Tune-up for cold starting Sometimes a little misinfor mation can lead to a heap of trouble, especially if it involves neglecting the probable causes of cold weather starting prob lems. •) For example, when one sur vey conducted by Champion: I Hf F % w** 1 NOTICE: W E W I L L H O N O R A N Y C O M P E T I T O R ' S S E R V I C E S P E C I A L P R I C E WITH PRESENTATION OF COMPETITOR S SERVICE COUPON TUNE-UP SPECIAL WITH FREE ELECTRONIC ENGINE DIAGNOSIS PLUS FREE GREASE JOB Includes: Replace spark plugs, gas filter, PCV value, points & condensor. I "and* *49* | TRUCKS 4cy,on,y ** 8 cyl. add *10.00 4 WHEEL BRAKE SPECIAL Includes: Replace front & rear jbrake lining, turn rear drums, resurface rotors, Inspect caliper |& wheel cylinders. Bleed & refill brakes systems, pack wheel jbearing. 4x4 slightly higher. *99* FALL SPECIAL Cooling system check IPressure test cooling system for ileaks, inspect hoses, flush cooling system and set antifreeze to-30 *29* TRANSMISSION TUNE-UP Includes: Change trans, filter, II, gasket, adjust bands, clean valve body. $29s° ANY SERVICE WORK OVER $50°° FRw7^EELBMmS~EMCK All Cars Higher For 4 Wheel Drive sicoo • V plus parts PAGE 2 - PLAINDE ALER Spark Plug Company asked consumers about the benefits of new spark plugs, only 27 percent connected spark plugs with starting. The only way to reduce start ing failure--nearly a third of all family-owned automobiles were affected during one winter recently--is to make motorists aware of the real trouble source: An undermaintained engine. Dead batteries often are more of a symptom than the cause; probably that battery was drained by constant grind ing during the starting attempt. Cold weather starting tests show untuned automobiles have nearly two and a half times greater incidence of starting failure than cars that are tuned and, on the average, these . FRIDAY. OCTOBER 3, ISM tuned cars start 15.4 percent more quickly. Electronic ignition systems significantly lowered the rate of starting failures. have not signi lowered Do it now Not all rust damage comes from underneath. Even a car that has been rustproofed is vul nerable to the ravages of rust when dents and dings are not taken care of. Exposed metal corrodes quickly and those often ignored scratches can develop into expensive repairs if neglect continues. Trans fluid sniff test beneficial . Keeping a close check on transmission fluid is an essen tial part of car care. Not only is the level of transmission fluid especially critical, but also its condition which can be a clue to possible mechanical trouble. A transmission specialist can determine whether or not an au tomatic transmission has been overheating by the appearance and odor of the fluid. When fluid has been exces sively hot it may have a burned odor and be brown rather than red in color. What causes the transmis sion to overheat? Abuse, says Car Care Council--typically, improperly "rocking" the car out of die snow or mud. It also can be the result of operating under severe load, such as with trailer towing in hilly areas, without having added a trans mission cooler. When in doubt about the con dition of your car's transmis sion fluid, replace the fluid and the filter. It's good insurance Easy money Auto auctioneers, who see millions of cars bought and sold each year, tell us a car that's well maintained can bring as much as a third more on trade than one that has been ne- glee ted. Biggest enemy of a car's body is rust. GoasttoGoast HEET GASOLINE ANTIFREEZE Absorb* moisture In gas tank and tins to prevent Iram- ups. 12-oz. 723-0699 89 GAL. WINDSHIELD WASHER XL 900 windshield washer antifreeze and solvent. Gal 799-1019 144 ENGINE HEATER Lower radiator hose heater. Sized IV." to 2". 799-3209 thru 799-3449 77 ^RADIATOR 1-1 HOSE 1 W\ 1V and 1%" radi ator hose. Assorted lengths. Custom fit for your vehicle. 791 -4909 thru 791-9999 ' f DOWGARD ANTIFREEZE Dowgard permanent winter antifreeze/summer coolant. Gal. 799-0101 >95 FAN BELTS Fan and generator belts. All sizes. 791-0999 thru 791-4003 199 BOOSTER CABLES Heavy duty battery booster cable set, 10-gauge copper, tangle proof construction. 2 connected cables. 12-ft. long. 749-9390 1 95 •AUtDM*TlC 0 w c**rV'f flMSTIRCIMFT THERMOSTAT Mastercraft thermostats with gasket. 190° to 192°. 759-0009 thru 796-0693 24 95 6-AMP BATTERY CHARGER 9 or 12 volt. Circuit breaker pro tects unit. Copper clips. UL approved. 749-4009 SCHAUER wmmmmm mm- x/Wmm: Coast to Coast t \ McHENRY MARKET PLACE SHOPPING viMlHBWy ) '•*•*£• « « • « < • » ' 5*