Past 65 By Carl Riblet Jr. InterOcean Press Syndicate Question -- "One of your readers who signed herself "Anonymous" scoffed about the problem of impotence. Impotence is a serious thing and widespread among senior citizens. However, correcting it is a simple procedure. "The anonymous reader would not, I presume, laugh at the victim of a stroke, senility, heart attack or leg pains that result from cholesterol blockage of the arteries. She should not, then, laugh at the impptency that endangers marriage. Approximately 75 percent of men who are impotent are made so by cholesterol blockage of the penile ar teries. The relationship of impotency to artery blockage was discovered so recently that medical doctors in the U.S. still tell men that 'it's all in your head.'. "The real understanding of impotence dates back to 1972 and a pure-chance occurrenc by a vascular surgeon in Czechoslovakia. (Vascular surgery to correct impotency is widesQread in Europe). The surgeon had operated on a man to correct a cholesterol blockage in a leg artery. Later, the patient told the doctor of an odd, but happy side effect of the surgery -- he was no longer impotent. The surgeon discovered that the vascular surgery that had bypassed the blocked leg artery had also bypassed one of the man's penile arteries that had been blocked with cholesterol. "There is now an ekciting development that eliminates the need for surgery to correct impotence, or the need for surgery to relieve prostate enlargement. A safe and effective medication is now available in the U.S. and Canada with an approved drug that can be taken orally. "Hie drug is Candicidin, a prescription drug with small side effects. When a physician prescribes Candicidin for a blocked pen ile artery, his prescription instructs the pharmacist to compound the drug to a somewhat different formula than is prescribed for Candicidin in treatment of other ailments. "I wonder if your many readers would be interested in this information. It may be important to some of them." - Dr. A.I. Answer -- They certainly will be interested. The number of letters that come to me every week from men and their wives who are concerned over the problem of impotency is large. Question -- "My husband and I are retired. We still have my parents in Chicago. They live in their own small house but have been failing and will have to be taken care of some place else. Tliey don't want to live with any of their three children's families and they don't want to go to a retirement home. We children can't have them with us anyway because it would be too difficult. How can we get them into a place where they would be safe and cared for at reasonable cost? We are at wit's end worrying". -- Mrs. A.C. Answer -- If the parents cannot continue living in their ftwn house, if they don't want to go to a retirement home, if they don't want to live with any of their children's families, and if the children don't want to take them in or cannot because, as Mrs. A.C. writes, it is too difficult, then the sad situation appears to be a standoff. Somebody among them is going to have to talk sense to all parties involved. The parents are alive, they have to be taken care' of and the way to do it is to not look for an easy out. They must search for a compassionated solution. It may be that the parents say they don't want to live with children because they know, or sense, that the children don't want them. However, if there is enough money available, the parents could go to live together in a nursing home. Mrs. A.C.- can ask at the Bureau of Human Resource, Aging Services division, in her city. Question -- "I want to stop smoking cigarettes and take to pipe smoking. I am 66. I have smoked cigarettes ever since I was 18 and at least three packs a day for the last 20 years. My wife says I ought to stop and start smoking a pipe instead like her father did Do you know anything about pipe smoking? -- Elliott H. Answer-- Elliott came to the right man. In 1959, I was smoking nearly four packs of king-size cigarettes a day. I had developed a morning cough that brought on a hernia. I had tried to stop twice but couldn't make it stick. Then, (me morning I had a funny feeling in my leg. My doctor said it was from poor circulation due to my heavy smoking. He prescribed a medicine that he said would dilate my blood vessels. On the street outside his office, I threw the prescription in the gutter and said to myself, "Carl, you're nuts! Stop smoking." I quit cold -- because I was scared. After a time I bought a pipe. It is not easy to take to a pipe. It takes a long time -- some months -- to master the art and for the tongue to become used to the bite of pipe tobacco. But I felt better. All the experts, say that"; pipe-smoking isn't dangerous to the lungs. Here's how Elliott can try becoming addicted to smoking a pipe: At the start, buy at least three pipes so he can smoke a fresh pipe every day, a pipe that has thoroughly dried out during the 48 hours preceding. It will then be sweet-tasting. He should buy good pipes, not bargains, and good pipes arenot cheap- - as much as $20 or $30 each. Not all expensive pipes are good pipes, however. I have three London-made pipes. One was a gift to me in Edmonton. It is pure smoking joy. I hate to lay it aside for a single day. The second pipe, made by the same pipemaker, is just fairly good. The third pipe cost more than the other two, and it tastes medium-bad. Once I