PAGE f - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, MARCH It. lttl SHAMROCK CLEANERS SUGGESTS...WHILE YOU'RE PAINTING YOUR WALLS, BRING YOUR DRAPERIES, CURTAINS, ND SPREADS ¥0 US! YOU CAN COUNT ON US FOR PROFESSIONAL CLEANING SHAMROCK CLEANERS "GENTLE TOUCH OF ELEGANCE" McHENRY MARKET PLACE MS-1944 DAILY 7-4 SAT. S-5 Build a potting center for your home with versatile and attractive kitchen cabinets Have a penchant for plants? By indulging it with a potting center indoors, you'll not only gain a start on the growing sea son, you'll be able to exercise your green thumb the year ' round. As a location, consider clos ing in porch or carport, opening up closet or pantry, bridging a breezeway or remodeling a din ing alcove where you can make your potting center a project for the home handyperson by con structing it of Yorktowne cab inets. Designed for kitchens, these cabinets are versatile enough to furnish any room in the house that has storage needs: living room, dining room, family CorP' \s \s BUILDERS CRRPETS INC. \ ANNUAL SPRING SALE FROM MARCH 19 - 28...5AVE ON... CARPETING • VINYL FLOORING • CERAMIC TILE SCULPTURES PLUSHES SHAGS 100's off YARDS TO CHOOSE FROM IN ULTRON -- ANTRON PLUS ANTRON III MANY STYLES AND COLORS FROM CONGOLEUM ARMSTRONG t MANNINGTON WALL « FLOOR TILE FROM AMERICAN OLEAN I IMPO 1 s t W A Y TO S A V E 50% OFF ALL REMNANTS IN STOCK HUNDRED'S OF YARDS TO CHOOSE FROM ALL 1st QUALITY •BSMd on Regular Prlc* of Carp«t W A Y TO S A V E DO IT YOURSELF STICK 'N STALL CARPET $C99 W ,n „. Amtico Sunbeam Peel & Stick 99* Ceramic Wall 5115 WA i TO S A V E FRE£ sq.yd. sq.yd. Tile.. • Starting At. sq.ft. Padding* with every Carpet Purchase During This Sale Offer Ends March 28. 1981 k3/t" Prime Pad COUPON--- ! FREE AREA RUG* ' * S4" S/Zf Of YOUR CHOICt WITH ANY FURCHASi .1 B U Y W h e r e T h e C o n t r a c t o r s D o and S A V E To Hebron To Harvard 47 ^ BUILDERS CRRPETS INC. 1002 McHenry Ave., Woodstock 339*8300 HOURS: Mod. 8 5; Tues. 8-5; Wed. 812 Noon; Thurs. 85; Fri. 88; Sat. 9-5 BUILDERS CARPETS To Hunt(«y CLOSK A POKCH or open a pantn to make room for an in door potting renter you build with kitchen cabinet*. Thin ar rangement of "Stratford Oak'* modular unite by Yorktownc ineluden a tall cabinet with neven-nhelf owing-out and adjunt- able shrive* an handy for gardening need* an canned foodn ami cereal*; bane cabinet* with metal-lined bottom drawer* an use ful for potting noil or plant food an baked goodn; a nlielf to hold needlingn beneath a cabinetry valance to shield grow lightn. room, workshop, studio, latin- dry room, children's room, bed room. In many styles and finishes, and in even more sizes, cabinets can be combined to make the most of limited space--or to stretch wall-to-wall storage from ceiling to floor. You can install them with a few simple tools, following the manufacturer's instructions, and create order from chaos with such interior features as lazy susans. adjustable shelves, pull-out trays, drawer dividers, cutting boards, metal-lined drawers, swing-outs and slide- out^. Finally, you can depend on the ability of kitchen cabi nets^-- wherever they're in stalled--to stand up to tough treatment, with an easily main tained finish that won't crack or peel or succumb to such com mon hazards as moisture, grease, alcohol and food stains. I For a potting center, if you I can allow a seven-foot run of cabinets two feet in depth. Yorktowne designers suggest this combination of modular un its: a tall cabinet with adjustable shelves behind a seven-shell swing-out; an 18-inch Mall cabinet, two IX-inch base cabinets with metal-lined hot torn drawers; a 30-inch sink base cabinet, and a shelf for seedlings beneath a cabinetry valance to shield grou lights GOOD LIFE: FACING HARD TIMES' The rising costs of energy, transportation, and building and maintaining a home may affect suburban living, according to a professor of human environ ment and design at Michigan State University. He believes the trend of the future will be collective living in energy-efficient apartments and condominiums that are located along transportation routes near shopping centers. I used to have lawn and tree problems ti l I called Liqui Green Vf > jJ SJ fhu ' (815)459- ° I (312)658- I >' (.<.(tr I HI / . s/lfTMl, (815)459-4400 or j \ ° i (312)658 8866 FULL SERVICE LAWN. TREE & SHRUB CARE! SPECIALIZING IN: •LAWN FERTILIZER*WEED CONTROL-TREE FEEDING •TREE SPRAYING'INSECT CONTROL •TREE INJECTIONS'CRAB GRASS CONTROL •SEED AEREATION'LIME'SOIL CONDITIONERS •LAWN & TREE MICRONUTRIENTS gjguighim W I N I W I N ! W I N I A l l e s t i m a t e s t i l A p r i l 2 0 q u a l i f y f o r I y r o f l a w n C a r e o r F R ( ( C u b s o r S o * B o * S e a t s ' C a l l n o w f o i F R E I a n a l y s i s ' (815)459-4400 or (312)658-8866