PAGE » - P1JMNPEALE^WEDNESDAY^HEBRUARY18^98I Wonder Lake Anne Sowers 653-9549 Voter Cards Are Mailed All registered voters in the county nave received new voter cards in the mail or will be receiving them shortly. The card contains much more information than they have in the past and should be a help to voters and election judges. These cards will be needed when you vote in school elections now also. We are having some school referendums coming up in April and you will be voting in your normal polling place this year, not in the schools. The polls will be open from 6 to 6, the same as a regular election. Remember, you must be itered by March 9, in to cast your vote in April. Don't put it off - register today if you are not already a registered yoter. GOLFERS BRAVE COLD About 100 golfers (or those attempting to be golfers), braved the cold weather for the Wonder Lake Frost-Bite Open Sunday, Feb. 8. They were an enthusiastic group clad In snowmobile suits, head covering, gloves, who hopped on snowmobiles to get from one hole to the next The course began at Wonder Woods Beach One and proceeded to Beach Four. Participants were able to make stops on the course for chili, coffee, and. hot buttered rum. A bratwurst and beer stand was waiting on the ninth hole. Phil Johnson took home a first-place trophy with Orv Gosse winning a second, and Tom Feral a third in the men's division. Addie Peklo was winner in the women's division, with Nitta Seabuch coining in second and Carolyn Logger third. Actually, Addle and Nitta were tied, but they flipped a coin for first and second place trophies. It was fun to see some of the special winter rules being used by die golfers. Not too often do you see golfers pushing away snow to make for a clear shot! There was laughter heard and excitement seen out on the ice which made for a Sunday worth remembering. GET WELL Word has reached us that one of our out-of-state readers, Lill Druml, a former Wonder Lake resident now living in Lebanon, Mo., recently broke her hip. Lill, now 81 years young, has undergone nip surgery and is a patient at Breech Medical center in Lebanon. It's nice to know former residents are still interested in hearing about Wonder Lake news and I'm sure Mrs. Druml would appreciate hearing from Wonder Lake people while she is recuperating Mrs. Druml is the grandmother of Brian rowers who is a Wonder Lake resident. Hope you have a needy recovery, Mrs. Druml, and keep on reading the Plafadealer. NATIVITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Nativity has announced their newly elected Council members who are: Greg Batilewifh, Elaine Malenius and Harry Reuse. Those still serving are Allen Boelter, Charles Jacobson, Jennifer Kuss, Robert Manke, and Phyllis Mueller. Leonard Benson is completing the term resigned by Kathie Anderson. Congratulations to all the members. Teachers and assistants are still needed for Sunday school. Any help would be greatly appreciated If you would Uke to help, call Kathie Anderson at 653-4646 for details. Mrs. Nancy Pratt was welcomed as a new member to Nativity during the month of January. Those ce lebra t ing birthdays during the month of February are Tamara Motel, Erik Siman, Herbie ROOD. Dick Anderson, Len Benson, Tracy Bruce, Doreen Sturm, Martin Ryba, Terese Olson, Katie Manke. Cathy Hansen, Bud Detwiler, Dottee Jacobson, and Martin A. Ryba. Three couples will be Sm»% HPeckPse frmm lit. IM. IM •!«• '•»' I e39 Reg. 1.97 CHoom from regular or diet 7-Up 4 Dr ' i RSeer ^5 ro r t Reg. 93 Chaoea from Mallo Cups. Peanut Sutter Cu^e. Sundi O'Nuts and mora SiV CASH REFUND AND COUPONS OFFER1 S«fil Savtl Liptoa Smlmi Orostlof e the Comet THf I* in* STR( NCt H P*IN Hi Li t V! « r mell $1 In oupons er 50< e s h r e f u n d . REGULAR CAP' ANAIGISIC l*8tt IS Iflv !