1 OPEN 9 TO 9 WEEKDAYS -- SUNDAYS 10-6 <^5 n ! Up To 30%| iMrb'.LHttosiri? 13.97 R*g. 19.74 Ml Rag. 4.54 Samsonite Silhouette II 5.97 o, LADIES A. 24" Cwtokssi B 14 c Mm' Dmi MEN'S MfanaliMd ii Oar Entire Stock of Sm 27% AaHf Cantor Zip Travel KH Tho oll-timo trml kit fovorlto. It's foshionod in durobio loothor-liko vinyl Flip op<n top. wtar proof lining and handy fingor loop. Ton. brown or Mock Rogvlor Pricos IIVPVQITITW, ynT WW« WWwao • i w»n |n^0n^| man's 4 loJsi tint wllifcla ,o#ntWlOS. OPEN DAILY 9 'TIL 9 - SUN. 10 TO 6 4400 W. Rte 120 Rt 47 & Country Club Rd. McHenry Woodstock MORE CHRISTMAS FOR LESS MONEY! [rp»nnt$J I mri U7o Pi--ton 12 0z. Dry Ronstod Ponnutf 1.44^,. For snacks, party tfato. anytime. Man- ran is bast. ^ i m • i 160s. MAM's 1.49 Our Rog. 2. It Tho colorful Inptdlirt for all your holiday baking. Now "Poondor" sizo. Scvil Sift! Coko 12#nks 2.93 Stock up now and savooa Coko, Tab 4 Sprito. Smm VMu® Bay cold modlcino without drowslnots. ladios' Cotton 32 40 Rog. 4.96 5.21 42-41 Rog. 7.47 A gift from Whitman's It o gift wHH dost. SOTO 2*% 1.86 Our Rog. 2.53 Old Splco oft or | shovo -- Cloan and Kofroshing. Easy-car*, mackiaa woiKafcls, )M% cat- 110-24 v»w Or fUl» 135-24 Rag. 1.444 2.44 aatsla. laftotlag ih i a air kafla r. Na. nam. 12.76 Ovr Rog. 14.74 S«vo 35% V/t FrvttCdn 1.24 Ovr Rog. 1.96 DoHcioos tnrit coko in docoroNva Ha. ® _ Enhonce I Ooriog. 1.76 Holps molstarlso SOTO 25% 43.7* OvrRag.fi.74 aiactrlc koators- tU Motors, fans or M< NtOWl