•amtm i«i«ii'rn i ii ii|-ii^iiijiiinm^aan W ards by Honeywell smoke alarm, reg. 14.9ft .... 12.97 IHHRI e" - • "»• .••-v.----' With polished-brass finish.. 18.99, ^cylinder... 12.97 • • if v 2 nets keyed alike .. /VK)MTC-()Mt K> lhVi\ Zi IJ Hardware Week Sale Energy savers! . 20-29% off fluorescent lights. Energy-efTicient fluorescents last longer and provide up to 3 times more light than incandescents of the same wattage. Each in cludes bulbs and comes^artially assembled. S Capiz shade with 32-watt CQ97 bulb. 11" height, 16" diam. 0«7 Reg. 84.99 is Hobnail shade and brass A AQ7 finish. 14w bulb. 13" diam. ^57 Reg. 64.99 E Pleated beige shade; 22, /»y| 97 32w bulbs. 17" diam, 19" h. OHr Reg. 89.99 [S Leaded glass tiffany pen- *TQ97 dant, 32w bulb. 16" diam. / Reg.99.99 Save 25 to 50' on other selected fixtures. 50% off. 2/20 watt wraparound fluorescent. Clear prismatic diffuser, two 20w bulbs. 24" long. 2 40w split-drop diffuser, 48 L. Reg. 59.99... 39.91