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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Mar 1981, p. 67

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MONDAY. MARCH 23 tfOwnmok* # ABC Nm MghtMne 00 MaryTylerMoors Sttow • OddCoiipIt • 0 Sonny HM Show # M.A.S.H. • Jtm Rockford: PihMo 0 Movie -(Drama) • "Motoor" 1(79 Soan Connary, Honry Fon­ da. A hwg* motaor aats oft a chain reaction of natural dieaetera that thraatana tha future of tha world. (Rated PQ) (107 mine.) HM CSS Lata Movie OUINCY ME: ATeetforltving'StareJack Kingman. John S. Ragln. Oulncy parforma an autopay on a young boy who haa mistakenly baan labalad aa balng retarded, but who really ia autlatic. (Repeat) HARRY O: Tender Killing Care' Stare: David Janseen. Anthony Zerbe. Harry triee to prove the t hie friend waatramed tor themurdef of or. (Repeat) La Muter Prohibida 1 Movie (Mystery) "Double McGuffln" 1S7S Elke Sommer, Ernest Borgnine (Peid Subscription Television) Teen- agara discover that a foreign loader la going to be aeeaaeinet- ed But every time they try lo show poHce tha evidence, it diaap- . (2 hra.) JimBakker 10:46 ̂ Movle-(Comody) ••• H "Mr. Oaads Goes To Town" 1836 Qary Cooper, Jean Arthur A naive millionaire, duped by the girl reporter ha lovee. decidea to give a fortune away (2 hra.. 30 mine.) 11:00 • Fantasy Island The de- aire of a famoua comedienne to eacape the apotlight and lead a normal Ma; and the fantaay of two man who wieh to lead the Inf amoua Hole In The Wall Qang are Mr Roarka'a next challenge* (Repeat. 70 mine.) • O WBdWBd Weet • Movto -(Drama) ••• "Deeir- ee" 1884 Marlon Brando. Merle Oberon The story of the life and lovee of Emperor Napoleon (2 hra.LJ0 mine.) • B Comedy Ctaaelce 15 ® Dick Cavett Show • Maeterplece Theatre 'Country Matt era Breeze Anstey' Two young women start an herb term to eacape the depreaaed Me of the 1930s Thieetoryexeminea their deep friendship and growing awareneaa of the paaaionete aide ilhew naturea I Odd Couple I Don Kennedy's Spotlight >• CBS Late Movie QUMCY Requiem For The Living' Ouincy and Sam are taken hoatage by a group of mobatera and for the firat time Ouincy muet perform an au­ topay on a living peraon (Repeat) HARRY O Double Jeopardy* A wealthy buainaaaman tekea out a contract on Todd Conway, believed to be hia daughter s killer. (Repeat) 9 FIS World Cup Skiing Man'a 90-Meter Jumping from Oak), Norway 9 Movie -(Drama) ** H "Sailor Who FoU From Oraca With Tha Saa" Kria Kriatof eraon. Sarah Milea. Story of the love etfair between a aailor and a aailor'a widow. (R) (2 hra.) 11:30 • Carol Burnett And Friend* S 0 Tomorrow Coaat-To-Coeat Movie -(Suepenaa-Orama) ** "Embaaey" 1872 Chuck Con- nora. Ray Milland A auapenae atory revolving around the efforts of the U.S. Embaaey in Beirut to emuggle out e top Rueaian defec­ tor. (106 mina ) M M Mawataik ® # Odyaaey Key to the Land of Silence' Until a lieutenent in Napoleona army diacovard the Roeetta Stone in 1799, little waa known about themy aterioua mark - inge on Egyptian monumenta. Thia program followa the efforta of Jean-Francoia Champolliam, the man who eventually decoded the myalery (Cloaed-Captioned; U£M JS ABC Nawa NightNne PAGf It Paul Ryan I 12:00 • 9 ABC Cap Hon ad Nawa 0 Fantasy Island A would-be attorney facea the ultimate cour­ troom challenge when he muat defend himeelf against a murder charge, andaconatruction worker seeks to fulfill his greateat dream by romancing two of the world'a moat beautiful woman (Repeet; 70 mina.) 9 Fantaey leland Tha desire of a famoua comedienne to eacape the epotlight and lead a normal life, and the fantaay of two men who wiah to lead the infemoua Hole In The Well Qang are Mr. Roarka'a next challengea (Repaet; 70 mina.) • AN Night At The Movtea Spook town JameaNewill 2)'Im­ perfect Crime' Frenk Sullivan 3) 'Arizona Qangbuater' Tim McCoy. 