McHenry Public Library District Digital Archives

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Mar 1981, p. 11

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I'AliK 11 - i»LAINI>KALKK - r ItllJA Y, MARCH 211, ISNI " 1245 tdiot* Ofr HI 1300 oiiot a\ jji wamiwvon foiest hius am mmmm No cosh refunds on prepaid ads, Cords of Thanhs -In Memonam Situation Wonted Wonted* to Rent Wan'oH to Buy and Garaqe SWp5 M't ' lST Ks jgpg ,n . The Plamdeolei is no* responsible (or mors in classified ads after tH., t,rSt ,-nsert,or, Che, t. yo.ur ad of ter ;he first insert,or* and (all ,u. attention V, Qny mistakes » OFFICE HOURS: MON FRI 8:30 A M to 5 00 P M S A T U R D A Y 9 1 2 P M Classified Copy Deadline WEDNESDAY PAPErf-MONDAY 4 P.M. FRIDAY PAPER-WEDNESDAY 4PM PHONE 815-38541171 WILL HAUL AWAY Your .Junk and garbage, from basements, garages, rubbish around houses, low rates You call-We Haul! 815-344- 5182 anytime 3-ll-3-20c H&H CARES. Now giving bids for Lawn Care. Resident ial-1 ndust rial - Estates Free Estimates. 815-344-1544 or 815-728-0377. 3-4tfc S E W I N G M A C H I N E REPAIR. In Home Service We carry parts and supplies for all sewing machines Keener & Son, Wonder Lake. 815-728-0672 3-18-3-27c PAINTER LOOKING FOR Interior painting, staining, wallpapering and drywall repair Free estimates. 815- • $B5-5564 &-18-3-20C BUSINESS SERUICCS INTERIOR & EXTERIOR Painting and staining, fully insured, free estimates, call Jim 815-459-3677 3-lltfc C O N C R E T E W O R K WANTED Foundations, sidewalks, patios, etc Quality work 815-728-1548 3- 18tfc AL'S TOOL SHARPENING Service, Shop and household All work guaranteed. 815- 344-5086 3-18-3-27C S A N DBLASTI NG-Prepare & clean equipment and buildings for painting Airless spray painting available 815-344-3462 3-18- 3-27c EARLY GARDEN SPECIAL Will del iver sand and manure mi* tor loosening garden soi l Top soi l and Grovel also del ivered 815-385-8313 20% OFF Convert your unut*d bailment or room into a beautiful r»c or -FAMILY ROOM- •Remodeling •Home Repairs •Wallpaper i ng* Paneling •Electr ical NO JOB TOO SMALL CALL HARRY VIEZENS CONST. 815-385-2847 r EXPERIENCED TAX RETURN ^ PREPARATION Established 26 Years With * An experienced staff to handle your individual problems. * Prepared and verified on our in-house computer •k Prompt service * Year around availability for follow up Tax Counseling PHONE: 385-4410 for an appointment Paul A. Schwegel & Company 4410 W. Elm Street, McHenry, II 9-9 Daily 9-5 Saturday WHARTON BLACKTOP PAVING, INC Serving your area 25 years experience. We are mm taking orders Deal direct with owner & save!! -Call anytime for FREE ESTIMATES- GRAYSLAKE 3122235634 LIBERTYVILLE 312 3674)676 . COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL CHUCK'S 24 HOUR TOWING AND ROAD SERVICE For All Your TOWINC • TOWING NEEDS • STARTING PROBLEMS • TOW BAR RENTAL PHONE FOR SERVICE! 385-5840 ebb Siding Wood Decks J?. S. 3Cake ConAtiuction Quality Custom Built Homes Remodeling Experts Will design and draw plans for your new home or remodeling needs ,1^1 Free Estimates John Blake Roofing 385-5593 after 5 P.M. Concrete Patios 3 6H2 "YOU DESERVE THE BEST"! So call us for a free estimate on interior and exterior painting 815-385 7736 or after 6pm 815-344- 1722 3-4tfc LAMP REPAIRING^ & REWIRING, Remodeling of old lamps. 