J PAGE 24 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4,1961 lt\ JIISKI'll < <M)I > staff psychologist -*w bom tli« fiinily Service «nd Mental Health Clime ot McH«m» Count). Motherhood is a joyous, fulfilling, beautiful ex perience--at least that's what we read and hear. But there is another side of motherhood, that of change. . Motherhood changes the daily routine, life style and responsibilities which can ' us off balance whether first or sixth child has i been added to the family. A change as wonderful as motherhood can turn out to be less or more than we bargained for. "If we really think about it, we realize that once the baby is born he or she becomes the center of at tention, the focus of the family and extended family" according to Dr. Lynn Rew, "leaving mother too many times to cope with motherhood by herself, leading to a less happy ex perience with motherhood." The need for education and support has gained much attention in the last few years. In McHenry county it has brought about co- sponsorship of a new four- week educational program called, "Coping with Motherhood" by Memorial Hospital of McHenry County, Mothers are People too, and McHenry County Comprehensive Mental Health Service system. This program is designed to provide education • to McHenry county families by such professionals in the area as Dr. Larsen, Ms. Florence McMillan, R.N., and Algene Mueller, R.N., Memorial Hospital for McHenry County, and Donna Mabrouk from Family Service and Community Mental Health Center for McHenry County. Each week will focus on information and discussion on the following topics: physical changes in the post partum woman, social changes for the new mother, psychological impact of mothering, coping skills for the new mother. Par ticipants of this program will learn to cope better with motherhood. Dr. Lynn Rew, Professional Health Counselor will also act as the class facilitator for all four classes. The program is to be held at Family Service and Community Mental Health center conference room, 224 West Judd street, Wood stock, and will start Tuesday morning, Feb. 10, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. For registration, call Mary Ganek, Memorial Hospital for McHenry County, at 338- 2500, extension 304. Urge Careful Usd^Qf Wood Burning Stoves Energy prices continue to soar and many homeowners are turning to wood burning stoves as a money saver, but those savings could go up in smoke if Jthe stove has been maintained poorly or in stalled improperly, the Insurance Information Institute warns. The problem of fires resulting from the improper installation or maintenance of wood burning stoves is nationwide in scope. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety commission reports that improper installation and misuse of wood burning stoves is contributing to a growing number of fires, injuries and deaths. Fire prevention officials, stove manufacturers, the Consumer Product Safety commission and the in surance industry agree, saying a number of wood- stove-caused fires could be prevented if just a few mm were KM* ' MMCM imCTIVI Wl»., FIB. 4 'panned shampoo Save 31% Chocolate Syrup By Fontano Foods c sheer lotion Our Reg. Boyardee [Cannelloni Real chocolate syrup groat on Ice cream or for chocolate milk. Save 23% Chef Boy-Ar-Dee Dinners Your Choice Our Rog. 73* Ea. ttery booster cables 56 Save 41% 13 H. lOOeege c u. Our Rag. 4.47 3.87 Delicious for anytime day or evening. Choose from Seefogettl Lasagne, Connelloni, Spaghetti and Meatballs. Greet saving* on pur* copper bettery booster coble*. Heavy duty, twistproof end tangle free. No. CSC-12S. From Globe*. Save Up To 38% 2.23 • Jehasen'f 14 Os. Shampee • Jehasea's 14 Os. LeNea Reg. 3.12 2.14 lt*g. 2.54 • Jenasea s 14 Ox. Powder 1.32 Reg.1.49 • Johnson's Band-Aids 93 Reg.1.57 Gigantic savings