4) 'My SontheHero'Patay Kelly. (0 hra.) 01 Movie -(Horror) •• "Noafere- tu: The Vampyre" 197g Klaua Kinaki, laabelle Adjani A disturb ing. artful, deeply moving atory of terror and evil ahowing the darker aide of the Dracula legend. (Reted PQ) (2 hra ) 12:10 A Movie -(Comedy) * "There Qoaa My Girl" 1837 Qene Raymond. Ann Sothern. Although they're in love, two young people becomebitter rivala on a murder atory. (93 mina.) 12:15 • Tha Candid Candid Camera Alan F unt travels all over the country to catch tha unsu- apecling in very precarioua situations 12:30 fBM RoaaBagiey Show 12:48 • Movie -(No Information available) "Saturn 3" No Other Information Available. (Ratad R) (87 mina.) 12:50 • Nawa 1:00 0 Tomorrow rist-To-Coaet Marcua Welby, M.D. NHL Hockey Show Joe Franklin Show Odd Couple 1:06 S WBBM Editorial 1:10 • Movie (Drama) "Any Number Can Play" 1848 Clark Gable. Alexia Smith Sue- caaaful gambler, who pridea him- aelf on hia honesty, is told by his doctor to give up gembling. He piaya one laat game that aattlea hia career and ia reunited with hia family (2 hra., lOmins) SNightbeat Comody Shop 1:15 • Nawa • Movie -(Drama) ••• "Battle Hall" 1868 Richard Todd. Akim Tamirof f A true account about the daring eacape of a Britiah ahip which ran aground in the Yangtze RiverduringtheChineseCivilWer. (2hrr. 30mins ) 120 Nawa 1:30 0 Health Field 0 SportaCenter • ® Celebration * ny Hill Show I 1:40 V Movie -(Myatery) •• H "Portrait in Black" 1880 Lana Turner. Anthony Ouinn. Aahipping tycoon'a beautiful aecond wife and doctor plan to haalen hia ith (2 hra.) sfl l\ I 5 * ] I] 5 l\ I WARTIM'S Mi-Kay Home Improvements Star t w i th Qual i ty Name Brand Furn i ture f rom "The Fami ly Furn i ture S tore .Mar t in 's ! 8 9 0 L A K E A V E W O O D S T O C K I L . 815 338 0404 SBBSIS3BlaU3UiUUiilUM19HBBBBw" OTTOtai!i!mnmji.y ALL IN STOCK LIOHI FIXTURES hpis50%OFF LEE & RAY ELECTRIC 1005 N. FRONT ST. 385-0882 I M M M M W t f M W U t f W W M t f W t f W t f W t f W * N t f N t f W t f K H W # 1:43 • WUdttfe Adventure 1:45 • Movie -(Comedy) "Hiatory la Made at Night" ig37 Charlea Boyer, Jean Arthur. An inaanely jealous husband drivaa his wife toParislor a divorce (1 10 minaX 2:00 • Today m Chicago 0 Movie -(Comedy) •• "Whole Harry Keilerman?" 1871 Dustin Hoffman. Barbara Harria. A sue- caaaful rock composer-singer finds money doean't answer ell of life'a questions (2 hrs ) 01 WCTTennleFromRotterdam Smglaa Semifinals 0 Movie -(Adventure-Western) •• "Laat Outpoat" 1851 Ronald Reagan. Rhonda Fleming Two brothera. officers in love with the same woman, one fighting lor tha North and one for the South, brought together in battle to aid a town during Apache attack (119 mina) • Big Valley 2:13 0 Reflections 2:30 # Health Field 3:00 • Meditation 0 Newe-Oay'a End 3:20 • Movie (Weetern)**H "Flrat Teian" 1850 Joel McCrea, Felicia Farr Sam Houe- lon leads Texana againat Mexico for the fight for independence. (100 mina.) 3:36 S Editorial-TV Chapel 3:40 9 AM Nite Show 3:45 V Miaelon hnpossible 4:00 • Movie -(Drama) *** "Luna" 1878 Jill Clayburgh. Matthew Barry. An American opera ainger haa an inceatuoua affair with her drug-eddicted eon Bated R) (2 hrs , 30 mins ) MARCH 24, 1981 (R. V Prayer 4K>4 4:30 Nawe Daniel Boone 5.00 S Meditation 5:30 • Newa <G 2) EVENING I Bar )• I 6 00 QOeaHII Nawa & M.A.S.H. irnay Miller Marketing Perepectlvea MacNeW-Lehrer Report Tic Tec Dough Happy Daya Again Flehin' With Mike And Larry ' Red Skelton'a: 'Funny Faces' S<5# Hollywood Squares 00 All In The Family 0D3$ RoasDeLe)os...(Contln- uad From Daytime) i® Outer Limlta Sport aCentet Si Rex Humbard What WW They Think Of Next? g Bullae ye Family Feud I Joker's Wild I0O0 AN In The Family Srol Burnett And Frienda MacNell-Lehrer Report Wild Wild World Of Animate PM Magazine Sanford And Son Sew What'a New >Movie-(Drama)** "Running" Suaan Anapach. Michael Doug- lae.Amarathonmanhaasightaaet on Olympic victory and the chence to prove he'a not a loeer. (Reted PQ) (2 hra ) swlywed Game Carter Country Informacion 26 PG) (2 r • jjf 2IS' i

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