PAGE 5 - PLAINDEALEK - TUESDAY. DECEMBER Z&. 11 POLICE TICKETS The City of McHenry Police department has issued the following citations. Robin C. Voss, 2610 Indian trail, improper lane usage. Shaun C. Baker, 3111 Shady, Wonder Lake, open liquor in a motor vehicle anrf improper lane usage. Raymond E. Bellon, 2108 Woodlawn, speeding, SO mph in a 35 zone. David G. Brome, 119 Emerald, failure to stop at a stop sign. Robert Dieterle, 317 Draper, speeding, SO mph in a 35 zone. Rosella D. Eremo, 503 S. Emerald, no valid registration. Warren R. Litka, 1011 Florence, no valid safety test. Patricia Miller, 4008 Barnard Mill, Ringwood, no valid registration. Georgia R. Hogan, 6506 Barnard Mill road, Ringwood, speeding, 50 mph in a 35 zone. Paul A. Anderson, 3110 Crescent, improper display of registration. Tammi J. Bohlman, 1510 Lakeland avenue, failure to stop at a stop sign. James R. Kalvelage, 1210 Bonnie Brae, failure to yield the right-of-way. George W. Sanchez, 1806 Riverside drive, avoiding a traffic control device. Robert L. Thames, 3990 West avenue, speeding, 44 mph in a 30 zone. Perry Moy, 211 N. Dale, disobeyed a stop sign. James F. Kunzer, 8518 Garden Quarter, improper lane usage. Tammy Lynn Paulsen, 2608 Knob Hill, no valid registration. Christopher P. Useman. 2408 Country lane, no valid registration. Joan M. Bauer, 3424 Skyway, no valid registration. Brian W. Landis, 3704 Young, failure to reduce speed to avoid ah accident. Daniel J. Schneider, McHenry, speeding, 40 mph in a 30 zone and driving while intoxicated. Robert J. Tafel, 2208 Orchard Beach, driving while intoxicated. Becky L. Bruce, 1300 .Meadow lane, speeding, 40 mph in a 35 zone. Wane-Up When breakfast cereals lose their crispness, pour them into a pan and warm in an oven set at 173 degrees for about one hour. CASES REDUCED Since 1976, when a data exchange program was initiated by the Illinois Departments of Public Health and Public Aid, more than 2,000 public aid cases have had their grants either reduced or cancelled Ac cording to William L. Kempiners, director of the state health department, public health provides marriage and death records to Public Aid for comparison with public aid welfare rolls. The comparisons enable Public Aid to detect ineligible recipients or improper grant amounts and to take appropriate actions. * IN LAW. NOTHING IS CERTAIN BUT THE EXPENSE" , Samuel Butlar. English Satirist 0V obotf age-oQH odaqr HOPS oppfy of mtj ^Mt$]IsHow eoa to PPAtnla tfcot tfcp PrqoP uwi't pAotobWwPy wpesstor. oAAy cfconges o*r cowwmu/iotP with tfcr wmlcr pnovidfd. v_A)o cfcoAqp flo* isltiof ooasuPtoiio*. you on* bf orntoi* flint IJPM u/iff Ifcr pMsosnf attention oj on otto*ney wfco u'iCC agq*r«i^ii»ep*r<jent ijou» Interests. $ wont yon to oentoin tliot ijou* tlqfcfs. IJOII* flnwiPij. nnH IJOU* p»of>rrty o*» pnoteetrd. Randall M. Taradash *h«™» °t io« Including Divorc« R»al Cttat* Will* Probata 4213 W. Elm Street (Rte. 120) Corporation. Bankruptcy Iniurivt ' McHenry, III. 815-385-8064 Ever Needed Cash Fer an Emergency After The Bank was Clesed? McHenry State Bank Will soon Be Installing "My Special Banker'* (Automatic Teller Machine) In The Carey Building for Your 24-Hour • <. ' . . . Convenience... h With Your Special Coded Card You Will Be Able To Make With drawals of Up To *100.00 In Cash A Day From Your Checking or Savings Account. You Can Also Make Deposits, Payments On Your Loan: Christ mas Club Payments and Transfer Money From Your Savings Ac count To Your Checking Account, or Checking To Savings Whenever You Want To. Tom Bolger, McHenry State Bonk President, presents "Nome The Automatic Teller Award" To Pam Patterson (center). Kathline Moehling £ Linda Wigman received honorable mentions. This New Machine Is On Display In The Lobby Of The Main Bank Building. Stop In Today For A Free Demon stration and Information Lorry Kolman, assistant vice president, and Joanne^Eppers demonstrate the new automatic teller at the McHENRY STATE BANK, which will soon be in stalled in the south wall of the Gerald J. Carey building. A FULL SERVICE BANK McHENRY STATE BANK • "A Full Service Bank Serving the Community with Complete Banking Service Since 1906" 3510 W. Elm S( rcct and Lillian Street & Crystal Lake Road Richmond Road & Pearl Street « McHenry, Illinois 385-1040 VA •