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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Mar 1981, p. 17

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Toucans Invade School Twice Told Tales t ' fate These students In Johnsburg's Middle school fourth and fifth gi udr classes were participants in Toucan Sweepstakes month contests. From left, in back row. are Rridgid Fittanio and Kim Treat (filmstrip contest winners); Jon Piggot (writing winner > • Jack Anderson Lynn Barrett, Mary Flood. Dawn Cerny and Julie Christie (art winner): and front row Fd Havelka, Jeff Briggs, Rob Miskovic and Jesse Basile. This past holiday season, .Johnsburg Middle school fourth and fifth grade students and staff con­ tributed a total of $50 to Lincoln Park Zoo's Adopt A - Pet program This was done in place of exchanging gifts with one another A Cur vier's Toucan was chosen as the animal to "adopt" This means that the $56 con­ tributed will feed a toucan for one year In honor of the new pet. Mrs Nancy Balough and Mrs Trudy Palys designated the month of February as Toucan Sweepstakes month Students were involved in contests in filmstrip production, art creations, creative writing projects and creating their own songs and dances Middle school students could enter as many contests as the> wished but could win onl\ one Each entry for any contest entitled the contestant to on»* ticket for Adopt A Pet bumper stickers, etc An all school assembly was held to announce the winners of the contest and award »h«' prizes The top musical entry was submitted and performed b\ Chris Sterka. C.u> Stedman Scott Clary, and Paul Dulberg They wowed the audience with their dance "The Toucan Scan It 's choreographed to a jaz/ record The writing prize was awarded to Jon Piggott mr his creative and in formative book on toucans First place winners Kim 11 »-at i id i<i idgid I ludilo v\ere a top notch team at dreaming up their own delightful fr > rip with fill i llustrations and narration about a visit to the zoo The biggest decision foi the judges was lh»- selection of a w inner in the art contest The 47 entries ranged from drawings to clay sculptures T h e s e n s i t i v i t y a n d uniqueness o( ( 'hristie's n. ' iral nudf il t lr tirst choice The sweepstakes slogan. 1 Can \ i>u ( ' . in >\ <* i ' u. Toucan' was ver\ ex pressive of th«* resull> thai it .)ohn>hurg Middb .v hoo the students CAN I > Recognize AW AN A Members On Sunday evening. March 2. there will be a special time of recognition at tht vening BibU fellowship .it fc p m at ihe Wonder Lake Bible church Nearly 100 children, ranging in age from 5 years to 18 years old, are expected to be in attendance along with their parents The congregation will be recognizing the AWANA groups and their leaders Special guest speaker for the evening will be Dave J a m e r s o n A W A N A missionary for the northern Illinois area In addition to the message he will be bringing, there will be en­ thusiastic singing, scripture recitation, and sharing of what AWANA means from each of the groups The AWANA program at the Wonder Lake Bible church is headed by Dave and Shirley Madsen The groups consist ol the Sparks for grades K 1 and 2, th« Chums and Lais for grades 3, 4, and 5; the Guards and Pioneers for grades 6, 7, and 8, and the Shipmates for grades 9 through 12 All of the groups meet every Friday evening at 7 p.m. at the First Baptist church in McHenry, which generously provides the facilities for the activities The program for each group includes a time for games and physical activity, a time for practical learning, and a devotional time. Also receiving recognition Sunday evening will be the nearly 50 people involved in the area of leadership for so many children With over 50,000 clubs internationally AWANA is one of the largest organizations for boys and girls of school age Parents are urged to come and spend an evening with their children . On Saturday. March 21 the Couples Fellowship group