PAOI IS Gerald J. Carey Building Richmond Rood at Paarl Stroot Mon., To**., Thur*. 9:00a.m. to 3:00p.m. Frl. 9:00 a.m. to 3 p.m. ft4:30 to 7:30 p.m. Sat. 9:00 o.m. to 12 Noon DRIVE-IN Mon., Tum.. Wod., Thur*8:00a.m. to5p.m. Fri. 8:00a.m. to7:30p.m. Sot. 8:00 a.m. to 12 Noon Whispering Point Office Crystal Lako Rood at Lillian Stroot Mon.. Tum., Thur*. I 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Fri., 8:30a.m. to7:30p.m. Sat., 8:30a.m. to 12 Noon Main Building 3510 W. Elm St. btk depositor inaurod to (100,000 Wolk-Up Mon., Tum., Thur*. 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Fri. 3:00p.m. to4:30p.m. Lobby Sot. 9:00 o.m. to 12 Noon MON., TUES., THURS. 9:00a.m. to3:00p.m. Frl. 9:00 a.m. to 3 p.m. ft 4:30 to 7:30p.m. Z) A FULL SERVICE BANK McHENRY STATE BANK j FLATBED ANNIE & SWEETIEPIE Two young women join forces to save an expensive trucking rig from the repossessor and keep it out of the clutches of hijackers, in 'Flatbed Annie & Sweetiepie: Lady Truckers,' a motion picture- for-television, starring Annie Potts. Harry Dean Stanton, and special guest star Kim Darby, to be rebroadcast as a special movie presentation, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21 on CBS-TV. Arthur Godfrey, Fred Willard, Avery Schreiber, Rory Calhoun, and Billy Carter (pictured) in his drama debut, also star in this rousing action-adventure film. CHICK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIMf tuesday Gary Cooper, Walter Bren- nan. The story of Judge Roy Bean of Texas...the tyrant who established himself as the "law west of the Pecos" and his meeting with "The Westerner" who sets him packing. (2hrs.) W Movie -(Suspense) •• ft "Night Flight From Mos cow" 1074 Henry Fonda, Yul Brynner. A Soviet official defects to the west, bearing a list of all agents working for the Russians in western governments. (2 hrs.) 03 Blonlc Woman 7:05 0OQ Tuesday Night At The Movies 'The Night the Bridge Fell Down' 1980 Stars: James MscArthur, Desi Arnaz Jr.. Motorists face a terrifying experience when they are trapped on a bridge as it colispses. (3 hrs.) (If the sixth gsme of the World Series is necessary, 'Tueaday Night At The Movies' will be pre-empted.) 7:30 6 O Q) Lavarna And jlrley Joker's Wild Ovar Eaay Quest: Actress Joan Fontaine. Hosts: Hugh Downs and Frank Blair. Sosed-Captioned) Movla -(Drama) **• "Madame Rosa" 1078 Simone Signoret, Claude Dauphin. Story of a retired prostitutewhoservesasfos- ter mother for the children of women still working the streets. (Rsted R) (2 hrs.) 7:60 Q9H2) Nawscana 8:00 OOCD Three's Company Chrissypuilsoutsllthestops when she hss to pry Jack from the clutches of his old flsme, a gorgeous airline stewerdess, snd lure him to the Roper apsrtment for his surprise birthdey psrty. (Repeat) Tic Tac Dough (IB) 81 Nova 'Portrait of a Killer' Swedish photo grapher Lannart Nilason's camerajourneysthroughthe human body to document the cauaea of America's number one killer: heart diaaaae. (Closed-Captioned) (80 ana.) I Body In Question 'Breathless' Everyone has suffered breathlessneas at one time or another^Qf. Jon athan Miller irtiea this symptom to show how unac countable breathleasness may be cauaed by the lungs, blood or heart. (Cloeed- Captioned) (80 mine.) CD <11 Movla -(Blographlcal-Drama) ••ft T'Fllght for Freedom" 1043 Rosalind Russell. Fred MacMurray. The bio- graphyoffamedfemaleavia- tor. (2 hre.) (3D # Movie -(Drama) •• ft "War Between The Tatee" 1078 Richard Crenna, Elizabeth Aehley. A college profeeeor'e eympethy for a devloue female etudent leads to an awkward rela* tionehip, thet is the basis for a tension-filled stsnd-off 8h his wife. (2 hrs.) ® 300 Mlllonee Collage Football (Joined In Progeaa) Wild Card Qame © NCAA Football lilinoia va Purdue O Flrat Row Faaturea O Streets Of Ban Franclaco 8:30 Taxi The cabbies continue their wild personal flights into outrsgeous fan- tssies, which are prompted by a aurpriee vieit from 'Fart- taay Island's' Tattoo, inclusion) To Tell The Truth Movie -(Drama) "Equue" 1077 RIchardBur- ton, Peter Firth. (Peid Subs cription Teievieion) A trou bled peychietrlet attempts totreat a disturbed teeneger whoee faecinetion with horsee drove him to commit en unepeakable act. (2 hre., 16 mine.) In The Word 8:60 CD <22) Newacene 1:00 CB8 Reporta 'The Saudia' CBS Reports looks at Americe'e largest oil supplier end its tenuous ally, saudl Arabia. The pro gram examines the chang ing nature of 8audi society, its reletionehip with the Unit ed 8tates, snd the vulner- sbilities of its vsst suppliee oil. (60 mine.) IO Hart To Hart Newe 1 ® Don Lane 8how i 8) Body In Queetlon 'Breathless' Everyone has suffered breathiessness st one time or another. Dr. Jon athan Miller ueee thie symptom to show how unsc- countable breathleeaness may be ceueed by the lunge, blood or heert. (Closed- Captioned) (60 mins.) if Aek Before You Vote 'Cendidetes for Cook Coun-