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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Nov 1980, p. 11

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PAGE 12 • PLAIN DEALER. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER It. ISM v - -mi)*** •OW( ••rn ••dtot* Oct **11300 ' FOIEST HIUS 4IM< tin iTtovn oaiMati No cosh refunds on prepaid ods Cords o» Thank* In Memoriarrv Situation Wonted Wanted to Rent Wanted 'o Buy and Goroge Soles MUST be paid in odwonce The Plaindeal«r is not responsible for errors in classified ods after the first insertion Check your ad of ter the first insertion and coll our attention to any mistakes OFFICE HOURS: MON.-FRI.«:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. SATURDAY 9-12 P.M. Classified Copy Deadline WEDNESDAY PAPER-MONDAY 4 P.M. FRIDAY PAPER-WEDNESDAY 4 P.M. PHONE 815 385 0170 •UUKSS SEMMS BOW-WOW BOUTIQUE, all breed professional dog grooming. Nails clipped, ears cleaned, fluff drying, scissor cuts. Call 815-385-2018 anytime. ll-5tfc SEPTIC SYSTEM57~new installations, and repair of old systems. Sewer and water hookups. Free estimates, Mathison Septic Service. McHenry 815-344- 3980 ll-5tfc CARPENTRY • Remodeling * Room Additions •Home Repoirs *O.H.Garage Doors *Alum. Siding G Soffits •Windows 0 Doors Replaced SMALL JOOS WELCOME Joy Owen 815-365-6400 EXCAVATING Septic Service 815-385-7791 4410 W. Rt. 120 McHenry, II. II V* PLUMBING Repair, Remodeling New Construction No Job too Large Or Too Small SWANSON A SON PLB6. Lie. NO. 8789 REASONABLE CALL 815-385-3240 WwwmL LIONEL TRAINS OUR SPECIALTY BUY-SELL ALL SETS - Sale Priced S15-385-SA72 TOM'S ON THE SPOT REPAIRS 24 Hour Mobile Truck and Auto Welding Service 312-497-3066 II/I9I2/3I ACE CEMENT A CONSTRUCTION Concrete 1 Remodeling Our Speciality 'Room additiont 'Garage* 'Sundockt 'Sidewalks 'Driveway* 'Patios etc Call for Free Estimate 815-653-6366 REMODELING SPECIALISTS 30 Years Experience No job too big or too small. Financing Available OWL CONSTRUCTION 815-344-1632 815-3854)566 815-3444)748 RUSSELL RNOTON SEPTIC SERVICE • PUMPING • REPAIRS • ELECTRIC SEWER RODDING Installation of new septics 815-385*6445 PIONEER BLACKTOP PAVING Residential-Commercial-Residential Big savings on Residential work. Proven by thousands of satisfied customers." • Machine Laid * New Drives • Resurfacing • Parking Lots • Seal Coating All work guaranteed Free Estimates r - ̂ 312-546-5600--^ ^ ^ Grayslake, III. mm HARRY L. ViEZENS CONSTRUCTION CO. RenKrisling^onw Repairs Screen Porches*Wallpaper*Kitchens'Baths'Electrical •Family Rooms*Basements*Paneling*Ceron^c Tile 'Custom Work NO JOB TOO SMALL TELL US YOUR NEEDS 1-815-385-2847 Insured ^ 3 ANTHONY'S 2 - BLACKTOP i ^ Free Est imates </> Licensed °Bonded ^Insured ^ [/> Industrial Seal Coctinq ̂ •Patch inq "Mach ine Laved </> v* , o £ 'Driveways 'Parking lots </» Al l Work Guaran teed </» o -o Crys ta l Lake </> £ 815-455 G735or £ 815 455 56EO ^ * $ ? $ ? $ ? $ ? $ ? $ ? $ ? $ ? $ ? $ ? $ ? $ ? $ ? $ ? $ ? $ ' : JSU2JL2 TZT tmt N. Y WAMINGTON ;»4 <H.' « • «•' •• • ... .. _ BCGKKffP o«>r>c ».. AUTOS TSOToT A0T0S CYLINDER heads (2) off a Big Block 1971 Chevelle engine 19,000 miles with recent valve job $40. 815-385- 1969 ll-5tfc 1977 Chevrolet Malibu Classic, two door, automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes, air conditioning $2500. 815-385- 11-14-11-21C 1970 AMBASSADOR, 4 dr, good condition $650. or best offer: brand new grill for 1965 Cadillac new $50. 