from the people who care at Johnson ft Johnson. Choose from shampoo, lotion, powder and band-aids. simple rules are followed. The Institute suggests a number of do's and don't's: DO - {dace the stove on a fireproof base. DO make sure there is the proper clearance between the stove and any com bustible material (Wall, c e i l i n g , f u r n i t u r e , newspapers, or other flammable objects). DO - consult a detailed safety manual to be sure the stove pipe and flue meet safety requirements. DO - make sure your stove is made of study, suitable material, such as cast irori or steel. Look for stoves listed by Underwriters' Laboratories (UL) or other r e c o g n i z e d t e s t i n g laboratories. DO - remember, if you purchase a used stove, to check it carefully for cracks or other defects. The legs, hinges, grates and draft louvers also should be checked carefully. DON'T - ever burn anything but seasoned, dry hardwood in the stove. ) M 0 Save Sp Te 22% • Asst. Cotton Print e« I -» ol^Bie sIBPile Our Roe Vd. l.tTYd •«'V# 36% Savo 34% A 4 MdFlllod Tf J Plorcod Earrings Our Reg B2IB Cotton fabric In assortod prin ts, calicos, and much mora Ma|ority 1/5 yd. lengths. k Tarry fahriy is first quality Our Reg. 76 Our Reg. f7C Delicious chocolate covered whipped creme hearts A pair ot gold filled pierced earrings in asst. styles ond colors S0% polyester/50% cotton, $S"/4§" wide in assortod spring colors Assorted first quality solid, or print terry and valour washcloths i Srrrt/lrr f . t r , niUr Entire UaeOf Hart Fireplace shlngs & r Save 32% % 1.94 Two pound bog euro polyester fiber Nil for oil these craft protects. Limit 2. Our Reg Our Reg 3.94 Our Reg 2.07 Our Reg. 111? Dishes ere 100% rustproof, wont iCowi or *112 end 4)09 Vinyl rug runner 27" • i JT roll. Vinyl mdiH.for ooiy c loan-up Sharp and accurate Plskar* pinking •hoars from Normork Our Low Bog. Prkos Eiffoy the worm glow of your fireplace with Hart accessories. Choose frOm Hart glass screens, w wad baskets, f (resets, grates and mora at Hor- law sales prices r Savor Mattol Uoctroalcs Football I 4 SUN Our Reg •2S.97I Our Rag. 1.37 p&r 11.54 HOC 4400 W. Rto 120 Our Rag. 1.43 Dasignad to roplace broken glass servers of 0-12 cup automatic drip coffee makars. No. Pi 100 Bf. 471 Coaatry CM ftd. Woodstock WHO KNOWS? 1. Name the U.S. Presi dents born in February. 2. When was the first U.S. satellite launched? 3. Name the flower and the stone representing February. 4. When did Hitler be come Chancellor of Ger many? 5. Franklin D. Roosevelt .Jurd three vice presi- dents-name them. 6. In mythology, who were the Cyclops? 7. In the Old Testament, who was the first High Priest of the Jews? 8. Name the capital of Idaho. 9. Define the fword coryza. 10.Name the North Star State. Answors To Who Knows 1. Ronald Reagan, Wil-, Ham Henry Harrison. Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. 2. January 31, 1958. 3. Violet or primrose and amethyst. 4. January 30. 1933. 5. $ohn N. Garner, two terms, Henry A. Wallace and Harry S. Truman. 6. Race of one-eyed giants. 7. Aaron, brother of Miriam and Moses. 8. Boise. 9. It is the common cold. 10.Minnesota. CONSUMER VCHECKLIST PRESSING QUESTION If ironing children's clothes is not one of your favorite pastimes, try these tips: Let crease-resistant clothes drip dry or dryer dry with care so that the fabric doesn't ovcrdry and wrinkle. Buy clothes of simple con struction. and ones that are easy care. KNT RMSEHMC the professional do-it-yourself carpet cleaning system Firs! Hour of Rental $1.00 per hour . . . for every hour thereafter. (Example 2 hours . . . totol charge $1 plus to*.) NO MINIMUM Special Rental Rate Good Monday thru Thursday RlHSENVAC cleans the way professionals do at a tract ion ot the cost NO MINIMUM OVERNIGHT SPECIAL I 0:00 P.M. • 0:00 A.M. ft o.oo 4400 W. RTE. 120. McHENRY, ILL.