815-385-1394. 3-20- 3-27c D E L S E X C A V A T I O N . Hauling black dirt, sand, stone, fill, tree work, septic repair or work 815-653-4936 3-13-3-27C LOCAL MOVING AND HAULING, Reasonable rates 815-385-9386 3-4tfc RUSSELL RN0T0N SEPTIC SERVICE • PUMPING • REPAIRS • ELECTRIC SEWER RODDING Installation ot new septics «15-385-6445 BITTERMAN EXCAVATING • I Septic Service 815-385-7791 4410 W. Rt. 120 McHenry, II. 34 ALL PRO HOME IMPROVEMENTS •Sitfiag (Ala*. Vinyl, Wood) •Conhiutioa Windows I Doors •taMdiliRg •Seamless Gutters "Experts on Exteriors I Interiors too" 815-385-9427 815-653-9720 llllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllTTTITmillllllllll COMMUNITY TREE SERVICE mm 3 4 TF llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll WETTELAND PAINTING * DECORATING INTERIOR-EXTERIOR PAPERHANGING 40 Yrs. of Experience For Estimate Call 497-3900 or 385-1334 2 27 5 22Tf2 ALLAN'S BLACKTOP EARLY BIRD SPECIAL HOW TAKING ORDERS CALL NOW ( SAVE ON •Parking Lots*Now Drives •Long Lanes*Patches •Resurfacing*Sealcoating 24 Hour Service All Work Guaranteed 815-459-3960 815-459-5757 Q U A L I T Y V A C U U M REPAIRS. Most domestic brands, free estimates , special parts ordering available Call Ray 312-497- 4399 ' 3-4-3-27c R & S PAINTERS. Custom interior and exterior pain­ ting Free estimates Phone 815-459-4264 3-11-4-10c WILL DO . WOOD- SPLITTING. with heavy duty splitter 815-459-2788 3- 4-3-27C TOM HUBBARD. Award winning magician, is available for schools, auditoriums, banquets and homes 312-395-7168 or 312- 395-6006 3-4tfc SEAMLESS GUTTERS and downspouts Siding and trim Experienced and local All work guaranteed. Ask for Jerry 815-385-8020 3-4tfc FREE PICKUP Junk cars and trucks day or night 815- 459-0081 3-4tfc HOME IMPROVEMENT .SPECIALIST, experienced in wallpapering, parnting. decorating, kitchens, baths, electrical, plumbing and carpentry Call for free estimate. all work guaranteed 815-385-9385 3- 4tfc FROM THE BOTTOM UP. no job is too small From hanging a door to" remodeling an entire home. Quality work at reasonable prices Call Ken 815-344 2449. 3-4tfc SEPTIC SYSTEMS. New installations and repair of old systems Sewer and water hookups Free estimates.Mathison Septic Service McHenrv 815-344- 3980 3-4tfc BOW WOW BOUTIQUE, all breed professional dog grooming Nails clipped, ears cleaned, fluff drying, scissor cuts Call 815^5-2018 anytime. 3-4tfc S C H l ! E R R W A Y BUILDERS, All phases of Carpentry, concrete work, e x c a v a t i n g , * e l e c t r i c , plumbing, heating, tiling, no job too small 815-385-4808 . 3 4tfc NEED HOME REPAIRS, Remodeling or an addition0 Call Trim Construction Free estimates 815-385-5912 3-4tfc SALE! Professional Carpet Cleaning Living room and hall steam cleaned and deodorized.only $44 95 Additional areas only 10 cents per sq ft We save you money! Baumans 815-943- 4793 " 3-4tfc BURGLAR ALARMS, In stalled in your home Highest quality. All work guaranteed, free estimates -815-385-2847 3-4tfc w* McHENRY1 WELDING SERVICE •ALL TYPES WELDING- SPECIALIZING IN 'Boat Prop Repairs 'Custom Trailer Hitches 2)13 W. Rte. 120 McHenry •15-385-4929 2 TF 2i " ROOF REPAIR DON'T BUY A NEW ROOF WHEN YOU CAN REPAIR SHINGLES HOT ROOF NEW OR REPAIR WHEN POSSIBLE 24 HOUR SERVICE ALL WORK GUARANTEED RIID & SON CONST. 