONVENTION The Grand chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star of Illinois will hold its 106th convention, named the "Session of Hope" with the business meetings held at Helping others in the battle of life is just as heroic as waiting for them to fall in order to help lift them up. BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL EYEWEAR 10 COMPLETE F R A M F S A N D L F N S E S SELECT GROUP Of OUAIITV FRAMES IN GIASS SINGH VISION HNSIS NO OTHER COUPONS OR AD0ITI0NAI 0ISC0UNTS APPIV TO THIS SPtCIAl Qlfcr pxpiros IQ/'il/HO 15% OFF FRAMES SOFT CONTACT LENSES BAU8CH ft LOMB SOFLEN8' $6950 l F NSt S ONI y COUPON MUST BE PRESENTED AT THE BEGINNING OF INITIAL VISIT ( f c r i / p i r i ' ' , 1 0 ' i I / H O WHEN PURCHASED TOGETHER O N f C O U P O N O O O f J f OP FNTIRF F /'Mil Y ' COUPON MUST B( PRtSENIEO AT BEGINNING OF INITIAt VISIT OH i • 10 '< I W0 DELTA H U I C . T O A L L U N I O N M E M B E R S A N D T H E I R F A M I L I E S R E C E I V E A ? 0 % D I S C O U N T O N A L L P R E S C R I P T I O N E Y E W E A R U N I O N C A R D S M U S T B E P R E S E N T E D A T B E G I N N I N G O F I N I T I A L V I S I T ' ASK ABOUT OUR 20/60 WARRANTY ON FRAMES AND LENSES (OMMONS V IS ION ( IM IKS I I I ) Ijl'.f OWN f I. ('Mi i LA VA M(A V PLANS AAILABLt ^CHARGE IT ^ ROUND LAKE BEACH 829 E. ROLLINS Coaawi SlwpfHtf Center (312)223-0020 McHENRY 4305 W. ELM ST. (RTE. 120) * Acrott th« ttrevt from Horntby t (•15)344-3900 n***** 4 fH/f 1307 N. RIVERSIDE DR PV" '*• V » •> r* m, McHENRY