will be having a progressive dinner begip ning at fi 30 p m There is also a Couples Bible Studs group meeting at the home of Rick and Donna Wright a 7 30 p ni For fuif 'hei in formation regarding am o! these events call the chure' office at 728-0422 The Wonder l^ake Bibb church warmly invites the people of the area to attend any of its services The church is located at the north <>nd of WnnH«r Lake at 7fVt Howe road Sunday '-••boo begins at *» 30 a rn w it ' transportation available worship service begins al i < > r > o a m ; a n d B i b i < fellowship hour begins at ( pm There is also a mid week prayer and praise boir Wednesdays at 7 .30 p m Nursery care is provided at all Sunday services MIRACLF SFRVICF A bus has been chartered to a t tend a miracie service with Benny Hit - i a t th< Bismarck hotel pivi l iot Saturday Apri l 4 For rnor« information or to make bi*- reservat ions. . .a l l Mrs Karihn Tap 639-4170 i. ' | ' r '?rrnrTT'; ' i 'rnr'i 'r;>riMTT'r>r 'i 'T-i 'TVTVi-rTyiyr;-Tvi<Tr^ FIFTY YEARS AGO 'Taken from the files of March ]«. 1931) A committee of citizens from Spring Grove, headed by Edwin Keefe, precinct committeeman, visited the meeting of the board of Supervisors seeking the backing of the board in "drying to get proposed Routes rerouted by the highway depart / l e n t A p e t i t i o n w i t h • nearly 400 signatures of citizens of Burton township asked for the route changed "•o it would pass through Spring Grove and Solon Mills The board granted the request of the Spring Grove delegation and appointed Supervisors Frank Mc Connell and Stephen H Kreund io journey to Springfield with the Spring Grove party when the petition and resolution of the board are presented to the state highway department „ The twenty-fifth birthday anniversary of Fox River Valley Camp, No 8251. Royal Neighbors of \merica, was celebrated b\ ils members on March IP FORTY YEARS AGO i Taken from the files of March 20 1 t > The village of Lily l^ike returned to the center, of attraction when a petition* was He<i bv some fortv four alleged residents of McHenry county's youngest \illage asking that the present staff of village of ticials be removed from office Heading the petit ion were Claude Mc Dei mot t, W E. Sw anson and I ( Kial)ough An answer was filed by the officials denying the charges in general and stating that the charges are mere con elusions and not statements of t .icts They also state in answer that no affidavits have been filed in connection with the charges < )n March 23 the McHenry Choral club will present its first concert for the en tertainment of the entire communit}. The chorus, which was organized last December, is composed entirely of local singers There are 10 sopranos, nine altos, four tenors and five base1-. 28 voices in all Got don Scholle is their very talented \ IOI I I I soloist I WEN 1 V FIVE YEARS AGO Taken from the files of March 15. 1956) A shadow of depression spread over the Plaindealer office and the community in general this week with .word that A H Mosher, editor and publisher of the McHenry paper for many years, had died March 11 Death claimed him at the age of 77 and occurred at the Villa Rest home, where he. had been confined for more pen a month Mose. as he/was affectionately known to both close friends and mere acquaintances, was "Mr Newspaper"' from the he came to McHenry from Woodstock in 1925 to become editor of the Plaindealer until his retirement in 1949 "Mose" was truly a man "with printing ink in his blood." Through the more than 24 years, during which he served at the helm of the Plaindealer. it enjoyed success which can only be realized when guided by a man with his talent and judgment. McHenry parents, Mr and Mrs .1 F Casey, will be among the proudest folks at the colorful St Patrick's day parade in Chicago's South side At that time, their daughters. Madonna M and Alicia Denise. will oc cupv ;i prominent place in the line of march as the University of Notre Dame's onh majorettes The girls are pupils in Holy Redeemer school, Chicago TEN YEARS AGO Taken from the files of March 17. 