815-344-1020 BOATS * MOTORS SHORE STATION. 3,600 lb capacity, with canopy, good condition $800 815-385-2718 3-20tfc 15 ft STARCRAFT fiberglass boat. 40 hp Mercury motor, with trailer $850.00, excellent condition. 815-385-8337 . 3-13tfc 17 FT SWITZER CRAFT. 125 Merc , Little Dude trailer, excellent shape $1850 or best offer. 815-385-4133 after 5pm 3-18-3-20C HAPPY BIRTHDAY 15 YEARS LOST, womans glasses I^ost in vicinity of Jewel parking lot Multicolored case 815- : 185-4353 3-1H3-2UC INSTRUCTIONS RIDING LESSONS. Our Farm. McHenry Bull Valley All levels Also boarding Days 312-639-6630 evenings 815-385-8553 or 815-344-0951 3 4tfc DIRT BIKE, RM 100. great condition, never been raced 815-385-5321 3-20 SPRING TIME IS HERE! Motorcycle Insurance Competitive rates, easy p a y m e n t s F r a n k s I n ­ surance Service 312-634- 1010 3-18tfc HAPPY 16th BIRTHDAY LORI IUSINESS OPPORTUNITY AMBITIOUS PERSONS, who want to earn but who can only work part time Opportunity for good extra income Assistance given. Call for appointment bet­ ween 5-7 pm 815 :144-1188 3- 41 fc 78 YAMAHA 650 SPECIAL, like new $1700 815-344-3425 after 5pm. ask for Mike 3- 18-3-20C YAMAHA 1973 TX 750 with fairing $500 negotiable 815-' 144'2985 after 5pm 3-18-3- 20c EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY To earn an extra income while working your own hours. No investment required. Call 815385-2052 bciwpi" 9 « a m 4 00 p m LOVE, GRANDMA 0 GRANDPA SITUATION WANTED HOUSEC 'LEA NI NG JOBS WANTED Have references 1978 HONDA 750. Super Sport, black, excellent condition, only 1800 miles 815-728-1444 3-18-3-20c 2-125 CC YAMAHA'S like new. low miles. $1200 00 for pair or best offer 4 Helmets $10 00 each 815-344-5137 3- 18-:i-20c WANTED TO 8UV ORIENTAL RUGS WAN­ TED. Immediate cash paid for rugs. Sarouk. Kashan. Chinese Call collect 312-884- t>444 3-4tfc CASH PAID FOR Junk cars, running or not Immediate removal 312-526 3116 3-4tfc NOTICE OPENING SOON: Joan's Bargain Resale Shop. McHenry. Illinois Now a c c e p t i n g c o n s i g n m e n t " m e r c h a n d i s e F o r i n ­ formation call Joan 815-653 7076 after 5:30pm 3-18 3-20c Call Carolvn 815-385-2710 " 1- ll-3-20c WILL , U)0 WOOD- SPLITTING. with he^vy duty splitter 815-459-2788 3 4-3-27c Child Care UNLICENSED FACILITIES CAN T BE ADVERTISED According to the Child Core Act ot 1969 i t is a misdemeanor to care tor another persoif t s chi ld in your home unless that home is l icensed by the State ot I l l inois I t is also i l legal to advert ise tor such services in an unl icensed home These l icenses are issued tree 1o homes meeting minimum standards tor the safety health and well being of the chi ld For information and Licensing contoct ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN A FAMILY SERVICES Lake Vi l la Field Off ice P O Box 269 215 North Milwaukee Ave Lake Vi l la II I . 60046 312 356 1011 MARIA'S Alterations and Sewing, fast service & reasonable price 4:30-7 00 pm weekdays. 9:00 am -5:00 pm Saturdays. 