bought a pipe for $3 in France and it was a honey. Another time I paid $45 for a pipe that never was any good. I hated it. Elliott will learn by trial and error. He should select a tobacco that will taste good to him. Some tobacconists charge high prices for mixtures. I have smoked inexpensive Own a 4-Wliaal Drtv* TVuck? Own a 2-Wheel Drive Thick? Whether you're running a 4 x 4 or 2WD truck, Western offers a dependable snowplow that's designed to handle the worst winters. For homeowner or light commercial use. count on the NEW SnowKing1* by Western. The SnowKing is the first lightweight snowplow designed specifically for 2WD trucks. To turn your 4x4 into a real money maker, there's the master in dependable performance...Western's 4-wheel drive snowplow. This winter...depend on Western. SEE: OR TYM MOM ADAMS ENTERPRISES 3017 W. Rte. 120 - McHenry, Illinois 815-385-5970 package mixtures for more than 10 years. Do not smoke aromatic tobacco. Women like the smell but the taste becomes progressively awful. The idea is to have the best pipe affordable and then pack it with inexpensive tobacco. Thus, the original high investment in pipes is not lost in the smoke of expensive, fancy-mixed tobacco. I never knew a woman who didn't like her man to smoke a pipe. Women like the smell of it, providing the man doesn't let the pipe go sour. Women who want to give up cigarettes for a pipe, however, had better think twice. Men tell me that they hate the odor of pipe smoke that gets into a woman's hair. Pipe smoking simply is not feminine, although the wife of our seventh president, Rachel Jackson, smoked a pipe in the White House whenever she pleased. Knock off the cigarettes, Elliott, and take to the pipe. Every mail brings bundles of letters requesting in formation on health and life insurance for elders. Most are dissatisfied with their policies, many are confused and all need to know more. It is a lousy commentary on the insurance companies that specialize in serving senior citizens. When I note the amounts of some of the premiums paid by the month for what in many cases seems to be overlapping coverage, I want to gnash my teeth in outrage. All does not appear to be quite fair in Senior Citizens Insurance land. Anybody who wants supplemental health in surance should go to a reputable local insurance broker and put the question to him: "What should the seeker of honest information purchase for hospital or health insurance that will take care of man and wife if one of them is taken seriously ill and the cost goes to as much as $10,000 or $15,000, or even $20,000?" That's the question, and the * answer will outline what protection is needed. All we elders can do is to be very careful, read the provisions in the policies we may wish to buy and never, never agree to any suggestion by a high-pressure salesman to cancel one policy in one company for a policy he sells for another company. Sound advice in each particular case is needed desperately. Question -- "My father left me some stocks issued by a corporation under the laws of Nevada in 1932. Are they of any value? Where can I write for information on these stocks? -- Everett E.R. Answer -- Everett can contact any reputable stock broker, or he can write to the company whose name is on the certificates. If there is no clue to an address, he can write the State Securities commission in Reno, Nev. He can also check it out at his bank. Write to Carl Riblet Jr. at P.O. Box 40757, Tucson, Ariz., 85717 for information and advice on questions you may have as an elder, with self-address, stamped en velope. All questions will be answered, if possible. No identities will be revealed. OtQQ'f* Use Of Police Fore# Fine Response To Training PAGE 19 - PLAINDEALER • FRIDAY. OCTOBER IT, 1999 force and how much force to use but also the civil and criminal liabilities a police officer faces in the Ulegal use of force. Police officers from throughout McHenry county attended a four-hour training session on the use of force recently at McHenry County college. The session was part of a monthly series sponsored by the McHenry County Chiefs of Police association and funded by the Illinois Law Enforcement commision. The training session was taught b^James J. Flood, an assistant states attorney from Cook county who is also a former Chicago police officer. The session had one of the largest turnouts on record with 133 police officers at tending, according to Mel Wallace, coordinator of the Police Science program at the college. The session covered the use of force including deadly force which is the police power to take a human life. Wallace said it included not only information for the police officers on when to use The decision to have a training session on force was made after a survey on priority training needs was conducted by the chiefs' association last year. Sam Johns, chief of police in Crystal Lake, is the current chairman of the association. • ••• Everyone would like to have a government that can operate without taxes and yet give the people the benefits of modern times. An average hen's egg contains about 10,000 tiny openings. Through them, a developing chick takes in oxygen and re leases carbon dioxide. \ * H6999669999aiaa American Legion Post 491 - RINGW00D ROW. McHENRY - OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY 15:00 - 9:00 P.M.I PERCH-AIL YOU CAN EAT *0ll<ER MENU AVAILABLE SAT. 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