815- 653-4876 after 4 11-19-11-21C 1973 FORD LTD, station wagon, p.s., p.b., air con­ ditioning, am-fm stereo, great condition. $700. or best offer. Call anytime. 653-9668 11-19-11-21C BUSINESS SCUUKtS The Holiday Season will be here before you know it!!! Call us for all of your interior painting needs. Free estimates. Call 815-385-7736 or 815-344-1722 after 6 p.m. ll-5tfc HOME IMPROVEMENT SPECIALIST, experienced in wallpapering, painting, decorating, kitchens, baths, electrical, plumbing and carpentry. Call for free estimate, all work guaranteed. 815-385-9385 11- 5tfc NEW HOMES, Roofing, Siding, Remodeling, Garages, no job too big or too small. 815-344-5724 11-5-11- 21c J E N S E N W O O D RESTORATION Repair and refinishing of antiques and furniture. This month speciality: Baby cribs, dressers, hi chairs and vanities. Xmas rates. 815- 385-4024. ll-19tfc PAINTER LOOKING For interior & exterior painting, staining, varnishing and wall papering, free estimates, references. 815- 385-5564. 11-19-11-21C FIREWOOD POWER LOG Splitting Service. 344-3524 after 5 pm. U-19-U-21c J.W.I. CARPET SERVICE, Reputable and reliable carpet service. Sales, in­ stallations, and repairs. Custom designs. All work guaranteed. 815-344-5916. 11- 19-U-28C S C H U E R R W A Y BUILDERS, all phases of carpentry, concrete work, excavating, electric, plumbing, heating, tiling. No job too small. 815-385-4808 ll-5tfc SPECIAL! Living room and hall steam cleaned and deodorized for only $44.95, additional areas only 10 cents per sq. ft. We save you money! Bauman Carpet Cleaning. Collect 815-943- 4793 U-5tfc THE GROOMING DEN, plan ahead, make your holiday appointment now. Professional all-breed grooming. Large dogs welcome, cats too. For appointment call 344-3177 evenings. ll-7-12-31c SNOW PLOWING. Be prepared, contract now, driveways, parking lots. No job too small. Sidewalk snowblowing. Call today 815- 344-1632 ll-5tfc HOMEMAKERS, earn $10. to $15. an hour. Sell Creative Stitchery Kits. Join the World Of Creative Circle. 815-344-1023 11-5-11-21C PULVERIZED BLACK DIRT, sand, gravel, driveway gravel. C&E of Wonder Lake. 815-653-4616 ll-5tfc FR&E PICK UP junk cars and trucks, day or night. 815- 459-0081 ll-5tfc WE ARE TAKING ACCOUNTS FOR THE 198041 SNOW REMOVAL SEASON Driveways, sidewalks, parking lots. ate. Also available ico control and san­ ding. Prompt and dependable sorvico. Residential, commer­ cial and industrial. DAVE SMITH LAWN CARE AND •15-395-2834 10 3111 28 NEED HOME REPAIRS, remodeling or an addition? Call Trim Construction. Free estimates 815-385-5912 ll-5tfc A & B Cleaning Service, commercial, residential, reasonable rates, contract available. 815-385-7897 11-19- 12-12c PROFESSIONAL MAGICIAN, Tom Hubbard, award winning performer, is available. 312-395-7168 or 312- 395-6006 10-1-11-28C LOCAL MOVING AND HAULING, reasonable rates. 815-385-9386 ll-5tfc SITUATION WANTED Young man, seeking em- ployment. Bulldozer ex­ perience, some backhoe experience. Call after 5:30 p.m. 815-385-2335 U-5tfc WILL DO PIECE WORK in my home, Island Lake area. Call days 312-526-9413 11-19- 11-21C EXPERIENCED DRUM- MER-VOCALIST seeks working band. Versatile in all types of music. No basement bands. 815-338- 8862. 11-14-11-28C 1937 CHEVY 2 d*T 4 extra tires and wheels. $500 takes it. Call 815-338-1516. 11-19-U-21C WILLYS JEEP 1962, CJ5 good condition, metal top. 20,000 miles $2,000. 815-344- 3346. 11-19-11-21C 65 JEEP PICKUP TRUCK witlrfttOw. 6 cylinder 3 speed. OH(J $750.815-385-8639. 11-19- U-28C 1970 Buick Estate Wagon "clean", p.s., p.b., air, Reese hitch, 9 passenger. $575 or best offer. 