4821 West Crvstal Lake Road. McHenrv 815-385-3269 2-18- 3-27C RADIO-HAM OR Ameteur operators with equipment and expertise to contact Jamaica Call 815-344-0164 or 815-653-3056 3 18-3-20C SNOWMOBILE TWO 73 ARTIC CATS 440 snowmobiles. 1 runs, other needs work $800 or best offer With trailer 815-385- 8234 3-18-3-20C WANTED SMALL BOAT trailer, in condition 815-385- 9353 "" 3-20 WANTED 1600 cc type 1 VW e n g i n e , i n g o o d r u n n i n g condition, for 1970 VW Beetle 815-385-1345 3 20 O R I E N T A L R I G S W A N TED Local collector with references, will pay 20 percent above dealers, for fine rugs Especially want dark reds and blues Mrs Lange. 312-888-2252 collect. 3-1l-3-20c M O V I N G 0 C L E A N I N G H < H S F a B u y i n g A n t i q u e furniture, china, glassware, lamps, railroad items, etc. 815-678-4141 3-4-4-24C WANTED NEED MEDIUM s i z e d r e f r i g e r a t o r w i t h freezer to be donated to McHenry Area Rescue Squad Call 815-385-0022 or 815 385-3336 3-18-3-20C NOTICE THE FINK DOOR THRIFT SHOPPE 1260 N. Green Street McHenry, Illinois Will be accepting clothes and household items on consignment beginning Monday April 6th Store Hours: Mon.-Fri. 10:00 a.m.-4 00 p.m. Sat. 10 00-1 00 p.m. Staffed by Volunteers of the Auxiliary to McHenry Hospital. For information call 344-4560 ORIENTAL RUGS WANTED Highest cash price paid for your old rugs SAROUK KASHAN HERMAN CHINESE etc Wil l travel 312-884-6444 Schaumburg. II. Carestoel of McHenry Accredited by Joint Commission Carestoel of McHenry, Illinois has been awar ded a certificate of accreditation by the |omt commission on accreditation of hospitals (JCAH). Dorothy Kerr, chief executive .officer said Carestoel of McHenry was evaluated during an on-site visit by a team of JCAH surveyors who conferred with the professional staff. Accreditation means that Carestoel of McHenry has voluntarily sought to be measured against the JCAH s national standards. The accreditation program assist facilities in pursuing a high facility health care through education evaluation, and consultation. The JCAH is a private not for profit organisation created by and composed of health care professionals, formed in 1951. It is gover­ ned by representatives from the American College of Surgeons, American College of Physicians, American Dental Association, American Hospital Association and American Medical Association. JCAH accreditation is a professional, national recognition awarded to facilities that are striving to provide the appropriate setting for high quality health care. U) ANTED TO BENT WANTED TO RENT. I'ondo or Duplex, mature lady, no smoking, drinking or pets 815-675-2029 3-18-3-20c PET COLUMN Pl'PPJES WANTED: Small breeds for our 11 year old licensed kennel Homes guaranteed 815-385-7897 3- 4tfc F O l ' N D . O u t s i d e o f Ringwood. Male black lab 815-728-0814 3-20 PETS FOR SALE GETTING MARRIED, must sell 1 year old male. 12 Irish setter. 1 - Labrador. $10 00 815-385-4603 3-20 TOY POODLE PUPS. Apricot $145. Cockapoo small size pup $85. includes shots and health certificate. One year guarantee 815-385- 7897 3-18-3-20c DOB PUPS. AKC. rare fawns and Blues, Males. Ears, tails, shots, health and temperment guaranteed. $250 and up Also Maltese pup. tiny male. 6 months $175 Ransom Dobermans 815344-3413. 