•% 40 Costiif •Yablotsl Choose from Deluxe French. Itellen, and Thousand Island Reg. 2.08 Rag. 33< Rag. 2.16 TIIR Ritn stfwiffn poivt rRilRvRf yov AJKM ir.iai aas^^^^ae ran TW8v< w h^rot8 Woke wp to the cleen. refreshing get with Coest so op You can be sere wtth "Sure" roll-on deodo ant. Unscenteder Regular Tj E ' i m i*s S8V8 42% MoltMKIbfcoa mmi •• w C oobo Pock Saw Up To 91% OrS Queen Sav«4t% Asst. Alt* Prtdkicta Reg. 4.97 3*43 Std. Rag. 4.32 2.B7 Your choice of two sites. Morel print bed pillows Reg. 47< Ea Reg. 2.23 Srueh mates Includo two slses of brushes 211 e00 Reg. 96' Choose from luggage toga, composa, magnifier halo punch, ataplar, pock at countor Reg. 76 aoautffvl yallow, blue, pink and white bows wMi coordinating ribbon. No Sava 24% ladles Short Night Shirts 4.17 Savo 33% Lady Madison Oval Rag Sava 51% Silly Pvtty P Reg. 5.47 iriir /cotton knit •hlrte with novelty . Sizes S-M-L 1.84 I o97 Reg. 2 .97 20"x30" rug In aolid colors boordor atripe Reg.1.74 Assorted print choir pods are precticel Reg. 2.44 The origlnel Silly Putty -- For kids of ell egos I s fevorlto Sava Up To 22% Assorted Fabrics 'N Lovely 1 e97 .ViseNspseck 2*97 Springmoid fabric features small print In spring colors. Peter Pan print features seersucker stripes, florals, plaids. Mlllkan fabric Is 40" wide in solid colors. Burlington tarry is for dross or sportswear. All colors, tool Reg. 2.94 yd; 3.24 yd: 3.S4 yd; S.24 yd. Reg. 2.47 Ke. Mrst queHty head lights from Americen. Only 1.94 ee I. MI4 4400 W.HTI. 120. MCHENRY [DAILY 9 to 9| SUNDAY 10 to 6 Prices effective while quantities last. We the right to limit quantities NT. 47 ACS--TRY a--Ni celebrating their anniversaries this mont also. Congratulations to Ed and Karen O'Donnell, Ed and Elaine Malenius, and Pastor and Diane Olson. SPECIAL DAYS RUBS Graff, son of A1 and Rita Graff, will be celebrating his birthday Feb. 23, "Happy Birthday" RUBS. ART AUCTION On Sunday, March 8. our community will be able to see original works of art by well-known artists, along with pieces from new artists. A preview of the art will be held from 2-3 p.m., at which time champagne and hors d'oeuvres will be served. The auctioning will begin promptly at 3 p.m. in Christ the King church hall. This event is being sponsored by the Woman's club of Wonder Lake and partial proceeds will go to their scholarship fund. COMMUNITY CALENDAR Feb. 19 Woman's club Krtluck dinner; 7 p.m. ativity Lutheran church March 4 Ash Wednesday March 5 Woman's club Board meeting; 8 pjn. March 6 Boy's Kme night ; Christ the King 11; 7:15 p.m. March 8 Art auction: 2 p.m. Christ the King hall March 11 Wonder Woods Aux. meeting; 1 p.m. ooooooooocoo Safety Hints BOBBOOBBBBOBC By Jim Edgar Secretary of State Driving at night always is more difficult, especially during winter months. It is harder to see, and things appear different than during the day. The glare of on coming headlights increases the difficulty. Also, un familiar roads and unex pected situations are more likely to cause trouble. You can help ensure safe driving in several ways: 1. Make sure your headlights are working well and the glass is kept clean. Have them checked periodically for correct aim. 2. Don't overdrive your headlights. At night, you should be able to stop within the distance you can see ahead with your lights. 3. Dim your headlights for every approaching vehicle from the opposite direction, and when closely following any vehicle. 4. Slow down when meeting another vehicle or when nearing a curve if you are driving at or near the maximum posted speed. 5. Use the edgeline as a guide. If there is no edgeline, use the center line to guide yourself. Driving safely at night is of critical importance to everyone. I'll have six ad ditional suggestions for you to follow next week. (A copy of the Rules of the Road booklet will be sent to you upon request. Write to Jim Edgar, Secretary of State, Springfield, IU. 62756.) VOLUNTEER STITCHER8 Volunteers are sought to help stitch together the 7S afghans to be featured at the second annual Lakeside Summer festival in Crystal Lake. All proceeds will benefit the center, a non profit, community con ference and retreat center. Interested persons should call 459-0153. UNTBMSQlttC the professional do-it-yourself carpet cleaning system First Hour of Rental $1.00 par hour . . . for avary hour thereafter. (Example 2 hours . . . total charge $1 plus tax.) NO MINIMUM Spacial Rantol Rota Good Monday thru Thursday RINSENVAG cleans the way professionals do. at a traction ot the cost A SUN. NO MINIMUM OVIRNIGHT SPICI Al I 8:00 P.M. -9:00 A.M. 110,00 4400W.RTE. 120, McHINRY, ILL.