815-455- 2066. 11-19-1l-21c 78 Blazer 4 wheel drive. Many extras $5200 or best offer. 815-653-9243. 11-19-11- 28c 76 Blazer 4 wheel drive $4,500. '76 Palamino Camper Trailer $2,000.815-459-2438. 11-19-11-21C AUTO INSURANCE PROBLEMS? Call us we can and will help you. Budget terms available. Sunderlage Insurance Agency. 815-338- 3328. 11-19-11-21C 71 Chevrolet pickup, new exhaust, brakes, tuneup, current safety sticker, good mileage $750. or best offer. 815-385-5071 11-19-11-21C 1973 Capri V-6, 2600 cc, 4 speed. Good condition. Must sell $550 or best. Call 815-455- 6468 11-1941-21C 1968 VW good running condition $325. or best. 815- 344-2636 11-19-11-21C 1932 PLYMOUTH 2 door sedan, $3,000.00 or best offer Call after 5 pm. 344-0790. 11- 19-11-21C AUCTION PUBLIC AUCTION Having sold on* of my farms and discontinuing my half of the dairy operation, I will soil the following livestock and land located 1 mil* oast of Wood* stock, Illinois on McConnoll Road. (McConnoll Road runs oast off III. Rto. 47 at the southeast corner of Woodstock, III.) TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25,1980 DAIRY HERD SALE 11:00 A.M. DISPERSAL OF LANDLORDS HALF OF HOLSTEIN HERD CON­ SISTING OF 99 ANIMALS. GRADE HERD 48 milking age cows in all stages of lactation; these cows range in age from 3 yrs. to 8 yrs. and would be considered an average herd. 25 Ylg. heifers (15 bred and some up close),, balance younger heifers ft calves & one 2 yr. old Holstein bull (registered). Top sires have always been used, much ' Glen- dale" breeding. The cattle are in good condition, pregnancy checked and tested for Brucellosis & Anaplasmosis. young heifers calfhood vac­ cinated. Also selling at 10:00 A.M. before the dairy sale FEED A MACHINERY 7,000 bales mixed hay; 45-50 large round hay bales; A.C. D- 19 diesel tractor, wide front, P.S.; A.C. WD, wide front, P.S.; I.H. 200 self-propelled mower- conditioner; Archway 20" grin­ der-mixer Mill, portable, PTO; N.H. large Barrel spreader; Starline large Barrel spreader; A.C. Model 56 green chopper; Brady green chopper; green chop wagon on RT gear; 6' rotary mower; Fox PTO blower; A.C. blower/motor; 2 Surge milkers; I.H. 55-T baler/thrower 8 motor; Knight wagon on RT gear; MF 5-14" semi-mounted plow/cover boards; J.D. 4-14" trip-bottom plow; A.C. 3-16's slat bottom plow; A.C. 9' moun­ ted disc; A.C. 12' tandem disc; Weyco milk transfer; Oliver 3- 16 s plow. TERMS: Cosh or good check day of sale. Not responsible for ac­ cidents or items left after sale. LAND SALE 2:30 P.M. 7t ACRES • 2 SEP!RATE FARMS, LAND 8 BUILDINGS PARCEL NO. 1 - 40 acres, SW'/i of the NW'/« of Sec. 3, Dorr Twp., McHenry County. This bare 40 is located on Queen Anne Rd., 1 mile east of Wood­ stock, II. on Country Club Rd., than north '/> mile on Queen Anne Rd., zoned as farming with over 1600 ft.of road fron­ tage !!! PARCEL NO. 2 - 39 acres, part of the NW% of Sec. 15, Dorr Twp., McHenry County. This parcel will be offered in 2 parcels, 10 acres with the farm buildings along McConnell Rd. (Zoned Estate District). The acreage in the rear, along the CNW R.R. is zoned Agricultural . Approx. 