3-18-3-20C 1978 DODGE ASPEN 'Special Edition) 6 cylinder, radio, new brakes, excellent condition. $3,000 or best offer Call after 3:00 pm. 815- 385-0352 3-18-3-20C 1977 VEGA{ WAGON, Automatic. air,\3.800 miles, 4 cylinder economy $1,875 or best offer 815-344-3198 3-18- 3-20c 78 MUSTANG 11, excellent condition, original owner, good tires and snows. 42,000 m i l e s . 7 1 F o r d V a n . 6 cylinder, short wheel base All new tires and new e j e h a u s t T a s t e f u l l y customized. 65.000 miles 815-344-5640 3-18-3-20c 1 9 7 2 C H E V R O L E T MALIBU. 350. V8. air con­ ditioning. $900 00 815-385- 0469 3-18-3-20C 1968 G T O . 4 speed, no rust. $1,300 or best. 1970 Jeep pickup 350. V8, mud tires, very good condition $1,200 or best 815-653-3733 after 5pm 3-18-3-20C 72 DODGE CORONET 318. fair condition. $300 or best offer 815-344-1293 after 5pm 3-18-3-20C 1977 BLAZER, automatic, power steering. Disc brakes. Trailer hitch. C B . low mileage. very clean. Radials. $3.950 00 815-344- 5953 3-18-3-20C 1979 FORD PINTO WAGON, •r cvl inder 4-speed. good gas miieage Call 815-385-0072 3-18-3-20C B U Y M Y 1975 Chevy Suburban and get all these neat things for free; 4 wheel drive, power steering, front and rear air. auto trans . H D r a d i t o r . A M - F M . trailer hitch, tilt wheel, etc . etc AND 5 gorgeous, almost new tires The whole thing is yours, at a rock bottom. " You could'nt get it cheaper if you were my own brother'" $3500 And Fella, it is mint! 815-459-6322 and ask for Good OlHarv ' 3-18-3-20c 1974 FIREBIRD.Automatic. 1 9 7 1 C a m a r o . a u t o m a t i c Excellent runners, both need body work $850 each 312- 639-3715 3-18-3-20C 40 MPG 1970 NSU < Renault) $500 Will consider offer 312- 497 3766 3-18-3-20C 1975 ASTRA HATCHBACK, good condition, inside and out Four speed $1600 00 Call 815-385-2011.after 5pm 815- :185-4385 3-18-3-20c 69. 4 DOOR CHEVY, air c o n d i t i o n e d . r a d i o , automatic, power steering & brakes. 8 cylinder Needs work $200 00 or best offer. T i r e s . o n e 8 7 8 - 1 5 n o r i m $10 00. one G-78-14 no rim $10 00. Two G78-14 with rims SI 5 00 each 497-4190 3-18-3- 20c 1968 C.MC 'j TON with utility bed Good runner $450 00 815-385-7450 3-18-3-20C OVER 55 YEARS OLD*' Save money with Milwaukee Mutual's Pluss "55" Auto Policy Call us for details and quote Sunderlage In­ surance Agency. inc 815-338- 3328 ' 3-18-3-20C 1976 SKYHAWK. 5 speed. AM-FM cassette. $2,600 00; 1969 Montego $75 00 815-385- 7264 3-18-3-20c 1974 Bl'ICK ELECTRA. full power, good condition, runs excellent, radial tires and snows, air. $1,000.00 Must sell 312-587-9208 Keep calling 3-18-3-20c 1978 BLAZER, low mileage, loaded package $5,000 or best offer; 1976 GMC Win­ dow van $2800 or best offer; 1973 Chevy Pickup truck $1,000 or best offer. 815-344- 5595 3-4tfc PIONEER BLACKTOP RAVINS Residential-Commercial-Residential Big savings on Residential work. Proven by thousands of satisfied customers." • Machine Laid * New Drives • Resurfacing * Parking Lots # Seal Coating All work guaranteed Free Estimates r ' ̂ 3 1 2 - 5 4 6 - 5 6 0 0 ^ L ^ Grayslake, III. • * WANTED* Junk Cars & Trucks 815-338-2800 E v e n m q * - {815-653-6741$ rVTTi-M *

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