1941 > The St John school board discussed the procurement of teachers for the coming year and setting salaries for the 197172 school year \ letter was read from .Johnsburg School District 12 school board in answer to St John's school board request, stating that as soon as a new gym Incomes available, St. John'* dual enrollment children will be offered Parental Discretion 4 dvised I \ \ OX JvUK li Musical Thc.iiu-C onipanv *isht> io ad MVI PHVPK thai sonic poiirons ol ,i)in upcoming production ot "<.Ht \^>l- m.i\ not be uita.rle • .oiiiikUT larnih •ncmbors W i ,i . I,, v. ,i e\ •I sC ills ,tft . 1 low hen. 'o a Hi ii 1 I-rank t Harrison President V\.M KJM < HW MU M HI I hratrr < U FREE DRAWING FREE DRAWING 1981 M c M K N K Y ( I I \MM R TRAI)I I \ I K pBBPx-rnatpUo rral pstat? ru. 385 7050 IF YOUR NAMF IS DRAWN, WE WILL SELL YOUR HOME FOR NO CHARGF! ABSOLUTELY FREE OF ANY COMMISSION' Wh*n you come to the Trod* Fair b# sure to stop and *•« us and to sign up for our fr** Drawing. 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W Diggins HARVARD Phoi* 943 6410 OPEN WEEKDAYS 9 6, SAT 9 b EVCNiNGS Br APPOINTMENT 71 OS SUlfSt MARENGO Phot* OPEN WEEKDAYS 9 9 SAT 9S APPUiNIMENIS ANYTIME S101 # Elm McHENRY Phoot 38b 8630 OUR OffICE HAS MOVED TO SE RVE YOU BETTER OPEN WEEKDAYS 9 8 SAT 9 5 APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE iION Calhoun WOODSTOCK Phone 331 3330 OPEN WEEKDAYS 9 I SAT 9 S APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE physi'^l education at fhe public ' .chooi The f re«hmen hasl 'pttiall team t'lided then s»*a.s. ' week b> rapturing the Barrington Invitational tournament championship The voung • Warriors defeated Libertyville Wi r>4 in the opening round, Crystal lake. 52 50 in the semi finals and beat North Chicago 62 51 for the championship The • Vec lcto-'e^ fh»> i r -» . i j . j - a . iQ and 2 f inai Ci, n ! PA<iK 17 PLAINDEALRR - FRIDAY, MARCH 20,1M1 Few men think other mrr deserve their sue- f f • • « • Read a book occasion­ ally. even if you have to bo-row one. * * * • Have vou ever talked to a person who wasn't interested? Another piace your number is up on grocery price stickers SEEil O Infill i A- .i' .j* to rncTWo ngtif arrangements tor your wedding" lot ) • ' ! i i ,Dt, piaoe jfte^ i WelcorTye /»agon NEARLVWED PARTY • '^^eN g for you Plus useful suggestions and at ) -n Je range J* / .eddmg professionals c rese^.^ a place *or you Carolyn Forrington i S J l t y j t n o r T , r - - 385-7980 Mm !•« SHERMAN Bath Boutique PM . I ' t M V, 11. 815-459-6U60 J P' I I I I I I I I I L. - O U P O N A U FREE ONE PA( KAGF OF COLOR COORDINATED SHC /VF.H HOOH S ANO ROD COVER WITH Tht . IM\ • R A REC.ULAPLY PRICED S H O vv ; R l U R 1 < v » N 1 I K O N L Y . i w . A h J H H T H R u M A R C H 2 6 I I I I I I I I I BRIGHTEN UP YOUR BATHROOM > FOR SPRING WITH A COLORFUL SHOWER CURT AIN FROM THE BATH BC.JIIOUE AT SHERMAN S MODEL 12 K SATE I l l f E TWHO ANTENNA S> ST FM NEW! SATELLITE TELEVISON SYSTEM... Tt ie Model i2K' is a complete home sate l i t e receive only te rmina l for the do­ i t yoursel f enthusiast A11 e lect ronics are • i fHf 'e te iy asspmbled packaged and tP«;?^d The antptv ia is m Ki t form and only rpqn res an e lect r ic dr i l l , a pop-r ivet tool in • miscpi ' r -np us hand tools to is^pmMp Tt ip Pht i re system can easi ly be assen. ip ied nsta i ied and made . ̂ perat iona1 as a APPK end pro iect Check Out This Complete LOW COST Satellite T.V. System ANTENNA: ;2Ft /1|A| prtmp Focus p " n i A7 F L Moin t PaKed Or f n^i '>«- i !j n y n C * . ) i s 1 1 i i c t I O C ,k f P0,1 LNA: RECEIVER l . Rp.fU A ' S. r f a A v a o t e K : . I J Sciiip Garti • . ^ . ' . . . • reai Manutactute iSVVarrantv M Model 4300 V* i 'M i ' Ttmeap'p ^ . v i A '^a 'p i ' HT ^ ' I n A f - C t: . 1! I ' I N A r .w c i , p . 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