29 acres of bare land with frontage on R.R. & McConnell Road. This land has great potential for development because it is surrounded by industrial and residential development!! •TERMS ON LAND: 10% down and signing of contract on day of sale. Balance on January 2, 1981 (10 acre parcel with buildings on McConnell Rd. closed March 1, 1981 to coincide with date of possession.) Survey and Title Policy to be supplied by seller 30 days prior to closing. Inspection of buildings on par­ cel No. 2 on Sat., Nov. 22nd 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. (312)372-5252. ANNOUNCEMENTS MADE DAY OF SALE -TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER ALL PRIOR ADVERTISING. * 'Copies of the contracts on the real estate can be examined at the Law Offices of Kell, Conerty 8 Poehlmann at 121 E. Calhoun Street, Woodstock, IL. Attorney Thomas D. Nuelle, 815-338- 4511. JEFFERY FARMS John E. Colnon A Co. Inc., Owner LaVerne Gregory - Manager David Gregory - Herdsman Phone (815) 338-2565 AUCTIONEERS: Bill Stade, Ft. Atkinson, Wl 414-563-8033 John Almburg, Aurora, IL 312-466-4566 Steve Almburg, Bristol, IL 312-896-6029 LUNCH WAGON 1971 MERCURY 4 dr. Marquis, full power, air,.new. starter, regulator and battery. Asking $275.815-385- 0353 U-19-U-21C 1978 Chevette, air, 4 cylin­ der, 4 speed, excellent condition. 12250 or best offer. 815-338-5086 11-19-U-21C MOTOftCVCm Motorcycle winter storage, heated motorcycle shop in McHenry, monthly or seasonal savings. 815-385- 8110 or 815-344-2957 11-19-11- 21c HWWMMli"""" 2 SNOWMOBILES and two place trailer, 71 Scorpion and 70 Skidoo $850.00 for all 815-344-3976. 11-19-11-21C 1*69 Chevy C20 pickup, 4 speed on floor, manual transmission, clean. $650. 815-385-1896 11-19-11-21C 1977 FORD F100, super cab, automatic, p.s., p.b., good running dependable truck. $2300. Call 815-344-8168 11-19- 11-21C WTL "MM* 1971 - 440 Rupp, good con­ dition. $250. Call after 4:30. 815-385-6540. 11-19-11-28C 1977 POLARIS TX 340 snowmobile. Complete with cover and spare belt. Ex­ cellent condition $1150. Phone 815-653-7536 after 6 pm. v U-19-11-28C 11/19 ,\ 11-12 « 1119 1973 Artie cat Cheetah 400, $500,815-385-2585 11-19-11-21C 1980 LIQUIFIRE John Deere Snowmobile and Lemans 3 place trailer 3000.Call after 5 pm. 344-4562. 11-5-11-28C WANTED TO BUV WANTED TO BUY:" Ap-~ pliance dolly. 815-385-1896 11-14-11-21C MOVING? CLEANING HOUSE? Buying antique furniture, old toys, china, lamps, 6lfl ^advertising • items, etc. 815-678-4141 10-1- 12-5c BUYING AND SELLING Coins, U.S. and Foreign. Scrap Gold and silver. Paying top prices. "OLD WORLD COINS" 815-344- 4010. ll-5tfc HOUSE, BARN, or 3 car garage, in need of repair under $10,000. Johns, Box 447, Elgin, 111. ll-19-ll-28c INSTRUCTIONS RIDING LESSONS, Our Farm, McHenry, Bull Valley. All levels. Call days. 312-639-6630, evenings 815- 385-8553 ll-5tfc ORGAN, PIANO, AC­ CORDION, guitar in­ structions in your home, specialize in popular music. $6.00 and up. 815-344-1743 11- 19-11-21C NOTICE REPOSSESSED VEHICLE Echlin Midwest Federal Credit Union is taking sealed bids on a 1976 Chrysler Cordoba. Last date bids to be accepted is November 20, 1980. For information call 815-385-7000 11/14-11/19 CARS Of THANKS We wish to thank all our family and friends who helped us celebrate our 65th wedding anniversary. Also for gifts, flowers and Mass intentions. Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Blake 11-19 The thoughtfulness and sympathy extended by our friends and neighbors, during our recent sorrow will always remain with us as a precious memory. Our sincere thanks. God bless you all. The Family of Mrs. Earl (Lorraine J.) Raven. 11-19 \H MEHOilAM MEMORIES TO A FATNEI ft HVSBAND MCMMD fi. MS1QW A yeor ago November 12th, my father passed away. For Mother and I it seemed to be our very saddest day. He loved working, sports, people and such, the family, his frjends all loved him so much. Cramps he was known by in his neighborhood, when he was called that, it made him feel good. Our memories of him forever will stay, with God's wish, we'll meet him again some day. We Love You Mr. I Mrs. Marshall Jacobs ft Mrs. Minnie Ristow 11/19 MSMKSSOffttTUNITV AMBITIOUS PERSON who want to earn but who can only work part-time. Op­ portunity for good extra income. Assistance given. Call between 5-7 pm. 344- 1188. ll-14tf 1978 Datsun V* ton with King Cab, 65,000 miles, new brakes, very clean. $4,000.00 815-344-4342. ll-5tfc 1977 Dodge Maxi Van, High Mileage, best offer. Call Fox Lake State Bank. 312-587 2701. 11-19-11-21C HOI ESTATE 1980 Built, two bedroom raised ranch, $49,900. 10 per cent down, aluminum siding, carpeted, gas heat. 815-344 1183. 11-19-11-21C Vz acre, 3 bedrooms, Vk baths, basement, 2 years old, owner anxious $52,500. Schulien Real Estate. 815- 385-8821. 11-19-U-21C 2,100 sq. ft. cedar and aluminum, 7 years old, 8 rooms, V/2 baths, 4 bedrooms, central air, large rec room, fireplace, large fenced yard, Johnsburg schools. $71,500. Schulien Real Estate. 815-385-8821. 11^ 19-11-21C LOT FOR SALE, Johnsburg on Church Street 80 x 150 passed perk, $17,000 or best offer. 385-3021. ll-19-ll-21c WOODED LOT in Wonder Lake 80 x 150. Must sell $3,000,815-385-8214. 11-19-11- 21c MAINTENANCE FREE HOME on large lot offers 3 bedrooms, 2 car garage and basement, Johnsburg schools, $57,900. Century 21 Care 344-1033 11-19-11-21C REASONABLY PRICED 4 bedroom home with fireplace, basement and 2 car garage. Possible con­ tract sale. $49,900. Century 21 Care 344-1033 11-19-11-210 3 bedroom house, detached garage, corner fenced lot, one block from Rte. 120, Lakemoor, $21,900. $3,000 down, one year contract. 815- 344-1075 11-19-11-21C 2 BEDROOM IM MACULATE starter home with river rights $29,500. Terms possible or rent with option to buy. Please call .Red Carpet Smith & Zoll. 815-455-1440 11-19-11-21C SHORE OAKS SUB DIVISION, near Sun Electric, Crystal Lake, 3 bedroom ranch, family room with fireplace plus attached garage. On xh. acre, fenced back yard, reduced to $57,900. by owner 815-728 0131 ll-5tfc FOR SALE BY OWNER 3 bedroom, 7 room ranch, one full bath, family room with fireplace, patio, storage shed, on wooded lot. Johnsburg school district. Mortgage available. ^Contract purchase at 9'/j % interest, or rent with option to buy. Immediate oc­ cupancy. $59,800. Call 815-344-1632 or 815-385-6566 HELP WANTED BANKING Child Care UNIICENSCD FACILITIES CANT •! ADVERTISED. According to the Child Care Act of 1969 it is a misdemeanor to care fc{ another person's child in your home unless thot home is licensed by the State of Illinois. It is also illegal to advertise for such services in an unlicensed home. These licenses are issued free to homes meeting minimum standards for the safety, health and well-being of the child. For information and Licensing contact: •isum Msisimm mm OMMMft FAMILY IIBVKKS Lake Villa Field Office P.O. Box 269 2)5 North Milwaukee Ave. Lake VillaJI. 60046 312 356 TOIL' We are seeking an auditof/operations person to enhance and maintain our inter­ nal audit program. The ideal candidate should have at least one year experience as an assistant in a medium size bank. The position would lead to an of­ ficer level position. Attractive benefit package. : - Contact Mr. Busse or Mr. Graves The First National Bank of McHenry 815-385-5400 Equot Opportunity Employer M/F • - * / II 19-11

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